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A New Perspective on Viewing

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6 Oct 2009CPOL16 min read 111.7K   2.6K   90  
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
// View.cpp
// Code to use the general viewing parameters to configure OpenGL and Direct3D.
// Copyright (C) 2009 John Hilton
// For an explanation see the "A New Perspective on Viewing" at

#include "stdafx.h"

// Direct3D includes
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <d3dx9.h>
#include <dxerr9.h>

// OpenGL includes
#include "gl/gl.h"
#include "gl/glu.h"

#include "GeneralView.h"

// Provide an inverse rotate/translate transformation
void Vec3MultInverseRotTrn( float vout[3], float v3[3], float RotTrn[4][3] )
    float tmp[3] = {
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        vout[i] = tmp[0] * RotTrn[i][0]
                + tmp[1] * RotTrn[i][1]
                + tmp[2] * RotTrn[i][2];

void ConfigureView_OpenGL( float ViewVolume[7], float ViewToWorld[4][3] )
    // Set up the GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW matrices which transform
    // from world space to clip space. Parallel and perspective views are
    // handled along with left or right handed spaces.
    // ViewToWorld must only be a rotation and translation.
    //      WorldToClip = ModelView * Projection
    //                  = Inverse(ViewToWorld) * ViewToClipGL(ViewVolume)
    // ViewToClipGL = [    1/hw       0                           0    0 ]
    //                [       0    1/hh                           0    0 ]
    //                [ -tsx/hw -tsy/hh    -(2-(zn+zf)*iez)/(zn-zf) -iez ]
    //                [       0       0 (zn+zf-2*zn*zf*iez)/(zn-zf)    1 ]
    // Abbreviations stand for
    //          HalfWidth, HalfHeight, ZNear, ZFar
    //          InverseEyeZ, TanSkewX, TanSkewY
    // Note: OpenGL's perspective view space has a different origin
    // to ViewToWorld's and ViewToClip's view space origin.

    // Use references for code readability
    struct TViewVolume { FLOAT hw, hh, zn, zf, iez, tsx, tsy; };
    TViewVolume& vv = *(TViewVolume*) ViewVolume;
    float &hw  = vv.hw , &hh  = vv.hh , &zn  = vv.zn , &zf  = vv.zf;
    float &iez = vv.iez, &tsx = vv.tsx, &tsy = vv.tsy;

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    static const float kVerySmall = 1e-6f;
    if (abs(iez) < kVerySmall)
        // Orthographic view
        // Create a matrix with the 4th column [0, 0, 0, 1]
        GLfloat Ortho[4][4] = {
            {    1/hw,       0,               0, 0 },
            {       0,    1/hh,               0, 0 },
            { -tsx/hw, -tsy/hh,      -2/(zn-zf), 0 },
            {       0,       0, (zn+zf)/(zn-zf), 1 }
        glLoadMatrixf( Ortho[0] );
        glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
        // Perspective view
        // Create a perspective matrix with the 4th column [0, 0, -1, 0]
        // which has the origin at the eyepoint.
        float ez = 1/iez;   // The eyepoint's view space Z coordinate
        GLfloat Persp[4][4] = {
            {      ez/hw,          0,                                  0,  0 },
            {          0,      ez/hh,                                  0,  0 },
            { -ez*tsx/hw, -ez*tsy/hh,            -(2*ez-(zn+zf))/(zn-zf), -1 },
            {          0,          0, -2*(ez*(ez-(zn+zf))+zn*zf)/(zn-zf),  0 }
        glLoadMatrixf( Persp[0] );
        glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
        glTranslatef( -ez*tsx, -ez*tsy, -ez );

    // Do the inverse of the ViewToWorld rotation and translation
    // Transpose the rotation to invert it
    GLfloat WorldToViewRotate[4][4] = {
        {   ViewToWorld[0][0], ViewToWorld[1][0], ViewToWorld[2][0], 0 },
        {   ViewToWorld[0][1], ViewToWorld[1][1], ViewToWorld[2][1], 0 },
        {   ViewToWorld[0][2], ViewToWorld[1][2], ViewToWorld[2][2], 0 },
        {                   0,                 0,                 0, 1 }
    glMultMatrixf( WorldToViewRotate[0] );
    glTranslatef( -ViewToWorld[3][0], -ViewToWorld[3][1], -ViewToWorld[3][2] );

void ConfigureView_Direct3D( FLOAT ViewVolume[7], FLOAT ViewToWorld[4][3],
                             D3DMATRIX& Projection, D3DMATRIX& World )
    // Set up the Projection and World matrices which transform from
    // world space to clip space. Parallel and perspective views are
    // handled along with left or right handed spaces.
    // ViewToWorld must only be a rotation and translation.
    // Direct3D's View transform is the identity transform.
    //   WorldToClip = World * View * Projection
    //               = Inverse(ViewToWorld) * WorldToClipD3D(WorldVolume)
    //   WorldToClipD3D = [    1/hw       0                     0    0 ]
    //                    [       0    1/hh                     0    0 ]
    //                    [ -tsx/hw -tsy/hh   -(1-zf*iez)/(zn-zf) -iez ]
    //                    [       0       0 zn*(1-zf*iez)/(zn-zf)    1 ]
    // Abbreviations stand for
    //          HalfWidth, HalfHeight, ZNear, ZFar
    //          InverseEyeZ, TanSkewX, TanSkewY
    // Note: Direct3D's perspective view space has a different origin
    // to ViewToWorld's and WorldToClip's view space origin.

    // Use references for code readability
    struct TViewVolume { FLOAT hw, hh, zn, zf, iez, tsx, tsy; };
    TViewVolume& vv = *(TViewVolume*) ViewVolume;
    float &hw  = vv.hw , &hh  = vv.hh , &zn  = vv.zn , &zf  = vv.zf;
    float &iez = vv.iez, &tsx = vv.tsx, &tsy = vv.tsy;

    // Set World = Inverse(ViewToWorld)
    //          = XFRM(-ViewToWorld.trn) * XFRM(Transpose(ViewToWorld.rot))
    //          = [      1      0      0 0 ] * [ rot00 rot10 rot20 0 ]
    //            [      0      1      0 0 ]   [ rot01 rot11 rot21 0 ]
    //            [      0      0      1 0 ]   [ rot02 rot12 rot22 0 ]
    //            [ -trn.x -trn.y -trn.z 1 ]   [     0     0     0 1 ]
    // where trn is the ViewToWorld.m[3][0] to m[3][2] vector and rot is the
    // ViewToWorld.m[0][0] to m[2][2] matrix.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        // Transform -ViewToWorld.trn from world space to view space
        World.m[3][i] = -ViewToWorld[3][0] * ViewToWorld[i][0]
                       - ViewToWorld[3][1] * ViewToWorld[i][1]
                       - ViewToWorld[3][2] * ViewToWorld[i][2];
        // Invert ViewToWorld.rot
        World.m[0][i] = ViewToWorld[i][0];
        World.m[1][i] = ViewToWorld[i][1];
        World.m[2][i] = ViewToWorld[i][2];
        // Zero m[0][3] to m[2][3]
        World.m[i][3] = 0;
    World.m[3][3] = 1;

    static const float kVerySmall = 1e-6f;
    if (abs(iez) < kVerySmall)
        // Orthographic view
        // Create a matrix with the 4th column [0, 0, 0, 1]
        D3DXMATRIX Ortho(    1/hw,       0,          0, 0,
                                0,    1/hh,          0, 0,
                          -tsx/hw, -tsy/hh, -1/(zn-zf), 0,
                                0,       0, zn/(zn-zf), 1 );
        Projection = Ortho;
        // Perspective view
        // Create a perspective matrix with the 4th column [0, 0, -1, 0]
        // which has the origin at the eyepoint.
        FLOAT ez = 1/iez;   // The eyepoint's view space Z coordinate
        D3DXMATRIX Persp(      ez/hw,          0,                        0,  0,
                                   0,      ez/hh,                        0,  0,
                          -ez*tsx/hw, -ez*tsy/hh,         -(ez-zf)/(zn-zf), -1,
                                   0,          0, -(ez-zn)*(ez-zf)/(zn-zf),  0 );
        Projection = Persp;
        // When tsx=tsy=0 this is equivalent to...
        //D3DXMATRIX Persp2;
        //D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH( &Persp2, 2*atan2(hh,ez), hw/hh, ez-zn, ez-zf );

        // Add the translation from the eyepoint to the view space origin
        World.m[3][0] += -ez * tsx;
        World.m[3][1] += -ez * tsy;
        World.m[3][2] += -ez;

#pragma region // Useful user interface variables

// Declare a 3D vector type
template< typename T >
union TVec3 { T v3[3]; struct { T x, y, z; }; };

// The following variables are the interface between the interactive user
// interface and the viewing code.
float g_ViewOrientation[3][3];    // orients the view in world space about
                                  // ViewCenter
float g_ViewCenter[3];            // a world space point mapped to the center
                                  // of the 2D image
float g_ViewSize;                 // minimum width or height of the view's
                                  // cross section at ViewCenter
float g_ViewAngle;                // either
                                  //    0 - a parallel view
                                  //    45*M_PI/180 - a perspective view
float g_BoundingSphere[4];        // world space x, y, z and radius, bounds the
                                  // world space region of renderable geometry
int   g_ViewportWidth, g_ViewportHeight;    // in pixels

template< typename T >
void ConfigureView( T ViewToWorld[4][3], T ViewVolume[7] )
    // Create the ViewToWorld transformation by combining g_ViewOrientation
    // and g_ViewCenter.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        *(TVec3<T>*) ViewToWorld[i] = *(TVec3<T>*) g_ViewOrientation[i];
    *(TVec3<T>*) ViewToWorld[3] = *(TVec3<T>*) g_ViewCenter;
    ViewToWorld[3][0] = ViewToWorld[3][1] =  ViewToWorld[3][2] = 0;

    // Declare TViewVolume
    //    HalfWidth, HalfHeight, ZNear, ZFar, InverseEyeZ, TanSkewX, TanSkewY
    union TViewVolume {
        T v7[7];
        struct { T hw, hh, zn, zf, iez, tsx, tsy; };
    // Use a reference to ViewVolume[]
    TViewVolume& vv = *(TViewVolume*) ViewVolume;

    vv.tsx = vv.tsy = 0;    // not using skewed views
    vv.hw = vv.hh = 0.5f * g_ViewSize;
    // Increase the wider dimension
    if (g_ViewportWidth >= g_ViewportHeight)
        vv.hw *= (float) g_ViewportWidth / g_ViewportHeight;
        vv.hh *= (float) g_ViewportHeight / g_ViewportWidth;

    // Map the bounding sphere from world space to view space
    TVec3<T> SphereCenterView;
    Vec3MultInverseRotTrn( SphereCenterView.v3, g_BoundingSphere, ViewToWorld );

    float& radius = g_BoundingSphere[3];
    vv.zn = SphereCenterView.x + radius;
    vv.zf = SphereCenterView.x - radius;
    static const float kVerySmall = 1e-6f;
    if (g_ViewAngle < kVerySmall)
        vv.iez = 0;     // parallel view
        // Perspective view
        // Ensure the near clipping plane is not too close to the eyepoint
        // and the ratio between the near and far clipping plane distances
        // provides adequate resolution for the z-buffer.
        float EyeZ = min(vv.hw,vv.hh) / tan(0.5f*g_ViewAngle);
        static const float kMinNearDistance = 1e-4f;
        if (vv.zn > EyeZ-kMinNearDistance)
            vv.zn = EyeZ-kMinNearDistance;
        static const float kMinNearFarFactor = 5e-4f;
        if (vv.zn > (EyeZ-vv.zf)*kMinNearFarFactor)
            vv.zn = (EyeZ-vv.zf)*kMinNearFarFactor;
        vv.iez = 1 / EyeZ;
template void ConfigureView<float>( float ViewToWorld[4][3], float ViewVolume[7] );

#pragma endregion

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Written By
Founder Spatial Freedom
Australia Australia
Software engineer, mechanical engineer, electronics engineer, inventor, manager, entrepreneur, husband, father, friend.
B.Sc. B.E.(Hons) M.Eng.Sc.
Some things I've done
- Invented the Spaceball(R)/1983 and Astroid(R)/2002 3D mice
- Patents: 3D mouse, data compression, acoustic transducer
- Wrote animation software in mid 1980s for TV commercials
- Wrote a basic CAD drawing program in 1980s
- Lived in Boston, Massachusetts for 11 years
- Architected and managed full custom ASIC chip
- Reviewed bionic eye technology for investment purposes
- Product development on CPR aid for heart attacks
- Developed an electronic sports whistle
- Was actually stranded on a deserted Pacific island
- Software: lots - embedded, device driver, applications
Some things I want to do
- Develop more cool hardware/software products
- Solve the 3D mouse software barrier to proliferate 3D mice
- Help bring 3D to the masses
- Help others

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