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Symmetry Drawing Tool

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31 May 2004CPOL3 min read 84.7K   1.7K   46  
An article describing the development and use of the Symmetry Drawing Tool.
    • SymmetricDraw
      • App.ico
      • AssemblyInfo.cs
      • bin
        • Release
          • SymmetricDraw.exe
          • SymmetricDrawCE.exe
      • Bitmaps
        • Axes.bmp
        • Clear.bmp
        • Color.bmp
        • ColorSel.bmp
        • Filled.bmp
        • happy.bmp
        • Mirror.bmp
        • Open.bmp
        • Save.bmp
        • shape.bmp
        • Stamp.bmp
      • BitmapSaver.cs
      • cab
        • Release
          • CabWiz.PPC.log
          • CabWiz.WCE4.log
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.ARM.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.ARM.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.ARMV4.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.ARMV4.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.MIPS.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.MIPS.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.SH3.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.SH3.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.WCE420X86.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.WCE420X86.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.X86.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_PPC.X86.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.ARMV4.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.ARMV4.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.ARMV4T.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.ARMV4T.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPS16.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPS16.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSII.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSII.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSII_FP.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSII_FP.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSIV.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSIV.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSIV_FP.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.MIPSIV_FP.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.SH3.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.SH3.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.SH4.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.SH4.DAT
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.X86.CAB
          • SymmetricDrawCE_WCE4.X86.DAT
      • ColorCE.cs
      • ColorCE.resx
      • curve.cs
      • frmSym.cs
      • frmSym.resx
      • frmSymCE.cs
      • frmSymCE.resx
      • SymmetricDraw.csproj
      • SymmetricDraw.csproj.user
      • SymmetricDrawCE.csdproj
      • SymmetricDrawCE.csdproj.user
      • SymmetryTool.cs
    • Symmetry.sln
    • SymmetryCE.sln
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;

/// SymmetricDrw
/// Written by Doug Mair
/// Copyright (c) 2004 - All rights reserved.

namespace SymmetricDraw
	public class MyPoint
		public double m_centerX, m_centerY;
		public double m_angle, m_rad;
		private double m_x, m_y;

		public MyPoint()
			x = 0;
			y = 0;

		public MyPoint(double nx, double ny)
			x = nx;
			y = ny;

		public MyPoint rotated(double theta) 
			double c, s;
			double nx, ny;

			nx = x - m_centerX;
			ny = y - m_centerY;

			c = Math.Cos(theta);
			s = Math.Sin(theta);
			MyPoint Q = new MyPoint(c*nx - s*ny, s*nx + c*ny);
			Q.x = Q.x + m_centerX;
			Q.y = Q.y + m_centerY;

		public void CalcRad()
			double	dx, dy;

			dx = x - m_centerX;
			dy = y - m_centerY;
			m_rad = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
			if (m_rad != 0)
				m_angle = -Math.Acos(dx / m_rad);
				m_angle = 0;

			if (m_y > m_centerY)
				m_angle = -m_angle;

		public void SetCenter(ref MyPoint p)
			m_centerX = p.x;
			m_centerY = p.y;

		public void SetPos(double nx, double ny)
			x = nx;
			y = ny;

		public void SetRel(double dx, double dy)
			x += dx;
			y += dy;

		public double x 
			get { return m_x; }
			set { m_x = value; }

		public double y
			get { return m_y; }
			set { m_y = value; }

		public int IX 
			get { return Convert.ToInt32(m_x); }

		public int IY
			get { return Convert.ToInt32(m_y); }

		public int XR(double deltaAngle)
			return Convert.ToInt32(m_centerX + m_rad * Math.Cos(m_angle + deltaAngle));

		public int YR(double deltaAngle)
			return Convert.ToInt32(m_centerY + m_rad * Math.Sin(m_angle + deltaAngle));

		public int XRm(double dm, double deltaAngle)
			return Convert.ToInt32(m_centerX + m_rad * Math.Cos(dm-m_angle + deltaAngle));

		public int YRm(double dm, double deltaAngle)
			return Convert.ToInt32(m_centerY + m_rad * Math.Sin(dm-m_angle + deltaAngle));

		public bool PntInBnd(int nx, int ny, int nWidth)
			if ((Math.Abs(nx-x) <= nWidth) && (Math.Abs(ny-y) <= nWidth))
				return true;
				return false;

	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for SymmetryTool.
	/// </summary>
	public class SymmetryTool
		public MyPoint[] p;

		public const int PCenter = 0;
		public const int PAxis = 1;
		public const int PMid = 2;
		public const int PRot = 3;
		public const int PData = 4;
		public const int PNone = -1;

		public const int nPnts = 12;
		public const int nGuideWidth = 4;
		public Image drawImage;
		public bool bImage;
		public bool TextShape;

		private double rotAngle = 0;
		private double rotRadius = 20;

		public SymmetryTool()
			p = new MyPoint[PData + nPnts];

			for (int i=0; i<nPnts; i++)
				p[i] = new MyPoint();

			cColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
			bImage = false;

		public int ClickOn(int x, int y)
			for (int i=0; i<nPnts; i++)
				if (p[i].PntInBnd(x,y, nGuideWidth))
                    return i;
			return PNone;

		public void SetCenter(double nx, double ny)
			p[PCenter].SetPos(nx, ny);

		private Color cColor;
		public Color ShapeColor
			get { return cColor; }
			set { cColor = value; }

		private int nAxes;
		public int Axes 
			get { return nAxes; }
			set { nAxes = value; }

		private int nMaxDataPnts;
		public int MaxDataPnts
			get { return nMaxDataPnts; }
			set { nMaxDataPnts = value; }

		private int nDataPnts;
		public int DataPnts
			get { return nDataPnts; }
			set { nDataPnts = value; }

		private bool bMirror;
		public bool Mirror
			get { return bMirror; }
			set { bMirror = value; }

		private bool bText;
		public bool Text
			get { return bText; }
			set { bText = value; }

		private bool bCurve;
		public bool Curve
			get { return bCurve; }
				int x1, y1, x2, y2;

				x1 = p[PData+0].IX;	y1 = p[PData+0].IY;
				x2 = p[PData+1].IX;	y2 = p[PData+1].IY;

				if (value)
					p[PData+2].SetPos((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2);
					p[PData+3].SetPos((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2);
				bCurve = value; 

		private bool bFilled;
		public bool Filled
			get { return bFilled; }
			set { bFilled = value; }

		public void SetPos(int pt, int nx, int ny, bool bRel)
			double	dx, dy;
			int		i;

			i = (int)pt;
			dx = p[i].x - (double)nx;
			dy = p[i].y - (double)ny;

			if (i == PAxis)
				double a1, a2;
				MyPoint pNew = new MyPoint();

				a1 = p[PAxis].m_angle;
				p[PAxis].SetPos((double)nx, (double)ny);
				a2 = p[PAxis].m_angle;

				for (i=0; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
					pNew = p[PData+i].rotated(a2-a1);
					p[PData+i].SetPos(pNew.x, pNew.y);
			else if (i == PRot)
				double oldAngle;
				MyPoint pNew = new MyPoint();

				oldAngle = rotAngle;
				p[PRot].SetCenter(ref p[PMid]);
				p[PRot].SetPos((double)nx, (double)ny);
				rotAngle = p[PRot].m_angle;
				rotRadius = p[PRot].m_rad;

				for (i=0; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
					p[PData+i].SetCenter(ref p[PMid]);
					pNew = p[PData+i].rotated(rotAngle-oldAngle);
					p[PData+i].SetPos(pNew.x, pNew.y);
			else if (i == PCenter)
				for (i=0; i<nPnts; i++)
					p[i].SetRel(-dx, -dy);
				if ((bRel && (i>=PData)) || (i==PMid))
					for (i=0; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
						p[PData+i].SetRel(-dx, -dy);
					p[i].SetPos((double)nx, (double)ny);

		public void DrawGuides(Graphics drawingSurface)
			int i;
			double xt, yt;
			double deltaAngle, angleSection;
			Pen pen1 = new Pen(Color.Red);
			Pen pen2 = new Pen(Color.Gray);

			xt = 0;
			yt = 0;
			for (i=0; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
				drawingSurface.DrawEllipse(pen1, p[PData+i].IX-nGuideWidth, p[PData+i].IY-nGuideWidth, nGuideWidth*2, nGuideWidth*2);
				xt += p[PData+i].x;
				yt += p[PData+i].y;
			p[PMid].x = xt / MaxDataPnts;
			p[PMid].y = yt / MaxDataPnts;
			p[PRot].x = p[PMid].x + rotRadius * Math.Cos(rotAngle);
			p[PRot].y = p[PMid].y + rotRadius * Math.Sin(rotAngle);

			drawingSurface.DrawRectangle(pen1, p[PMid].IX-nGuideWidth, p[PMid].IY-nGuideWidth, nGuideWidth*2, nGuideWidth*2);
			drawingSurface.DrawEllipse(pen1, p[PRot].IX-nGuideWidth, p[PRot].IY-nGuideWidth, nGuideWidth*2, nGuideWidth*2);
			drawingSurface.DrawLine(pen2, p[PMid].IX, p[PMid].IY, p[PRot].IX, p[PRot].IY);

			for (i=1; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
				drawingSurface.DrawLine(pen2, p[PData+i].IX, p[PData+i].IY, p[PData+i-1].IX, p[PData+i-1].IY);

			drawingSurface.DrawRectangle(pen2, p[PCenter].IX-nGuideWidth, p[PCenter].IY-nGuideWidth, nGuideWidth*2, nGuideWidth*2);
			drawingSurface.DrawEllipse(pen2, p[PAxis].IX-nGuideWidth, p[PAxis].IY-nGuideWidth, nGuideWidth*2, nGuideWidth*2);

			p[PAxis].SetCenter(ref p[PCenter]);
			deltaAngle = Math.PI * 2 / (double)nAxes;
			for (i=0; i<nAxes; i++)
				angleSection = deltaAngle * i;
				drawingSurface.DrawLine(pen2, p[PAxis].XR(angleSection), p[PAxis].YR(angleSection), p[PCenter].IX, p[PCenter].IY);

		public double CalcRad(double w, double h)
			return Math.Sqrt(w*w + h*h);

		public float CalcAng(ref Point p1, ref Point p2, ref double nRad)
			double	dx, dy, nNewAngle;

			dx = p2.X - p1.X;
			dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;
			nRad = CalcRad(dx, dy);
			if (nRad != 0)
				nNewAngle = -Math.Acos(dx / nRad);
				nNewAngle = 0;

			if (p1.Y > p2.Y)
				nNewAngle = -nNewAngle;
			return (float)((-nNewAngle - Math.PI/4) * 180 / Math.PI);

		public void DrawSymShapes(Graphics drawingSurface)
			int		i, j;
			double	angleAxis, deltaAngle, angleSection;
#if (WINCE)
			Pen pen = new Pen(ShapeColor);
			Pen pen = new Pen(ShapeColor, 2);
			for (i=0; i<MaxDataPnts; i++)
				p[PData+i].SetCenter(ref p[PCenter]);

			deltaAngle = Math.PI * 2 / (double)nAxes;

			Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
			double nImageRad = 0;

			if (bImage || bText)
				nImageRad = CalcRad(drawImage.Width, drawImage.Height);
				destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, drawImage.Width, drawImage.Height);
			angleAxis = 2 * p[PAxis].m_angle;
			for (i=0; i<nAxes; i++)
				double nLineRad = 0;
				SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(ShapeColor);
				angleSection = deltaAngle * i;

				Point[] cPnts = new Point[MaxDataPnts];
				for (j=0; j<MaxDataPnts; j++)
					cPnts[j] = new Point(p[PData+j].XR(angleSection), p[PData+j].YR(angleSection));

				if (bImage || bText)
					ImageAttributes imageAttr = new ImageAttributes();
					float angleLine = CalcAng(ref cPnts[0], ref cPnts[1], ref nLineRad);
					destRect.Width = Convert.ToInt32(drawImage.Width * nLineRad / nImageRad);
					destRect.Height = Convert.ToInt32(drawImage.Height * nLineRad / nImageRad);
					Color lowerColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255);
					Color upperColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255);
					imageAttr.SetColorKey(lowerColor, upperColor); //, ColorAdjustType.Default);
#if (WINCE)
					destRect.Height *= 2;
					destRect.Width *= 2;
					destRect.X = Convert.ToInt32(cPnts[0].X-destRect.Width/2);
					destRect.Y = Convert.ToInt32(cPnts[0].Y-destRect.Height/2);
					drawingSurface.DrawImage(drawImage, destRect, 0, 0, drawImage.Width, drawImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr);
					drawingSurface.TranslateTransform(cPnts[0].X, cPnts[0].Y);
					drawingSurface.DrawImage(drawImage, destRect, 0, 0, drawImage.Width, drawImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel,imageAttr);
				else if ((MaxDataPnts > 2) && (bCurve || bFilled))
#if (WINCE)
					Point[] ps = new Point[0];
					curve.addCurve(ref ps, cPnts[0], cPnts[1], cPnts[2], cPnts[3]);
					if ((MaxDataPnts > 4) && (DataPnts > 4))
						curve.addCurve(ref ps, cPnts[3], cPnts[4], cPnts[5], cPnts[6]);
					curve.draw(ref drawingSurface, ref pen, ref brush, ref ps, bFilled);
					GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
					gp.AddBezier(cPnts[0], cPnts[1], cPnts[2], cPnts[3]);
					if (MaxDataPnts > 4)
						gp.AddBezier(cPnts[3], cPnts[4], cPnts[5], cPnts[6]);
					if (bFilled)
						drawingSurface.FillPath(brush, gp);
						drawingSurface.DrawPath(pen, gp);
					if (bMirror)
						for (j=0; j<MaxDataPnts; j++)
							cPnts[j] = new Point(p[PData+j].XRm(angleAxis, angleSection), p[PData+j].YRm(angleAxis, angleSection));
#if (WINCE)
						ps = new Point[0];
						curve.addCurve(ref ps, cPnts[0], cPnts[1], cPnts[2], cPnts[3]);
						if ((MaxDataPnts > 4) && (DataPnts > 4))
							curve.addCurve(ref ps, cPnts[3], cPnts[4], cPnts[5], cPnts[6]);
						curve.draw(ref drawingSurface, ref pen, ref brush, ref ps, bFilled);
						gp = new GraphicsPath();
						gp.AddBezier(cPnts[0], cPnts[1], cPnts[2], cPnts[3]);
						if (MaxDataPnts > 4)
							gp.AddBezier(cPnts[3], cPnts[4], cPnts[5], cPnts[6]);
						if (bFilled)
							drawingSurface.FillPath(brush, gp);
							drawingSurface.DrawPath(pen, gp);
						p[PData+0].XR(angleSection), p[PData+0].YR(angleSection), 
						p[PData+1].XR(angleSection), p[PData+1].YR(angleSection));

					if (bMirror)
							p[PData+0].XRm(angleAxis, angleSection), p[PData+0].YRm(angleAxis, angleSection),
							p[PData+1].XRm(angleAxis, angleSection), p[PData+1].YRm(angleAxis, angleSection)); 

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Software Developer Corpria LLC
United States United States
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