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ToDoList Add-on

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20 Apr 2002CPOL3 min read 244.1K   2.9K   57  
A Visual Studio add-in to help navigate to TODO:, TASK: etc comments, as well as showing STL containers in debug mode such as std::string, std::list etc
  created:    2001/04/07
  created:    7:4:2001   20:37
  filename:   commands.cpp
  file path:  no matter
  file base:  commands
  file ext:   cpp
  author:     Alex Kucherenko

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ToDoCached.h"
#include "Commands.h"
#include "comutil.h"

#include "ToDoOptions.h"

#include "CLog.h"
#include "CWinLog.h"
#include "CFileLog.h"
#include "CFuncLog.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
  #define new DEBUG_NEW
  #undef THIS_FILE
  static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define MAX_LOG_LEVEL 2
#define LOG_ERROR     0
#define LOG_WARNING   1
#define LOG_INFO      2

#define TRACE_EXCEPTION  log.LogString( LOG_WARNING, log.FormatString( \
    "File : %s : Line(%d) : Exception : %s : More Info : %s\n", \
    __FILE__, \
    __LINE__, \
    ex.GetErrorMessage().c_str( ), \
    ex.GetMoreInfo().c_str( ) ) \

// Disable warning on microsoft specific constractions (look into 'note' comments)
#pragma warning( disable : 4239 )

// Reorder all records in registry for fixing order in Options combobox and
// all created std::map's - std::map sort hic records by key value

void CCommands::ReorderRegistry( void )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ReorderRegistry" );

  CString tmpName, tmpTitle;
  typedef std::map< string, string > TStrMap;

  TStrMap arrNames;
  long  lCount = 0;
  DWORD lSize;
  char  retValue[ 8192 ];
  string value1, value2;

  value1.reserve( 8192 );
  value2.reserve( 8192 );

  // read all regisatry records into std::map 
  while( 1 )
    lSize = sizeof( retValue );

    tmpName.Format( "Search%d", ++lCount );
    if( m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( retValue, tmpName, &lSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
      value1 = retValue;

    tmpTitle.Format( "Text%d", lCount );
    lSize = sizeof( retValue );

    if( m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( retValue, tmpTitle, &lSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
      value2 = retValue;

    arrNames.insert( TStrMap::value_type( value1, value2 ) );
  TStrMap::iterator k;
  lSize = sizeof( retValue );

  // Correct 'FindWhat' value in registry
  if( m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( retValue, "FindWhat", &lSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
    retValue[0] = '1', retValue[1] = 0;

  tmpName.Format( "Search%s", retValue );
  lSize = sizeof( retValue );

  if( m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( retValue, tmpName, &lSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
    TStrMap::difference_type tmpDiff = 0;
    k = arrNames.find( string( retValue ) );
    if( k != arrNames.end() )
      tmpDiff = std::distance( arrNames.begin(), k ) + 1;

    tmpName.Format( "%d", tmpDiff );

    m_RegistryWork.SetValue( tmpName, "FindWhat" );

  // Store sorted array into Registry (while adding records to map 
  // all records in it sorted automaticaly)
  lCount = 0;
  for( k = arrNames.begin(); k != arrNames.end() ; k++ )
    tmpName.Format( "Search%d", ++lCount );
    tmpTitle.Format( "Text%d", lCount );

    if( m_RegistryWork.SetValue( k->first.c_str(), tmpName ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
      m_RegistryWork.SetValue( k->second.c_str(), tmpTitle );

// Recover all registry keys to default value if no registry values found

void CCommands::RecoverRegistryDefault( void )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "RecoverRegistryDefault" );

  // Create key
  if( m_RegistryWork.Create( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
    TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\AlexKucherenko\\TODOList Add-in\\Debug" ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
    ::MessageBox( NULL, 
      TEXT( "Error cannot create registry key" ), 
      TEXT( "Fatal Error" ), 

  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "c:\\todolist.log" ), TEXT( "LogToFile" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "0" ), TEXT( "LogInWindow" ) );

  m_RegistryWork.Create( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 
    TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\AlexKucherenko\\TODOList Add-in" ) );

  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "0" ), TEXT( "FindWhat" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "0" ), TEXT( "ParseOnlyActiveProject" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( ".cpp;.hpp;.hxx;.cxx;.c;.h;" ), TEXT( "FileExtensions" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "// DONE: " ), TEXT( "Search1" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "-= DONE =-" ), TEXT( "Text1" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "// NOTE: " ), TEXT( "Search2" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "-= NOTE =-" ), TEXT( "Text2" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "// TEST: " ), TEXT( "Search3" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "-= TEST =-" ), TEXT( "Text3" ) );

  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "// TODO: " ), TEXT( "Search4" ) );
  m_RegistryWork.SetValue( TEXT( "-= TODO =-" ), TEXT( "Text4" ) );

// Constructor

CCommands::CCommands( ) :
  m_bFirstRun( FALSE )
  , m_pWorkSpace( NULL )
  , m_hSyncHandle( NULL )
  , m_hThread( NULL )
  , m_hTimeOut( NULL )
  , m_tid( 0 )
  , m_dTid( 0 )
  , m_pApplication( NULL )
  , m_pApplicationEventsObj( NULL )
  , m_pDebuggerEventsObj( NULL )
  , m_pLog( NULL )
  // try to open registry key with parser options
  if( m_RegistryWork.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 
      TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\AlexKucherenko\\TODOList Add-in" ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS

#ifdef _DEBUG
  char  tmpVal[8192];
  DWORD tmpSize = sizeof( tmpVal );
  LONG  errCode = 0;

  CRegKey RegDebug;

  errCode = RegDebug.Create( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 
    TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\AlexKucherenko\\TODOList Add-in\\Debug" ) );

  errCode = RegDebug.QueryValue( tmpVal, "LogInWindow", &tmpSize );

  if( errCode == ERROR_SUCCESS )
    if( atol( tmpVal ) > 0 )
      m_pLog = new CLog( new CWinLog( ), MAX_LOG_LEVEL );
      tmpSize = sizeof( tmpVal );

      errCode = RegDebug.QueryValue( tmpVal, "LogToFile", &tmpSize );

      if( errCode == ERROR_SUCCESS )
        m_pLog = new CLog( new CFileLog( tmpVal ), MAX_LOG_LEVEL );
        // uncomment next string if you don't want to see log data immediately 
        // ( greatly increase perfomance )
        // m_pLog->SetAutoFlush( false );
#endif // _DEBUG


// Destructor 

CCommands::~CCommands( )
  ASSERT( m_pApplication != NULL );

  m_pApplication->Release( );

  if( m_pWorkSpace != NULL ) 
    delete m_pWorkSpace, m_pWorkSpace = NULL;

  if( m_hThread != NULL )
    ::TerminateThread( m_hThread, ( DWORD )-1 );

  if( m_hTimeOut != NULL )
    ::TerminateThread( m_hTimeOut, ( DWORD )-1 );

  if( m_pLog != NULL )
    delete m_pLog, m_pLog = NULL;


void CCommands::SetApplicationObject( IApplication* pApplication )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::SetApplicationObject" );

  m_pApplication = pApplication;

  // Create Application event handlers
  m_pApplicationEventsObj->AddRef( );
  m_pApplicationEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;

  // Create Debugger event handler
  CComPtr<IDispatch> pDebugger;
  if (SUCCEEDED(m_pApplication->get_Debugger(&pDebugger) ) 
    && pDebugger != NULL)
    m_pDebuggerEventsObj->AddRef( );
    m_pDebuggerEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;


void CCommands::UnadviseFromEvents( )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::UnadviseFromEvents" );

  ASSERT (m_pApplicationEventsObj != NULL);
  m_pApplicationEventsObj->Release( );
  m_pApplicationEventsObj = NULL;

  if (m_pDebuggerEventsObj != NULL)
    CComPtr<IDispatch> pDebugger;
    VERIFY_OK(m_pApplication->get_Debugger(&pDebugger) );
    ASSERT (pDebugger != NULL);
    m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Release( );
    m_pDebuggerEventsObj = NULL;

// Event handlers                                                          //
// Application events                                                      //


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeBuildStart( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeBuildStart" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BuildFinish(long /*nNumErrors*/, long /*nNumWarnings*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog  log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BuildFinish" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeApplicationShutDown( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog  log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeApplicationShutDown" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen(IDispatch* /*theDocument*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeDocumentClose(IDispatch* /*theDocument*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeDocumentClose" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentSave( IDispatch* theDocument )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentSave" );

  CComQIPtr< IGenericDocument, &IID_IGenericDocument> pDoc( theDocument );
  CComBSTR  strFullName;
  pDoc->get_FullName( &strFullName );
  bstr_t tmpName( ( BSTR )strFullName );
  string strProjectFile = (char *)tmpName;

  string strProject =  m_pCommands->GetActiveProject();

    if( m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace != NULL )
      m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace->ReparseFile( strProject.c_str( ), strProjectFile.c_str( ) );
  catch( CToDoNoElements ex )
  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewDocument(IDispatch* /*theDocument*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewDocument" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowActivate(IDispatch* /*theWindow*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowActivate" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate(IDispatch* /*theWindow*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceOpen( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceOpen" );

  m_pCommands->m_bFirstRun = FALSE;

  if( m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace != NULL )
    delete m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace, m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace = NULL;

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceClose( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceClose" );

  return S_OK;


HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewWorkspace( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewWorkspace" );

  m_pCommands->m_bFirstRun = FALSE;

  if( m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace != NULL )
    delete m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace, m_pCommands->m_pWorkSpace = NULL;

  return S_OK;

// Debugger event                                                       //


HRESULT CCommands::XDebuggerEvents::BreakpointHit(IDispatch* /*pBreakpoint*/)
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
  CFuncLog    log( m_pCommands->m_pLog, "CCommands::XDebuggerEvents::BreakpointHit" );
  return S_OK;

// Parser caller 

STDMETHODIMP CCommands::ToDoCachedCommandMethod( ) 
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );

  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ToDoCachedCommandMethod" );

  // VSBUG: Don't remove bFirstLogo part code. It's fix Visual Studio bug.
  // I'm seriously! If Macro output window not created before our output 
  // then we have error NULL pointer exception. It's very strange behaviour 
  // of Visual Studio. I think this was fixed in lates VS SP.

  static bool bFirstLogo = true;

  if( bFirstLogo )
    bFirstLogo = false;
    m_pApplication->PrintToOutputWindow( L"ToDoList Add-on Logo" );

  if( m_bFirstRun == FALSE )
    m_bFirstRun = TRUE;
    ParseProject( );
  if( m_hSyncHandle != NULL )
    m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0,
      (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ShowCategory, this, 0, &m_tid );

    if( m_hThread == NULL )
      return S_FALSE;

    m_hTimeOut = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0,
      ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE )TimeOutThread, this, 0, &m_dTid );
  return S_OK;

// Function set internal var m_bFirstRun. On next call ToDoListCommandMethod
// project will be reparsed fully. This function needed only if all comments
// in project not found automaticaly.  

STDMETHODIMP CCommands::ReparseWorkspace( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) )

  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ReparseWorkspace" );

  m_bFirstRun = FALSE;

  if( m_pWorkSpace != NULL )
    delete m_pWorkSpace, m_pWorkSpace = NULL;

  return S_OK;

// Function call option dilog for setting registry keys for our parser 

STDMETHODIMP CCommands::OptionsForParsing( )
  AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) )

  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::OptionsForParsing" );

  // If project never parsed before
  if( m_bFirstRun == FALSE || m_pWorkSpace == NULL )
    m_bFirstRun = TRUE;
    ParseProject( );

    DWORD retValue = ::WaitForSingleObject( m_hSyncHandle, DEF_TIMEOUT_THREAD_PARSE );

    if( retValue == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) return S_OK;

  CToDoOptions dlg;
  dlg.InitMap( m_pWorkSpace );

  // Change order of records in registry if option dialog something change

  // Project must be fully reparsed if options in dialog changed
  m_bFirstRun = FALSE;

  if( m_pWorkSpace != NULL )
    delete m_pWorkSpace, m_pWorkSpace = NULL;

  return S_OK;

// Function parse project 

void CCommands::ParseProject( void )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ParseProject" );

  LONG      tmpRet = 0;
  long      lCounter = 0;
  CComPtr<IDispatch> pProjectsDisp;
  // Create list of all projects in workspace
  m_pApplication->get_Projects( &pProjectsDisp );
  CComQIPtr< IProjects, &IID_IProjects > pProjects( pProjectsDisp );

  // Get quantity of projects in workspace
  pProjects->get_Count( &lCounter );

  for( long i=0 ; i<lCounter ; i++ )
    string strProjectFile;

      // Extract project file name from BSTR string
      CComBSTR  tmpFullName;
        CComPtr<IGenericProject> pProject;
        variant_t Index( ( long )( i+1 ) );
        pProjects->Item( Index.Detach( ), &pProject );
        pProject->get_FullName( &tmpFullName );
      bstr_t tmpName( ( BSTR )tmpFullName );
      strProjectFile = (char *)tmpName;
    } /* Delete all automatic vars */

    strlwr( ( char * ) strProjectFile.c_str( ) );

    m_arrAllProjects.push_back( string( strProjectFile.c_str( ) ) );
  // Create search list of words
    string   _tmpKey;
    char     _tmpName[8192];
    DWORD    _tmpSize = 8192;
    m_arrSearchWords.clear( );

    for( i=0 ; TRUE ; ++i )
      sprintf( _tmpName, "Search%d", i+1 );
      _tmpKey = _tmpName;
      tmpRet = m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( _tmpName, _tmpKey.c_str( ), &_tmpSize );

      if( tmpRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;

      m_arrSearchWords.push_back( string( _tmpName ) );
      _tmpSize = sizeof(_tmpName);
  // Recover registry if nothing found in list
  if( m_arrSearchWords.empty( ) )
    RecoverRegistryDefault( );

  if( m_pWorkSpace == NULL )
    m_pWorkSpace = new CToDoWorkSpace( m_arrAllProjects, m_arrSearchWords );

  m_hSyncHandle = ( HANDLE )m_pWorkSpace->StartParsing( );

// Thread waiting for Parse and Output thread and if they doesn't finish it's 
// work in time then terminate threads

DWORD CCommands::TimeOutThread( CCommands *pThis )
  CFuncLog    log( pThis->m_pLog, "CCommands::TimeOutThread" );

  if( pThis->m_hThread == NULL )
    return (DWORD)-1;
  DWORD retSync = 0;

  ::GetExitCodeThread( pThis->m_hThread, &retSync );
  // By default we Wait 20 seconds
  DWORD retValue = ::WaitForSingleObject( pThis->m_hThread, DEF_TIMEOUT_THREAD_SHOW ); 

  if( retValue == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
    // Ignore any returned codes
    ::TerminateThread( pThis->m_hSyncHandle, ( DWORD )-1 );
    ::TerminateThread( pThis->m_hThread, ( DWORD )-1 );

  // Set handle to NULL when thread is finished
  pThis->m_hTimeOut = NULL;

  return 0;

// Function show all finded useful comments into Macro Output window
// ( Function select active project or all projets )

DWORD CCommands::ShowCategory( CCommands *pThis)
  CFuncLog    log( pThis->m_pLog, "CCommands::ShowCategory" );

  char    _tmpValue[8192];
  DWORD   _tmpSize = sizeof(_tmpValue);
  long    lAllPtojects = 0;
  pThis->m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( _tmpValue, TEXT("ParseOnlyActiveProject"), &_tmpSize );
  lAllPtojects = atol( _tmpValue );

  DWORD retSync = 0;

  // Check that we have first thread handle
  if( pThis->m_hSyncHandle == NULL )
    return (DWORD)-1;

  GetExitCodeThread( pThis->m_hSyncHandle, &retSync );
  if( retSync == STILL_ACTIVE )
    retSync = ::WaitForSingleObject( pThis->m_hSyncHandle, DEF_TIMEOUT_THREAD_PARSE );
    if( retSync == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
      return (DWORD)-1;

  if( lAllPtojects == 0 ) 
    // Parse all projects in workspace
      TWorkSpaceIter k, tmpIter = *pThis->m_pWorkSpace->Last();

      for(  k = *pThis->m_pWorkSpace->First( ) ; 
            k != tmpIter ; 
            k = *pThis->m_pWorkSpace->Next( ) )
        pThis->ShowProjectText( k->second );
    catch( CToDoException ex )
    //  Parse only active project in workspace 
    string strProjectFile = pThis->GetActiveProject();

      TWorkSpaceIter k = *pThis->m_pWorkSpace->Find( strProjectFile.c_str( ) );
      pThis->ShowProjectText( k->second );
    catch( CToDoNoElements ex )

  // Set handle to NULL when thread is finished
  pThis->m_hThread = NULL;

  return 0;

// Function selct from project  
// (select search word or all search words)

void CCommands::ShowProjectText( TProject &tmpProject )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ShowProjectText" );

  // Show all files from project
  TProjectIter k;

  for( k = tmpProject.begin( ) ; k != tmpProject.end( ) ; k++ )
    log.LogString( LOG_INFO, log.FormatString( "file : %s\n", k->first.c_str( ) ) );

    ShowMultiParseText( k->second );


void CCommands::ShowMultiParseText( CToDoMultiParse &tmpMulParse )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::ShowMultiParseText" );

  string    strFindWhat;
  char      _tmpValue[8192];
  DWORD     _tmpSize = sizeof( _tmpValue );
  long      _tmpFindWhat = 0;
  m_RegistryWork.QueryValue( _tmpValue, "FindWhat", &_tmpSize );
  _tmpFindWhat = atol( _tmpValue );

  if( _tmpFindWhat == 0 ) 
    // Show all search categories from file
      TMultiIter k, tmpIter = *tmpMulParse.Last();

      for( k = *tmpMulParse.First( ) ; k != tmpIter ; k = *tmpMulParse.Next( ) )
        // NOTE: Here used Microsoft compiler specific construction. For more info 
        // look into 'warning C4239' help
        if( strcmp( k->first.c_str(), "// " ) != 0 )
          OutputSingleText( tmpMulParse.CreateMultiLine( k->first, "// " ) );
    catch( CToDoException ex )
    // Show only one search category from file
    long i = _tmpFindWhat;
      TMultiIter k = *tmpMulParse.First( );
      for( i = _tmpFindWhat ; i >= 1 ; --i ) 
        k = *tmpMulParse.Next( );
      // NOTE: Here used Microsoft compiler specific construction. For more info 
      // look into 'warning C4239' help
      if( strcmp( k->first.c_str(), "// " ) != 0 )
        OutputSingleText( tmpMulParse.CreateMultiLine( k->first, "// " ) );
    catch( CToDoException ex )

// Function realy print message into macro window output. All text for output
// are formated here. 

void CCommands::OutputSingleText( CToDoSingleParse &tmpSinParse )
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::OutputSingleText" );

  TLineMapperIter k;

    k = *tmpSinParse.First();
    for( int i = 0; i < tmpSinParse.GetElementsQuantity() ; i++ )
      char tmpOutput[ TODO_STRING_RESERVE ];
      CString MultiComment( k->second.c_str( ) );

      MultiComment.Replace( "\t", " " );
      MultiComment.Replace( "\r", " " );
      MultiComment.Replace( "\n", " " );
      MultiComment.Replace( "  ", " " );

      sprintf( tmpOutput,  "%s(%d): %s : %s", 
        MultiComment );
      CComBSTR tmpOut( tmpOutput );
      m_pApplication->PrintToOutputWindow( tmpOut.Detach() );

      k = *tmpSinParse.Next();
  catch( CToDoException ex ) 

// Function return full path to active project 

string CCommands::GetActiveProject()
  CFuncLog    log( m_pLog, "CCommands::GetActiveProject" );

  CComBSTR  tmpFullName;
  CComPtr< IDispatch > iDispProject;
  m_pApplication->get_ActiveProject( &iDispProject );
  CComQIPtr< IGenericProject, &IID_IGenericProject > pProject( iDispProject );
  // If no project opened
  if( pProject == NULL ) return "";

  pProject->get_FullName( &tmpFullName );
  bstr_t tmpName( ( BSTR )tmpFullName );
  string strProjectFile = (char *)tmpName;
  strlwr( ( char * )strProjectFile.c_str( ) );
  return string( strProjectFile.c_str( ) );

//:> End of file

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Written By
CEO ArtfulBits Inc.
Ukraine Ukraine
Name:Kucherenko Oleksandr

Born:September 20, 1979

Platforms: Win32, Linux; - well known and MS-DOS; Win16; OS/2 - old time not touched;

Hardware: IBM PC

Programming Languages: Assembler (for Intel 80386); Borland C/C++; Borland Pascal; Object Pascal; Borland C++Builder; Delphi; Perl; Java; Visual C++; Visual J++; UML; XML/XSL; C#; VB.NET; T-SQL; PL/SQL; and etc.

Development Environments: MS Visual Studio 2001-2008; MS Visual C++; Borland Delphi; Borland C++Builder; C/C++ any; Rational Rose; GDPro; Together and etc.

Libraries: STL, ATL, WTL, MFC, NuMega Driver Works, VCL; .NET 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5; and etc.

Technologies: Client/Server; COM; DirectX; DirectX Media; BDE; HTML/DHTML; ActiveX; Java Servlets; DCOM; COM+; ADO; CORBA; .NET; Windows Forms; GDI/GDI+; and etc.

Application Skills: Databases - design and maintain, support, programming; GUI Design; System Programming, Security; Business Software Development. Win/Web Services development and etc.

Comments and Discussions