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HTML5 Bar Chart

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25 Mar 2013CPOL13 min read 93.4K   1.6K   62  
A jQuery plugin for a 3D Bar Chart.
/// <reference path="jquery-1.7.2.js" />
/// <reference path="paper.js" />
(function ($) {

    var html5Chart = {};

    var path;
    var selectedBar;
    var bars = [];

    var generateGuid = function () {
        var S4 = function () {
            return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
        return (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4());

    var easingOut = function (t, b, c, d) {
        var ts = (t /= d) * t;
        var tc = ts * t;
        return b + c * (tc * ts + -5 * ts * ts + 10 * tc + -10 * ts + 5 * t);

    function addCommas(nStr) {
        nStr += '';
        var x = nStr.split('.');
        var x1 = x[0];
        var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
        var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
        while (rgx.test(x1)) {
            x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
        return x1 + x2;

    var hitOptions = {
        type: html5Chart.Bar,
        segments: true,
        stroke: true,
        fill: true,
        tolerance: 1

    $.fn.barChart = function (options) {

        var self = this;

        // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
        var settings = $.extend({
            'id': generateGuid(),
            'discreteValueField': 'value',
            'categoryField': 'name',
            'colorField': 'color',
            'scaleText': 'values',
            'font': 'helvetica, calibri',
            'border': '1px solid #c0c0c0',
            'backgroundColor': '#FBEDBB',
            'title': '',
            'width': null,
            'height': null,
            'marginTop': 60,
            'marginLeft': 40,
            'marginRight': 15,
            'marginBottom': 15,
            'axisWidth': 50,
            'xLabelsHeight': 80,
            'barColor': '#ff0000',
            'depth3D': 0,
            'angle': 0,
            'onDataItemClick': null
        }, options);

        settings.fontSize = 10;

        //A canvas element is appended to the target div, so that the bar chart can be rendered
        var newCanvas =
            width: settings.width,
            height: settings.height
            border: settings.border,
            backgroundColor: settings.backgroundColor

        //Hidden span is used to preview the size of rendered text
        var newHiddenSpan =
                id: 'hiddenSpan',
                fontSize: settings.fontSize
                display: 'none'

        paper = new paper.PaperScope();

        with (paper) {

            //Renders the bar chart bar as a group of Paper JS items
            html5Chart.Bar = Group.extend({
                initialize: function (config, items) {
                    this.categoryName = config.categoryName;
                    this.value = config.value;
                    this.originalValue = config.originalValue;
                    this.zeroPoint = config.zeroPoint;
                    this.middleX = config.middleX;
                    this.dataItemBarAreaWidth = config.dataItemBarAreaWidth;
                    this.barHeightRatio = config.barHeightRatio;
                    this.depth3DPoint = config.depth3DPoint;

                    //The cardinal points in the point codes indicate the position of the points regarding to the bar.
                    var pNW = { x: this.middleX - (this.dataItemBarAreaWidth * .75) / 2, y: this.zeroPoint.y - this.barHeightRatio * this.value };
                    var pNE = { x: this.middleX + (this.dataItemBarAreaWidth * .75) / 2, y: this.zeroPoint.y - this.barHeightRatio * this.value };
                    var pSW = { x: this.middleX - (this.dataItemBarAreaWidth * .75) / 2, y: this.zeroPoint.y };
                    var pSE = { x: this.middleX + (this.dataItemBarAreaWidth * .75) / 2, y: this.zeroPoint.y };
                    var pNW2 = { x: pNW.x - this.depth3DPoint.x, y: pNW.y - this.depth3DPoint.y };
                    var pNE2 = { x: pNE.x - this.depth3DPoint.x, y: pNW.y - this.depth3DPoint.y };
                    var pSW2 = { x: pSW.x - this.depth3DPoint.x, y: pSW.y - this.depth3DPoint.y };
                    var pSE2 = { x: pSE.x - this.depth3DPoint.x, y: pSW.y - this.depth3DPoint.y };

                    this.bottomValue = pSE.y;
                    this.topValue = pNE.y;
                    this.currentValue = pSE.y;

                    var color = config.color;
                    var color2 = config.color2;
                    var color3 = config.color3;

                    var hexColor = this.colourNameToHex(color);
                    if (!hexColor)
                        hexColor = color;

                    if (hexColor) {
                        var r = hexColor.substring(1, 3);
                        var g = hexColor.substring(3, 5);
                        var b = hexColor.substring(5, 7);
                        var decR = parseInt(r, 16);
                        var decG = parseInt(g, 16);
                        var decB = parseInt(b, 16);
                        var darkFactor1 = .8;
                        var darkFactor2 = .5;
                        color2 = 'rgb(' + Math.round(decR * darkFactor1) + ',' + Math.round(decG * darkFactor1) + ',' + Math.round(decB * darkFactor1) + ')';
                        color3 = 'rgb(' + Math.round(decR * darkFactor2) + ',' + Math.round(decG * darkFactor2) + ',' + Math.round(decB * darkFactor2) + ')';

                    var dataItem3DPath = this.createBarSidePath(color2, pSW, pSE, pSE, pSW);
                    var dataItem3DTopPath = this.createBarSidePath(color, pSW, pSE, pSE2, pSW2);
                    var dataItem3DSidePath = this.createBarSidePath(color3, pSE, pSE2, pSE2, pSE);

                    items = [];

                    this._children = [];
                    this._namedChildren = {};
                    this.addChildren(!items || !Array.isArray(items)
                            || typeof items[0] !== 'object' ? arguments : items);
                    this.value = this.children[0].segments[2].point.y - this.children[0].segments[1].point.y;
                createBarSidePath: function (color, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
                    var path = new Path();
                    path.fillColor = color;
                    path.strokeWidth = 0;
                    path.add(p1.x, p1.y);
                    path.add(p2.x, p2.y);
                    path.add(p3.x, p3.y);
                    path.add(p4.x, p4.y);
                    path.closed = true;

                    return path;
                getFrontPolygonPath: function () {
                    return this.children[0];
                getTopPolygonPath: function () {
                    return this.children[1];
                getSidePolygonPath: function () {
                    return this.children[2];
                setBarTopY: function (y) {
                    this.currentValue = y;
                    var frontPolygonPath = this.getFrontPolygonPath();
                    frontPolygonPath.segments[0].point.y = y;
                    frontPolygonPath.segments[1].point.y = y;

                    var topPolygonPath = this.getTopPolygonPath();
                    topPolygonPath.segments[0].point.y = y;
                    topPolygonPath.segments[1].point.y = y;
                    topPolygonPath.segments[2].point.y = y - this.depth3DPoint.y;
                    topPolygonPath.segments[3].point.y = y - this.depth3DPoint.y;

                    var sidePolygonPath = this.getSidePolygonPath();
                    sidePolygonPath.segments[0].point.y = y;
                    sidePolygonPath.segments[1].point.y = y - this.depth3DPoint.y;
                animate: function (animationPercPerFrame) {
                    var step = 0;
                    var animated = false;
                    if (this.currentValue < this.topValue) {
                        this.currentValue == this.topValue;
                    else {
                        step = (this.bottomValue - this.topValue) * (animationPercPerFrame / 100);

                        var y = this.zeroPoint.y - (animationPercPerFrame / 100) * (this.bottomValue - this.topValue);

                        animated = true;
                    return {
                        step: step,
                        animated: animated
                colourNameToHex: function (colour) {
                    var colours = {
                        "aliceblue": "#f0f8ff", "antiquewhite": "#faebd7", "aqua": "#00ffff", "aquamarine": "#7fffd4", "azure": "#f0ffff",
                        "beige": "#f5f5dc", "bisque": "#ffe4c4", "black": "#000000", "blanchedalmond": "#ffebcd", "blue": "#0000ff", "blueviolet": "#8a2be2", "brown": "#a52a2a", "burlywood": "#deb887",
                        "cadetblue": "#5f9ea0", "chartreuse": "#7fff00", "chocolate": "#d2691e", "coral": "#ff7f50", "cornflowerblue": "#6495ed", "cornsilk": "#fff8dc", "crimson": "#dc143c", "cyan": "#00ffff",
                        "darkblue": "#00008b", "darkcyan": "#008b8b", "darkgoldenrod": "#b8860b", "darkgray": "#a9a9a9", "darkgreen": "#006400", "darkkhaki": "#bdb76b", "darkmagenta": "#8b008b", "darkolivegreen": "#556b2f",
                        "darkorange": "#ff8c00", "darkorchid": "#9932cc", "darkred": "#8b0000", "darksalmon": "#e9967a", "darkseagreen": "#8fbc8f", "darkslateblue": "#483d8b", "darkslategray": "#2f4f4f", "darkturquoise": "#00ced1",
                        "darkviolet": "#9400d3", "deeppink": "#ff1493", "deepskyblue": "#00bfff", "dimgray": "#696969", "dodgerblue": "#1e90ff",
                        "firebrick": "#b22222", "floralwhite": "#fffaf0", "forestgreen": "#228b22", "fuchsia": "#ff00ff",
                        "gainsboro": "#dcdcdc", "ghostwhite": "#f8f8ff", "gold": "#ffd700", "goldenrod": "#daa520", "gray": "#808080", "green": "#008000", "greenyellow": "#adff2f",
                        "honeydew": "#f0fff0", "hotpink": "#ff69b4",
                        "indianred ": "#cd5c5c", "indigo ": "#4b0082", "ivory": "#fffff0", "khaki": "#f0e68c",
                        "lavender": "#e6e6fa", "lavenderblush": "#fff0f5", "lawngreen": "#7cfc00", "lemonchiffon": "#fffacd", "lightblue": "#add8e6", "lightcoral": "#f08080", "lightcyan": "#e0ffff", "lightgoldenrodyellow": "#fafad2",
                        "lightgrey": "#d3d3d3", "lightgreen": "#90ee90", "lightpink": "#ffb6c1", "lightsalmon": "#ffa07a", "lightseagreen": "#20b2aa", "lightskyblue": "#87cefa", "lightslategray": "#778899", "lightsteelblue": "#b0c4de",
                        "lightyellow": "#ffffe0", "lime": "#00ff00", "limegreen": "#32cd32", "linen": "#faf0e6",
                        "magenta": "#ff00ff", "maroon": "#800000", "mediumaquamarine": "#66cdaa", "mediumblue": "#0000cd", "mediumorchid": "#ba55d3", "mediumpurple": "#9370d8", "mediumseagreen": "#3cb371", "mediumslateblue": "#7b68ee",
                        "mediumspringgreen": "#00fa9a", "mediumturquoise": "#48d1cc", "mediumvioletred": "#c71585", "midnightblue": "#191970", "mintcream": "#f5fffa", "mistyrose": "#ffe4e1", "moccasin": "#ffe4b5",
                        "navajowhite": "#ffdead", "navy": "#000080",
                        "oldlace": "#fdf5e6", "olive": "#808000", "olivedrab": "#6b8e23", "orange": "#ffa500", "orangered": "#ff4500", "orchid": "#da70d6",
                        "palegoldenrod": "#eee8aa", "palegreen": "#98fb98", "paleturquoise": "#afeeee", "palevioletred": "#d87093", "papayawhip": "#ffefd5", "peachpuff": "#ffdab9", "peru": "#cd853f", "pink": "#ffc0cb", "plum": "#dda0dd", "powderblue": "#b0e0e6", "purple": "#800080",
                        "red": "#ff0000", "rosybrown": "#bc8f8f", "royalblue": "#4169e1",
                        "saddlebrown": "#8b4513", "salmon": "#fa8072", "sandybrown": "#f4a460", "seagreen": "#2e8b57", "seashell": "#fff5ee", "sienna": "#a0522d", "silver": "#c0c0c0", "skyblue": "#87ceeb", "slateblue": "#6a5acd", "slategray": "#708090", "snow": "#fffafa", "springgreen": "#00ff7f", "steelblue": "#4682b4",
                        "tan": "#d2b48c", "teal": "#008080", "thistle": "#d8bfd8", "tomato": "#ff6347", "turquoise": "#40e0d0",
                        "violet": "#ee82ee",
                        "wheat": "#f5deb3", "white": "#ffffff", "whitesmoke": "#f5f5f5",
                        "yellow": "#ffff00", "yellowgreen": "#9acd32"

                    if (typeof colours[colour.toLowerCase()] != 'undefined')
                        return colours[colour.toLowerCase()];

                    return false;

            //Creates a group of Paper JS items that represent the pop up caption
            //that displays the current category name and corresponding discrete value
            //when the user moves the mouse over it
            html5Chart.Popup = Group.extend({
                initialize: function (options) {
                    var settings = this.settings = $.extend({
                        'fontSize': '20',
                        'font': 'helvetica, calibri',
                        'color': 'color',
                        'fillColor': 'orange',
                        'strokeColor': 'black',
                        'strokeWidth': '1'
                    }, options);

                    this.popupCenter = {
                        x: paper.view.viewSize.width / 2,
                        y: paper.view.viewSize.height / 2,
                    var text = '';

                    $(newHiddenSpan).css('font-family', settings.font);
                    $(newHiddenSpan).css('font-size', settings.fontSize * 1.6);
                    var textSize = { width: 200, height: 20 };

                    var popupText = new paper.PointText(textSize.width / 2, textSize.height * .75);
                    popupText.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
                    popupText.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize;
                    popupText.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                    popupText.content = text;

                    var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), textSize);
                    var cornerSize = new Size(5, 5);
                    var popupBorder = new Path.RoundRectangle(rectangle, cornerSize);
                    popupBorder.strokeColor = settings.strokeColor;
                    popupBorder.strokeWidth = settings.strokeWidth;
                    popupBorder.fillColor = settings.fillColor;
                    this._children = [];
                    this._namedChildren = {};
                    this.addChildren([popupBorder, popupText]);
                    this.visible = false;
                    return this;
                resetPopup: function (text) {
                    if (this.text != text) {
                        this.text = text;
                        var settings = this.settings;
                        $(newHiddenSpan).css('font-family', settings.font);
                        $(newHiddenSpan).css('font-size', settings.fontSize * 1.6);
                        var textSize = { width: $(newHiddenSpan).width(), height: $(newHiddenSpan).height() };
                        var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(this.position.x - textSize.width / 2, this.position.y - textSize.height / 2), textSize);
                        var cornerSize = new Size(5, 5);
                        var popupBorder = new Path.RoundRectangle(rectangle, cornerSize);
                        popupBorder.strokeColor = settings.strokeColor;
                        popupBorder.strokeWidth = settings.strokeWidth;
                        popupBorder.fillColor = settings.fillColor;
                        var border = this.getBorder();
                        var popupText = this.getLabel();
                        popupText.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
                        popupText.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize;
                        popupText.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                        popupText.content = text;
                        this.addChildren([popupBorder, popupText]);
                getBorder: function () {
                    return this.children[0];
                getLabel: function () {
                    return this.children[1];

            // Create a simple drawing tool:
            var tool = new Tool();

            tool.onMouseMove = function (event) {
                var hitResult = paper.project.hitTest(event.point, hitOptions);
                self.selectedItemPopup.visible = false;
                self.css('cursor', '');
                if (hitResult && hitResult.item) {
                    if (hitResult.item.parent) {
                        self.selectedItemPopup.position = new Point(event.point.x, event.point.y - 40);
                        if (hitResult.item.parent.categoryName) {
                            if (selectedBar) {
                                if (selectedBar != hitResult.item.parent) {
                                    selectedBar.opacity = 1;
                                    selectedBar.strokeWidth = 0;
                                    selectedBar.strokeColor = undefined;
                                    self.selectedItemPopup.visible = false;
                                    self.css('cursor', '');
                            selectedBar = hitResult.item.parent;
                            selectedBar.opacity = .5;
                            selectedBar.strokeWidth = 1;
                            selectedBar.strokeColor = 'black';
                            self.selectedItemPopup.visible = true;
                            self.css('cursor', 'pointer');
                            if (self.selectedItemPopup.resetPopup) {
                                var value = selectedBar.originalValue;
                                value = parseInt(value * 100) / 100;
                                self.selectedItemPopup.resetPopup(selectedBar.categoryName + ': ' + addCommas(value));

                            if (settings.onDataItemMouseMove) {
                                    categoryName: selectedBar.categoryName,
                                    value: selectedBar.originalValue
                else {
                    if (selectedBar) {
                        selectedBar.opacity = 1;
                        selectedBar.strokeWidth = 0;
                        selectedBar.strokeColor = undefined;
                        selectedBar = null;
                        self.css('cursor', '');

            tool.onMouseUp = function () {
                if (selectedBar) {
                    if (settings.onDataItemClick) {
                            categoryName: selectedBar.categoryName,
                            value: selectedBar.originalValue

            //Rendering the bar chart title
            var text = new PointText(paper.view.viewSize.width / 2, 15);
            text.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
            text.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize;
            text.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
            text.content = settings.title;

            var maxCategoryNameWidth = 0;
            $( (index, item) {
                var categoryName = item[settings.categoryNameField];
                maxCategoryNameWidth = Math.max(maxCategoryNameWidth, $(newHiddenSpan).width());
            if (!settings.marginBottom)
                settings.marginBottom = settings.height / 8;

            //The Zero Point defines where the two axis cross each other
            var zeroPoint = {
                x: settings.marginLeft + settings.axisWidth,
                y: paper.view.viewSize.height - settings.marginBottom - settings.xLabelsHeight

            //Rendering the left (scale) line
            var leftPath = new Path();
            leftPath.strokeColor = 'black';
            leftPath.add(zeroPoint.x, settings.marginTop);
            leftPath.add(zeroPoint.x, zeroPoint.y);

            var maxDiscreteValue = 0;
            var minDiscreteValue = 0;

            //Discovering the maximum and minimum discrete values
            var xOffset = 0;
            var dataItemBarAreaWidth = (paper.view.viewSize.width - settings.marginLeft - settings.marginRight - settings.depth3D - settings.axisWidth) /;
            $( (index, item) {
                var value = item[settings.discreteValueField];
                maxDiscreteValue = Math.max(maxDiscreteValue, value);
                minDiscreteValue = Math.min(minDiscreteValue, value);
                item.value = value;
                item.originalValue = value;

            //Discovering the magnitude value based on the maximum discrete value
            var magnitude = 1;
            var magnitudeLabel = '';
            if (maxDiscreteValue > 1000000000) {
                magnitude = 1000000000;
                magnitudeLabel = '(in billions)'
            else if (maxDiscreteValue > 1000000) {
                magnitude = 1000000;
                magnitudeLabel = '(in millions)'
            else if (maxDiscreteValue > 1000) {
                magnitude = 1000;
                magnitudeLabel = '(in thousands)'

            //Each value must be re-scaled based on the magnitude
            $( (index, item) {
                item.value = item.value / magnitude;

            maxDiscreteValue = maxDiscreteValue / magnitude;
            minDiscreteValue = minDiscreteValue / magnitude;

            //Rounding the numbers to the same number of digits
            var maxDiscreteValueLength = (parseInt(maxDiscreteValue + '').toString()).length - 2;
            var roundLimit = Math.pow(10, maxDiscreteValueLength);
            var maxScaleValue = Math.ceil(maxDiscreteValue / roundLimit) * roundLimit;

            //Rendering the scale values
            var scaleCount = 5;
            var lastScaleValue = 0;
            for (var scale = 0; scale <= scaleCount; scale++) {
                var y = zeroPoint.y - scale * (zeroPoint.y - settings.marginTop) / scaleCount;

                var scaleText = new PointText(zeroPoint.x - 10, y + 5);
                scaleText.paragraphStyle.justification = 'right';
                scaleText.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize * .8;
                scaleText.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                var value = ((maxScaleValue - 0) / scaleCount) * scale;

                if (value.toString().length - lastScaleValue.toString().length > 2) {
                    var lastDigitsCount = (lastScaleValue.toString().length - parseInt(lastScaleValue).toString().length) - 1;
                    var pow = Math.pow(10, lastDigitsCount);
                    value = parseInt(pow * value) / pow;
                scaleText.content = addCommas(value);

                lastScaleValue = value;
                var scalePath = new Path();
                scalePath.strokeColor = 'black';
                scalePath.add(zeroPoint.x - 5, y);
                scalePath.add(zeroPoint.x, y);

            //Rendering the horizontal (bottom) line
            var bottomPath = new Path();
            bottomPath.strokeColor = 'black';
            bottomPath.add(zeroPoint.x, zeroPoint.y + 1);
            bottomPath.add(paper.view.viewSize.width - settings.marginRight, zeroPoint.y + 1);

            //The pixel/value ratio used to draw the bar chart bars
            var barHeightRatio = (zeroPoint.y - settings.marginTop) / (maxScaleValue - minDiscreteValue);
            var categoryNameMargin = $(newHiddenSpan).width();
            var depth3DPoint;
            if (maxDiscreteValue > minDiscreteValue) {
                //The rotated caption for the discrete values
                var discreteValuesCaption = new PointText(settings.marginLeft * .5, paper.view.viewSize.height / 2);
                discreteValuesCaption.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
                discreteValuesCaption.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize * 1.1;
                discreteValuesCaption.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                discreteValuesCaption.content = settings.discreteValuesCaption;

                maxDiscreteValueLength = (parseInt(maxDiscreteValue + '').toString()).length - 2;
                roundLimit = Math.pow(10, maxDiscreteValueLength);
                maxScaleValue = Math.ceil(maxDiscreteValue / roundLimit) * roundLimit;

                //The rotated caption for the magnitude
                var discreteValuesCaption2 = new PointText(settings.marginLeft, paper.view.viewSize.height / 2);
                discreteValuesCaption2.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
                discreteValuesCaption2.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize * 1.2;
                discreteValuesCaption2.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                discreteValuesCaption2.content = magnitudeLabel;

                //The {x,y} offset point, used to define the deep corner of the bar
                depth3DPoint = {
                    x: -settings.depth3D * Math.cos(settings.angle * (Math.PI / 180)),
                    y: settings.depth3D * Math.sin(settings.angle * (Math.PI / 180)),

                //Creates one bar for each category
                $( (index, item) {
                    var value = item.value;
                    var originalValue = item.originalValue;
                    var categoryName = item[settings.categoryNameField];
                    var color = item[settings.colorField];

                    var middleX = zeroPoint.x + dataItemBarAreaWidth * index + dataItemBarAreaWidth / 2;

                    //Generates and renders the category bar
                    var g = new html5Chart.Bar(
                            categoryName: categoryName,
                            value: value,
                            originalValue: originalValue,

                            middleX: middleX,
                            dataItemBarAreaWidth: dataItemBarAreaWidth,
                            barHeightRatio: barHeightRatio,

                            depth3DPoint: depth3DPoint,
                            zeroPoint: zeroPoint,
                            color: color

                    //We set the hidden span's html value so that jQuery width() and height() functions can calculate the
                    //dimensions of the rendered, then we used them to position the text.

                    var barLabelLineX = zeroPoint.x + dataItemBarAreaWidth * index + dataItemBarAreaWidth / 2;

                    var barLabelLine = new Path();
                    barLabelLine.strokeColor = 'black';
                    barLabelLine.add(barLabelLineX, zeroPoint.y);
                    barLabelLine.add(barLabelLineX, zeroPoint.y + 5);

                    //Renders the category names below the bars
                    var bottomPadding = settings.height - zeroPoint.y;
                    var barLabel = new PointText(barLabelLineX + 5, (zeroPoint.y + $(newHiddenSpan).width() / 4) + bottomPadding / 4);
                    barLabel.paragraphStyle.justification = 'center';
                    barLabel.characterStyle.fontSize = settings.fontSize;
                    barLabel.characterStyle.font = settings.font;
                    barLabel.content = categoryName;

                this.selectedItemPopup = new html5Chart.Popup({ fontSize: settings.fontSize});

            //when everything is rendered, we call draw() function to generate the frame.

            //Generates the initial animation
            var animationPercPerFrame = 5;
            var ellapsedTime = 0;
            var accumulatedBarHeight = 0;
            paper.view.onFrame = function (event) {
                ellapsedTime += event.time;

                var animationCount = 0;
                animationPercPerFrame = easingOut(ellapsedTime, 0, 100, 40);
                $(bars).each(function (index, bar) {
                    var animationResult = bar.animate(animationPercPerFrame);

                    if (animationResult.animated > 0) {
                    accumulatedBarHeight += animationResult.step;
                if (animationCount == 0) {
                    paper.view.onFrame = null;

        return this;

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Written By
Instructor / Trainer Alura Cursos Online
Brazil Brazil

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