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Race to Linux - Race 3: Reports Starter Kit using Mono SqlServer/Firebird

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Reports Starter Kit port to Linux using Mono
<html><head><link rel=stylesheet href=style.css></head><body><div class=SourcePanel style='font-size:12'><pre style='background-color:white'>
<font color= "blue">using</font> System;
<font color= "blue">using</font> System.Web.UI.WebControls;
<font color= "blue">using</font> ASPNET.StarterKit.Reports.Components;
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">namespace</font> ASPNET.StarterKit.Reports
<font color= "blue"></font>{
<font color= "green">    //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">    //</font>
<font color= "green">    // MasterDetail.aspx</font>
<font color= "green">    //</font>
<font color= "green">    // The MasterDetail.aspx page shows a basic way to filter and group related data (in</font>
<font color= "green">    // chis case, filtering by year, and grouping by quarters).  This is accomplished by</font>
<font color= "green">    // showing two different datagrids, each bound by separate stored procedures.</font>
<font color= "green">    //</font>
<font color= "green">    //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">    public class</font> MasterDetail : System.Web.UI.Page
<font color= "blue">    </font>{
<font color= "blue">        private const </font>string _masterDetailYear = "master_detail_year";
<font color= "blue">        private const </font>string _masterDetailQuarter = "master_detail_quarter";
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList YearDropDownList;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList QuarterDropDownList;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid SummaryDataGrid;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid DetailsDataGrid;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label SummaryLabel;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label DetailsLabel;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink PrintButton;
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private </font>double _salesTotal;
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>string _styleSheet;
<font color= "blue">    </font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>_salesTotal = 0;
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            if </font>(!IsPostBack)<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>{
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">                if </font>(YearDropDownList.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Session[_masterDetailYear])) != null)<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">                    </font>YearDropDownList.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Session[_masterDetailYear])).Selected = true;
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">                if </font>(QuarterDropDownList.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Session[_masterDetailQuarter])) != null)<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">                    </font>QuarterDropDownList.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Session[_masterDetailQuarter])).Selected = true;
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">                </font>BindSummary();
<font color= "blue">                </font>BindDetails();
<font color= "blue">            </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">            // switches the style sheet based on printer friendly view or not</font>
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            if </font>(Request.QueryString["Print"]=="true")<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>{
<font color= "blue">                </font>_styleSheet = "stylesPrint.css";
<font color= "blue">                </font>PrintButton.Visible = true;
<font color= "blue">            </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            else </font><font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>{
<font color= "blue">                </font>_styleSheet = "styles.css";
<font color= "blue">            </font>}
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        </font>#region Web Form Designer generated code
<font color= "blue">        </font>override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "green">            //</font>
<font color= "green">            // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.</font>
<font color= "green">            //</font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>InitializeComponent();
<font color= "blue">            </font>base.OnInit(e);
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue">        </font>
<font color= "green">        /// <summary></font>
<font color= "green">        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify</font>
<font color= "green">        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.</font>
<font color= "green">        /// </summary></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> InitializeComponent()
<font color= "blue">        </font>{    
<font color= "blue">            </font>this.YearDropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.YearDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged);
<font color= "blue">            </font>this.QuarterDropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.QuarterDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged);
<font color= "blue">            </font>this.SummaryDataGrid.ItemDataBound += new System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventHandler(this.SumItems);
<font color= "blue">            </font>this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue">        </font>#endregion
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // The BindSummary method retrieves the OrderSummary for a given year, and</font>
<font color= "green">        // then databinds the results to the SummaryDataGrid.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> BindSummary()
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>SummaryLabel.Text = YearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text + " Summary";
<font color= "blue">            </font>SummaryDataGrid.DataSource = GetSales(Convert.ToInt32(YearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value));
<font color= "blue">            </font>SummaryDataGrid.DataBind();
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // The BindDetails method retrieves the OrderDetails for a given year and quarter, and</font>
<font color= "green">        // then databinds the results to the DetailsDataGrid.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue">        </font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> BindDetails()
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>DetailsLabel.Text = YearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text;
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            if </font>(QuarterDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value == "0")<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">                </font>DetailsLabel.Text += " (All Quarters) Details";
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            else</font><font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">                </font>DetailsLabel.Text += " (Quarter " + QuarterDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text + ") Details";
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>DetailsDataGrid.DataSource = GetSalesDetails(Convert.ToInt32(YearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value), Convert.ToInt32(QuarterDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value));
<font color= "blue">            </font>DetailsDataGrid.DataBind();
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // The GetSales uses the MasterDetail BLL component to query the database to retrieve</font>
<font color= "green">        // the summary of sales for a given year.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>MasterDetailReportCollection GetSales(int year)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            return</font> MasterDetailReport.GetSummary(year);
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // The GetSalesDetails uses the MasterDetail BLL component to query the database to</font>
<font color= "green">        // retrieve the details of sales for a given year and quarter.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue">        </font>
<font color= "blue">        protected </font>MasterDetailReportCollection GetSalesDetails(int year, int quarter)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            return</font> MasterDetailReport.GetDetails(year, quarter);
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // DropDownList event handlers for the Year and Quarter DropDownLists.  They make</font>
<font color= "green">        // calls to rebind the DetailsDataGrid (and if applicable) the SummaryDataGrid.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> YearDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>Session[_masterDetailYear] = YearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value;
<font color= "blue">            </font>BindSummary();
<font color= "blue">            </font>BindDetails();
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> QuarterDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>Session[_masterDetailQuarter] = QuarterDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value;
<font color= "blue">            </font>BindDetails();
<font color= "blue">        </font>} 
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        // The SumItems event handler is called after the masterDataGrid has been databound.</font>
<font color= "green">        // It iterates thru the list to calculate the sum of sales, and then adds the</font>
<font color= "green">        // results (as HTML) to the datagrid table.</font>
<font color= "green">        //</font>
<font color= "green">        //********************************************************************************</font>
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> SumItems(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            if </font>(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>{
<font color= "blue">                </font>CalcTotal( e.Item.Cells[2].Text );
<font color= "blue">                </font>e.Item.Cells[2].Text = string.Format("{0:c}", Convert.ToDouble(e.Item.Cells[2].Text));
<font color= "blue">            </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font><font color= "blue">            else if </font>(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer )<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">            </font>{
<font color= "blue">                </font>e.Item.Cells[0].Text="Sales Total";
<font color= "blue">                </font>e.Item.Cells[2].Text = string.Format("{0:c}", _salesTotal);
<font color= "blue">            </font>}
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>
<font color= "blue">        private void</font> CalcTotal(string _price)
<font color= "blue">        </font>{
<font color= "blue">            </font>_salesTotal += Double.Parse(_price);
<font color= "blue">        </font>}
<font color= "blue">    </font>}
<font color= "blue"></font>}

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Written By
Web Developer
Uruguay Uruguay
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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