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Sticky Windows - How to make your (top-level) forms to stick one to the other or to the screen

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8 Feb 20043 min read 244.3K   10.4K   120  
Nice class that makes your top-level forms stick when moved or resized. Makes it easy to arrange the windows on the desktop.
// StickyWindows
// Copyright (c) 2004 Corneliu I. Tusnea
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from 
// the use of this software.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any 
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright 
// notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this 
// permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// Notice: Check CodeProject for details about using this class

using System;

#region Blue.Win32Imports

namespace Blue.Private.Win32Imports
	using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

	/// <summary>
	/// Win32 is just a placeholder for some Win32 imported definitions
	/// </summary>
	public class Win32
		[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
		public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
		[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
		public static extern IntPtr GetDesktopWindow();

		/// <summary>
		/// VK is just a placeholder for VK (VirtualKey) general definitions
		/// </summary>
		public class VK
			public const int VK_SHIFT          = 0x10;
			public const int VK_CONTROL        = 0x11;
			public const int VK_MENU           = 0x12;
			public const int VK_ESCAPE         = 0x1B;

			public static bool IsKeyPressed ( int KeyCode )
				return (GetAsyncKeyState(KeyCode) & 0x0800)==0;

		/// <summary>
		/// WM is just a placeholder class for WM (WindowMessage) definitions
		/// </summary>
		public class WM
			public const int WM_MOUSEMOVE                    = 0x0200;
			public const int WM_NCMOUSEMOVE                  = 0x00A0;
			public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN                = 0x00A1;
			public const int WM_NCLBUTTONUP                  = 0x00A2;
			public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK              = 0x00A3;
			public const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN                  = 0x0201;
			public const int WM_LBUTTONUP                    = 0x0202;
			public const int WM_KEYDOWN                      = 0x0100;

		/// <summary>
		/// HT is just a placeholder for HT (HitTest) definitions
		/// </summary>
		public class HT
			public const int HTERROR             = (-2);
			public const int HTTRANSPARENT       = (-1);
			public const int HTNOWHERE           = 0;
			public const int HTCLIENT            = 1;
			public const int HTCAPTION           = 2;
			public const int HTSYSMENU           = 3;
			public const int HTGROWBOX           = 4;
			public const int HTSIZE              = HTGROWBOX;
			public const int HTMENU              = 5;
			public const int HTHSCROLL           = 6;
			public const int HTVSCROLL           = 7;
			public const int HTMINBUTTON         = 8;
			public const int HTMAXBUTTON         = 9;
			public const int HTLEFT              = 10;
			public const int HTRIGHT             = 11;
			public const int HTTOP               = 12;
			public const int HTTOPLEFT           = 13;
			public const int HTTOPRIGHT          = 14;
			public const int HTBOTTOM            = 15;
			public const int HTBOTTOMLEFT        = 16;
			public const int HTBOTTOMRIGHT       = 17;
			public const int HTBORDER            = 18;
			public const int HTREDUCE            = HTMINBUTTON;
			public const int HTZOOM              = HTMAXBUTTON;
			public const int HTSIZEFIRST         = HTLEFT;
			public const int HTSIZELAST          = HTBOTTOMRIGHT;

			public const int HTOBJECT            = 19;
			public const int HTCLOSE             = 20;
			public const int HTHELP              = 21;

		public class Bit
			public static int HiWord ( int iValue )
				return ( (iValue >> 16 ) & 0xFFFF );
			public static int LoWord( int iValue )
				return ( iValue & 0xFFFF );

namespace Blue.Windows
	using System.Windows.Forms;
	using System.Drawing;
	using System.Collections;

	using Blue.Private.Win32Imports;

	/// <summary>
	/// A windows that Sticks to other windows of the same type when moved or resized.
	/// You get a nice way of organizing multiple top-level windows.
	/// Quite similar with WinAmp 2.x style of sticking the windows
	/// </summary>
	public class StickyWindow : System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow
		/// <summary>
		/// Global List of registered StickyWindows
		/// </summary>
		private static ArrayList	GlobalStickyWindows = new ArrayList();

		#region ResizeDir
		private enum ResizeDir
			Top		= 2,
			Bottom	= 4,
			Left	= 8,
			Right	= 16

		#region Message Processor
		// Internal Message Processor
		private delegate bool ProcessMessage( ref Message m );
		private ProcessMessage	MessageProcessor;

		// Messages processors based on type
		private ProcessMessage	DefaultMessageProcessor;
		private ProcessMessage	MoveMessageProcessor;
		private ProcessMessage	ResizeMessageProcessor;

		#region Internal properties
		// Move stuff
		private bool		movingForm;
		private Point		formOffsetPoint;	// calculated offset rect to be added !! (min distances in all directions!!)
		private Point		offsetPoint;		// primary offset

		// Resize stuff
		private bool		resizingForm;
		private ResizeDir	resizeDirection;
		private Rectangle	formOffsetRect;		// calculated rect to fix the size
		private Point		mousePoint;			// mouse position

		// General Stuff
		private Form		originalForm;		// the form
		private Rectangle	formRect;			// form bounds
		private Rectangle	formOriginalRect;	// bounds before last operation started

		// public properties
		private static int	stickGap = 20;		// distance to stick
		private bool		stickOnResize;
		private bool		stickOnMove;
		private bool		stickToScreen;
		private bool		stickToOther;

		#region Public operations and properties

		/// <summary>
		/// Distance in pixels betwen two forms or a form and the screen where the sticking should start
		/// Default value = 20
		/// </summary>
		public int	StickGap
			get { return stickGap; }
			set { stickGap = value; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Allow the form to stick while resizing
		/// Default value = true
		/// </summary>
		public bool StickOnResize
			get { return stickOnResize; }
			set { stickOnResize = value; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Allow the form to stick while moving
		/// Default value = true
		/// </summary>
		public bool StickOnMove
			get { return stickOnMove; }
			set { stickOnMove = value; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Allow sticking to Screen Margins
		/// Default value = true
		/// </summary>
		public bool StickToScreen
			get { return stickToScreen; }
			set { stickToScreen = value; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Allow sticking to other StickWindows
		/// Default value = true
		/// </summary>
		public bool StickToOther
			get { return stickToOther; }
			set { stickToOther = value; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Register a new form as an external reference form.
		/// All Sticky windows will try to stick to the external references
		/// Use this to register your MainFrame so the child windows try to stick to it, when your MainFrame is NOT a sticky window
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="frmExternal">External window that will be used as reference</param>
		public static void RegisterExternalReferenceForm ( Form frmExternal )
			GlobalStickyWindows.Add ( frmExternal );
		/// <summary>
		/// Unregister a form from the external references.
		/// <see cref="RegisterExternalReferenceForm"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="frmExternal">External window that will was used as reference</param>
		public static void UnregisterExternalReferenceForm ( Form frmExternal )
			GlobalStickyWindows.Remove ( frmExternal );


		#region StickyWindow Constructor
		/// <summary>
		/// Make the form Sticky
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="form">Form to be made sticky</param>
		public StickyWindow(Form form)
			resizingForm	= false;
			movingForm		= false;

			originalForm	= form;

			formRect		= Rectangle.Empty;
			formOffsetRect	= Rectangle.Empty;

			formOffsetPoint	= Point.Empty;
			offsetPoint		= Point.Empty;
			mousePoint		= Point.Empty;

			stickOnMove		= true;
			stickOnResize	= true;
			stickToScreen	= true;
			stickToOther	= true;

			DefaultMessageProcessor	= new ProcessMessage ( DefaultMsgProcessor );
			MoveMessageProcessor	= new ProcessMessage ( MoveMsgProcessor );
			ResizeMessageProcessor	= new ProcessMessage ( ResizeMsgProcessor );
			MessageProcessor		= DefaultMessageProcessor;

			AssignHandle ( originalForm.Handle );

		#region OnHandleChange
		[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
		protected override void OnHandleChange()
			if ( (int)this.Handle != 0 )
				GlobalStickyWindows.Add ( this.originalForm );
				GlobalStickyWindows.Remove ( this.originalForm );

		#region WndProc
		[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
		protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
			if ( !MessageProcessor ( ref m ) )
				base.WndProc (ref m);

		#region DefaultMsgProcessor
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes messages during normal operations (while the form is not resized or moved)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="m"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool DefaultMsgProcessor ( ref Message m )
			switch ( m.Msg )
					mousePoint.X = (short)Win32.Bit.LoWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					mousePoint.Y = (short)Win32.Bit.HiWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					if ( OnNCLButtonDown( (int)m.WParam, mousePoint ) )
						//m.Result = new IntPtr ( (resizingForm || movingForm) ? 1 : 0 );
						m.Result = (IntPtr)( (resizingForm || movingForm) ? 1 : 0 );
						return true;

			return false;

		#region OnNCLButtonDown
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks where the click was in the NC area and starts move or resize operation
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="iHitTest"></param>
		/// <param name="point"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool OnNCLButtonDown ( int iHitTest, Point point )
			Rectangle rParent	= originalForm.Bounds;
			offsetPoint			= point;

			switch ( iHitTest )
				case Win32.HT.HTCAPTION:
				{	// request for move
					if ( stickOnMove )
						offsetPoint.Offset ( -rParent.Left, -rParent.Top );
						return true;
						return false;	// leave default processing

				// requests for resize
				case Win32.HT.HTTOPLEFT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Top | ResizeDir.Left );
				case Win32.HT.HTTOP:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Top );
				case Win32.HT.HTTOPRIGHT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Top | ResizeDir.Right );
				case Win32.HT.HTRIGHT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Right );
				case Win32.HT.HTBOTTOMRIGHT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Bottom | ResizeDir.Right );
				case Win32.HT.HTBOTTOM:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Bottom );
				case Win32.HT.HTBOTTOMLEFT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Bottom | ResizeDir.Left );
				case Win32.HT.HTLEFT:
					return StartResize ( ResizeDir.Left );

			return false;

		#region ResizeOperations
		private bool StartResize(ResizeDir resDir)
			if ( stickOnResize )
				resizeDirection = resDir;
				formRect = originalForm.Bounds;
				formOriginalRect = originalForm.Bounds;	// save the old bounds

				if ( !originalForm.Capture )	// start capturing messages
					originalForm.Capture = true;

				MessageProcessor = ResizeMessageProcessor;

				return true;	// catch the message
			} else
				return false;	// leave default processing !
		private bool ResizeMsgProcessor(ref Message m)
			if ( !originalForm.Capture )
				return false;

			switch ( m.Msg )
				case Win32.WM.WM_LBUTTONUP:
				{	// ok, resize finished !!!
				case Win32.WM.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
					mousePoint.X = (short)Win32.Bit.LoWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					mousePoint.Y = (short)Win32.Bit.HiWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					Resize( mousePoint );
				case Win32.WM.WM_KEYDOWN:
					if ( (int)m.WParam == Win32.VK.VK_ESCAPE )
						originalForm.Bounds = formOriginalRect;	// set back old size

			return false;
		private void EndResize()

		#region Resize Computing
		private void Resize( Point p )
			p = originalForm.PointToScreen ( p );
			Screen activeScr = Screen.FromPoint( p );
			formRect = originalForm.Bounds;

			int iRight			= formRect.Right;
			int iBottom			= formRect.Bottom;

			// no normalize required
			// first strech the window to the new position
			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Left) == ResizeDir.Left )
				formRect.Width	= formRect.X - p.X + formRect.Width;
				formRect.X		= iRight - formRect.Width;
			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Right) == ResizeDir.Right )
				formRect.Width	= p.X - formRect.Left;

			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Top) == ResizeDir.Top )
				formRect.Height		= formRect.Height - p.Y + formRect.Top;
				formRect.Y			= iBottom - formRect.Height;
			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Bottom) == ResizeDir.Bottom )
				formRect.Height	= p.Y - formRect.Top;

			// this is the real new position
			// now, try to snap it to different objects (first to screen)

			// CARE !!! We use "Width" and "Height" as Bottom & Right!! (C++ style)
			//formOffsetRect = new Rectangle ( stickGap + 1, stickGap + 1, 0, 0 );
			formOffsetRect.X	= stickGap + 1;
			formOffsetRect.Y	= stickGap + 1;
			formOffsetRect.Height = 0;
			formOffsetRect.Width  = 0;

			if ( stickToScreen )
				Resize_Stick ( activeScr.WorkingArea, false );

			if ( stickToOther )
				// now try to stick to other forms
				foreach ( Form sw in GlobalStickyWindows )
					if ( sw != this.originalForm )
						Resize_Stick( sw.Bounds, true );

			// Fix (clear) the values that were not updated to stick
			if ( formOffsetRect.X		== stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetRect.X		= 0;
			if ( formOffsetRect.Width	== stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetRect.Width	= 0;
			if ( formOffsetRect.Y		== stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetRect.Y		= 0;
			if ( formOffsetRect.Height	== stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetRect.Height	= 0;

			// compute the new form size
			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Left) == ResizeDir.Left )
			{	// left resize requires special handling of X & Width acording to MinSize and MinWindowTrackSize
				int iNewWidth = formRect.Width + formOffsetRect.Width + formOffsetRect.X;

				if ( originalForm.MaximumSize.Width != 0 )
					iNewWidth		= Math.Min ( iNewWidth, originalForm.MaximumSize.Width );

				iNewWidth		= Math.Min ( iNewWidth, SystemInformation.MaxWindowTrackSize.Width );
				iNewWidth		= Math.Max ( iNewWidth, originalForm.MinimumSize.Width );
				iNewWidth		= Math.Max ( iNewWidth, SystemInformation.MinWindowTrackSize.Width );

				formRect.X		= iRight - iNewWidth;
				formRect.Width	= iNewWidth;
			{	// other resizes
				formRect.Width	+= formOffsetRect.Width  + formOffsetRect.X;

			if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Top) == ResizeDir.Top )
				int iNewHeight	= formRect.Height + formOffsetRect.Height + formOffsetRect.Y;

				if ( originalForm.MaximumSize.Height != 0 )
					iNewHeight		= Math.Min ( iNewHeight, originalForm.MaximumSize.Height );

				iNewHeight		= Math.Min ( iNewHeight, SystemInformation.MaxWindowTrackSize.Height );
				iNewHeight		= Math.Max ( iNewHeight, originalForm.MinimumSize.Height );
				iNewHeight		= Math.Max ( iNewHeight, SystemInformation.MinWindowTrackSize.Height );
				formRect.Y		= iBottom - iNewHeight;
				formRect.Height	= iNewHeight;
			{	// all other resizing are fine 
				formRect.Height	+= formOffsetRect.Height + formOffsetRect.Y;

			// Done !!
			originalForm.Bounds = formRect;

		private void Resize_Stick ( Rectangle toRect, bool bInsideStick )
			if ( formRect.Right >= (toRect.Left - stickGap) && formRect.Left <= (toRect.Right + stickGap) )
				if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Top) == ResizeDir.Top )
					if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Top - toRect.Bottom) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Top) && bInsideStick )
						formOffsetRect.Y = formRect.Top - toRect.Bottom;	// snap top to bottom
					else if (Math.Abs(formRect.Top - toRect.Top) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Top) )
						formOffsetRect.Y = formRect.Top - toRect.Top;		// snap top to top

				if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Bottom) == ResizeDir.Bottom )
					if (Math.Abs(formRect.Bottom - toRect.Top) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Bottom) && bInsideStick)
						formOffsetRect.Height = toRect.Top - formRect.Bottom;	// snap Bottom to top
					else if (Math.Abs(formRect.Bottom - toRect.Bottom) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Bottom) )
						formOffsetRect.Height = toRect.Bottom - formRect.Bottom;	// snap bottom to bottom

			if ( formRect.Bottom >= (toRect.Top - stickGap) && formRect.Top <= (toRect.Bottom + stickGap) )
				if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Right) == ResizeDir.Right )
					if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Right - toRect.Left) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Right) && bInsideStick )
						formOffsetRect.Width = toRect.Left - formRect.Right;		// Stick right to left
					else if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Right - toRect.Right) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Right))
						formOffsetRect.Width = toRect.Right - formRect.Right;	// Stick right to right

				if ( (resizeDirection & ResizeDir.Left) == ResizeDir.Left )
					if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Left - toRect.Right) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Left) && bInsideStick )
						formOffsetRect.X = formRect.Left - toRect.Right;		// Stick left to right
					else if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Left - toRect.Left) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetRect.Left))
						formOffsetRect.X = formRect.Left - toRect.Left;		// Stick left to left

		#region Move Operations
		private void StartMove()
			formRect			= originalForm.Bounds;
			formOriginalRect	= originalForm.Bounds;	// save original position

			if ( !originalForm.Capture )	// start capturing messages
				originalForm.Capture = true;

			MessageProcessor = MoveMessageProcessor;

		private bool MoveMsgProcessor(ref Message m)
		{	// internal message loop
			if ( !originalForm.Capture )
				return false;

			switch ( m.Msg )
				case Win32.WM.WM_LBUTTONUP:
				{	// ok, move finished !!!
				case Win32.WM.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
					mousePoint.X = (short)Win32.Bit.LoWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					mousePoint.Y = (short)Win32.Bit.HiWord ( (int)m.LParam );
					Move( mousePoint );
				case Win32.WM.WM_KEYDOWN:
					if ( (int)m.WParam == Win32.VK.VK_ESCAPE )
						originalForm.Bounds = formOriginalRect;	// set back old size

			return false;
		private void EndMove()

		#region Move Computing
		private void Move( Point p )
			p = originalForm.PointToScreen ( p );
			Screen activeScr = Screen.FromPoint ( p );	// get the screen from the point !!

			if ( !activeScr.WorkingArea.Contains ( p ) )
				p.X = NormalizeInside ( p.X, activeScr.WorkingArea.Left, activeScr.WorkingArea.Right );
				p.Y = NormalizeInside ( p.Y, activeScr.WorkingArea.Top, activeScr.WorkingArea.Bottom );

			p.Offset ( -offsetPoint.X, -offsetPoint.Y );

			// p is the exact location of the frame - so we can play with it
			// to detect the new position acording to different bounds
			formRect.Location = p;	// this is the new positon of the form

			formOffsetPoint.X	= stickGap + 1;	// (more than) maximum gaps
			formOffsetPoint.Y	= stickGap + 1;

			if ( stickToScreen )
				Move_Stick ( activeScr.WorkingArea, false );

			// Now try to snap to other windows
			if ( stickToOther )
				foreach ( Form sw in GlobalStickyWindows )
					if ( sw != this.originalForm )
						Move_Stick( sw.Bounds, true );

			if ( formOffsetPoint.X == stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetPoint.X = 0;
			if ( formOffsetPoint.Y == stickGap+1 )
				formOffsetPoint.Y = 0;

			formRect.Offset ( formOffsetPoint );

			originalForm.Bounds = formRect;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="calculatedOffset">Calculate positon of the offset (snap distance)</param>
		/// <param name="toRect">Rect to try to snap to</param>
		/// <param name="bInsideStick">Allow snapping on the inside (eg: window to screen)</param>
		private void Move_Stick ( Rectangle toRect, bool bInsideStick )
			// compare distance from toRect to formRect
			// and then with the found distances, compare the most closed position
			if ( formRect.Bottom >= (toRect.Top - stickGap) && formRect.Top <= (toRect.Bottom + stickGap) )
				if ( bInsideStick )
					if ( (Math.Abs(formRect.Left - toRect.Right) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.X) ) )
					{	// left 2 right
						formOffsetPoint.X = toRect.Right - formRect.Left;
					if ( (Math.Abs(formRect.Left + formRect.Width - toRect.Left) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.X) ) )
					{	// right 2 left
						formOffsetPoint.X = toRect.Left - formRect.Width - formRect.Left;

				if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Left - toRect.Left) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.X) )
				{	// snap left 2 left
					formOffsetPoint.X = toRect.Left - formRect.Left;
				if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Left + formRect.Width - toRect.Left - toRect.Width ) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.X))
				{	// snap right 2 right
					formOffsetPoint.X = toRect.Left + toRect.Width - formRect.Width - formRect.Left;
			if ( formRect.Right >= (toRect.Left - stickGap) && formRect.Left <= (toRect.Right + stickGap) )
				if ( bInsideStick )
					if (Math.Abs(formRect.Top - toRect.Bottom) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.Y) && bInsideStick )
					{	// Stick Top to Bottom
						formOffsetPoint.Y = toRect.Bottom - formRect.Top;
					if (Math.Abs(formRect.Top + formRect.Height - toRect.Top) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.Y) && bInsideStick )
					{	// snap Bottom to Top
						formOffsetPoint.Y =  toRect.Top - formRect.Height - formRect.Top;

				// try to snap top 2 top also
				if (Math.Abs(formRect.Top - toRect.Top) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.Y))
				{	// top 2 top
					formOffsetPoint.Y =  toRect.Top - formRect.Top;
				if ( Math.Abs(formRect.Top + formRect.Height - toRect.Top - toRect.Height ) <= Math.Abs(formOffsetPoint.Y))
				{	// bottom 2 bottom
					formOffsetPoint.Y =  toRect.Top + toRect.Height - formRect.Height - formRect.Top;

		#region Utilities
		private int NormalizeInside ( int iP1, int iM1, int iM2 )
			if ( iP1 <= iM1 )
				return iM1;
				if ( iP1 >= iM2 )
					return iM2;
			return iP1;

		#region Cancel
		private void Cancel()
			originalForm.Capture	= false;
			movingForm				= false;
			resizingForm			= false;
			MessageProcessor		= DefaultMessageProcessor;

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Written By
Technical Lead OneSaas - Cloud Integrations Made Easy
Australia Australia

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