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Undocumented Visual C++

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Spelunking in the Badlands of MSDEV
// ---------------
// You may use, compile or redistribute this source as part of your application 
// for free. You may not redistribute it as a part of a software development 
// library without the agreement of the author. If the sources are 
// distributed along with the application, you should leave the original 
// copyright notes in the source code without any changes.
// This code can be used WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES on your own risk.
// Nick Hodapp

// DlgClasses.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DlgClasses.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CDlgClasses dialog

CDlgClasses::CDlgClasses(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
:	CDialog(CDlgClasses::IDD, pParent)
	m_iMode = 0;
	m_strItemCount = _T("");
	m_strCode = _T("");

	m_classView.m_pmapClasses = &m_mapClassHierarchy;

void CDlgClasses::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ITEM_CT, m_staticCount);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CODE, m_editCode);
	DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_MODE_REPORT, m_iMode);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ITEM_CT, m_strItemCount);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CODE, m_strCode);


void CDlgClasses::RecalcLayout()
	// Quick & Dirty layout code.
	// Ugly, yes.. But at least it's functional.
	if (!GetDlgItem(IDOK))

	CRect rclClient; GetClientRect(&rclClient);
	CRect rclBtn, rclCtl; 

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	GetDlgItem(IDOK)->SetWindowPos(NULL, rclClient.Width()-(rclBtn.Width()+10),, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->SetWindowPos(NULL, rclClient.Width()-(rclBtn.Width()+10),, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE);
	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_REPORT)->SetWindowPos(NULL, rclClient.Width()-(rclBtn.Width()+10),, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_GRAPH)->SetWindowPos(NULL, rclClient.Width()-(rclBtn.Width()+10),, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	rclClient.right = rclBtn.left - 10;
	m_classView.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, rclClient.Width(), rclClient.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	rclClient.right = rclBtn.left - 10;
	m_grid.SetWindowPos(NULL, 10, 10, (rclClient.Width()/2)-20, rclClient.Height()-25, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclBtn, 2);
	rclClient.right = rclBtn.left - 10;
	m_editCode.SetWindowPos(NULL, (rclClient.Width()/2), 10, (rclClient.Width()/2), rclClient.Height()-25, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

	::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rclCtl, 2);
	m_staticCount.SetWindowPos(NULL, 10, rclCtl.bottom+2, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

bool CDlgClasses::GetRuntimeInfo(void* pvObj, CRuntimeClass** pprc)
	CObject* pObj = (CObject*)pvObj;

	// We want to retrieve the MFC runtime type info pointer from this potential CObject pointer.
	//	The problem is, the pointer may not actually point to a CObject.
	//	If we just blindly cast and call pObj->GetRuntimeClass(), 
	//	we're likely to try executing some non-code, or perhaps we'll call some
	//	other virtual function like a destructor.
	//	Since this would be bad, we attempt to check the signature of the function, to 
	//	see if it "looks" like GetRuntimeClass(), which I've found to be simply a 
	//	mov instruction followed by a ret instruction.
	//	I won't guarantee that this code will always work.  If it starts failing, you fix it.

	__try	// hope that SEH works, and hope we don't need it!
		// validate address:
		if (FALSE == AfxIsValidAddress(pObj, sizeof(CObject), FALSE))
			return false;

		// check to make sure the VTable pointer is valid
		void** vfptr = (void**)*(void**)pObj;
		if (!AfxIsValidAddress(vfptr, sizeof(void*), FALSE))
			return false;

		// validate the first vtable entry
		void* pvtf0 = vfptr[0];
		if (IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)pvtf0))
			return false;

		// look at the code for this function.  validate it is a mov and ret
		BYTE arrOpcodes[6];
		memcpy(arrOpcodes, pvtf0, 6);

		// prepare yourself, this gets ugly.  
		// if you don't understand whats going on then leave well enough alone.
		// don't get all upset about it either.  
		if (arrOpcodes[0] == 0xFF && arrOpcodes[1] == 0x25) // jmp
			void** pvAddr = *(void***)&(arrOpcodes[2]);
			if (IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)*pvAddr))
				return false;
			memcpy(arrOpcodes, *pvAddr, 6);

		if (arrOpcodes[0] != 0xB8 || arrOpcodes[5] != 0xC3) // mov, ret
			return false;

		// ok, it looks like a likely candiate for a "real" GetRuntimeClass().
		// go ahead and call it.
		*pprc = pObj->GetRuntimeClass();
		ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress((*pprc)->m_lpszClassName, sizeof(char*), FALSE));
		ASSERT((*pprc)->m_lpszClassName[0] == 'C'); // lame, but most classes will begin with 'C'
	__except (1)
		return false;

	return true;

void CDlgClasses::Struct(DWORD dwUnique, CRuntimeClass* prc, DWORD dwOffset, const char* cpszType, bool bPointer, long lTypeSize, DWORD& dwUnknownCt)
	// determine where we are, derivation-wise:
	ASSERT(dwOffset < prc->m_nObjectSize);
	CRuntimeClass* prcParent = prc->m_pfnGetBaseClass();
	while (prcParent && dwOffset < prcParent->m_nObjectSize)
		prc = prcParent;
		prcParent = prcParent->m_pfnGetBaseClass();

	// find the class entry:
	M_Class::iterator it = m_mapClassInfo.find(CString(prc->m_lpszClassName));
	if (it == m_mapClassInfo.end()) return;
	SClass& cls = it->second;
	// only one 
	if (cls.m_dwUnique != 0 && cls.m_dwUnique != dwUnique)
		dwUnknownCt = 0;
	cls.m_dwUnique = dwUnique;

	// struct begin?
	if (dwOffset == 0 || (prcParent && dwOffset == prcParent->m_nObjectSize))

	// unknown bytes?
	if (dwUnknownCt && cpszType)
		StructMember(cls, "BYTE", false, dwUnknownCt);
		dwUnknownCt = 0;

	// struct member:
	if (cpszType)
		StructMember(cls, cpszType, bPointer, 1);

	// struct end?
	if (dwOffset + lTypeSize >= prc->m_nObjectSize-1)
		if (dwUnknownCt && NULL == cpszType)
			StructMember(cls, "BYTE", false, dwUnknownCt);
			dwUnknownCt = 0;


void CDlgClasses::StructBegin(SClass& cls)
	// done before?
	if (cls.m_strCode.GetLength())

	// get parent class name:
	CString strDerivation;
	if (cls.m_strParent.GetLength())
		strDerivation.Format(": public %s", cls.m_strParent);

	// format a struct:
	CString strObj;
	strObj = cls.m_strClass;
	if (strObj.GetAt(0) == 'C')
		strObj = strObj.Mid(1);
	cls.m_strCode.Format("typedef struct tag%s %s\r\n{\r\n", strObj, strDerivation);

void CDlgClasses::StructMember(SClass& cls, const char* cpszType, bool bPointer, long lCount)
	// format type name
	CString strType = cpszType;
	if (bPointer)
		strType += "*";

	// format variable name
	CString strVar = cpszType;
	if (strVar.GetAt(0) == 'C')
		strVar = strVar.Mid(1);
	if (bPointer)
		strVar.Insert(0, 'p');

	if (lCount > 1)
		CString strArr; strArr.Format("[%ld]", lCount);
		strVar.Insert(0, "arr");
		strVar += strArr;

	// format member:
	CString strMember;
	if (strType.GetLength() < 21)
		strMember.Format("   %-21.21sm_%s;\r\n\r\n", strType, strVar);
		strMember.Format("   %s\r\n%24.24sm_%s;\r\n\r\n", strType, " ", strVar);

	// append:
	cls.m_strCode += strMember;

void CDlgClasses::StructEnd(SClass& cls)
	// close the struct
	CString strObj = cls.m_strClass;
	if (strObj.GetAt(0) == 'C')
		strObj = strObj.Mid(1);
	CString strCode;
	strCode.Format("} S%s;\r\n\t", strObj);
	cls.m_strCode += strCode;

void CDlgClasses::AnalyzeObject(CObject* pObj)
	// validate
	if (NULL == pObj || FALSE == AfxIsValidAddress(pObj, sizeof(CObject), FALSE))

	static DWORD dwUnique = 0;
	DWORD dwLocal = ++dwUnique;

	// look for sub-objects:
	CRuntimeClass* prc = pObj->GetRuntimeClass();
	BYTE *pbBegin	= reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pObj),
		  *pbCur		= reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pObj),
		  *pbEnd		= pbCur+prc->m_nObjectSize;

	DWORD dwMember(0),

	// "typedef struct tagObjectName : public ParentName {"
	while (pbCur < pbEnd)
		CRuntimeClass* prcSub;
		if ((pbCur-pbBegin > 0) && GetRuntimeInfo(pbCur, &prcSub))	// embedded object
			// document contained object:
			Struct(dwLocal, prc, pbCur-pbBegin, prcSub->m_lpszClassName, false, prcSub->m_nObjectSize, dwRunLen);

			// catalog this contained object:
			InsertClass(this, prcSub, (CObject*)pbCur);

			// skip past the contained object:
			dwInc = prcSub->m_nObjectSize;
		if (GetRuntimeInfo((void*)*(long*)pbCur, &prcSub)) // embedded pointer to object
			// document contained object pointer:
			Struct(dwLocal, prc, pbCur-pbBegin, prcSub->m_lpszClassName, true, 4, dwRunLen);

			// catalog this contained object pointer:
			InsertClass(this, prcSub, (CObject*)*(DWORD*)pbCur);

			// skip past the contained pointer:
			dwInc = 4;
			// continue searching:
			dwInc = 1;

			Struct(dwLocal, prc, pbCur-pbBegin, NULL, false, 0, dwRunLen);

		pbCur += dwInc;

	if (dwRunLen)
		Struct(dwLocal, prc, pbCur-pbBegin, NULL, false, 0, dwRunLen);

BOOL CDlgClasses::EnumClasses(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
	CDlgClasses* pThis = (CDlgClasses*)lParam;

	CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hwnd);
	if (pWnd)
		pThis->InsertClass(pThis, pWnd->GetRuntimeClass(), pWnd);

		EnumChildWindows(pWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), EnumClasses, lParam);

	return TRUE;

void CDlgClasses::InsertClassRow(CRuntimeClass* prc, unsigned char ucLevel)
	// class
   int iRow = m_grid.InsertRow(prc->m_lpszClassName);
	m_vecLevels.push_back(ucLevel & 0x7F);

	// total byte count:
	CString strCell;
	strCell.Format("%ld", prc->m_nObjectSize);
	m_grid.GetCell(iRow, 1)->SetText(strCell);

	// non-derived byte count:
	CRuntimeClass* prcParent = (prc->m_pfnGetBaseClass)();
	if (prcParent)
		strCell.Format("%ld", prc->m_nObjectSize - prcParent->m_nObjectSize);
		m_grid.GetCell(iRow, 2)->SetText(strCell);

		InsertClassRow(prcParent, ucLevel+1);

	// schema
	strCell.Format("%ld", prc->m_wSchema);
	m_grid.GetCell(iRow, 3)->SetText(strCell);

void CDlgClasses::InsertClass(CDlgClasses* pThis, CRuntimeClass* pClass, CObject* pObj)
	// must have class!
	if (NULL == pClass) 

	// inserted yet?
	CString strClass = pClass->m_lpszClassName;
	M_Class::iterator it = m_mapClassInfo.find(strClass);
	if (it != m_mapClassInfo.end() && it->second.m_strCode != "") 
	SClass& cls = it->second;
	// parent name
	CString strParent;
	CRuntimeClass* pParentClass = (pClass->m_pfnGetBaseClass)();
	if (pParentClass) 
		strParent = pParentClass->m_lpszClassName;

	// store
	if (true == pThis->m_mapClassInfo.insert(M_Class::value_type(strClass, SClass(strClass, strParent, pClass))).second)
		pThis->m_mapClassHierarchy.insert(M_String::value_type(strParent, strClass));

	// insert parent
	InsertClass(pThis, (pClass->m_pfnGetBaseClass)());

	// analyze the object itself for contained data members:
	if (!cls.m_bAnalyzed && pObj)
		cls.m_bAnalyzed = true;

	// traverse any CPtrLists
	if (pObj && pObj->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPtrList)))
		CPtrList* pList = (CPtrList*)pObj;
		for (POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			void* pvObj = pList->GetNext(pos);

			CRuntimeClass* prc;
			if (GetRuntimeInfo(pvObj, &prc))
				InsertClass(pThis, prc, (CObject*)pvObj);

	// traverse any CObLists
	if (pObj && pObj->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CObList)))
		CObList* pList = (CObList*)pObj;
		for (POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CObject* pObj = pList->GetNext(pos);

			InsertClass(pThis, pObj->GetRuntimeClass(), pObj);

	// traverse any CPtrArrays
	if (pObj && pObj->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPtrArray)))
		CPtrArray* pArr = (CPtrArray*)pObj;
		for (DWORD dw = 0 ; dw < pArr->GetSize() ; dw++)
			void* pvObj = pArr->GetAt(dw);

			CRuntimeClass* prc;
			if (GetRuntimeInfo(pvObj, &prc))
				InsertClass(pThis, prc, (CObject*)pvObj);

	// traverse any CObArrays
	if (pObj && pObj->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CObArray)))
		CObArray* pArr = (CObArray*)pObj;
		for (DWORD dw = 0 ; dw < pArr->GetSize() ; dw++)
			CObject* pObj = pArr->GetAt(dw);
			InsertClass(pThis, pObj->GetRuntimeClass(), pObj);

void CDlgClasses::Refresh()
	CWaitCursor wc;

	// clear out everything:
	m_grid.InsertColumn("Name", DT_LEFT|DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE);
	m_grid.InsertColumn("Total Bytes");
	m_grid.InsertColumn("Non-derived Bytes");

	// walk through the simple list of registered classes
	AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();
	for (CDynLinkLibrary* pDLL = pModuleState->m_libraryList; pDLL != NULL;	pDLL = pDLL->m_pNextDLL)
		for (CRuntimeClass* pClass = pDLL->m_classList.GetHead() ; pClass != NULL; pClass = pClass->m_pNextClass)
			InsertClass(this, pClass);

	// enum the document-template classes:
	CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
	POSITION pos =	pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
	while (pos)
		CUnprotectedDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = (CUnprotectedDocTemplate*)pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos);

	// now pick up any stray window classes:
	EnumChildWindows(NULL, EnumClasses, (long)this);

	// add to grid:
	CString strCell;
	for (M_Class::iterator it = m_mapClassInfo.begin() ; it != m_mapClassInfo.end() ; it++)
		SClass& cls = it->second;

		InsertClassRow(cls.m_prcInfo, 1);

	m_gridTreeCol.TreeSetup(&m_grid, // tree acts on a column in this grid
									0,       // which column has tree
									m_vecLevels.size(), // total number of rows if tree totally expanded
									1,    // Set fixed row count now, too
									&(m_vecLevels[0]),    // Tree Level data array --
															//  must have aiTotalRows of entries
									TRUE,               // T=show tree (not grid) lines; F=no tree lines
									FALSE);              // T=use 1st 3 images from already set image list
	//  to display folder graphics
	m_gridTreeCol.SetTreeLineColor( RGB( 0, 0, 0xFF) );
   m_gridTreeCol.TreeDisplayOutline( 1);

   m_grid.AutoSizeColumn(0, m_grid.GetAutoSizeStyle());
   m_grid.AutoSizeColumn(1, m_grid.GetAutoSizeStyle());
   m_grid.AutoSizeColumn(2, m_grid.GetAutoSizeStyle());
   m_grid.AutoSizeColumn(3, m_grid.GetAutoSizeStyle());

	m_strItemCount.Format("%ld Classes", m_mapClassInfo.size());

// CDlgClasses message handlers

void CDlgClasses::PostNcDestroy() 

	// modeless & allocated off the heap:
	delete this;

int CDlgClasses::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
	// graph create:
	CRect rcl(0,0,10,10);
	m_classView.Create(NULL, "", WS_CHILD | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, rcl, this, IDC_GRAPH);

	// grid create:
	m_grid.Create(rcl, this, IDC_GRID);

	if (CDialog::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
		return -1;

	return 0;

BOOL CDlgClasses::OnInitDialog() 

	// graph init:

	// grid init:
	m_grid.SetTextBkColor(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0));

	// code font:
	m_courier.CreatePointFont(60, "Courier");


	return TRUE;

void CDlgClasses::OnOK() 

void CDlgClasses::OnCancel() 
	// we're modeless:

void CDlgClasses::OnModeChange() 

	// show / hide controls:

	m_grid.EnableWindow(m_iMode == 0);
	m_grid.ShowWindow(m_iMode == 0 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);

	m_editCode.EnableWindow(m_iMode == 0);
	m_editCode.ShowWindow(m_iMode == 0 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);

	m_staticCount.EnableWindow(m_iMode == 0);
	m_staticCount.ShowWindow(m_iMode == 0 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);

	m_classView.EnableWindow(m_iMode == 1);
	m_classView.ShowWindow(m_iMode == 1 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);

void CDlgClasses::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
	CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);


BOOL CDlgClasses::OnSelChanged( UINT id, NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT * result )
	NM_GRIDVIEW* pnmgv = (NM_GRIDVIEW*)pNotifyStruct;

	// find and display "code" for selected item:
	CGridCellBase* pCell = m_grid.GetCell(pnmgv->iRow, 0);
	if (pCell)
		CString strClass = pCell->GetText();

		M_Class::iterator it = m_mapClassInfo.find(strClass);
		if (it != m_mapClassInfo.end())
			m_strCode = it->second.m_strCode;

	return TRUE;

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Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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