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Parsing Expression Grammar Support for C# 3.0 Part 1 - PEG Lib and Parser Generator

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7 Oct 2008CPOL40 min read 203.5K   2.1K   118  
Introduction to the parsing method PEG with library and parser generator
<<Grammar Name="python_2_5_2_i"  
          comment="'readable', but not optimized, heavily backtracking version of python grammar"
      bool init_() 
      { in_raw_mode= false;
        return true; 
      #region raw string handling
      bool in_raw_mode;
      bool set_raw_(){in_raw_mode=true;return true;}
      bool unset_raw_(){in_raw_mode=false;return true;}
      bool in_raw_(){return in_raw_mode;}
      #endregion raw string handling
      #region implicit line joining
      bool in_impl_line_join_;
      bool in_implicit_line_joining_(){return in_impl_line_join_;}
      bool set_implicit_line_joining_(bool bOn,out bool prev)
      {prev=in_impl_line_join_;in_impl_line_join_=bOn;return true;}
      bool set_implicit_line_joining_(bool bOn)
      {in_impl_line_join_=bOn;return true;}
      #endregion implicit line joining
      string indent_;
      int indentLength_;//accounts for tabs
      int indentLengthToRestore_;
      System.Collections.Generic.Stack<int> indentStack= new System.Collections.Generic.Stack<int>();
      int NormalizedIndentLength()
         int indentLength = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < indent_.Length; ++i)
            if (indent_[i] == '\t') indentLength += 8 - i % 8;
            else                    indentLength++;
         return indentLength;
      bool continue_after_dedent_()
         indentLengthToRestore_= indentLength_;
         if( indentLength_== -1 ) return false;
         if (indentLength_ == indentStack.Peek()){
            return true;
         return false;
      bool RESTOREINDENT_(){indentLength_= indentLengthToRestore_;return false;}
      bool keep_handler_()
          if( indentLength_!=-1 ) return false;//indentation belongs to other block
          indentLength_= NormalizedIndentLength();
          bool kept= indentStack.Peek()== indentLength_;
          if( kept ) indentLength_=-1;
          return kept;
      bool indent_handler_()
          if( indentLength_!=-1 ) return false;//indentation belongs to other block
          int indentLength = NormalizedIndentLength();
          if (indentLength <= indentStack.Peek()) return false;
                return true;
      bool dedent_handler_()
         if (indentLength_ >= indentStack.Peek() || !indentStack.Contains(indentLength_)) return false;
            if( indentStack.Count==1 ) indentLength_=-1;
            return true;
      bool prev_;
      Line_join_sem_(){set_implicit_line_joining_(true,out prev_);}
[1] ^^interactive_input: (compound_stmt/stmt_list?)
                        ( NEWLINE / FATAL<"syntax error: line break expected">);
[2] ^^file_input:       init_ BLANKLINE* (NEWLINE / statement)* ENDMARKER
                        (!./FATAL<"wrong indent or non-python text here">);
[3] ^^eval_input:       init_ expression_list NEWLINE*  ENDMARKER;
[4] ^^input_input:      init_ expression_list NEWLINE  ENDMARKER;

[5] ^^atom:              identifier S / literal / enclosure;
[6]   enclosure:         generator_expression / dict_display
                       / string_conversion / yield_atom
                       / parenth_form / list_display;
[7]   literal :          (STRING S)+ / NUMBER S ;
[8]   parenth_form:      '(' parenth_form_content @')' S;
[9]   parenth_form_content 
using Line_join_sem_:    S expression_list?;
[10]^^list_display:      '[' list_display_content @']' S;
[11]  list_display_content
using Line_join_sem_:   S (list_comprehension / expression_list )?;		
[12]^^list_comprehension:expression list_for;

[13]^^list_for:          'for' S2 target_list @'in' S2 old_expression_list list_iter?;
                         old_expression ((',' S old_expression)+ (','S)?)?; 
[15]^^list_iter:         list_for / list_if;
[16]^^list_if:           'if' S2 old_expression list_iter?;
                         '(' generator_expression_content @')' S;
using Line_join_sem_:    S expression genexpr_for;
[19]^^genexpr_for:       'for' S2 target_list @'in' S2 or_test genexpr_iter?;
[20]^^genexpr_iter:      genexpr_for / genexpr_if;
[21]^^genexpr_if:        'if' S2 old_expression genexpr_iter?;
[22]^^dict_display:      '{' dict_display_content @'}' S ;
[23] dict_display_content
using Line_join_sem_:    S key_datum_list?;
[24]^^key_datum_list:    key_datum (',' S key_datum)* (',' S)? ;
[25]^^key_datum:         expression @':' S expression;
[26]^^string_conversion: '`' S expression_list @'`' S;
[27]^^yield_atom:        '(' yield_atom_content @')' S;
using Line_join_sem_:    S yield_expression;
[29]^^yield_expression:  'yield' S2 expression_list?;
[30] ^primary:           atom (attributeref /  slicing  / call_args)*;
[31]^^attributeref:      '.' S @identifier S;
[32]^^slicing:           '[' slicing_content @']' S;
using Line_join_sem_:    S slice_list;
[34]^^slice_list:        slice_item (',' S slice_item)* (','S)?;
[35]^^slice_item:        ellipsis / slice / expression ;
[36]^^slice:             lower_bound? ':' S upper_bound? stride?;
[37]^^stride:            ':' S expression?;
[38]^^lower_bound:       expression;
[39]^^upper_bound:       expression;
[40]^^ellipsis:          '.' S '.' S '.' S; // or '...' ?
[41]^^call_args:         '(' call_args_content @')' S;
[42] call_args_content
using Line_join_sem_      :S (expression genexpr_for / argument_list (',' S)? )?;
[43]^^argument_list:     keyword_arguments seq_arg? dict_arg?
                       / positional_arguments ((',' S) keyword_arguments)? seq_arg? dict_arg?
                       / seq_arg dict_arg?
                       / dict_arg;
[44]^^seq_arg:           ',' S '*' S expression;
[45]^^dict_arg:          ',' S '**' S expression;
                         expression (',' S !keyword_item expression)*;
[47]^^keyword_arguments: keyword_item (',' S keyword_item)*;
[48]^^keyword_item:      identifier S '=' S expression;
[49] ^power:             primary ('**' S @u_expr)?;
[50] ^u_expr:            power / ^'-' S @u_expr / ^'+'  S @u_expr / ^'~' S @u_expr;
[51] ^m_expr:            u_expr (^('*'/'//'/'/'/'%') S u_expr)*;
[52] ^a_expr:            m_expr ( ^[+-] S  @m_expr)*;
[53] ^shift_expr:        a_expr (^('<<' / '>>' ) S @a_expr)*;
[54] ^and_expr:          shift_expr ('&' S @shift_expr)*;
[55] ^xor_expr:          and_expr ( '^' S @and_expr)*;
[56] ^or_expr:           xor_expr ( '|' S @xor_expr)*;
[57] ^comparison:        or_expr ( comp_operator S @or_expr )*;
[58]^^comp_operator:     '>=' / '<=' / '<>' / '<' / '>' / '==' / '!=' / 
                         is_operator / in_operator;
[59]^^is_operator:	 'is' S2 (not_symbol S2)? ;
[60]^^in_operator:	 (not_symbol S2)? 'in';	
[61]  expression:        conditional_expression / lambda_form;
[62]^^old_expression:    or_test / old_lambda_form;
                         or_test ('if' S2 @or_test @(^'else') S2 expression)?;
[64] ^or_test:           and_test ('or' S2 @and_test)*;
[65] ^and_test:          not_test ( 'and' S2 @not_test)*;
[66] ^not_test:          (not_symbol S2)* comparison;
[67]^^not_symbol:        'not';
[68]^^lambda_form:       'lambda' S2 parameter_list? @':' S expression;
[69]^^old_lambda_form:   'lambda' S2 parameter_list? @':' S old_expression;
[70]  expression_list:   expression ( ',' S expression )* (',' S)?;
[71]  simple_stmt:
                       / pass_stmt
                       / del_stmt
                       / print_stmt
                       / return_stmt
                       / yield_stmt
                       / raise_stmt
                       / break_stmt
                       / continue_stmt
                       / import_stmt
                       / global_stmt
                       / exec_stmt
                       / augmented_assignment_stmt
                       / assignment_stmt
                       / expression_stmt;
[72]^^expression_stmt:   expression_list;
[73]^^assert_stmt:       'assert' S2 @expression (',' S @expression)?;
[74]^^assignment_stmt:   (target_list '='!'=' S)+ @(expression_list / yield_expression);
[75]^^target_list:       target (',' S target)* (',' S)?;
[76]^^target:            '(' target_contents ')' S
                       / '[' target_contents ']' S
                       / assignable_primary;
using Line_join_sem_:    S target_list;

                         (identifier S/ enclosure !targetlist_end)    
                         (attributeref /  slicing  / call_args !targetlist_end )*;
[79]^^targetlist_end:    S ([,=] S / 'in' S2);

                         target augop S @(expression_list / yield_expression);
[81]^^augop: 	         '+=' / '-=' / '*=' / '/=' / '%=' / '**='
                       / '>>=' / '<<=' / '&=' / '^=' / '/=' / '//=';	// '//=' added by me

[82]^^pass_stmt:         'pass' S2;
[83]^^del_stmt:          'del' S2 @target_list;
[84]^^print_stmt:        'print' S2 (  '>>' S expression (',' S expression)+ (',' S)?
                          / expression (',' S expression)* (',' S)?
[85]^^return_stmt:       'return' S2 expression_list?;
[86]^^yield_stmt:        yield_expression;
[87]^^raise_stmt:        'raise' S2 (expression (',' S expression (',' S expression)?)?)?;
[88]^^break_stmt:        'break' S2;
[89]^^continue_stmt:     'continue' S2;
[90]^^import_stmt:       import_name / import_from;
[91]^^import_name:       'import' S2 module import_as? ( ',' S module import_as? )*;
[92]^^import_from:       'from' S2 module @'import' S '*' S
                       / 'from' S2 relative_module @'import' S2  
                                   (imports_in_parens / imports_list);
[93]^^import_as:         'as' S2 @name;
[94]^^imports_in_parens: '(' imports_in_parens_content @')' S;
[95] imports_in_parens_content:
                         S2 identifier  S import_as? rest_import_list (',' S)?;
[96]^^imports_list:      identifier S import_as? rest_import_list;
[97]^^rest_import_list:  (',' S identifier S import_as? )*;
[98]^^module:            (identifier S '.' S)* identifier S;
[99]^^relative_module:   ('.' S)* module / ('.' S)+;
[100]^^name:             identifier S;
[101]^^global_stmt:      'global' S2 @identifier S (',' S @identifier S)*;
[102]^^exec_stmt:        'exec' S2 or_expr ('in' S2 expression (',' S expression)?)?;
[103]^^compound_stmt:    if_stmt / while_stmt / for_stmt / try_stmt / with_stmt 
                       / funcdef / classdef;
[104]^^suite:            stmt_list @(NEWLINE/ENDMARKER) / 
                         NEWLINE INDENT @statement (KEEPINDENT @statement)* DEDENT;
[105]  statement:        compound_stmt / stmt_list (NEWLINE/ENDMARKER);
[106]  stmt_list:        simple_stmt (';' S simple_stmt)* (';' S)? ;
[107]^^if_stmt:          'if' S2 @expression @':' S suite
                         (KEEPINDENT ^'elif'  S2 @expression @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )*
                         (KEEPINDENT ^'else' S @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )?;
[108]^^while_stmt:        'while' S2 @expression @':' S suite
                         (KEEPINDENT 'else' S @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )?;
[109]^^for_stmt:          'for' S2 target_list @'in' S2 expression_list
                          @':' S suite (KEEPINDENT 'else' S @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )?;
[110]^^try_stmt:          'try' S @':' S suite ( except_handler / finally_only_handler );
                         KEEPINDENT 'finally' S @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ ;
[112]^^except_handler:   (KEEPINDENT ^'except' S2 (expression (',' S target)?)? @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )+
                         (KEEPINDENT ^'else' S @':' S suite / RESTOREINDENT_ )? finally_only_handler?;
[113]^^with_stmt:        'with' S2 expression ('as' S2 @target)? @':' S suite;
[114]^^funcdef:          decorators? 'def' S2 @funcname S '(' parameter_list_in @')' S @':' S suite;
[115] parameter_list_in
using Line_join_sem_:    S parameter_list?;
[116]^^decorators:       decorator+;
[117]^^decorator:        '@' S dotted_name ('(' decorater_in @')' S)? NEWLINE 
                         (KEEPINDENT/FATAL<"decorator continuation incorrectly indented">);
[118] decorater_in
using Line_join_sem_:    S (argument_list (','S)?)?;
[119]^^dotted_name:      identifier S('.' S identifier S)*;

[120]^^parameter_list:   defparameter  (',' S defparameter )* (',' S seq_dict_pars?)? / seq_dict_pars;
[121]^^seq_dict_pars:    ('*' S identifier S (',' S '**' S identifier S)? / '**' S identifier S);
[122]^^defparameter:     parameter ('=' S @expression)?;
[123]^^sublist:          parameter (',' S parameter)* ','?;
[124]^^parameter:        identifier S / '('  parameter_in  @')' S;
[125] parameter_in:      S @sublist;
[126]^^funcname:         identifier;
[127]^^classdef:         'class' S classname S inheritance? ':' S suite;
using Line_join_sem_:    '('  S expression_list?  @')' S;
[129]^^classname:        identifier;

//token definitions added for PEG following the docs at
[130]  S:                ( [ \t\v\f]+ /
                           COMMENT     / 
                           '\\' NL  / 
                          NL in_implicit_line_joining_
                         )* ;
[131]S2:                 ![A-Za-z_0-9] S;
[132]^^identifier:       !(KEYWORD S2) [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*;
[133]INDENT:             S:indent_ (indent_handler_/FATAL<"indentation error">);
[134]KEEPINDENT:         continue_after_dedent_ / S:indent_ keep_handler_;
[135]DEDENT:             S dedent_handler_/FATAL<"indentation error">;
[136]NEWLINE:            NL BLANKLINE*;
[137]NL:                 '\r'?'\n' / '\n' / '\r' ;
[138]BLANKLINE:          [ \t\v\f]* COMMENT? NL/ [ \t\v\f]+ COMMENT? !. / COMMENT !. ;
[139]NAME:               !(KEYWORD S2) [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* S;
[140]IDENT:              [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*;
                         ('and' /      'del' /       'from' /      'not' /       'while' /    
                          'as' /        'elif' /      'global' /    'or' /        'with' /     
                          'assert' /    'else' /      'if' /        'pass' /      'yield' /    
                          'break' /     'except' /    'import' /    'print' /  
                          'class' /     'exec' /      'in' /        'raise' /  
                          'continue' /  'finally' /   'is' /        'return' / 
                          'def' /       'for' /       'lambda' /    'try') ;
[142]COMMENT:            '#' (!NL.)*;
[143]ENDMARKER:          !./WARNING<"file end expected">;
[144]NUMBER:           imagnumber / floatnumber / integer ^([lL]?) ;
[145]STRING:           stringprefix? (longstring/shortstring) unset_raw_;
[146]^^integer:          [1-9][0-9]* / '0'[xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ / '0'[0-7]*;
[147]^^floatnumber:      pointfloat exponent? / [0-9]+ exponent;
[148]pointfloat:         [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+ / [0-9]+ '.';
[149]exponent:           [eE][+-]?[0-9]+;
[150]^^imagnumber:       (floatnumber / [0-9]+) [jJ];
[151]  stringprefix:     raw_indicating_stringprefix / unicodeonly_stringprefix;
                         ('r' /   'ur' /  'R' /   'UR' /  'Ur' /  'uR') set_raw_;
                         'u' /  'U' ;
[154]shortstring:        '"' shortstringitem1_content 
                         ('"' / FATAL<"string not terminated before input end">) / 
                         ['] shortstringitem2_content 
                         ([']/ FATAL<"string not terminated before input end">);
                         (!'"' shortstringitem)*;
                         (!['] shortstringitem)*;
longstring:              '"""' longstring1_content 
                         ('"""' / FATAL<"triple quoted string not terminated">) 
                       / ['][']['] longstring2_content 
                         (['][']['] / FATAL<"triple quoted string not terminated">);
[157]^^longstring1_content: (!'"""' longstringitem)* ;
[158]^^longstring2_content: (!(['][']['])longstringitem)* ;
[159]shortstringitem:    escapeseq 
                       / '\\' NL
                       / '\\' check_unrecognized_escape  . 
                       / [^\n] 
                       / FATAL<"new line in string not allowed">;
[160]longstringitem:     escapeseq / '\\' check_unrecognized_escape . /  .  ;
                         !in_raw_ WARNING<"unrecognized escape"> / &.;
[162]escapeseq:          in_raw_ '\\' ( unicode_4digits  / unicode_8digits ) 
                       / !in_raw_ '\\' 
                         ( [\\'"abfnrtv]
                         / 'N{' NAME '}' 
                         / unicode_4digits 
                         / unicode_8digits 
                         / [0-8]{1,3}
                         / hex_2digits );
[163]^^unicode_4digits:  'u'([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}/WARNING<"u must be followed by 4 hex digits">);
[164]^^unicode_8digits:  'U'([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}/WARNING<"U must be followed by 8 hex digits">);
[165]^^hex_2digits:      'x'([0-9A-Fa-f]{2} /WARNING<"x must be followed by 2 hex digits">);


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Written By
Switzerland Switzerland
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