In an unprecedented move, the shadowy group calling itself "The Insider" collectively declared its intention to take a two week break from the news, offering barely 2 months of notice before taking the break. "It's been chaos" said a person who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak publicly. "The Insider gave a mere two months warning." Further exacerbating the issue was the alleged use of the HR holiday calendar and multiple emails to all those who would be affected. "Email? Booking time in Calendars? That's just crazy. The least they could have done was a TikTok dance video, a non-ironic Truth on Truth Social or even just a nudge on Tinder to let us know. Something obvious and work appropriate. No wonder no one noticed. This is a disaster." Sources say it will be days before backup teams are in place and systems back online. Full restoration of services is expected next Monday.
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