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i00 Spell Check and Control Extensions - No Third Party Components Required!

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11 Jan 2014Ms-PL16 min read 1.4M   22   266  
Simple to use, open source Spell Checker for .NET
'i00 .Net Image Filters
'©i00 Productions All rights reserved
'Created by Kris Bennett
'All property in this file is and remains the property of i00 Productions, regardless of its usage,
'unless stated otherwise in writing from i00 Productions.
'i00 is not and shall not be held accountable for any damages directly or indirectly caused by the
'use or miss-use of this product.  This product is only a component and thus is intended to be used 
'as part of other software, it is not a complete software package, thus i00 Productions is not 
'responsible for any legal ramifications that software using this product breaches.

Public Module ext_ImageFilters

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function Filters(ByVal b As Bitmap) As ImageFilter
        Return New ImageFilter(b)
    End Function

    Public Class ImageFilter
        Dim b As Bitmap
        Public Sub New(ByVal b As Bitmap)
            Me.b = b
        End Sub

        Public Shared Sub ConvertToSupportLockBits(ByRef b As Bitmap)
            Dim bClone As New Bitmap(b.Width, b.Height, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
            Using g = Graphics.FromImage(bClone)
                b.SetResolution(96, 96)
                g.DrawImage(b, Point.Empty)
            End Using
            b = bClone
        End Sub

        Public Shared Function SupportsLockBits(ByVal b As Bitmap) As Boolean
            Return Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(b.PixelFormat) = 32 AndAlso b.PixelFormat <> Imaging.PixelFormat.Indexed
        End Function

#Region "Bitmap Data"

        Private Class BitmapData
            Public Bitmap As Bitmap
            Public ByteData As Byte()
            Public BitmapData As Imaging.BitmapData

            Private Sub New()

            End Sub

            Public Shared Function LockBits(ByVal b As Bitmap) As BitmapData
                If SupportsLockBits(b) = False Then
                    Throw New Exception("Your bitmap must be 32bit non-indexed in order to apply filters")
                End If
                LockBits = New BitmapData

                LockBits.Bitmap = b

                Dim bmpRect As New Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height)
                ReDim LockBits.ByteData(b.Width * b.Height * 4 - 1)

                LockBits.BitmapData = b.LockBits(bmpRect, Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat)
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(LockBits.BitmapData.Scan0, LockBits.ByteData, 0, LockBits.ByteData.Length)
            End Function

            Public Sub UnlockBits()
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(Me.ByteData, 0, Me.BitmapData.Scan0, Me.ByteData.Length)
            End Sub

            Public Function YFromOffset(ByVal Offset As Integer) As Integer
                Return CInt(Int(Offset / (Bitmap.Width * 4)))
            End Function

            Public Function StartOfLineFromOffset(ByVal Offset As Integer) As Integer
                Return Offset - (Offset Mod (Bitmap.Width * 4))
            End Function

        End Class

#End Region

        Public Sub Invert()
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)
            For i = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData)
                Select Case i Mod 4
                    Case 0, 1, 2 'blue, green, red
                        bData.ByteData(i) = CByte(255 - bData.ByteData(i))
                    Case 3 'alpha
                End Select
        End Sub

        Public Sub GausianBlur(Optional ByVal Amount As Integer = 4)
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)

            Dim OutBytes As Byte()
            ReDim OutBytes(bData.ByteData.Count - 1)

            For ii = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4
                'find the average color of the area around the pixel...
                Dim cR As Integer = 0
                Dim cG As Integer = 0
                Dim cB As Integer = 0
                Dim cA As Integer = 0
                Dim PixelCounter As Integer = 0

                Dim YLine = bData.YFromOffset(ii)

                For iY = Math.Max(YLine - Int(Amount / 2), 0) To Math.Min(YLine + Int(Amount / 2), bData.Bitmap.Height - 1)
                    Dim StartOfLine As Integer = bData.StartOfLineFromOffset(CInt(iY * (bData.Bitmap.Width * 4)))
                    Dim EndOfLine As Integer = StartOfLine + ((bData.Bitmap.Width * 4) - 1)
                    Dim ThisX = ii + ((iY - YLine) * (bData.Bitmap.Width * 4))
                    For iX As Integer = CInt(Math.Max(ThisX - (Int(Amount / 2) * 4), StartOfLine)) To CInt(Math.Min((ThisX + (Int(Amount / 2) * 4)) - 1, EndOfLine))
                        Select Case iX Mod 4
                            Case 0 'blue
                                cB += bData.ByteData(iX)
                            Case 1 'green
                                cG += bData.ByteData(iX)
                            Case 2 'red
                                cR += bData.ByteData(iX)
                            Case 3 'alpha
                                cA += bData.ByteData(iX)
                                PixelCounter += 1
                        End Select

                OutBytes(ii) = CByte(cB / PixelCounter) 'blue
                OutBytes(ii + 1) = CByte(cG / PixelCounter) 'green
                OutBytes(ii + 2) = CByte(cR / PixelCounter) 'red
                OutBytes(ii + 3) = CByte(cA / PixelCounter) 'alpha

            bData.ByteData = OutBytes

        End Sub

        Public Sub Alpha(Optional ByVal Alpha As Byte = 127)
            Dim cm As New System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix
            cm.Matrix33 = CSng(Alpha / 255)
            Using ia As New System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes
                Dim rc As New Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height)
                Using bClone As Bitmap = DirectCast(b.Clone, Bitmap)
                    Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
                        g.DrawImage(bClone, rc, 0, 0, bClone.Width, bClone.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia)
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub

        Public Sub GrayScale()
            Dim cm As New System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix(New Single()() _
                               {New Single() {0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0, 0}, _
                                New Single() {0.587, 0.587, 0.587, 0, 0}, _
                                New Single() {0.114, 0.114, 0.114, 0, 0}, _
                                New Single() {0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, _
                                New Single() {0, 0, 0, 0, 1}})
            Using ia As New System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes
                Dim rc As New Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height)
                Using bClone As Bitmap = DirectCast(b.Clone, Bitmap)
                    Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
                        g.DrawImage(bClone, rc, 0, 0, bClone.Width, bClone.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia)
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub

        Private Function BlendByte(ByVal From As Byte, ByVal [To] As Byte, ByVal Amount As Byte) As Byte
            Return CByte(((CInt([To]) - [From]) * (Amount / 255)) + [From])
        End Function

        Public Sub AlphaMask(ByVal AlphaColor As Color, ByVal SolidColor As Color)
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)
            For i = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4
                Dim AlphaByte = bData.ByteData(i + 3)
                bData.ByteData(i) = BlendByte(AlphaColor.B, SolidColor.B, AlphaByte) 'blue
                bData.ByteData(i + 1) = BlendByte(AlphaColor.G, SolidColor.G, AlphaByte)  'green
                bData.ByteData(i + 2) = BlendByte(AlphaColor.R, SolidColor.R, AlphaByte)  'red
                bData.ByteData(i + 3) = BlendByte(AlphaColor.A, SolidColor.A, AlphaByte)  'alpha
        End Sub

        Public Sub Brightness(Optional ByVal amount As Single = 0)
            If amount = 0 Then Return
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)
            If amount > 0 Then
                For i = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4
                    bData.ByteData(i) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i) + (amount * (255 - bData.ByteData(i)))) 'blue
                    bData.ByteData(i + 1) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i + 1) + (amount * (255 - bData.ByteData(i + 1)))) 'green
                    bData.ByteData(i + 2) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i + 2) + (amount * (255 - bData.ByteData(i + 2)))) 'red
                For i = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4
                    bData.ByteData(i) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i) - (Math.Abs(amount) * bData.ByteData(i))) 'blue
                    bData.ByteData(i + 1) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i + 1) - (Math.Abs(amount) * bData.ByteData(i + 1))) 'green
                    bData.ByteData(i + 2) = CByte(bData.ByteData(i + 2) - (Math.Abs(amount) * bData.ByteData(i + 2))) 'red
            End If
        End Sub

        Public Sub [Static](Optional ByVal Amount As Integer = 4)
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)

            'create a random order that we will use to step through the pixels...
            'this is used to prevent image "shifting"
            Dim RndPixelOrder = (From xItem In Enumerable.Range(0, CInt(UBound(bData.ByteData) / 4)) Select xItem * 4 Order By Rnd()).ToArray
            For Each item In RndPixelOrder
                'get a random pixel around the area specified from the pixel and swap it...
                Dim iY = bData.YFromOffset(item)
                Dim rY = (iY - CInt(Amount / 2)) + Int((Amount + 1) * Rnd())
                rY = Math.Max(0, rY)
                rY = Math.Min(bData.Bitmap.Height - 1, rY)

                'rX is the real offset where as Y is the nice offset
                Dim rX As Integer = CInt((Int((Rnd() * (Amount + 1 + (Amount Mod 2)))) * 4) - (CInt(Amount + (Amount Mod 2)) * 2))
                rX = item + rX

                Dim StartOfLine As Integer = bData.StartOfLineFromOffset(item)
                Dim EndOfLine As Integer = StartOfLine + ((bData.Bitmap.Width - 1) * 4)

                rX = Math.Max(StartOfLine, rX)
                rX = Math.Min(EndOfLine, rX)

                rX += CInt((bData.Bitmap.Width * 4) * (rY - iY))

                Dim Hold As Byte
                Hold = bData.ByteData(item)
                bData.ByteData(item) = bData.ByteData(rX)
                bData.ByteData(rX) = Hold
                Hold = bData.ByteData(item + 1)
                bData.ByteData(item + 1) = bData.ByteData(rX + 1)
                bData.ByteData(rX + 1) = Hold
                Hold = bData.ByteData(item + 2)
                bData.ByteData(item + 2) = bData.ByteData(rX + 2)
                bData.ByteData(rX + 2) = Hold
                Hold = bData.ByteData(item + 3)
                bData.ByteData(item + 3) = bData.ByteData(rX + 3)
                bData.ByteData(rX + 3) = Hold

        End Sub

        Private Sub Clear()
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)

            Dim OutBytes As Byte()
            ReDim OutBytes(bData.ByteData.Count - 1)
            bData.ByteData = OutBytes

        End Sub

        Public Sub DropShadow(ByVal ShadowColor As Color, ByVal Depth As Point, Optional ByVal BlurAmount As Integer = 4)
            'copy the origional image...
            Using bCloneShadow = DirectCast(b.Clone, Bitmap)
                Using bImage = DirectCast(b.Clone, Bitmap)

                    'clear image

                    'draw the shadow
                    Using g = Graphics.FromImage(b)
                        bCloneShadow.Filters.AlphaMask(Color.Transparent, ShadowColor)
                        g.DrawImage(bCloneShadow, Depth)
                    End Using

                    'draw the item
                    Using g = Graphics.FromImage(b)
                        g.DrawImage(bImage, Point.Empty)
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub

        Public Sub Emboss()
            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(b)

            Const Level1 As Byte = 127
            Const Level2 As Byte = 255
            For ii = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4
                If (ii + 4) Mod (bData.Bitmap.Width * 4) = 0 Then
                    'right line - make gray
                    bData.ByteData(ii) = Level1 'b
                    bData.ByteData(ii + 1) = Level1 'g
                    bData.ByteData(ii + 2) = Level1 'r
                    Continue For
                End If
                Dim iY = bData.YFromOffset(ii)
                If iY = bData.Bitmap.Height - 1 Then
                    'bottom line - make gray
                    bData.ByteData(ii) = Level1 'b
                    bData.ByteData(ii + 1) = Level1 'g
                    bData.ByteData(ii + 2) = Level1 'r
                    Continue For
                End If

                Dim OffsetPixelPointer = ii + ((bData.Bitmap.Width + 1) * 4)

                bData.ByteData(ii) = CByte(Math.Min(Math.Abs(CInt(bData.ByteData(ii)) - CInt(bData.ByteData(OffsetPixelPointer))) + Level1, Level2)) 'b
                bData.ByteData(ii + 1) = CByte(Math.Min(Math.Abs(CInt(bData.ByteData(ii + 1)) - CInt(bData.ByteData(OffsetPixelPointer + 1))) + Level1, Level2)) 'g
                bData.ByteData(ii + 2) = CByte(Math.Min(Math.Abs(CInt(bData.ByteData(ii + 2)) - CInt(bData.ByteData(OffsetPixelPointer + 2))) + Level1, Level2)) 'r
                'bData.ByteData(ii + 3) = 255 'a


        End Sub

        'This code for HSL is an adaptation of "Hue Saturation Lightness Filter" by Miran.Uhan
        'The origional project can be found @
        Public Sub HSL(Optional ByVal hue As Single = 0, Optional ByVal sat As Single = 0, Optional ByVal lum As Single = 0)
            Const c1o60 As Double = 1 / 60
            Const c1o255 As Double = 1 / 255

            If hue < 0 Then
                hue = (hue + ((Int(Math.Abs(hue) / 360) + 1) * 360)) Mod 360
                hue = hue Mod 360
            End If
            sat = sat * 255
            lum = lum * 255

            Dim bData = BitmapData.LockBits(Me.b)

            Dim f1, f2 As Double
            Dim R, G, B As Double
            Dim H, S, L, H1 As Double
            Dim v1, v2, v3 As Double
            Dim dif, min, sum As Double

            For ii = LBound(bData.ByteData) To UBound(bData.ByteData) Step 4

                R = bData.ByteData(ii + 2)
                G = bData.ByteData(ii + 1)
                B = bData.ByteData(ii)

                min = R
                If (G < min) Then min = G
                If (B < min) Then min = B
                Dim max As Double = R : f1 = 0.0 : f2 = G - B
                If (G > max) Then
                    max = G : f1 = 120.0 : f2 = B - R
                End If
                If (B > max) Then
                    max = B : f1 = 240.0 : f2 = R - G
                End If
                dif = max - min
                sum = max + min
                L = 0.5 * sum
                If (dif = 0) Then
                    H = 0.0 : S = 0.0
                    If (L < 127.5) Then
                        S = 255.0 * dif / sum
                        S = 255.0 * dif / (510.0 - sum)
                    End If
                    H = (f1 + 60.0 * f2 / dif)
                    If H < 0.0 Then H += 360.0
                    If H >= 360.0 Then H -= 360.0
                End If
                H = H + hue
                If H >= 360.0 Then H = H - 360.0
                S = S + sat
                If S < 0.0 Then S = 0.0
                If S > 255.0 Then S = 255.0
                L = L + lum
                If L < 0.0 Then L = 0.0
                If L > 255.0 Then L = 255.0
                'back to RGB
                If (S = 0) Then
                    R = L : G = L : B = L
                    If (L < 127.5) Then
                        v2 = c1o255 * L * (255 + S)
                        v2 = L + S - c1o255 * S * L
                    End If
                    v1 = 2 * L - v2
                    v3 = v2 - v1
                    H1 = H + 120.0
                    If (H1 >= 360.0) Then H1 -= 360.0
                    If (H1 < 60.0) Then
                        R = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60
                    ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then
                        R = v2
                    ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then
                        R = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60)
                        R = v1
                    End If
                    H1 = H
                    If (H1 < 60.0) Then
                        G = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60
                    ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then
                        G = v2
                    ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then
                        G = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60)
                        G = v1
                    End If
                    H1 = H - 120.0
                    If (H1 < 0.0) Then H1 += 360.0
                    If (H1 < 60.0) Then
                        B = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60
                    ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then
                        B = v2
                    ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then
                        B = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60)
                        B = v1
                    End If
                End If
                'set new colors
                bData.ByteData(ii + 2) = CByte(R)
                bData.ByteData(ii + 1) = CByte(G)
                bData.ByteData(ii) = CByte(B)

        End Sub

    End Class
End Module

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior) i00 Productions
Australia Australia
I hope you enjoy my code. It's yours to use for free, but if you do wish to say thank you then a donation is always appreciated.
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