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Windows Switcher Add-In

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How to speed-up navigating in big workspace using keyboard
// WindowsListDialog.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WindowsSwitcher.h"
#include "WindowsListDialog.h"
#include "KeyBindingsDialog.h"
#include "AboutDialog.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CWindowsListDialog dialog

CString CWindowsListDialog::m_oActiveProjectNameString;

CWindowsListDialog::CWindowsListDialog( IApplication* pIApplication, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/ )
	: CDialog(CWindowsListDialog::IDD, pParent), m_pIApplication( pIApplication )
		// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here


void CWindowsListDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_FILTER, m_oFilterEdit);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_WINDOWS, m_oWindowsListCtrl);

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWindowsListDialog, CDialog)

// CWindowsListDialog message handlers

BOOL CWindowsListDialog::OnInitDialog() 

	// change style
	DWORD dwStyle = 0;
	m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetExtendedStyle( dwStyle );

	m_oWindowsListCtrl.InsertColumn( eColumnIndexContent, "Content", LVCFMT_LEFT, 200 );	
	m_oWindowsListCtrl.InsertColumn( eColumnIndexProject, "Project", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 );
	m_oWindowsListCtrl.InsertColumn( eColumnIndexFullPath, "Full path", LVCFMT_LEFT, 500 );


		m_pIProjects = m_pIApplication->Projects;
		m_pIWindows = m_pIApplication->Windows;

			::DSSharedObjects::IGenericProjectPtr	pIActiveProject = m_pIApplication->ActiveProject;
			pIActiveProject = m_pIApplication->ActiveProject;
			m_oActiveProjectNameString = (CComBSTR)(BSTR)pIActiveProject->Name;
		catch( _com_error & )	// don't generate an error if none project is available

	catch( _com_error &oComError )
		AfxMessageBox( oComError.Description() );
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

int __cdecl CompareProjectByPathLength( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
	CProject *poProject1 = (CProject *)elem1;
	CProject *poProject2 = (CProject *)elem2;

	return poProject2->m_oPathString.GetLength() - poProject1->m_oPathString.GetLength();

void CWindowsListDialog::ReadProjectNames()
	m_aoProjectsArray.SetSize( m_pIProjects->Count );

	for( int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= m_pIProjects->Count; iIndex++ )
		CString oFullNameString = (BSTR) m_pIProjects->Item( CComVariant( iIndex ) )->FullName;
		int iLastBackSlashIndex = oFullNameString.ReverseFind( '\\' );

		m_aoProjectsArray[iIndex - 1].m_oNameString = (CString)(BSTR) m_pIProjects->Item( CComVariant( iIndex ) )->Name;
		if( iLastBackSlashIndex > -1 )
			m_aoProjectsArray[iIndex - 1].m_oPathString = oFullNameString.Left( iLastBackSlashIndex );
			m_aoProjectsArray[iIndex - 1].m_oPathString = oFullNameString;

		m_aoProjectsArray[iIndex - 1].m_oPathString.MakeLower();

	// sort projects by path length descending in order to assure correctly recognize project to which the file belongs
	// in case when one path name includes path name from other project
	qsort( m_aoProjectsArray.GetData(), m_aoProjectsArray.GetSize(), sizeof( CProject ), CompareProjectByPathLength );

int __cdecl CompareWindows( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
	CWindowDescription *poWindow1 = (*(CWindowDescription **)elem1);
	CWindowDescription *poWindow2 = (*(CWindowDescription **)elem2);
	bool bWin1InActualProject = poWindow1->m_oProjectNameString.Compare( CWindowsListDialog::m_oActiveProjectNameString ) == 0;
	bool bWin2InActualProject = poWindow2->m_oProjectNameString.Compare( CWindowsListDialog::m_oActiveProjectNameString ) == 0;

	if( bWin1InActualProject )
		if( bWin2InActualProject )
			return poWindow1->m_oWindowContentString.Compare( poWindow2->m_oWindowContentString );
			return -1;
	else if( bWin2InActualProject )
		return 1;
		bool bWin1HasEmptyProject = ( poWindow1->m_oProjectNameString.IsEmpty() == TRUE );
		bool bWin2HasEmptyProject = ( poWindow2->m_oProjectNameString.IsEmpty() == TRUE );

		if( bWin1HasEmptyProject )
			if( !bWin2HasEmptyProject )
				return 1;
			if( bWin2HasEmptyProject )
				return -1;

		int bProjectCompare = poWindow1->m_oProjectNameString.Compare( poWindow2->m_oProjectNameString );

		if( bProjectCompare != 0 )
			return bProjectCompare;
			return poWindow1->m_oWindowContentString.Compare( poWindow2->m_oWindowContentString );

void CWindowsListDialog::GetWindowsDescriptions()
	int iItemIndex = 0;
	long lTmpWindowsListCount = m_pIWindows->Count;
	m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.SetSize( lTmpWindowsListCount );
	memset( m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.GetData(), 0, sizeof( CWindowDescription *) * lTmpWindowsListCount );
	for( int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= lTmpWindowsListCount; iIndex++ )
		::DSSharedObjects::IGenericWindowPtr pIWindow = m_pIWindows->Item( CComVariant( iIndex ) );
		CString oCaptionString = (BSTR)pIWindow->Caption;

		if( oCaptionString != "Disassembly" )// dissasebly window have no document
			::DSSharedObjects::IGenericDocumentPtr pIDocument = pIWindow->Parent;
			CWindowDescription *poWindowDescription = new CWindowDescription;
			CString oWindowNameString = RemovePathAndDecorationsFromCaption( oCaptionString, pIDocument );
			poWindowDescription->m_oFullPathString = (BSTR)pIDocument->FullName;
			poWindowDescription->m_oProjectNameString = GetProjectNameForWindow( poWindowDescription->m_oFullPathString );
			poWindowDescription->m_oWindowContentString = ReadWindowContent( poWindowDescription->m_oFullPathString, oWindowNameString, pIDocument );
			poWindowDescription->m_iWindowIndex = iIndex;
			m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iItemIndex++] = poWindowDescription;

	qsort( m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.GetData(), iItemIndex, sizeof( CWindowDescription* ), CompareWindows );

	m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.SetSize( iItemIndex );

void CWindowsListDialog::DeleteWindowsDescriptions()
	for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.GetSize(); iIndex++ )
		if( m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex] )
			delete m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex];
			m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex] = NULL;

CString CWindowsListDialog::RemovePathAndDecorationsFromCaption( const CString &oWindowCaption, ::DSSharedObjects::IGenericDocumentPtr pIDocument )
	CString oWindowNameString = oWindowCaption;
	CString oWindowTypeString = (CString)(BSTR)pIDocument->Type;

	int iBackslashIndex = oWindowNameString.ReverseFind( '\\' );

	// remove file path
	if( iBackslashIndex > -1 )
		oWindowNameString.Delete( 0, iBackslashIndex + 1 );

	// for opened resource windows remove resource file name
	if( oWindowTypeString == "Generic" )
		int iMinusIndex = oWindowNameString.Find( '-' );

		if( iMinusIndex > 0
			&& iMinusIndex + 1 < oWindowNameString.GetLength() )
			oWindowNameString.Delete( 0, iMinusIndex + 2 );
			for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < oWindowNameString.GetLength(); iIndex++ )
				if( oWindowNameString[iIndex] == ' ' )
					oWindowNameString.Delete( iIndex, oWindowNameString.GetLength() - iIndex );

	return oWindowNameString;

CString CWindowsListDialog::GetProjectNameForWindow( const CString &oWindowFullPathString )
	CString oLowerFileNameString = oWindowFullPathString;

	for( int iProjIndex = 0; iProjIndex < m_aoProjectsArray.GetSize(); iProjIndex++ )
		if( m_aoProjectsArray[iProjIndex].m_oPathString == oLowerFileNameString.Left( m_aoProjectsArray[iProjIndex].m_oPathString.GetLength() ) )
			return m_aoProjectsArray[iProjIndex].m_oNameString;

	return "";

CString CWindowsListDialog::ReadWindowContent( const CString &oWindowFullPathString, const CString &oWindowCaptionString, ::DSSharedObjects::IGenericDocumentPtr pIDocument )
	CString oWindowTypeString = (CString)(BSTR)pIDocument->Type;
	CString oLineString;
	EFileTypes eFileExtension = GetFileExtensionType( oWindowFullPathString );
	CString oFileContentString = oWindowCaptionString;	// get window caption as default window content
	bool bContentWasFound = false;

	if( oWindowTypeString != "Generic" )
		switch( eFileExtension )
		case eFileTypeCpp:
		case eFileTypeHeader:
				CStdioFile oFile( oWindowFullPathString, CFile::modeRead );
				// analyse window content line by line
				while( oFile.ReadString( oLineString ) && !bContentWasFound )
					switch( eFileExtension )
					case eFileTypeCpp:
						if( FindFileContentInCppLine( oLineString, &oFileContentString ) )
							bContentWasFound = true;
					case eFileTypeHeader:					
						if( FindFileContentInHeaderLine( oLineString, &oFileContentString ) )
							bContentWasFound = true;
			CATCH( CFileException, poFileException )

	return oFileContentString;

CWindowsListDialog::EFileTypes CWindowsListDialog::GetFileExtensionType( const CString &oFileNameString )
	EFileTypes eFileExtension = eFileTypeOther;
	int iExtIndex = oFileNameString.ReverseFind( '.' );

	if( iExtIndex > -1 )
		CString oExtensionString = oFileNameString.Mid( iExtIndex );

		if( oExtensionString.CompareNoCase( ".cpp" ) == 0 )
			eFileExtension = eFileTypeCpp;
		else if( oExtensionString.CompareNoCase( ".h" ) == 0 )
			eFileExtension = eFileTypeHeader;

	return eFileExtension;

bool CWindowsListDialog::FindFileContentInCppLine( const CString &oLineString, CString *poFileContentString )
	int iDotIndex = oLineString.Find( "::" );	// look for class name in any method e.g. CString::CString()

	if( iDotIndex > -1 )
		int iRemIndex = oLineString.Find( "//" );	// omit commented class name

		if( iRemIndex == -1 || iRemIndex > iDotIndex )
			int iParanthesisIndex = oLineString.Find( '(', iDotIndex );	// find for paranthesis

			if( iParanthesisIndex > -1 )
				// class name is between '::' or white-space and '('
				for( int iStartIndex = iDotIndex; iStartIndex > 0; iStartIndex-- )
					if( isspace( oLineString[iStartIndex] ) )
				CString oContentString = oLineString.Mid( iStartIndex, iDotIndex - iStartIndex );
				if( IsItIdentifier( oContentString ) )
					*poFileContentString = oContentString +" (.cpp)";
					return true;

	return false;

bool CWindowsListDialog::FindFileContentInHeaderLine( const CString &oLineString, CString *poFileContentString )
	int iClassIndex = oLineString.Find( "class" );

	if( iClassIndex > -1 )
		int iRemIndex = oLineString.Find( "//" );

		// ommit commented class name
		if( iRemIndex == -1 || iClassIndex < iRemIndex  )
			int iSemicolonIndex = oLineString.Find( ';', iClassIndex );

			// class name should not be finished by ';'
			if( iSemicolonIndex == -1 )
				*poFileContentString = "";
				for( int iIndex = iClassIndex + sizeof( "class" ); iIndex < oLineString.GetLength(); iIndex++ )
					char cCharacter = oLineString[iIndex];
					if( !poFileContentString->IsEmpty() )
						if( cCharacter == ':' )	// stop on ':' for inherited classes
					*poFileContentString += cCharacter;

				// get only last word from content in order to ommit AFX_CLASS_EXPORT and other decorations
				CutToLastWord( poFileContentString );
				*poFileContentString += " (.h)";

				return true;


	return false;

void CWindowsListDialog::PopulateWindowsListCtrl()
	CString oFilterString;
	int iAddIndex = 0;
	int iCurrentWindowData = -1, iCurrentWindowIndex = 0;
	POSITION pFirstSelItemPosition = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();	

	if( pFirstSelItemPosition )
		iCurrentWindowData = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemData( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem( pFirstSelItemPosition ) );
	m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetRedraw( FALSE );
	m_oFilterEdit.GetWindowText( oFilterString );

	for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray.GetSize(); iIndex++ )
		if( oFilterString.IsEmpty() 
			|| m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->IsContainFilteredWord( oFilterString ) )
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.InsertItem( iAddIndex, "" );
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetItemText( iAddIndex, eColumnIndexProject, m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->m_oProjectNameString );
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetItemText( iAddIndex, eColumnIndexContent, m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->m_oWindowContentString );
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetItemText( iAddIndex, eColumnIndexFullPath, m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->m_oFullPathString );
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetItemData( iAddIndex, m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->m_iWindowIndex );

			if( iCurrentWindowData == m_aoWindowsDescriptionsArray[iIndex]->m_iWindowIndex )
				iCurrentWindowIndex = iAddIndex;


	if( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemCount() > 0 )
		m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetItemState( iCurrentWindowIndex, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED );

	m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetRedraw( TRUE );

void CWindowsListDialog::OnChangeEditFilter() 

void CWindowsListDialog::OnButtonAcvitate() 
	POSITION pSelPosition = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();

	if( pSelPosition )
		int iSelIndex = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem( pSelPosition );
		int iWindowIndex = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemData( iSelIndex );
		::DSSharedObjects::IGenericWindowPtr pIWindow = m_pIWindows->Item( CComVariant( iWindowIndex ) );

		pIWindow->Active = VARIANT_BOOL( -1 );

void CWindowsListDialog::OnButtonCloseWnd() 
		POSITION pSelPosition = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
		if( pSelPosition )
			CArray <int,int> aiSelectedWindowIndex;
			int iIndex = 0;
			aiSelectedWindowIndex.SetSize( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() );
			for( int iItemIndex = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemCount() - 1; iItemIndex >= 0; iItemIndex-- )
				if( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemState( iItemIndex, LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED )
					aiSelectedWindowIndex[iIndex++] = m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetItemData( iItemIndex );
			int iMaxWndIndex = 0, iMaxIndex = -1;
				iMaxWndIndex = 0, iMaxIndex = -1;
				for( iIndex = aiSelectedWindowIndex.GetSize() - 1; iIndex >= 0 ; iIndex-- )
					if( iMaxWndIndex < aiSelectedWindowIndex[iIndex] )
						iMaxWndIndex = aiSelectedWindowIndex[iIndex];
						iMaxIndex = iIndex;
				if( iMaxIndex > -1 )
					::DSSharedObjects::IGenericWindowPtr pIWindow = m_pIWindows->Item( CComVariant( iMaxWndIndex ) );
					pIWindow->Close( CComVariant( dsSaveChangesPrompt ) );
					aiSelectedWindowIndex[iMaxIndex] = 0;
			}while( iMaxIndex > -1 );
	catch( _com_error &oComError )
		AfxMessageBox( oComError.Description() );

void CWindowsListDialog::OnDblclkListWindows(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
	*pResult = 0;

void CWindowsListDialog::SaveDialogSettings()
	CRegKey oRegKey;	

	if( oRegKey.Create( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, oSettingsRegistryKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
		oRegKey.SetValue( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexContent ), oSettingsValNameColWndContent );
		oRegKey.SetValue( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexProject ), oSettingsValNameColWndProject );
		oRegKey.SetValue( m_oWindowsListCtrl.GetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexFullPath ), oSettingsValNameColWndFullPath );

void CWindowsListDialog::LoadDialogSettings()
	CRegKey oRegKey;
	CRect oRect;

	if( oRegKey.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, oSettingsRegistryKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
		DWORD dwWidth = 0;

		if( oRegKey.QueryValue( dwWidth, oSettingsValNameColWndContent ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexContent, dwWidth );

		if( oRegKey.QueryValue( dwWidth, oSettingsValNameColWndProject ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexProject, dwWidth );

		if( oRegKey.QueryValue( dwWidth, oSettingsValNameColWndFullPath ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( eColumnIndexFullPath, dwWidth );

void CWindowsListDialog::OnDestroy() 


BOOL CWindowsListDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
	if( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN
		&& pMsg->hwnd == m_oFilterEdit.GetSafeHwnd() )
		switch( pMsg->wParam )
		case VK_DOWN:
		case VK_UP:
		case VK_PRIOR:
		case VK_NEXT:
			m_oWindowsListCtrl.PostMessage( WM_KEYDOWN, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam );
			return TRUE;
	return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

void CWindowsListDialog::CutToLastWord( CString *poString )
	ASSERT( poString );


	for( int iIndex = poString->GetLength() - 1; iIndex >= 0; iIndex-- )
		if( ::isspace( poString->GetAt( iIndex ) ) )
			poString->Delete( 0, iIndex + 1 );

void CWindowsListDialog::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point) 
	CMenu oMenu;
	if( oMenu.LoadMenu( IDR_MENU_POPUP ) )
		CMenu* poPopupMenu = oMenu.GetSubMenu( 0 );

		ASSERT( poPopupMenu != NULL );

		poPopupMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON,
		point.x, point.y,
		AfxGetMainWnd() );

BOOL CWindowsListDialog::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	switch( LOWORD( wParam ) )
		return TRUE;

	case IDM_ABOUT:
		return TRUE;
	return CDialog::OnCommand(wParam, lParam);

void CWindowsListDialog::OnKeyBindingsDialog()
	CKeyBindingsDialog oKeyBindingsDialog( m_pIApplication, this );


void CWindowsListDialog::OnAbout()
	CAboutDialog oAboutDialog;



bool CWindowsListDialog::IsItIdentifier( const CString &oString )
	if( !oString.IsEmpty()
		( oString[0] >= 'A' && oString[0] <= 'Z'
		|| oString[0] >= 'a' && oString[0] <= 'z'
		|| oString[0] == '_'
		for( int iIndex = 1; iIndex < oString.GetLength(); iIndex++ )
			if( oString[0] >= 'A' && oString[0] <= 'Z'
				|| oString[0] >= 'a' && oString[0] <= 'z'
				|| oString[0] >= '0' && oString[0] <= '9'
				|| oString[iIndex] == '_' )
				return false;

		return true;

	return false;

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Written By
Web Developer
Poland Poland
Mariusz Wojtysiak started his career as coder on ZX-Spectrum demo-scene under nickname Maniu. He graduated Poznan University of Technology. His skills are: project/develop/maintenance of Oracle and MS SQL databases, programming in C++ (including MFC, ATL, Soap), Oracle Forms, and Assembler.
Currently works in IN-Software as developer. Live in Poznan/Poland.

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