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Survey Results

Best C# Article of January 2014

Survey period: 7 Feb 2014 to 21 Feb 2014. Restricting results to those who selected 'Automated penetration testing in the Microsoft stack with OWASP ZAP - GustavoMartins' [show all]

This is the voting form for the Best C# Article of January 2014 competition. Below are a list of the top 10 articles submitted last month. Please choose the ones you consider your favourite. Remember - you can only vote once!

Tiny Framework for Parallel Computing - Igor Ladnik8836.67
Factory Method Pattern vs. Abstract Factory Pattern - Marla Sukesh9539.58
Architecture of a Remoting Framework - Paulo Zemek5422.50
Abstract Nonsense in Software Development. Real-time - Petr Ivankov4317.92
.NET Type Conversion Utility - Ron Beyer4619.17
Web Browser Context Menu Ctrl: Load Shortcut From Your App In Any Browser - newton.saber2811.67
An x86 assembler with register allocation - Dávid Kocsis239.58
Automated penetration testing in the Microsoft stack with OWASP ZAP - GustavoMartins208.33
Partial Classes in C# With Real Example - Sandeep Singh Shekhawat5824.17
PixelBox: A PictureBox with configurable InterpolationMode - Yvan Rodrigues218.75
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

Note: These results are un-audited numbers. All voting results will be tabulated and audited at the conclusion of voting. The results you see here may differ as a result of that auditing process. makes no guarantees to the live results which you see here.

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