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CStaticTreeCtrl - A CStatic derived custom Tree control

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1 May 200617 min read 329.8K   13.3K   169  
Step-by-step creation of a custom Tree control from a CStatic control, implementing basic functionality, eye-candy (font, bitmap background, etc.), scrolling (bars and wheel), multiline (wrapping) text, and audio context menu.
// StaticTreeCtrl.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CustomTreeControl.h"
#include "StaticTreeCtrl.h"
#include "ContextMenu.h"
#include "DLG_TreeNodeText.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CStaticTreeCtrl

	m_pTopNode				= new CTreeNode();	// The tree top

	m_iIndent				= 16;				// Indentation for tree branches
	m_iPadding				= 4;				// Padding between tree and the control border

	m_bShowLines			= TRUE;				// Show lines by default
	m_bScrollBarMessage		= FALSE;			// Only relevant when calculating the scrollbar

	m_iDocHeight			= 0;				// A polite yet meaningless default

	m_crDefaultTextColor	= RGB(58,58,58);	// Some default
	m_crConnectingLines		= RGB(128,128,128);	// Some default

	m_bAudioOn				= true;				// The context menu audio

	// Safeguards
	SetTextFont( 8, FALSE, FALSE, "Arial Unicode MS" );
	m_pSelected				= NULL;	

	DeleteNode( m_pTopNode );	// Delete all childs if there are any
	delete m_pTopNode;			// Delete top node
	m_pTopNode = NULL;

	if( m_bmpBackground.GetSafeHandle() != NULL )

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CStaticTreeCtrl, CStatic)


CStaticTreeCtrl& CStaticTreeCtrl::SetTextFont( LONG nHeight, BOOL bBold, BOOL bItalic, const CString& csFaceName )
	m_lgFont.lfHeight			= -MulDiv( nHeight, GetDeviceCaps( GetDC()->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 );
	m_lgFont.lfWidth			= 0;
	m_lgFont.lfEscapement		= 0;
	m_lgFont.lfOrientation		= 0;
	m_lgFont.lfWeight			= ( bBold )? FW_BOLD:FW_DONTCARE;
	m_lgFont.lfItalic			= (BYTE)( ( bItalic )? TRUE:FALSE );
	m_lgFont.lfUnderline		= FALSE;
	m_lgFont.lfStrikeOut		= FALSE;
	m_lgFont.lfCharSet			= DEFAULT_CHARSET;
	m_lgFont.lfOutPrecision		= OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
	m_lgFont.lfClipPrecision	= CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
	m_lgFont.lfQuality			= DEFAULT_QUALITY;
	m_lgFont.lfPitchAndFamily	= DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;

	STRCPY( m_lgFont.lfFaceName, csFaceName );

	if( m_Font.GetSafeHandle() != NULL )
	m_Font.CreateFontIndirect( &m_lgFont );

	// Calculate node height for this font
	CDC		*pDC		= GetDC();
	int		iSaved		= pDC->SaveDC();
	CFont*	pOldFont	= pDC->SelectObject( &m_Font );

	// Calculate the height of this font with a character likely to be 'big'
	// and don't forget to add a little padding
	m_iLineHeight	= pDC->GetTextExtent( "X" ).cy + 4;

	pDC->SelectObject( pOldFont );
	pDC->RestoreDC( iSaved );
	ReleaseDC( pDC );

	return *this;

CStaticTreeCtrl& CStaticTreeCtrl::SetDefaultTextColor( COLORREF crText )
	m_crDefaultTextColor = crText;
	return *this;

HTREENODE CStaticTreeCtrl::InsertSibling(	HTREENODE pInsertAfter, const CString& csLabel,
											COLORREF crText /* = 0 */, BOOL bUseDefaultTextColor /* = TRUE */,
											BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	ASSERT( pInsertAfter != NULL );	// Make sure the node exists
	HTREENODE pNewNode = new CTreeNode();

	pNewNode->csLabel	= csLabel;					// New node's label

	if( bUseDefaultTextColor )
		pNewNode->bUseDefaultTextColor = TRUE;		// Use the default text color
		pNewNode->crText = crText;					// New node's text color

	pNewNode->pParent	= pInsertAfter->pParent;	// Nas the same parent

	// Insert the new node between pInsertAfter and its next sibling
	pNewNode->pSibling		= pInsertAfter->pSibling;
	pInsertAfter->pSibling	= pNewNode;

	// Repaint the control if so desired
	if( bInvalidate )
	return pNewNode;

HTREENODE CStaticTreeCtrl::InsertChild( HTREENODE pParent, const CString& csLabel,
										COLORREF crText /* = 0 */, BOOL bUseDefaultTextColor /* = TRUE */,
										BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	ASSERT( pParent != NULL );	// Make sure the node exists
	if( pParent == HTOPNODE )	// Check for top node
		pParent = m_pTopNode;
	HTREENODE pNewNode = new CTreeNode();

	// Basic node information
	pNewNode->csLabel	= csLabel;	// New node's label

	if( bUseDefaultTextColor )
		pNewNode->bUseDefaultTextColor = TRUE;		// Use the default text color
		pNewNode->crText = crText;					// New node's text color

	pNewNode->pParent	= pParent;	// New node's parent

	// Insert the new node as pParent's first child
	pNewNode->pSibling	= pParent->pChild;
	pParent->pChild		= pNewNode;

	// Repaint the control if so desired
	if( bInvalidate )
	return pNewNode;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::DeleteNode( HTREENODE pNode, BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	ASSERT( pNode != NULL );	// Make sure the node exists

	// Don't delete the top node
	if( pNode == HTOPNODE )
		DeleteNode( m_pTopNode, bInvalidate );

	// Delete childs
	if( pNode->pChild != NULL )
		DeleteNodeRecursive( pNode->pChild );

	// If this node is not the top node, fix pointers in sibling list
	if( pNode != m_pTopNode )
		HTREENODE pRunner = pNode->pParent;
		// If first child, set the parent pointer to the next sibling
		// Otherwise, find sibling before and set its sibling pointer to the node's sibling
		if( pRunner->pChild == pNode )
			pRunner->pChild = pNode->pSibling;
			pRunner = pRunner->pChild;

			// Loop until the next node is the one being deleted
			while( pRunner->pSibling != pNode )
				pRunner = pRunner->pSibling;

			pRunner->pSibling = pNode->pSibling;

		delete pNode;

		pNode = NULL;

	// Repaint the control if so desired
	if( bInvalidate )

void CStaticTreeCtrl::ToggleNode( HTREENODE pNode, BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	ASSERT( pNode != NULL );

	pNode->bOpen = !( pNode->bOpen );

	if( bInvalidate )

void CStaticTreeCtrl::SetNodeColor( HTREENODE pNode, COLORREF crText, BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	ASSERT( pNode != NULL );

	pNode->bUseDefaultTextColor	= FALSE;
	pNode->crText				= crText;

	if( bInvalidate )

void CStaticTreeCtrl::SetBackgroundBitmap( BOOL bInvalidate /* = FALSE  */)
	CFileDialog fd( TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, _T("Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp||"), this );

	// If the user clicked 'ok'
	if( fd.DoModal() == IDOK )
		// If there is a bitmap already loaded, delete it
	    if( m_bmpBackground.GetSafeHandle() != NULL )
		// Load the bitmap from the file selected
		HBITMAP hBitmap =	(HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL, fd.GetPathName(), IMAGE_BITMAP, 

		// Attach it to the CBitmap object
		m_bmpBackground.Attach( hBitmap );

		// Repaint if so desired
		if( bInvalidate )


void CStaticTreeCtrl::DeleteNodeRecursive( HTREENODE pNode )
	if( pNode->pSibling != NULL )
		DeleteNodeRecursive( pNode->pSibling );

	if( pNode->pChild != NULL )
		DeleteNodeRecursive( pNode->pChild );

	delete pNode;

	pNode = NULL;

int CStaticTreeCtrl::DrawNodesRecursive( CDC* pDC, HTREENODE pNode, int x, int y, CRect rFrame )
	int		iDocHeight = 0;		// Total document height
	CRect	rNode;

	// The node's location and dimensions on screen
	rNode.left		= x;		= y;
	rNode.right		= rFrame.right - m_iPadding;
	rNode.bottom	= y + m_iLineHeight;

	pNode->rNode.CopyRect( rNode );		// Record the rectangle

	COLORREF cr			= ( pNode->bUseDefaultTextColor )? m_crDefaultTextColor:pNode->crText;
	COLORREF crOldText	= pDC->SetTextColor( cr );

	// MULTILINE TEXT - begins
	CString	cs		= pNode->csLabel;
	int		iPos	= 0;

	// Draw text until there is nothing left to draw
	while( cs.GetLength() > 0 )
		// Height of a line of text
		rNode.bottom = + m_iLineHeight;

		// Find out how much text fits in one line
		iPos = HowMuchTextFits( pDC, rFrame.right - m_iPadding - rNode.left, cs );

		// Draw only if the node is visible
		if( rNode.bottom > 0 && < rFrame.bottom )
			pDC->DrawText( cs.Left( iPos + 1 ), rNode, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER );

		// Eliminate the text that has been already drawn
		cs = cs.Mid( iPos + 1 );

		// The node grows everytime another line of text is drawn
		pNode->rNode.UnionRect( pNode->rNode, rNode );

		// Move down the drawing rectangle for the next line of text = rNode.bottom;

	pDC->SetTextColor( crOldText );

	// If there are no child or siblings, then this branch is done
	if( pNode->pChild == NULL &&  pNode->pSibling == NULL )
		return pNode->rNode.Height();

	// If the node is open AND it has childs, then draw those
	if( pNode->bOpen && pNode->pChild != NULL )
		iDocHeight = DrawNodesRecursive( pDC, pNode->pChild, x + m_iIndent, y + pNode->rNode.Height(), rFrame );

	// If the node has siblings, then draw those
	if( pNode->pSibling != NULL )
		iDocHeight += DrawNodesRecursive( pDC, pNode->pSibling, x, y + pNode->rNode.Height() + iDocHeight, rFrame );

	return iDocHeight + pNode->rNode.Height();

int CStaticTreeCtrl::HowMuchTextFits( CDC* pDC, int iAvailableWidth, CString csText )
	int iValidSoFar = csText.GetLength() - 1;					// Assume the entire text fits

	// If the text's pixel width is larger than what's available
	if( pDC->GetTextExtent( csText ).cx > iAvailableWidth )
		int iNextBlank	= 0;	// Position of the next blank in text
		int iPixelWidth	= 0;	// Text's pixel width

		// Loop until we can fit no more of the text
		while( iPixelWidth < iAvailableWidth )
			iValidSoFar	= iNextBlank;							// Record the char pos so far
			iNextBlank	= csText.Find( ' ', iNextBlank + 1 );	// Advance one word at a time

			// Have reached the end of the string?
			if( iNextBlank == -1 )
				iNextBlank = csText.GetLength();

			// Calculate the new width
			iPixelWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent( csText.Left( iNextBlank ) ).cx;

	return iValidSoFar;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::DrawLinesRecursive( CDC* pDC, HTREENODE pNode )
	// Draw lines from childs if the node is open before drawing lines from this node
	if( pNode->bOpen && pNode->pChild != NULL )
		DrawLinesRecursive( pDC, pNode->pChild );

	// Where is the elbow joint of this connecting line?
	int iJointX	= pNode->rNode.left - m_iIndent - 6;
	int iJointY	= pNode-> + ( m_iLineHeight / 2 );

	// If the parent is not the top node, throw a connecting line to it
	if( pNode->pParent != m_pTopNode )
		// How far up from the joint is the parent?
		int iDispY = iJointY - pNode->pParent-> - ( m_iLineHeight / 2 );
		// Use 1 pixel wide rectangles to draw lines
		pDC->FillSolidRect( iJointX, iJointY, m_iIndent, 1, m_crConnectingLines );	// Horizontal line
		pDC->FillSolidRect( iJointX, iJointY, 1, -iDispY, m_crConnectingLines );		// Vertical line

	// Put a solid dot to mark a node
	pDC->FillSolidRect( iJointX + m_iIndent - 2, iJointY - 2, 5, 5, m_crConnectingLines );

	// Hollow out the dot if the node has no childs
	if( pNode->pChild == NULL )
		pDC->FillSolidRect( iJointX + m_iIndent - 1, iJointY - 1, 3, 3, RGB(255,255,255) );

	// Draw the next sibling if there are any
	if( pNode->pSibling != NULL )
		DrawLinesRecursive( pDC, pNode->pSibling );

void CStaticTreeCtrl::ResetScrollBar()
	// Flag to avoid a call from OnSize while resetting the scrollbar
	m_bScrollBarMessage = TRUE;

	CRect rFrame;

	GetClientRect( rFrame );

	// Need for scrollbars?
	if( rFrame.Height() > m_iDocHeight + 8 )
		ShowScrollBar( SB_VERT, FALSE );	// Hide it
		SetScrollPos( SB_VERT, 0 );
		si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
		si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE;
		si.nPage = rFrame.Height();
		si.nMax = m_iDocHeight + 8;
		si.nMin = 0 ;

		SetScrollInfo( SB_VERT, &si );
		EnableScrollBarCtrl( SB_VERT, TRUE );

	m_bScrollBarMessage = FALSE;

HTREENODE CStaticTreeCtrl::FindNodeByPoint( const CPoint& point, HTREENODE pNode )

	// Found it?
	if( pNode->rNode.PtInRect( point ) )
		pFound = pNode;
	// If this node isn't it then check the node's childs if it is open and there are any
	if( pFound == NULL && pNode->bOpen && pNode->pChild != NULL )
		pFound = FindNodeByPoint( point, pNode->pChild );

	// If didn't find it among the node's childs, then check the next sibling 
	if( pFound == NULL && pNode->pSibling != NULL )
		pFound = FindNodeByPoint( point, pNode->pSibling );

	return pFound;

BOOL CStaticTreeCtrl::NodeTextDlg( CString& csText )
	BOOL				bRet = FALSE;
	CDLG_TreeNodeText	tntDlg;

	tntDlg.m_csItemText = csText;

	if( tntDlg.DoModal() == IDOK )
		csText	= tntDlg.m_csItemText;
		bRet	= TRUE;

	return bRet;

// CStaticTreeCtrl message handlers

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnPaint() 
	CPaintDC dc(this); // Device context for painting
	// Double-buffering
	CDC*		pDCMem		= new CDC;
	CBitmap*	pOldBitmap	= NULL;
	CBitmap		bmpCanvas;
	CRect		rFrame;

	GetClientRect( rFrame );

	pDCMem->CreateCompatibleDC( &dc );

	bmpCanvas.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &dc, rFrame.Width(), rFrame.Height() );

	pOldBitmap = pDCMem->SelectObject( &bmpCanvas );

	// START DRAW -------------------------------------------------

	// If there is a bitmap loaded, use it
	// Otherwise, paint the background white
    if( m_bmpBackground.GetSafeHandle() != NULL )
		CDC*	pDCTemp = new CDC;;
		BITMAP	bmp;

		pDCTemp->CreateCompatibleDC( &dc );

		m_bmpBackground.GetBitmap( &bmp );

		// Select the bitmap into the temp device context
		CBitmap* pOldBitmap = (CBitmap*) pDCTemp->SelectObject( &m_bmpBackground );

		// Stretch the bitmap to fill the entire control area
		pDCMem->StretchBlt( 0, 0, rFrame.Width(), rFrame.Height(), pDCTemp, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, SRCCOPY );

		pDCTemp->SelectObject( pOldBitmap ); 
		delete pDCTemp;
		pDCMem->FillSolidRect( rFrame, RGB(255,255,255) );

	UINT	nMode		= pDCMem->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
	CFont*	pOldFont	= pDCMem->SelectObject( &m_Font );

	int iLastNodePos = 0;

	if( m_pTopNode->pChild != NULL )
		iLastNodePos = DrawNodesRecursive(	pDCMem, m_pTopNode->pChild,
											rFrame.left + m_iIndent,
											m_iPadding - GetScrollPos( SB_VERT ),
											rFrame );

		if( m_bShowLines )
			DrawLinesRecursive( pDCMem, m_pTopNode->pChild );

	pDCMem->SelectObject( pOldFont );
	pDCMem->SetBkMode( nMode );

	pDCMem->Draw3dRect( rFrame, RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,0,0) );	// Border
	// END DRAW   -------------------------------------------------

	dc.BitBlt( 0, 0, rFrame.Width(), rFrame.Height(), pDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );

	pDCMem->SelectObject( pOldBitmap );

	delete pDCMem;

	// Has the total document height changed?
	if( iLastNodePos != m_iDocHeight )
		BOOL bInvalidate = ( ( m_iDocHeight < rFrame.Height() ) != ( iLastNodePos < rFrame.Height() ) );
		m_iDocHeight = iLastNodePos;


		// If the scrollbar has just been hidden/shown, repaint
		if( bInvalidate )

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
	// Setting the scroll sends its own size message. Prevent it thus avoiding an ugly loop.
	// Other than that, resizing the control means that the tree height may change (word-wrap).
	if( !m_bScrollBarMessage )
	CStatic::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) 
	int iScrollBarPos = GetScrollPos( SB_VERT );

	CRect rFrame;

	GetClientRect( rFrame );

	switch( nSBCode )
		case SB_LINEUP:
			iScrollBarPos = max( iScrollBarPos - m_iLineHeight, 0 );

			iScrollBarPos = min( iScrollBarPos + m_iLineHeight, GetScrollLimit( SB_VERT ) );

		case SB_PAGEUP:
			iScrollBarPos = max( iScrollBarPos - rFrame.Height(), 0 );

			iScrollBarPos = min( iScrollBarPos + rFrame.Height(), GetScrollLimit( SB_VERT ) );


			ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );

			si.cbSize	= sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
			si.fMask	= SIF_TRACKPOS;

			if( GetScrollInfo( SB_VERT, &si, SIF_TRACKPOS ) )
				iScrollBarPos = si.nTrackPos;
				iScrollBarPos = (UINT)nPos;

	SetScrollPos( SB_VERT, iScrollBarPos );
	CWnd::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);

LRESULT CStaticTreeCtrl::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
	if( message == WM_NCHITTEST || message == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK )
		return ::DefWindowProc( m_hWnd, message, wParam, lParam );
	return CStatic::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	HTREENODE pClickedOn = NULL;		// Assume no node was clicked on

	if( m_pTopNode->pChild != NULL)		// If the tree is populated, search it
		pClickedOn = FindNodeByPoint( point, m_pTopNode->pChild );

	if( pClickedOn != NULL )			// If a node was clicked on
		ToggleNode( pClickedOn, TRUE );
		CStatic::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);

BOOL CStaticTreeCtrl::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt) 
	// zDelta greater than 0, means rotating away from the user, that is, scrolling up
	OnVScroll( ( zDelta > 0 )? SB_LINEUP:SB_LINEDOWN, 0, NULL );

	return CStatic::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt);

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point) 
	CPoint cp( point );

	// WM_CONTEXTMENU passes absolute coordinates, we need them local
	ScreenToClient( &cp );

	// Find the node that has been clicked on
	if( m_pTopNode->pChild == NULL )
		m_pSelected = NULL;		// Empty tree
		m_pSelected = FindNodeByPoint( cp, m_pTopNode->pChild );

	CContextMenu ccmPopUp;


	// Customize the menu appearance and behavior
		.ToggleSound	( m_bAudioOn )
		.SetTextFont	( &m_Font )
		.SetColors		( RGB(70,36,36), RGB(253,249,249), RGB(172,96,96), RGB(244,234,234), RGB(182,109,109) );

	// Get a device context so that it'll be possible for the context menu
	// to calculate the size of the menu item's text
	CDC		*pDC		= GetDC();
	int		iSaved		= pDC->SaveDC();
	CFont*	pOldFont	= pDC->SelectObject( &m_Font );


	// If a node has been clicked on, use the first 45 chars of its text as the
	// first menu item (always disabled)
	if( m_pSelected != NULL )
		CString	csDots	= ( m_pSelected->csLabel.GetLength() > 45 )? _T("..."):_T("");
		CString cs		= m_pSelected->csLabel.Left( 45 ) + csDots;

		ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_DISABLED, WM_APP, cs, _T(""), pDC );
		ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T(""), _T(""), pDC );

	UINT nFlag = ( m_pSelected != NULL )? MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED;

	// Node related items
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_INSERTCHILD, _T("Insert Child"), _T("insertChild.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( nFlag, CM_INSERTSIBLING, _T("Insert Sibling"), _T("insertSibling.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( nFlag, CM_DELETENODE, _T("Delete Node"), _T("deleteNode.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( nFlag, CM_MODIFYNODETEXT, _T("Modify Node Text"), _T("modifyNodeText.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( nFlag, CM_CHANGENODECOLOR, _T("Change Node Color"), _T("changeNodeColor.wav"), pDC );

	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T(""), _T(""), pDC );

	// Connecting lines related items
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_TOGGLECONNECTINGLINES, _T("Toggle Connecting Lines"), _T("toggleConnectingLines.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_SETCONNECTINGLINESCOLOR, _T("Set Connecting Lines Color"), 	_T("setConnectingLinesColor.wav"), pDC );

	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T(""), _T(""), pDC );
	// Tree appearance items
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_SETFONT, _T("Set Font"), _T("setFont.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_SETDEFAULTCOLOR, _T("Set Default Text Color"), _T("setDefaultColor.wav"), pDC );
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_SETBACKGROUNDBITMAP, _T("Set Background Bitmap"), _T("setBackgroundBitmap.wav"), pDC );

	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T(""), _T(""), pDC );
	// Context menu sound toggle item
	ccmPopUp.AppendMenuItem( MF_ENABLED, CM_TOGGLEMENUSOUND, _T("Toggle Menu Sound"), _T("toggleMenuSound.wav"), pDC );


	// Display the context menu
	ccmPopUp.TrackPopupMenu( TPM_LEFTALIGN, point.x, point.y, this );

	// Clean up
	pDC->SelectObject( pOldFont );
	pDC->RestoreDC( iSaved );
	ReleaseDC( pDC );

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_InsertChild()
	CString csText("");

	if( NodeTextDlg( csText ) == TRUE )
		if( m_pSelected == NULL )
			InsertChild( m_pTopNode, csText );
			InsertChild( m_pSelected, csText );
			m_pSelected = NULL;


void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_InsertSibling()
	CString csText("");

	if( NodeTextDlg( csText ) == TRUE )
		InsertSibling( m_pSelected, csText );
		m_pSelected = NULL;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_DeleteNode()
	DeleteNode( m_pSelected, TRUE );

	m_pSelected = NULL;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_ModifyNodeText()
	if( NodeTextDlg( m_pSelected->csLabel ) == TRUE )
		m_pSelected = NULL;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_ChangeNodeColor()
	COLORREF cr = ( m_pSelected->bUseDefaultTextColor )? m_crDefaultTextColor:m_pSelected->crText;

	CColorDialog ccd( cr, CC_FULLOPEN | CC_ANYCOLOR );

	if ( ccd.DoModal() == IDOK )
		SetNodeColor( m_pSelected, ccd.GetColor(), TRUE );

	m_pSelected = NULL;

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_ToggleConnectingLines()
	m_bShowLines = !m_bShowLines;


void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_SetConnectingLinesColor()
	CColorDialog ccd( m_crConnectingLines, CC_FULLOPEN | CC_ANYCOLOR );

	if ( ccd.DoModal() == IDOK )
		m_crConnectingLines =  ccd.GetColor();

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_SetFont()

	if(  cfd.DoModal() == IDOK )
		SetTextFont( cfd.GetSize() / 10, cfd.IsBold(), cfd.IsItalic(), cfd.GetFaceName() );

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_SetDefaultColor()
	CColorDialog ccd( m_crDefaultTextColor, CC_FULLOPEN | CC_ANYCOLOR );

	if ( ccd.DoModal() == IDOK )
		m_crDefaultTextColor = ccd.GetColor();

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_SetBackgroundBitmap()
	SetBackgroundBitmap( TRUE );

void CStaticTreeCtrl::OnCM_ToggleMenuSound()
	m_bAudioOn = !m_bAudioOn;

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Written By
Japan Japan
Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Chick Corea, Miles Davis, Benny Goodman, Spyro Gyra, Dizzy Gillespie, Keith Jarrett, Leroy Jenkins, Yusef Lateef, Al Di Meola, Glenn Miller, McCoy Tyner, Cecil Taylor, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, Bill Evans, Ella Fitzgerald, Jean-Luc Ponty, John McLaughlin, Fats Navarro, Tito Puente, Paul Whiteman, Sun Ra, Caravan, Joe Farrell, Paco de Lucia, Weather Report, Charles Mingus, Pat Metheny, Charlie Parker, Charlie Byrd, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Wynton Marsalis, Return to Forever, Julien Loureau, Thelonious Monk, Max Roach , Pharaoh Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Sidney Bechet,...

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