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hi every one !

i'm sorry to be so bothering but i really don't know how to solve my problem here:

Mathematically, the placement problem of testers into the right nodes) can be modeled by merging the two introduced knapsack variants: multidimensional and multiple knapsack problems. The obtained model is called Multiple Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MMKP).. We assume that the
execution environment consists of m nodes and we have n test components that
may be assigned to them. We attempt to find an optimal solution of test com-
ponent placement not violating resource and connectivity constraints and also
maximizing their placement profit. We can formulate this problem using the MMKP variant
there is more details in a file below :[^]

The provided resources by the m nodes are given through three vectors: C
that contains the provided CPU, R that provides the available RAM and B that
contains the battery level of each node( see the C,R,B representations)[^]

In addition, the required resources for each test component are illustrated over
three vectors: Dcthat carries the required CPU, Drthat contains the required
RAM and Dbthat contains the required Battery by each tester.( see the Dc,Dr,Db representations)[^]
i have got an error that i dont know the sorce , i will post also my code file MMKP.cpp
#include <gecode/driver.hh>
#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/search.hh>
#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>

using namespace Gecode;

class MMKP : public Script{

	static const int n=4 ;//number of testers
	static const int m=5;// number of nodes
	IntArgs R;
	IntArgs C;
	IntArgs B;
	IntArgs Dr;
	IntArgs Dc;
	IntArgs Db;
	IntArgs g;

	IntVarArray a;
	IntVarArray k;
	IntVar l;
public :
	enum {
    find_Optimal_Solution, find_realizable_solution
	MMKP (const Options& opt) : a(*this,n*m, 0,1){



		k=IntVarArray(*this,n*m ,0,100000); 
		Matrix <IntVarArray> results(k, n,m);

		//creation variables

		//IntVarArray a(*this,n*m,0,1); // Array of n*m boolean variables
		Matrix <IntVarArray> X (a,n,m);// Matrix "view" of the array a

		// objectiv variable
		IntVar gain (*this, 1,1000000);

		//creation of constraints 
			// ... over rows
		for ( int j=0; j<n;j++)

				linear(*this , X.row(j),IRT_EQ,1);

		//... over columns
			// first, get the columns, we will use an intermidiare matrix XDual

		IntVarArray b(*this, m*n,0,1);
		Matrix <IntVarArray> XDual (b, m, n);
		for (int i=0; i<m;i++)
			for ( int j =0; j<n ; j++)

		for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {

			linear(*this, Dr,XDual.row(j),IRT_NQ, R[j]);

		for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
			linear (*this, Dc, XDual.row(j), IRT_NQ,C[j]);


		for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
			linear (*this, Db, XDual.row(j), IRT_NQ,B[j]);

		switch (opt.model()) {
        case find_Optimal_Solution:

		//Objective function

		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			linear(*this, g,X.row(i), IRT_EQ, gain);

		for ( int i=0; i<n;i++){
			for ( int j =0; j<m;j++)


		case find_realizable_solution:
			for ( int i=0; i<n;i++){
			for ( int j =0; j<m;j++)

		    // post branching
        branch(*this, a, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MAX());
		// search support
     MMKP(bool share, MMKP& s) : Script(share, s){
      a.update(*this, share, s.a);

    virtual Space* copy(bool share) {
      return new MMKP(share,*this);

	    // print solution
    void print(std::ostream& os) const  {
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		 for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
           os << std::setw(4) << a[i * n + j];
		 os << std::endl;

	// main function
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Options opt("MMKP");

  return 0;

the eroor is :
exeption Int::linear :size of arguments mismatch 

Thanks for evry help and very sorry to bother you again
The_Inventor 5-Aug-13 1:18am    
This your first use of 'linear'
for ( int j=0; j '<' n;j++)

linear(*this , X.row(j),IRT_EQ,1);

Manel1989 5-Aug-13 11:40am    
yes its my first use that's why i couldn't handel som problems , may be i didn't get it well , thank you for your help :)
The_Inventor 17-Aug-13 6:51am    
The 'linear' function hasn't been defined within the class or anywhere else, so the compiler makes 'linear' an 'int' by default.
Manel1989 27-Aug-13 16:49pm    
So how can i fix it ??
how can i define the linear function in my class thank you very much for your help :)
The_Inventor 27-Aug-13 21:23pm    
In C++ you keep separate the declarations in the Header file, *.h, and the implementation in the *.cpp file.

1 solution

Here is your 'class' after clean up:

#if !defined(_AFX_CORE_IMPL) || !defined(_AFXDLL) || defined(_DEBUG)

public enum Options{find_Optimal_Solution, find_realizable_solution};

typedef CArray<bool,bool> CTruthArray;
typedef CPtrArray<uint*,uint*>CResultArray;

struct NODE // Declare NODE structure

struct TEST //Declare TEST structure
   UINT* Dr; //Desired TEST Value for RAM
   UINT* Dc; //Desired TEST Value for CPU
   UINT* Db; //Desired TEST Value for BAT

struct MATRIX // row first, column second, as a 2D structure
   UINT* row;
   UINT* col;

class CMMKP : public Script, CObject
// Construction

        int n;//number of testers
        int m;// number of nodes
        UINT* Gain; // objective variable
        UINT* R, C, B, Dr, Dc, Db, Gn, Lr;
        NODE node1, node2, node3;
        TEST test1, test2, test3;
        MATRIX matATruths;
        MATRIX matBTruths;
        MATRIX matResults;
        CTruthArray* Atruths; 
        CTruthArray* Btruths; 
        CUintArray* Kvalues;

        void Linear(MMKP* pMMKP, UINT index, UINT mode, UINT type);
        void GetSolution(Option& opt);
        void ApplyConstrains();
        void InitTruthArray();
        MATRIX GetMatrix(UINT** results);

	void Serialize(CArchive&);
#ifdef _DEBUG
	void Dump(CDumpContext&) const;
	void AssertValid() const;


IntArgs, IntVarArray, and IntVar are not C++ predefined types. Also IRT_NQ is also a #define that is not defined in C++, unless you do define it someplace, or it is defined within the Gecode includes. Presuming:

IRT_NQ is = 'Integer Return Type of Not Equal';
IntArgs is = 'Integer Value Type Arguments';
IntVar is = 'Integer Type Variable';
IntVarArray = 'Integer Variable Type Array';

While I am not sure about what 'linear' is supposed to do, the above is a 'prototype' that declares it as a function of class CMMKP. So then below you would implement this in a *.cpp matching file, or outside the class definition, in the same file.

Then here below out of the class definition, you can implement it:
   Atruths = new CTruthArray();//Array of Boolean variables (0 or 1) or (FALSE or TRUE)
   Btruths = new CTruthArray();//Array of Boolean variables (0 or 1) or (FALSE or TRUE)
   Kvalues = new CUintArray();// Array of unsigned integers, values from 0 to 2^16 - 1

    if(Atruths != NULL)
       delete Atruths;
    if(Btruths != NULL)
       delete Btruths;
    if(Kvalues != NULL)
       delete Kvalues ;

void CMMKP::GetSolution(Option& opt)
//You will need to rewrite the code below to match what I've done so far
    switch (opt.model())
        case find_Optimal_Solution:
        Gn = {4,20,30,40,50};
        //Objective function
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            linear(*this, Gn, X.row(i), IRT_EQ, Gain);
        for ( int i=0; i<n;i++)>
             for ( int j =0; j<m;j++)>
        case find_realizable_solution:
        for ( int i=0; i<n;i++)>
             for ( int j =0; j<m;j++)>

void CMMKP::Linear(MMKP* pMMKP, UINT index, UINT mode, UINT type)
//This is where you put the code for the linear function.

void MMKP::InitArrays()
    UINT num = n*m;
//  IntVarArray a(*this,n*m,0,1); // Array of n*m boolean variables
    matATruths = GetMatrix(Atruths);// Matrix "view" of the array a

//  k=IntVarArray(*this,n*m ,0,100000);
    matResults = GetMatrix(Kvalues);// Matrix "view" of array k

//  IntVarArray b(*this, m*n,0,1);
    matBTruths = GetMatrix(Btruths);// Matrix "view" of array b

    node1.R = {4,10,15,20,40};
    node1.C = {4,20,25,30,40};
    node1.B = {4,20,30,35,40};

    test1.Dr = {4,5,10,15,25};
    test1.Dc = {4,15,20,35,37};
    test1.Db = {4,10,15,20,35}; 

//creation of constraints
// ... over rows
void CMMKP::ApplyConstrains()
	for ( int j=0; j<n;j++)>
	    linear(*this , X.row(j),IRT_EQ,1);

	//... over columns
	// first, get the columns, we will use an intermidiare matrix XDual
	for (int i=0; i<m;i++)>
	    for ( int j =0; j<n mode="hold" />	    {

	for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
	     linear(*this, Dr,XDual.row(j),IRT_NQ, R[j]);

	for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) 
	     linear (*this, Dc, XDual.row(j), IRT_NQ,C[j]);

	for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
	     linear (*this, Db, XDual.row(j), IRT_NQ,B[j]);

// post branching
// branch(*this, a, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MAX());
// search support

BOOL CMMKP::Share(MMKP& s, BOOL share):Script(share, s)
      a.update(*this, share, s.a);
virtual Space* CMMKP::Copy(BOOL share)
     return new MMKP(share,*this);
// print solution there is a better one available 
//     ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT, &CEditView::OnFilePrint) as an example.  
//      You will need a 'view' to your data for this to work.

void print(std::ostream& os) const  {
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		 for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
           os << std::setw(4) << a[i * n + j];
		 os << std::endl;

So that should help a little ...
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Manel1989 28-Aug-13 19:36pm    
thank you a lot for your help i tried this whole day to use this code that you post it , but i don't know why it wouldn't work for example the typedef CArray: it says : is not a template also for CPtrArray ??? i included this ( #include <afxwin.h>
#include <stdio.h>)
what about the CObject , why use it in Gecode ( honnestly i sow many examples of Gecode and i didn't find it ????
what type of project should i use to make this code work because i use empty project just to make this class work but after that i have to add it to my winForm project will it work with this type of project?? Now i'm trying to decode your code to undrestand it and to make it work

Thank you very much for helping a long
Manel1989 28-Aug-13 19:37pm    
I'm new in C++ and Gecode programming that's why i found this a litel bit diffecult
Sorry for benning so bothring , Have a goog night
The_Inventor 29-Aug-13 1:12am    
Well Gecode is not C++. It also depends on your IDE, the OS that you are using to develop your app. I know nothing about Gecode, what or why it is used. You need to include in your stdafx.h file or app header, the windows.h, afx.h, and other related windows OS file headers.

If you are using a MAC or UNIX type systems, then the names for those files and where they need to be so the compiler can find them at compile time.
#include "afxwin.h" // MFC core and standard components
#include "afxext.h" // MFC extensions
#include "afxtempl.h" // MFC templates
#include "afxpriv.h"
#include "afxwinappex.h"
#include "afxdlgs.h"
#include "afxdialogex.h" //MFC Dialogs
#include "afxole.h"
#include "afxtabview.h" //MFC TabViewControl
#include "afxdisp.h" // MFC Automation classes

#include "vector" //Standard C++ Library
#include "algorithm" //Standard C++ Library
#include "functional" //Standard C++ Library
#include "iostream" //Standard C++ Library
#include "string"
#include "crtdbg.h" // Memory Leak Detection

are what I use for example.

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