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What can be simpler than graphical primitives? Part 3

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8 Apr 2013CPOL43 min read 24K   560   32  
using System;
using System .Collections .Generic;
using System .ComponentModel;
using System .Drawing;
using System .IO;
using System .Windows .Forms;
using Microsoft .Win32;

using MoveGraphLibrary;

namespace GraphicalPrimitives
    public partial class Form_Colors_Ring : Form
        int version = 614;
        const string strAddRegKey = "Form_Colors_Ring";
        Mover mover;
        Point ptMouse_Down, ptMouse_Up;
        Ring_SlidingPartitions ring;
        List<MoveableText> numbers = new List<MoveableText> ();
        double fNumbersPositionCoef = 16;

        ArbitraryGroup groupGradient;
        CommentedControlLTP ccFrom = null;
        CommentedControlLTP ccTo = null;
        ResizableRectangle rrColors = null;
        SolitaryControl scApply = null;

        SolitaryControl scOK = null;

        Font fntSelected;
        Spaces spaces;

        bool bAfterInit = false;
        bool bRestore = false;

        // -------------------------------------------------
        public Form_Colors_Ring (double [] vals, List<Color> clrs, double angleDegree, Rotation dirDrawing)
            InitializeComponent ();
            mover = new Mover (this);

            fntSelected = Font;
            ring = new Ring_SlidingPartitions (this, mover, new Point (200, 270), 160, 60, angleDegree, vals);
            ring .SetColors (clrs);
            ring .DrawingDirection = dirDrawing;
            numericUD_From .Maximum = ring .Values .Length - 1;
            numericUD_To .Maximum = ring .Values .Length - 1;
            numericUD_From .Value = 0;
            numericUD_To .Value = numericUD_To .Maximum;
            ConstructNumbers ();

            spaces = new Spaces (this);
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnLoad
        private void OnLoad (object sender, EventArgs e)
            RestoreFromRegistry ();
            if (!bRestore)
                numericUD_From .Location = new Point (150, 40);
                numericUD_To .Location = new Point (350, numericUD_From .Top);
                ccFrom = new CommentedControlLTP (this, numericUD_From, Side .W, SideAlignment .Center, 4, "From");
                ccTo = new CommentedControlLTP (this, numericUD_To, Side .W, SideAlignment .Center, 4, "To");
                int cy = ccFrom .RectAround .Bottom + 2 * spaces .VerMin;
                Size sizeMin = new Size (20, 20);
                Size sizeMax = new Size (400, 400);
                rrColors = new ResizableRectangle (Rectangle .FromLTRB (ccFrom .RectAround .Left, cy,
                                                                        ccTo .RectAround .Right, cy + sizeMin .Height),
                                                   sizeMin, sizeMax, Show_Colors);
                Rectangle rc = rrColors .Rectangle;
                btnApply .Location = new Point ((rc .Left + rc .Right) / 2 - btnApply .Width / 2, rc .Bottom + spaces .VerMin);
                scApply = new SolitaryControl (btnApply);
                GroupVisibleParameters visparams = new GroupVisibleParameters (BackColor, true, true,       // "sample1", 0, 
                                                        true, Auxi_Colours .DefaultFrameColor (this), new int [] { 10, 6, 10, 10 },
                                                        true, Font, SystemColors .Highlight, 0.0, 4);
                visparams .Transparency = 0.25;
                groupGradient = new ArbitraryGroup (this, visparams, "Smooth change",
                                        ElementsArea_groupGradient, DrawElems_groupGradient, SynchroMove_groupGradient, IntoMover_groupGradient);

                int dW = Math .Max (Convert .ToInt32 (ring .RectAround .Right), groupGradient .RectAround .Right) + 2 * spaces .FormSideSpace;
                btnOK .Location = new Point (dW - (btnOK .Width + spaces .FormSideSpace),
                                             Convert .ToInt32 (ring .RectAround .Bottom) + 2 * spaces .VerMin);
                scOK = new SolitaryControl (btnOK);
                ClientSize = new Size (dW, btnOK .Bottom + spaces .FormBtmSpace);
            RenewMover ();
            bAfterInit = true;
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnFormClosing
        private void OnFormClosing (object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            SaveIntoRegistry ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        RenewMover
        private void RenewMover ()
            mover .Clear ();
            mover .Add (ring);
            for (int i = numbers .Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                mover .Insert (0, numbers [i]);
            groupGradient .IntoMover (mover, 0);
            mover .Insert (0, scOK);
        // -------------------------------------------------        ConstructNumbers
        private void ConstructNumbers ()
            numbers .Clear ();
            MoveableText textnum;
            PointF ptC = ring .Center;
            double angle = ring .Angle;
            double [] sweep_angles = ring .GetSweepAngles ();
            double dist;
            if (fNumbersPositionCoef >= 1)
                dist = ring .OuterRadius + fNumbersPositionCoef;
            else if (fNumbersPositionCoef >= 0)
                dist = ring .InnerRadius + fNumbersPositionCoef * (ring .OuterRadius - ring .InnerRadius);
                fNumbersPositionCoef = Math .Max (-1, fNumbersPositionCoef);
                dist = ring .InnerRadius * (1 + fNumbersPositionCoef);
            for (int i = 0; i < sweep_angles .Length; i++)
                angle += sweep_angles [i] / 2;
                textnum = new MoveableText (this, Point .Round (Auxi_Geometry .PointToPoint (ptC, angle, dist)), i .ToString (), fntSelected);
                textnum .Rotatable = false;
                numbers .Add (textnum);
                angle += sweep_angles [i] / 2;
        // -------------------------------------------------        PositionNumbers
        private void PositionNumbers ()
            PointF ptC = ring .Center;
            double angle = ring .Angle;
            double [] sweep_angles = ring .GetSweepAngles ();
            for (int i = 0; i < sweep_angles .Length; i++)
                angle += sweep_angles [i] / 2;
                numbers [i] .Location = Point .Round (Auxi_Geometry .RingPointBySpecialCoefficient (ptC, ring .InnerRadius, ring .OuterRadius,
                                                      angle, fNumbersPositionCoef));
                angle += sweep_angles [i] / 2;
        // -------------------------------------------------        Show_Colors
        void Show_Colors (Graphics grfx)
            int iFrom = Convert .ToInt32 (numericUD_From .Value);
            int iTo = Convert .ToInt32 (numericUD_To .Value);
            int nClrsShow;
            Color [] clrs;
            if (iFrom <= iTo)
                nClrsShow = iTo - iFrom + 1;
                nClrsShow = ring .Colors .Count - (iFrom - iTo - 1);
            if (nClrsShow > 1)
                clrs = Auxi_Colours .SmoothChangedColors (nClrsShow, ring .Colors [iFrom], ring .Colors [iTo]);
                clrs = new Color [1] { ring .Colors [iFrom] };
            Rectangle rcArea = rrColors .Rectangle;
            if (rcArea .Height <= rcArea .Width)
                int nW = rcArea .Width;
                int nL, nR;
                for (int i = 0; i < nClrsShow; i++)
                    nL = nW * i / nClrsShow;
                    nR = nW * (i + 1) / nClrsShow;
                    grfx .FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (clrs [i]), Rectangle .FromLTRB (rcArea .Left + nL, rcArea .Top,
                                                                                         rcArea .Left + nR, rcArea .Bottom));
                int nH = rcArea .Height;
                int nT, nB;
                for (int i = 0; i < nClrsShow; i++)
                    nT = nH * i / nClrsShow;
                    nB = nH * (i + 1) / nClrsShow;
                    grfx .FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (clrs [i]), Rectangle .FromLTRB (rcArea .Left, rcArea .Top + nT,
                                                                                         rcArea .Right, rcArea .Top + nB));
            ControlPaint .DrawBorder3D (grfx, rcArea, Border3DStyle .Sunken);
        // -------------------------------------------------        ElementsArea_groupGradient
        private Rectangle ElementsArea_groupGradient ()
            return (Rectangle .Union (Rectangle .Union (Rectangle .Union (ccFrom .RectAround, ccTo .RectAround),
                                                        scApply .RectAround),
                                      rrColors .RectAround));
        // -------------------------------------------------        DrawElems_groupGradient
        private void DrawElems_groupGradient (Graphics grfx)
            rrColors .Draw (grfx);
            ccFrom .Draw (grfx);
            ccTo .Draw (grfx);
        // -------------------------------------------------        SynchroMove_groupGradient
        void SynchroMove_groupGradient (int dx, int dy)
            ccFrom .Move (dx, dy);
            ccTo .Move (dx, dy);
            scApply .Move (dx, dy);
            rrColors .Move (dx, dy);
        // -------------------------------------------------        IntoMover_groupGradient
        void IntoMover_groupGradient (Mover mv, int iPos)
            mv .Insert (iPos, groupGradient);
            mv .Insert (iPos, rrColors);
            mv .Insert (iPos, ccFrom);
            mv .Insert (iPos, ccTo);
            mv .Insert (iPos, scApply);
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnPaint 
        private void OnPaint (object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics grfx = e .Graphics;

            ring .Draw (grfx);
            for (int i = numbers .Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                numbers [i] .Draw (grfx);
            groupGradient .Draw (grfx);
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseDown
        private void OnMouseDown (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ptMouse_Down = e .Location;
            if (mover .Catch (e .Location, e .Button))
                GraphicalObject grobj = mover .CaughtSource;
                if (grobj is Ring_SlidingPartitions)
                    Ring_SlidingPartitions ring = grobj as Ring_SlidingPartitions;
                    if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Left)
                        if (mover .CaughtNodeShape == NodeShape .Strip)
                            ring .StartResectoring (mover .CaughtNode);
                            ring .StartResizing (e .Location, mover .CaughtNode);
                    else if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Right)
                        ring .StartRotation (e .Location);
                else if (grobj is MoveableText)
                    if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Left)
                        fNumbersPositionCoef = Auxi_Geometry .RingCoefficientForPoint (ring .Center, ring .InnerRadius,
                                                                                       ring .OuterRadius, e .Location);
            ContextMenuStrip = null;
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseUp
        private void OnMouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ptMouse_Up = e .Location;
            double fDist = Auxi_Geometry .Distance (ptMouse_Down, ptMouse_Up);
            if (mover .Release ())
                if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Right && fDist <= 3)
                    ContextMenuStrip = menuOnEmpty;
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseMove
        private void OnMouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (mover .Move (e .Location))
                if (mover .CaughtSource is Ring_SlidingPartitions)
                    PositionNumbers ();
                else if (mover .CaughtSource is MoveableText && e .Button == MouseButtons .Left)
                    fNumbersPositionCoef = Auxi_Geometry .RingCoefficientForPoint (ring .Center, ring .InnerRadius,
                                                                                   ring .OuterRadius, e .Location);
                    PositionNumbers ();
                groupGradient .Update ();
                if (mover .CaughtSource is SolitaryControl || mover .CaughtSource is CommentedControlLTP ||
                    mover .CaughtSource is ArbitraryGroup)
                    Update ();
                Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseDoubleClick
        private void OnMouseDoubleClick (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (mover .Release () && e .Button == MouseButtons .Left && mover .WasCaughtSource is Ring_SlidingPartitions)
                int iSector = Auxi_Geometry .SectorOfPoint (Point .Round (ring .Center), ring .Angle, ring .GetSweepAngles (), e .Location);
                ColorDialog dlg = new ColorDialog ();

                dlg .Color = ring .GetSectorColor (iSector);
                if (dlg .ShowDialog () == DialogResult .OK)
                    ring .SetSectorColor (iSector, dlg .Color);
                    Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnContextMenuChanged
        private void OnContextMenuChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ContextMenuStrip != null)
                ContextMenuStrip .Show (PointToScreen (ptMouse_Up));
        // -------------------------------------------------        Click_miFont
        private void Click_miFont (object sender, EventArgs e)
            FontDialog dlg = new FontDialog ();

            dlg .Font = fntSelected;
            if (dlg .ShowDialog () == DialogResult .OK)
                fntSelected = dlg .Font;
                ccFrom .Font = fntSelected;
                ccTo .Font = fntSelected;
                scApply .Font = fntSelected;
                scOK .Font = fntSelected;
                groupGradient .GroupVisibleParameters .TitleFont = fntSelected;
                groupGradient .Update ();
                for (int i = 0; i < numbers .Count; i++)
                    numbers [i] .Font = fntSelected;
                RenewMover ();
                Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        ValueChanged_numeric
        private void ValueChanged_numeric (object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (bAfterInit)
                Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        Click_btnApply
        private void Click_btnApply (object sender, EventArgs e)
            int iFrom = Convert .ToInt32 (numericUD_From .Value);
            int iTo = Convert .ToInt32 (numericUD_To .Value);
            int nClrsChange;
            Color [] clrs;
            if (iFrom <= iTo)
                nClrsChange = iTo - iFrom + 1;
                nClrsChange = ring .Colors .Count - (iFrom - iTo - 1);
            if (nClrsChange > 1)
                clrs = Auxi_Colours .SmoothChangedColors (nClrsChange, ring .Colors [iFrom], ring .Colors [iTo]);
                clrs = new Color [1] { ring .Colors [iFrom] };
            int nClrsAll = ring .Colors .Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < nClrsChange; i++)
                ring .SetSectorColor ((iFrom + i) % nClrsAll, clrs [i]);
            Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        Sample
        public Ring_SlidingPartitions Sample
            get { return (ring); }

        const string nameSize = "Size";
        // -------------------------------------------------        SaveIntoRegistry
        private void SaveIntoRegistry ()
            string strRegKey = Form_Main .strRegKey + strAddRegKey;

            RegistryKey regkey = null;
                regkey = Registry .CurrentUser .CreateSubKey (strRegKey);
                if (regkey != null)
                    regkey .SetValue (nameSize, new string [] { version .ToString (),               // 0 
                                                                ClientSize .Width .ToString (),     // 1 
                                                                ClientSize .Height .ToString (),    // 2 

                                                                fntSelected .Name,                         // 3
                                                                fntSelected .SizeInPoints .ToString (),    // 4
                                                                ((int) (fntSelected .Style)) .ToString (), // 5

                                                                ring .Center .X .ToString (),     // 6
                                                                ring .Center .Y .ToString (),     // 7
                                                                ring .OuterRadius .ToString (),        // 8
                                                                ring .InnerRadius .ToString (),        // 9
                                                                fNumbersPositionCoef .ToString (),    // 10
                                                RegistryValueKind .MultiString);
                    ccFrom .IntoRegistry (regkey, "FromComCtrl");
                    ccTo .IntoRegistry (regkey, "ToComCtrl");
                    rrColors .IntoRegistry (regkey, "ColorsRect");
                    scApply .IntoRegistry (regkey, "ApplyBtn");
                    groupGradient .IntoRegistry (regkey, "GroupGradient");

                    scOK .IntoRegistry (regkey, "OKBtn");
                if (regkey != null) regkey .Close ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        RestoreFromRegistry
        private void RestoreFromRegistry ()
            string strkey = Form_Main .strRegKey + strAddRegKey;

            RegistryKey regkey = null;
                bRestore = false;
                regkey = Registry .CurrentUser .OpenSubKey (strkey);
                if (regkey != null)
                    string [] strs = (string []) regkey .GetValue (nameSize);
                    if (strs != null && strs .Length == 11 && Convert .ToInt32 (strs [0]) == 614)
                        ClientSize = Auxi_Convert .ToSize (strs, 1);
                        fntSelected = Auxi_Convert .ToFont (strs, 3);
                        ring .Center = Auxi_Convert .ToPointF (strs, 6);
                        ring .SetRadii (Convert .ToSingle (strs [8]), Convert .ToSingle (strs [9]));
                        fNumbersPositionCoef = Convert .ToDouble (strs [10]);
                    ccFrom = CommentedControlLTP .FromRegistry (this, regkey, "FromComCtrl", numericUD_From);
                    ccTo = CommentedControlLTP .FromRegistry (this, regkey, "ToComCtrl", numericUD_To);
                    rrColors = ResizableRectangle .FromRegistry (regkey, "ColorsRect", Show_Colors, null);
                    scApply = SolitaryControl .FromRegistry (regkey, "ApplyBtn", btnApply);
                    groupGradient = ArbitraryGroup .FromRegistry (this, regkey, "GroupGradient",
                                         ElementsArea_groupGradient, DrawElems_groupGradient, SynchroMove_groupGradient, IntoMover_groupGradient);
                    scOK = SolitaryControl .FromRegistry (regkey, "OKBtn", btnOK);

                    if (ccFrom == null || ccTo == null || rrColors == null || scApply == null ||
                        scOK == null || groupGradient == null)
                    ConstructNumbers ();
                    groupGradient .Update ();
                    bRestore = true;
                if (regkey != null) regkey .Close ();


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