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63,000 bugs in Windows 2000

Source: undefined     Posted by Chris Maunder    Wednesday, February 16, 2000 6:00pm    
You never have to feel bad about your code ever again!

It has been reported that an internal Microsoft memo states there are 63,000 potential problems to be addressed in the final release of Windows 2000. PC week online report that the memo claims there are 21,000 'postponed' problems, ranging from real bugs to mere feature creep; 27,000 'BugBug' comments that indicate unfinished work or forgotten problems; and 65,000 'potential issues', of which 28,000 are likely to be real problems. Still - this has to be put in perspective. Hundreds of companies have already signed off on Windows 2000 and are more than happy with its features and robustness. With less than two defects per 1,000 lines of code it's not a bad effort at all considering the size and complexity of the system itself. Check out,4153,2436920,00.html and,4586,2439261,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01 for the full stories.

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