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The Beginners Guide to Codecaves

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27 Aug 2007CPOL48 min read 348.5K   4K   224  
This is a complete beginners guide to codecaves that covers the main topics of: what a codecave is, what a codecave can be used for, and how to use a codecave.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Inject a DLL into a process
void Inject(HANDLE hProcess, const char* dllname, const char* funcname);

// Program entry point
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    // Structures for creating the process
    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    BOOL result = FALSE;

    // Strings for creating the program
    char exeString[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
	char workingDir[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};

	// Holds where the DLL should be
    char dllPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};

	// Get the current directory
	GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, workingDir);

	// Build the full path to the exe
	_snprintf(exeString, MAX_PATH, "\"%s\\PINBALL.EXE\" -quick", workingDir);

    // Set the static path of where the Inject DLL is, hardcoded for a demo
    _snprintf(dllPath, MAX_PATH, "PinballCodecave.dll");

    // Need to set this for the structure
    si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);

    // Try to load our process
    result = CreateProcess(NULL, exeString, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, workingDir, &si, &pi);
        MessageBox(0, "Process could not be loaded!", "Error", MB_ICONERROR);
        return -1;

	// Inject the DLL, the export function is named 'Initialize'
    Inject(pi.hProcess, dllPath, "Initialize");

	// Resume process execution

    // Standard return
    return 0;

//	Function: 
//		Inject
//	Parameters:
//		HANDLE hProcess - The handle to the process to inject the DLL into.
//		const char* dllname - The name of the DLL to inject into the process.
//		const char* funcname - The name of the function to call once the DLL has been injected.
//	Description:
//		This function will inject a DLL into a process and execute an exported function
//		from the DLL to "initialize" it. The function should be in the format shown below,
//		not parameters and no return type. Do not forget to prefix extern "C" if you are in C++
//			__declspec(dllexport) void FunctionName(void)
//		The function that is called in the injected DLL
//		-MUST- return, the loader waits for the thread to terminate before removing the 
//		allocated space and returning control to the Loader. This method of DLL injection
//		also adds error handling, so the end user knows if something went wrong.

void Inject(HANDLE hProcess, const char* dllname, const char* funcname)
// Function variables.						//

	// Main DLL we will need to load
	HMODULE kernel32	= NULL;

	// Main functions we will need to import
	FARPROC loadlibrary		= NULL;
	FARPROC getprocaddress	= NULL;
	FARPROC exitprocess		= NULL;
	FARPROC exitthread		= NULL;
	FARPROC freelibraryandexitthread = NULL;

	// The workspace we will build the codecave on locally
	LPBYTE workspace		= NULL;
	DWORD workspaceIndex	= 0;

	// The memory in the process we write to
	LPVOID codecaveAddress	= NULL;
	DWORD dwCodecaveAddress = 0;

	// Strings we have to write into the process
	char injectDllName[MAX_PATH + 1]	= {0};
	char injectFuncName[MAX_PATH + 1]	= {0};
	char injectError0[MAX_PATH + 1]		= {0};
	char injectError1[MAX_PATH + 1]		= {0};
	char injectError2[MAX_PATH + 1]		= {0};
	char user32Name[MAX_PATH + 1]		= {0};
	char msgboxName[MAX_PATH + 1]		= {0};

	// Placeholder addresses to use the strings
	DWORD user32NameAddr	= 0;
	DWORD user32Addr		= 0;
	DWORD msgboxNameAddr	= 0;
	DWORD msgboxAddr		= 0;
	DWORD dllAddr			= 0;
	DWORD dllNameAddr		= 0;
	DWORD funcNameAddr		= 0;
	DWORD error0Addr		= 0;
	DWORD error1Addr		= 0;
	DWORD error2Addr		= 0;

	// Where the codecave execution should begin at
	DWORD codecaveExecAddr = 0;

	// Handle to the thread we create in the process
	HANDLE hThread = NULL;

	// Temp variables
	DWORD dwTmpSize = 0;

	// Old protection on page we are writing to in the process and the bytes written
	DWORD oldProtect	= 0;	
	DWORD bytesRet		= 0;

// Variable initialization.					//

	// Get the address of the main DLL
	kernel32	= LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");

	// Get our functions
	loadlibrary		= GetProcAddress(kernel32,	"LoadLibraryA");
	getprocaddress	= GetProcAddress(kernel32,	"GetProcAddress");
	exitprocess		= GetProcAddress(kernel32,	"ExitProcess");
	exitthread		= GetProcAddress(kernel32,	"ExitThread");
	freelibraryandexitthread = GetProcAddress(kernel32,	"FreeLibraryAndExitThread");

// This section will cause compiler warnings on VS8, 
// you can upgrade the functions or ignore them

	// Build names
	_snprintf(injectDllName, MAX_PATH, "%s", dllname);
	_snprintf(injectFuncName, MAX_PATH, "%s", funcname);
	_snprintf(user32Name, MAX_PATH, "user32.dll");
	_snprintf(msgboxName, MAX_PATH, "MessageBoxA");

	// Build error messages
	_snprintf(injectError0, MAX_PATH, "Error");
	_snprintf(injectError1, MAX_PATH, "Could not load the dll: %s", injectDllName);
	_snprintf(injectError2, MAX_PATH, "Could not load the function: %s", injectFuncName);

	// Create the workspace
	workspace = (LPBYTE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 1024);

	// Allocate space for the codecave in the process
	codecaveAddress = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, 1024, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
	dwCodecaveAddress = PtrToUlong(codecaveAddress);

// Note there is no error checking done above for any functions that return a pointer/handle.
// I could have added them, but it'd just add more messiness to the code and not provide any real
// benefit. It's up to you though in your final code if you want it there or not.

// Data and string writing.					//

	// Write out the address for the user32 dll address
	user32Addr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = 0;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dwTmpSize, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// Write out the address for the MessageBoxA address
	msgboxAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = 0;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dwTmpSize, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// Write out the address for the injected DLL's module
	dllAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = 0;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dwTmpSize, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// User32 Dll Name
	user32NameAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(user32Name) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, user32Name, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// MessageBoxA name
	msgboxNameAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(msgboxName) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, msgboxName, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Dll Name
	dllNameAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(injectDllName) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, injectDllName, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Function Name
	funcNameAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(injectFuncName) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, injectFuncName, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Error Message 1
	error0Addr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(injectError0) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, injectError0, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Error Message 2
	error1Addr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(injectError1) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, injectError1, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Error Message 3
	error2Addr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;
	dwTmpSize = (DWORD)strlen(injectError2) + 1;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, injectError2, dwTmpSize);
	workspaceIndex += dwTmpSize;

	// Pad a few INT3s after string data is written for seperation
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xCC;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xCC;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xCC;

	// Store where the codecave execution should begin
	codecaveExecAddr = workspaceIndex + dwCodecaveAddress;

// For debugging - infinite loop, attach onto process and step over
	//workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xEB;
	//workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFE;

// User32.dll loading.						//

// User32 DLL Loading
	// PUSH 0x00000000 - Push the address of the DLL name to use in LoadLibraryA
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &user32NameAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of LoadLibraryA into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &loadlibrary, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call LoadLibraryA
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

// MessageBoxA Loading
	// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the function name to load
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &msgboxNameAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// Push EAX, module to use in GetProcAddress
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x50;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of GetProcAddress into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &getprocaddress, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call GetProcAddress
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

	// MOV [ADDRESS], EAX - Save the address to our variable
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xA3;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &msgboxAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

// Injected dll loading.					//

// DLL Loading
	// PUSH 0x00000000 - Push the address of the DLL name to use in LoadLibraryA
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dllNameAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of LoadLibraryA into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &loadlibrary, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call LoadLibraryA
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

// Error Checking
	// CMP EAX, 0
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x83;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xF8;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

// JNZ EIP + 0x1E to skip over eror code
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x75;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x1E;

// Error Code 1
	// MessageBox
		// PUSH 0x10 (MB_ICONHAND)
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x10;

		// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the MessageBox title
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &error0Addr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the MessageBox message
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &error1Addr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// Push 0
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

		// MOV EAX, [ADDRESS] - Move the address of MessageBoxA into EAX
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xA1;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &msgboxAddr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// CALL EAX - Call MessageBoxA
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

	// ExitProcess
		// Push 0
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

		// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of ExitProcess into EAX
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &exitprocess, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// CALL EAX - Call MessageBoxA
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

//	Now we have the address of the injected DLL, so save the handle

	// MOV [ADDRESS], EAX - Save the address to our variable
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xA3;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dllAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

// Load the initilize function from it

	// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the function name to load
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &funcNameAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// Push EAX, module to use in GetProcAddress
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x50;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of GetProcAddress into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &getprocaddress, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call GetProcAddress
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

// Error Checking
	// CMP EAX, 0
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x83;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xF8;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

// JNZ EIP + 0x1C to skip eror code
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x75;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x1C;

// Error Code 2
	// MessageBox
		// PUSH 0x10 (MB_ICONHAND)
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x10;

		// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the MessageBox title
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &error0Addr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// PUSH 0x000000 - Push the address of the MessageBox message
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x68;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &error2Addr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// Push 0
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

		// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of MessageBoxA into EAX
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xA1;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &msgboxAddr, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

		// CALL EAX - Call MessageBoxA
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

	// ExitProcess
		// Push 0
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

		// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of ExitProcess into EAX
		workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
		memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &exitprocess, 4);
		workspaceIndex += 4;

//	Now that we have the address of the function, we cam call it, 
// if there was an error, the messagebox would be called as well.

	// CALL EAX - Call ExitProcess -or- the Initialize function
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

	// If we get here, the Initialize function has been called, 
	// so it's time to close this thread and optionally unload the DLL.

// Exiting from the injected dll.			//

// Call ExitThread to leave the DLL loaded
#if 1
	// Push 0 (exit code)
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of ExitThread into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &exitthread, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call ExitThread
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

// Call FreeLibraryAndExitThread to unload DLL
#if 0
	// Push 0 (exit code)
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x6A;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x00;

	// PUSH [0x000000] - Push the address of the DLL module to unload
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0x35;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &dllAddr, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// MOV EAX, ADDRESS - Move the address of FreeLibraryAndExitThread into EAX
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xB8;
	memcpy(workspace + workspaceIndex, &freelibraryandexitthread, 4);
	workspaceIndex += 4;

	// CALL EAX - Call FreeLibraryAndExitThread
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xFF;
	workspace[workspaceIndex++] = 0xD0;

// Code injection and cleanup.				//

	// Change page protection so we can write executable code
	VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, codecaveAddress, workspaceIndex, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);

	// Write out the patch
	WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, codecaveAddress, workspace, workspaceIndex, &bytesRet);

	// Restore page protection
	VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, codecaveAddress, workspaceIndex, oldProtect, &oldProtect);

	// Make sure our changes are written right away
	FlushInstructionCache(hProcess, codecaveAddress, workspaceIndex);

	// Free the workspace memory
	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, workspace);

	// Execute the thread now and wait for it to exit, note we execute where the code starts, and not the codecave start
	// (since we wrote strings at the start of the codecave) -- NOTE: void* used for VC6 compatibility instead of UlongToPtr
	hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)((void*)codecaveExecAddr), 0, 0, NULL);
	WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); 

	// Free the memory in the process that we allocated
	VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, codecaveAddress, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

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