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2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here 2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail2014-12-21 SV See word document02014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here

I neeed to split this as
2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here
2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail
2014-12-21 SV See word document0
2014-12-15 SV See word
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-
2014-12-15 SV See word
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here

Like this I need
    Private Sub Cmd_Rem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Cmd_Rem.Click
        Dim input As String = Txt_Commantaarintern.Text
       Dim result As String() = Regex.Split(input, "(?<=['""A-Za-z0-9][\.\!\?])\s+(?=[A-Z])")
            For Each s As String In result
Txt_After_Remove .Text =s 

    End Sub

Please Guide me Where i Stuck

Regex.Split probably isn't going to help you much: it removes the match code and discards it. Since your "new line" data contains info you want to keep, that's a problem.
I'd use a regex like this:
and then use the property to tell me where each line starts.
I could then split out each individual line using string.Substring
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Bensingh 28-May-15 2:08am    
On using this the date get deleted
OriginalGriff 28-May-15 2:19am    
Read the words as well... :sigh:
In addition to OriginalGriff[^] answer, here is an implementation of His words ;)

string s = @"2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here 2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail2014-12-21 SV See word document02014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here";

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex searchTerm =
  new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})");
var matches = from System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in searchTerm.Matches(s)
                                select new{match.Value, match.Index};
//see result #1

var matchedValues = matches.Select((Record,RowNo)=>new
				Index = RowNo++,
				Date = Record.Value,
				GetTextFrom = Record.Index,
				GetTextLength = matches.Skip(RowNo++).Take(1).Select(a=>a.Index - Record.Index).FirstOrDefault()
//see Result #2;

List<string> lines = new List<string>();
foreach(var line in matchedValues)
	lines.Add(s.Substring(line.GetTextFrom, line.GetTextLength==0 ? s.Length - line.GetTextFrom : line.GetTextLength));
//see result #3</string></string>

Dim s As String = "2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here 2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail2014-12-21 SV See word document02014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here"

Dim searchTerm As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})")

Dim matches = From match In searchTerm.Matches(s) Select New With { _
	match.Value, _
	match.Index _

Dim matchedValues = matches.[Select](Function(Record, RowNo) New With { _
	Key .Index = System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(RowNo),RowNo - 1), _
	Key .[Date] = Record.Value, _
	Key .GetTextFrom = Record.Index, _
	Key .GetTextLength = matches.Skip(System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(RowNo),RowNo - 1)).Take(1).[Select](Function(a) a.Index - Record.Index).FirstOrDefault() _

Dim lines As New List(Of String)()
For Each line In matchedValues
	lines.Add(s.Substring(line.GetTextFrom, If(line.GetTextLength = 0, s.Length - line.GetTextFrom, line.GetTextLength)))

Result #1 (matches)
Value      Index
2015-04-22 0 
2014-12-28 39 
2014-12-21 81 
2014-12-15 113 
2014-11-09 135 
2014-11-09 215 
2014-11-09 296 
2014-11-09 376 
2014-12-15 457 
2014-11-09 479 
2014-11-09 559

Result #2 (matchedValues)
Index Date       GetTextFrom GetTextLength
0     2015-04-22 0           39 
1     2014-12-28 39          42 
2     2014-12-21 81          32 
3     2014-12-15 113         22 
4     2014-11-09 135         80 
5     2014-11-09 215         81 
6     2014-11-09 296         80 
7     2014-11-09 376         81 
8     2014-12-15 457         22 
9     2014-11-09 479         80 
10    2014-11-09 559         0

Result #3 (lines)
2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here  
2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail 
2014-12-21 SV See word document0 
2014-12-15 SV See word 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach- 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach- 
2014-12-15 SV See word 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here 

Ooopppsss... :omg:
I missed that question is taged as VB.NET. I'll improve my answer later ;)

Done (VB.NET code has been added)!
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Bensingh 28-May-15 4:50am    
Thanks a lot
Maciej Los 28-May-15 4:51am    
You're very welcome ;)
Bensingh 9-Jun-15 2:55am    
los another one help need output as

2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here
2015-01-04 SV I have placed my last version on your computer. If possible start from there
2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail
2014-12-21 SV See word document0
2014-12-15 SV See word
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach

is it possible
Maciej Los 9-Jun-15 3:45am    
??? I do not see any changes. Could you be more specific?
Bensingh 9-Jun-15 4:17am    
from our Result #3 (lines)
we need only these
2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here
2015-01-04 SV I have placed my last version on your computer. If possible start from there
2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail
2014-12-21 SV See word document0
2014-12-15 SV See word
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach

As per OP's comments to the soultion 1
Sub Main
	Dim s As String = "2015-04-22 JV RM - Save your list here 2014-12-28 SV See Word - Image in the mail2014-12-21 SV See word document02014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach-2014-12-15 SV See word2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here"
	Dim searchTerm As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})")
	Dim matches = From match In searchTerm.Matches(s) Select New With { _
		match.Value, _
		match.Index _
	Dim matchedValues = From m In matches _
		Let RowNo  = increment _
		Select New With { _
			Key .Index = RowNo, _
			Key .[Date] = m.Value, _
			Key .GetTextFrom = m.Index, _
			Key .GetTextLength = matches.Skip(RowNo).Take(1).[Select](Function(a) a.Index - m.Index).FirstOrDefault() _
	Dim lines As New List(Of MyMessage)()
	For Each line In matchedValues
		Dim sDate as String = s.Substring(line.GetTextFrom, 10)
		'Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", line.GetTextFrom, If(line.GetTextLength Is Nothing, s.Length - line.GetTextFrom, line.GetTextLength)-10)
		Dim sMsg as String = s.Substring(line.GetTextFrom+10, If(line.GetTextLength Is Nothing, s.Length - line.GetTextFrom, line.GetTextLength)-10).Replace("-","").Trim()
		Dim oMsg = New MyMessage(sDate, sMsg)
		If Not lines.Contains(oMsg) Then lines.Add(oMsg)
End Sub

' Define other methods and classes here

Public Shared Function increment() As Integer
     Static i As Integer
     i = i + 1
     Return i
End Function

Public Class MyMessage 
	Implements IEquatable(Of MyMessage)

	Dim sDate As String = String.Empty
	Dim sMessage As String = String.Empty
	Public Sub New(_Date as String, _Message As String)
		sDate = _Date
		sMessage = _Message
	End Sub
	Public Property aDate As String
			Return sDate
		End Get
		Set (value As String)
			sDate = value
		End Set
	End Property

	Public Property aMessage As String
			Return sMessage
		End Get
		Set (value As String)
			sMessage = value
		End Set
	End Property
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean 
        If obj Is Nothing Then 
            Return False 
        End If 
        Dim objMyMessage As MyMessage = TryCast(obj, MyMessage)
        If objMyMessage Is Nothing Then 
            Return False 
            Return Equals(objMyMessage)
        End If 
    End Function 
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer 
        Return aMessage
    End Function 
    Public Overloads Function Equals(other As MyMessage) As Boolean _
        Implements IEquatable(Of MyMessage).Equals
        If other Is Nothing Then 
            Return False 
        End If 
        Return (Me.aMessage.Equals(other.aMessage))
    End Function 

End Class

aDate       aMessage
2015-04-22 JV RM  Save your list here 
2014-12-28 SV See Word  Image in the mail 
2014-12-21 SV See word document0 
2014-12-15 SV See word 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach 
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here 
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Bensingh 9-Jun-15 9:57am    
How to display the output in a textbox value on button click
Maciej Los 9-Jun-15 12:59pm    
Do not use TextBox. Use DataGridView instead. For example:
DataGridView1.DataSource = lines.ToList()
Bensingh 9-Jun-15 23:59pm    
I need to display it in the text box value as

2015-04-22 JV RM Save your list here
2014-12-28 SV See Word Image in the mail
2014-12-21 SV See word document0
2014-12-15 SV See word
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here. See the pdf in attach
2014-11-09 SV First small items to start programming here

No need of headings aDate aMessage.
Is it possible
Maciej Los 10-Jun-15 2:10am    
You have to add method to the class definition:
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} {1}", sDate, sMessage)
End Function

Now, add below code after last loop For Each line in matchedValues ... Next
Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
For Each msg in lines
TextBox1.Multiline = true
TextBox1.Text = sb.ToString()

Note: i do not recommend to display such of data in TextBox!!!
Maciej Los 10-Jun-15 2:15am    
By The Way...
Please, stop doing this! Stop asking me for help. You have to do - at least - minimum effort...
Cheers, Maciej

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