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Wave: a Standard conformant C++ preprocessor library

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10 Jan 200413 min read 401.7K   4.4K   81  
Describes a free and fully Standard conformant C++ preprocessor library
    Wave: A Standard compliant C++ preprocessor

    Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Hartmut Kaiser

    Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
    License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

    See Copyright.txt for full acknowledgements.

#include "cpp.hpp"                  // global configuration

//  This sample requires the program_options library written by Vladimir Prus,
//  which is currently under Boost review. 
//  It is available here:
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/timer.hpp>

#include "wave/wave.hpp"

#include "trace_macro_expansion.hpp"

//  include lexer specifics, import lexer names
// use the slex based C++ lexer

#include "wave/cpplexer/slex/cpp_slex_lexer.hpp"

#elif defined(WAVE_USE_RE2C_CPP_LEXER)
// use the re2c based C++ lexer

#include "wave/cpplexer/re2clex/cpp_re2c_lexer.hpp"

#elif defined(WAVE_USE_RE2C_IDL_LEXER)
// use the re2c based IDL lexer

#include "wave/idllexer/re2clex/idl_re2c_lexer.hpp"


//  include the grammar definitions, if these shouldn't be compiled separately
//  (ATTENTION: _very_ large compilation times!)
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_intlit_grammar.hpp"
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_chlit_grammar.hpp"
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_grammar.hpp"
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_expression_grammar.hpp"
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_predef_macros_grammar.hpp"
#include "wave/grammars/cpp_defined_grammar.hpp"

//  import required names
using namespace boost::spirit;

using std::string;
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
using std::getline;
using std::ifstream;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::istreambuf_iterator;

namespace po = boost::program_options;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

// print the current version
int print_version()
    typedef wave::context<
            std::string::iterator, WAVE_LEXER_NS::lex_token<>,
    string version (context_t::get_version_string());
        << version.substr(1, version.size()-2)  // strip quotes
        << " (" << CPP_VERSION_DATE << ")"      // add date
#if defined(WAVE_ACT_FOR_IDL)
        << " [IDL mode]" 
#endif // defined(WAVE_ACT_FOR_IDL)
        << endl;
    return 0;                       // exit app

// print the copyright statement
int print_copyright()
char const *copyright[] = {
        "Wave: A Standard conformant C++ preprocessor",
        "Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Hartmut Kaiser",
        "It is hosted by", 
        "Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software",
        "License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at",
    for (int i = 0; 0 != copyright[i]; ++i)
        cout << copyright[i] << endl;
    return 0;                       // exit app

namespace cmd_line_util {

    // Additional command line parser which interprets '@something' as an 
    // option "config-file" with the value "something".
    pair<string, string> at_option_parser(string const&s)
        if ('@' == s[0]) 
            return std::make_pair(string("config-file"), s.substr(1));
            return pair<string, string>();

    // class, which keeps include file information from the command line
    class include_paths {
        include_paths() : seen_separator(false) {}

        vector<string> paths;       // stores user paths
        vector<string> syspaths;    // stores system paths
        bool seen_separator;        // command line contains a '-I-' option

        // Function which validates additional tokens from command line.
        static void 
        validate(boost::any &v, vector<string> const &tokens)
            if (v.empty())
                v = boost::any(include_paths());

            include_paths *p = boost::any_cast<include_paths>(&v);

            // Assume only one path per '-I' occurrence.
            string t = tokens[0];
            if (t == "-") {
            // found -I- option, so switch behaviour
                p->seen_separator = true;
            else if (p->seen_separator) {
            // store this path as a system path
            else {
            // store this path as an user path

    // Workaround for a problem in the program_options library: all options 
    // stored in a variables_map, which have an assigned validator function
    // need an extraction operator.
    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, include_paths& p)
        return is;

    // Read all options from a given config file, parse and add them to the
    // given variables_map
    void read_config_file_options(string const &filename, 
        po::options_description const &desc, po::variables_map &vm,
        bool may_fail = false)
    ifstream ifs(filename.c_str());

        if (!ifs.is_open()) {
            if (!may_fail) {
                cerr << filename 
                    << ": command line warning: config file not found"
                    << endl;
    vector<string> options;
    string line;

        while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
        // skip empty lines
            string::size_type pos = line.find_first_not_of(" \t");
            if (pos == string::npos) 

        // skip comment lines
            if ('#' != line[pos])

        if (options.size() > 0) {
        po::options_and_arguments oa = po::parse_command_line(options, desc);

            po::store(oa, vm, desc);


namespace {

  class auto_stop_watch : public stop_watch
      auto_stop_watch(bool print_time_, std::ostream &outstrm_)
      :   print_time(print_time_), outstrm(outstrm_)
          if (print_time) {
              outstrm << "Elapsed time: " 
                    << this->format_elapsed_time() 
                    << std::endl;
      bool print_time;
      std::ostream &outstrm;
}   // anonymous namespace

//  do the actual preprocessing
int do_actual_work (po::options_and_arguments const opts, 
    po::variables_map const &vm)
// current file position is saved for exception handling
wave::util::file_position_t current_position;

    try {
    // process the given file
    string file_name(opts.arguments().front());
    ifstream instream(file_name.c_str());
    string instring;

        if (!instream.is_open()) {
            cerr << "wave: could not open input file: " << file_name << endl;
            return -1;
        // this is known to be very slow for large files on some systems
        copy (istream_iterator<char>(instream),
              inserter(instring, instring.end()));
        instring = string(istreambuf_iterator<char>(instream.rdbuf()),

    //  The template WAVE_LEXER_NS::lex_token<> is the token type to be used 
    //  by the Wave library.
        typedef wave::context<
                    std::string::iterator, WAVE_LEXER_NS::lex_token<>,

    // The C++ preprocessor iterators shouldn't be constructed directly. They 
    // are to be generated through a wave::context<> object. This wave::context 
    // object is additionally to be used to initialize and define different 
    // parameters of the actual preprocessing.
    // The preprocessing of the input stream is done on the fly behind the 
    // scenes during iteration over the context_t::iterator_t stream.
    std::ofstream traceout;
    wave::trace_policies::trace_flags enable_trace = 
        if (vm.count("traceto")) {
        // try to open the file, where to put the trace output
        string trace_file (vm["traceto"].as<string>());
            if (trace_file != "-") {
                if (!traceout.is_open()) {
                    cerr << "wave: could not open trace file: " << trace_file 
                        << endl;
                    return -1;
            enable_trace = wave::trace_policies::trace_macros;
        if ((enable_trace & wave::trace_policies::trace_macros) && 
        // by default trace to std::cerr
            static_cast<std::basic_ios<char> &>(traceout).rdbuf(cerr.rdbuf());
    context_t ctx (instring.begin(), instring.end(), file_name.c_str(),
        trace_macro_expansion(traceout, enable_trace));

    // enable C99 mode, if appropriate (implies variadics)
        if (vm.count("c99")) {
            if (vm.count("c++0x")) {
                cerr << 
                    "wave: the C99 and C++0x modes are mutually exclusive, "
                    "working in C99 mode." << endl;
    // enable experimental C++0x mode (implies variadics)
        else if (vm.count("c++0x")) {
        else if (vm.count("variadics")) {
        // enable variadics and placemarkers, if appropriate
    // add include directories to the system include search paths
        if (vm.count("sysinclude")) {
        vector<string> syspaths = vm["sysinclude"].as<vector<string> >();
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = syspaths.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = syspaths.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)
    // add include directories to the include search paths
        if (vm.count("include")) {
            cmd_line_util::include_paths const &ip = 
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = ip.paths.end();

            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = ip.paths.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)

        // if on the command line was given -I- , this has to be propagated
            if (ip.seen_separator) 
        // add system include directories to the include path
            vector<string>::const_iterator sysend = ip.syspaths.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator syscit = ip.syspaths.begin(); 
                 syscit != sysend; ++syscit)
    // add additional defined macros 
        if (vm.count("define")) {
            vector<string> macros = vm["define"].as<vector<string> >();
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = macros.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = macros.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)

    // add additional predefined macros 
        if (vm.count("predefine")) {
            vector<string> predefmacros = vm["predefine"].as<vector<string> >();
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = predefmacros.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = predefmacros.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)
                ctx.add_macro_definition(*cit, true);

    // undefine specified macros
        if (vm.count("undefine")) {
            vector<string> undefmacros = vm["undefine"].as<vector<string> >();
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = undefmacros.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = undefmacros.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)
                ctx.remove_macro_definition((*cit).c_str(), true);

    // maximal include nesting depth
        if (vm.count("nesting")) {
            int max_depth = vm["nesting"].as<int>();
            if (max_depth < 1 || max_depth > 100000) {
                cerr << "wave: bogus maximal include nesting depth: " 
                    << max_depth << endl;
                return -1;
    // open the output file
    std::ofstream output;
        if (vm.count("output")) {
        // try to open the file, where to put the preprocessed output
        string out_file (vm["output"].as<string>());
            if (!output.is_open()) {
                cerr << "wave: could not open output file: " << out_file << endl;
                return -1;
        else {
        // output the preprocessed result to std::cout
            static_cast<std::basic_ios<char> &>(output).rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());

    // analyze the input file
    context_t::iterator_t first = ctx.begin();
    context_t::iterator_t last = ctx.end();
    // preprocess the required include files 
        if (vm.count("forceinclude")) {
        // add the filenames to force as include files in _reverse_ order
        // the second parameter 'is_last' for the force_include function should
        // be set to true for the last (first given) file.
            vector<string> force = vm["forceinclude"].as<vector<string> >();
            vector<string>::const_reverse_iterator rend = force.rend();
            for (vector<string>::const_reverse_iterator cit = force.rbegin(); 
                 cit != rend; /**/)
                string filename(*cit);
                first.force_include(filename.c_str(), ++cit == rend);
    // loop over all generated tokens outputing the generated text 
    auto_stop_watch elapsed_time(vm.count("timer") > 0, cerr);
        while (first != last) {
        // print out the string representation of this token (skip comments)
            using namespace WAVE_LEXER_NS;

        // store the last known good token position
            current_position = (*first).get_position();

        token_id id = token_id(*first);

            if (T_CPPCOMMENT == id || T_NEWLINE == id) {
            // C++ comment tokens contain the trailing newline
                output << endl;
            else if (id != T_CCOMMENT) {
            // print out the current token value
                output << (*first).get_value();
            ++first;        // advance to the next token
    catch (wave::cpp_exception &e) {
    // some preprocessing error
            << e.file_name() << "(" << e.line_no() << "): "
            << e.description() << endl;
        return 1;
    catch (wave::cpplexer::lexing_exception &e) {
    // some lexing error
            << e.file_name() << "(" << e.line_no() << "): "
            << e.description() << endl;
        return 2;
    catch (std::exception &e) {
    // use last recognized token to retrieve the error position
            << current_position.get_file() 
            << "(" << current_position.get_line() << "): "
            << "exception caught: " << e.what()
            << endl;
        return 3;
    catch (...) {
    // use last recognized token to retrieve the error position
            << current_position.get_file() 
            << "(" << current_position.get_line() << "): "
            << "unexpected exception caught." << endl;
        return 4;
    return 0;

//  main entry point
main (int argc, char const *argv[])
    try {
    // analyze the command line options and arguments
    vector<string> cfg_files;
    // declare the options allowed from the command line only
    po::options_description desc_cmdline ("Options allowed on the command line only");
            ("help,h", "", "print out program usage (this message)")
            ("version,v", "", "print the version number")
            ("copyright,c", "", "print out the copyright statement")
            ("config-file", po::parameter("filepath", &cfg_files),
                "specify a config file (alternatively: @filepath)")

    // declare the options allowed on command line and in config files
    po::options_description desc_generic ("Options allowed additionally in a config file");

            ("output,o", "path", "specify a file to use for output instead of stdout")
            ("include,I", "path", "specify an additional include directory").
            ("sysinclude,S", po::parameter<vector<string> >("syspath"), 
                "specify an additional system include directory")
            ("forceinclude,F", po::parameter<vector<string> >("file"),
                "force inclusion of the given file")
            ("define,D", po::parameter<vector<string> >("macro[=[value]]"), 
                "specify a macro to define")
            ("predefine,P", po::parameter<vector<string> >("macro[=[value]]"), 
                "specify a macro to predefine")
            ("undefine,U", po::parameter<vector<string> >("macro"), 
                "specify a macro to undefine")
            ("nesting,n", po::parameter<int>("depth"), 
                "specify a new maximal include nesting depth")
    po::options_description desc_ext ("Extended options (allowed everywhere)");

            ("traceto,t", "path", "output trace info to a file [path] or to stderr [-]")
            ("timer", "", "output to stderr overall elapsed computing time")
            ("variadics", "", "enable certain C99 extensions in C++ mode")
            ("c99", "", "enable C99 mode (implies --variadics)")
            ("c++0x", "", "enable C++0x support (implies --variadics)")
    // combine the options for the different usage schemes
    po::options_description desc_overall_cmdline;


    po::options_description desc_overall_cfgfile;

    // parse command line and store results
    po::options_and_arguments opts = po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, 
        desc_overall_cmdline, 0, cmd_line_util::at_option_parser);
    po::variables_map vm;
        po::store(opts, vm, desc_overall_cmdline);

    // Try to find a wave.cfg in the same directory as the executable was 
    // started from. If this exists, treat it as a wave config file
    fs::path filename(argv[0], fs::native);

        filename = filename.branch_path() / "wave.cfg";
            desc_overall_cfgfile, vm, true);

    // if there is specified at least one config file, parse it and add the 
    // options to the main variables_map
        if (vm.count("config-file")) {
            vector<string>::const_iterator end = cfg_files.end();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = cfg_files.begin(); 
                 cit != end; ++cit)
            // parse a single config file and store the results
                    desc_overall_cfgfile, vm);

    // ... act as required 
        if (vm.count("help")) {
        po::options_description desc_help (
            "Usage: wave [options] [@config-file(s)] file");

            cout << desc_help << endl;
            return 1;
        if (vm.count("version")) {
            return print_version();

        if (vm.count("copyright")) {
            return print_copyright();
    // if there is no input file given, then exit
        if (0 == opts.arguments().size()) {
            cerr << "wave: no input file given, "
                 << "use --help to get a hint." << endl;
            return 5;

    // preprocess the given input file
        return do_actual_work(opts, vm);
    catch (std::exception &e) {
        cout << "wave: exception caught: " << e.what() << endl;
        return 6;
    catch (...) {
        cerr << "wave: unexpected exception caught." << endl;
        return 7;

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Written By
United States United States
Actively involved in Boost and the development of the Spirit parser construction framework.

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