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Microsoft admits to bugs in Windows 95/98

Source: undefined     Posted by Chris Maunder    Monday, March 13, 2000 6:00pm    
A fix is finally in the works for what MS considers a non-serious problem.

Microsoft has admitted that it has known for months about a problem in Windows 95 and 98 that causes system crashes, but decided the problem wasn't serious enough to warrant a fix. The problem arises when a URL which contains embedded DOS commands for accessing the keyboard, printer and other devices is opened. If this URL is opened from a web page or HTML-based email message then the system may crash. Thus, unsuspecting users can have their system brought down by a malicious email. While Microsoft has previously only considered the issue an "inconvenience" and not a security issue, a fix is now being developed. See the full story at,4586,2458885,00.html?chkpt=hud0004200.

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