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CHttpClient - A Helper Class Using WinInet

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A C++ class which helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
 * \file	RyeolHttpClientCom.idl
 * \brief	An interface definition language file for the HttpClient component edition.
 * \author	Jo Hyeong-ryeol
 * \since	2004.10.17
 * \version	$LastChangedRevision: 100 $
 *			$LastChangedDate: 2006-02-03 23:36:33 +0900 (금, 03 2 2006) $
 * <dl compact>
 * <dt><b>Requirements:</b></dt>
 * <dd>Requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.</dd><br>
 * <dd>Windows Me/98/95 requires Microsoft Layer for Unicode.</dd><br>
 * <dd>UTF-8 encoding support on Windows 95 requires Microsoft Layer for Unicode.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * \n
 * This file contains interfaces and other definitions for the HttpClient component edition.
 * \n\n
 * Copyright &copy; 2006 by <a href="">Jo Hyeong-ryeol</a>\n
 * Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is
 * granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
 * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty,
 * and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";

#define CP_ACP							0			//!< default to ANSI code page
#define INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG	0			//!< use registry configuration

#define INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE    0x00000100  //!< asking wininet to add "pragma: no-cache"
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE    0x04000000  //!< don't write this item to the cache
#define INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION   0x00400000  //!< use keep-alive semantics
#define INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK         0x00000400  //!< asking wininet to do hyperlinking semantic which works right for scripts
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI             0x00000200  //!< no cookie popup
#define INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE     0x00000800  //!< asking wininet to update an item if it is newer
#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD            0x80000000  //!< retrieve the original item

 * \brief	Default flags used by the CHttpClient class to open a HTTP request
 * These flags are default flags used by the CHttpClient to open a HTTP request. These flags
 * are actually the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function of the WinInet API.
 * For more detailed information about this flags, see microsoft's SDK documentation.
 * \sa IHttpClient2::RequestGetEx, IDispHttpClient2::RequestGetEx
 * \sa IHttpClient2::BeginPostEx, IDispHttpClient2::BeginPostEx
 * \sa IHttpClient2::BeginUploadEx, IDispHttpClient2::BeginUploadEx
 * \sa IHttpClient2::RequestPostEx, IDispHttpClient2::RequestPostEx
 * \sa IHttpClient2::RequestUploadEx, IDispHttpClient2::RequestUploadEx
	helpstring("HttpClientDefFlag Enumerator")
enum HttpClientDefFlag
												| INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
	//!< The default flag which causes the CHttpClient to use the cache if a cached copy exists.

												| INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
	//!< The default flag which causes the CHttpClient not to use the cache.
} ;

 * \brief	These error codes represent the error occurred while processing an operation.
 * These error codes are custom error codes only for classes in this file.
	helpstring("HttpClientErrorCode Enumerator")
enum HttpClientErrorCode
	HTTPCLIENT_ERR_NOT_SPECIFIED						= 0		//!< Error was not occurred or not specified.

	// Normal error
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_UNEXPECTED_ERROR					= 100	//!< Unknown error occurred.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE						= 101	//!< The index is out of range.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY						= 102	//!< The memory has been exhausted.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INVALID_URL						= 103	//!< The requested URL is not a valid URL.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_POST_NOT_STARTED					= 104	//!< The post context is not started yet.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_READ_UNEXPECTED_SIZE				= 105	//!< Couldn't read expected bytes from a file.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_POST_NOT_FINISHED					= 106	//!< The post context has not been finished yet.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNET_PORT_NOT_VALID			= 107	//!< The port number is not valid.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_STD_EXCEPTION						= 108	//!< std::exception occurred.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_ENCODED_URL_NOT_VALID				= 109	//!< The encoded URL is not valid.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INVALID_UTF8_CHARACTER				= 110	//!< The UTF8 string contains an invalid character.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_UNEXPECTED_ARITHMETIC_ERROR		= 111	//!< An unexpected arithmetic error has been occurred.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW				= 112	//!< An arithmetic overflow error has been occurred.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO					= 113	//!< An interger divide by zero exception has been occurred.

	// Normal error (which has a win32 error code) - Reserved

	// WinInet error (which has a win32 error code)
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_QUERYINFO_FAILED					= 400	//!< ::HttpQueryInfo failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNETREADFILE_FAILED			= 401	//!< ::InternetReadFile failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNETOPEN_FAILED				= 402	//!< ::InternetOpen failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNETCONNECT_FAILED				= 403	//!< ::InternetConnect failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_HTTPOPENREQUEST_FAILED				= 404	//!< ::HttpOpenRequest failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_HTTPADDREQUESTHEADERS_FAILED		= 405	//!< ::HttpAddRequestHeaders failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_HTTPSENDREQUEST_FAILED				= 406	//!< ::HttpSendRequest failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_HTTPSENDREQUESTEX_FAILED			= 407	//!< ::HttpSendRequestEx failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNETWRITEFILE_FAILED			= 408	//!< ::InternetWriteFile failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_HTTPENDREQUEST_FAILED				= 409	//!< ::HttpEndRequest failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_INTERNETSETOPTION_FAILED			= 410	//!< ::InternetSetOption failed.

	// Win32 API error (which has a win32 error code)
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_WIDECHARTOMULTIBYTE_FAILED			= 600	//!< ::WideCharToMultiByte failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_MULTIBYTETOWIDECHAR_FAILED			= 601	//!< ::MultiByteToWideChar failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_READFILE_FAILED					= 602	//!< ::ReadFile failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_OPENFILE_FAILED					= 603	//!< OpenFile (::CreateFile) failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_SETFILEPOINTER_FAILED				= 604	//!< ::SetFilePointer failed.
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_GETFILESIZE_FAILED					= 605	//!< ::GetFileSize failed.

	// user-defined error
	, HTTPCLIENT_ERR_USER								= 1000	//!< Beginning of the user-defined error code.
																//! \nThe maximum value is HTTPCLIENT_ERR_USER + 99.
} ;

 * \brief	This macro defines properties and methods for error information.
 * An interface inherited from IDispatch can include this macro to support additional error information.
 * If the HasErorr property returns TRUE, it means that some error has occurred. If the LastError
 * is not HTTPCLIENT_ERR_NOT_SPECIFIED, it means that an error which is defined by Ryeol::CHttpClient
 * has occurred. If the Win32LastError is not NO_ERROR, it means that an error which has an Win32
 * error code has occurred. The LastError and the Win32LastError is not exclusive.
#define DECLARE_HTTPCLIENT_ERROR_DISPMETHOD()																												\
	[propget, id(1), helpstring("attribute HasError")] HRESULT HasError([out,ref,retval] BOOL* pVal);														\
	[propget, id(2), helpstring("attribute LastError")] HRESULT LastError([out,ref,retval] DWORD* pVal);													\
	[id(3), helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsgLen")] HRESULT GetLastErrorMsgLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);											\
	[id(4), helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetLastErrorMsg([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR* pbstrMsg);											\
	[propget, id(5), helpstring("attribute Win32LastError")] HRESULT Win32LastError([out,ref,retval] DWORD* pVal);											\
	[id(6), helpstring("method GetWin32LastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetWin32LastErrorMsg([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR* pbstrMsg);

 * \brief	This macro defines properties and methods for error information.
 * An interface inherited from IUnknown can include this macro to support additional error information.
 * If the HasErorr property returns TRUE, it means that some error has occurred. If the LastError
 * is not HTTPCLIENT_ERR_NOT_SPECIFIED, it means that an error which is defined by Ryeol::CHttpClient
 * has occurred. If the Win32LastError is not NO_ERROR, it means that an error which has an Win32
 * error code has occurred. The LastError and the Win32LastError is not exclusive.
#define DECLARE_HTTPCLIENT_ERROR_METHOD()																													\
	[propget, helpstring("attribute HasError")] HRESULT HasError([out,ref,retval] BOOL* pVal);																\
	[propget, helpstring("attribute LastError")] HRESULT LastError([out,ref,retval] DWORD* pVal);															\
	[helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsgLen")] HRESULT GetLastErrorMsgLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);													\
	[helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetLastErrorMsgIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);			\
	[helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetLastErrorMsg([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR* pbstrMsg);													\
	[propget, helpstring("attribute LastError")] HRESULT Win32LastError([out,ref,retval] DWORD* pVal);														\
	[helpstring("method GetLastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetWin32LastErrorMsgIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);	\
	[helpstring("method GetWin32LastErrorMsg")] HRESULT GetWin32LastErrorMsg([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR* pbstrMsg);

 * \brief	This interface encodes or decodes a string to use in HTTP operation.
 * This interface supports various encoding and decoding methods which can be used in various HTTP operations.
 * Do not use early binding because this interface can be changed in a future release.
	helpstring("IDispHttpEncoder2 interface"),
interface IDispHttpEncoder2 : IDispatch{

	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to encode a string in UTF-8.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to encode an Unicode string using UTF-8 encoding.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr	A string to encode.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[id(21), helpstring("method Utf8EncodeLen")] HRESULT Utf8EncodeLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string in UTF-8.
	 * This method encodes an Unicode string using UTF-8 encoding.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr		A string to encode.
	 * \param[out] pbstrEncoded	An encoded string.
	[id(22), helpstring("method Utf8Encode")] HRESULT Utf8Encode([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrEncoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to decode an UTF-8 string.
	 * This method returns the number of unicode characters required to decode an UTF-8 string in unicode.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr	An UTF-8 string to decode.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[id(23), helpstring("method Utf8DecodeLen")] HRESULT Utf8DecodeLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Decodes an UTF-8 string.
	 * This method decodes an UTF-8 string in unicode.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr		An UTF-8 string to decode.
	 * \param[out] pbstrDecoded	A decoded string.
	[id(24), helpstring("method Utf8Decode")] HRESULT Utf8Decode([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrDecoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to encode a string using URL encoding.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to encode an Unicode string using URL encoding.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr	A string to encode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage	A code page which is used to convert bstrStr into a multibyte character string.
	 *                      This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *						The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[id(25), helpstring("method UrlEncodeLen")] HRESULT UrlEncodeLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string using URL encoding.
	 * This method encodes a Unicode string using URL encoding.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr		A string to encode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page which is used to convert bstrStr into a multibyte character string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pbstrEncoded	A URL encoded string.
	[id(26), helpstring("method UrlEncode")] HRESULT UrlEncode([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrEncoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to decode an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to decode an URL-encoded string.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * This method does not support the URL-encoded string which contains a unicode character by using the %u or %x prefix.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr	A string to decode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage	A code page of the source string of the URL encoded string.
	 *					    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *						The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[id(27), helpstring("method UrlDecodeLen")] HRESULT UrlDecodeLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method does not support the URL-encoded string which contains a unicode character by using the %u or %x prefix.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrStr		A string to decode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page of the source string of the URL encoded string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pbstrDecoded	A decoded string.
	[id(28), helpstring("method UrlDecode")] HRESULT UrlDecode([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrDecoded);

 * \brief	This interface encodes or decodes a string to use in HTTP operation.
 * This interface supports various encoding and decoding methods which can be used in various HTTP operations.
	helpstring("IHttpEncoder2 interface"),
interface IHttpEncoder2 : IUnknown{

	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to encode a string in UTF-8.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to encode an Unicode string using UTF-8 encoding.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] szStr		A string to encode.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[helpstring("method Utf8EncodeLen")] HRESULT Utf8EncodeLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string in UTF-8.
	 * This method encodes an Unicode string using UTF-8 encoding.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the encoded string. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to encode.
	[helpstring("method Utf8EncodeIntoBuff")] HRESULT Utf8EncodeIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,string,unique] LPCOLESTR szStr);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string in UTF-8.
	 * This method encodes an Unicode string using UTF-8 encoding.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to encode.
	 * \param[out] pbstrEncoded	An encoded string.
	[helpstring("method Utf8Encode")] HRESULT Utf8Encode([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrEncoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to decode an UTF-8 string.
	 * This method returns the number of unicode characters required to decode an UTF-8 string in unicode.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] szStr		An UTF-8 string to decode.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[helpstring("method Utf8DecodeLen")] HRESULT Utf8DecodeLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Decodes an UTF-8 string.
	 * This method decodes an UTF-8 string in unicode.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the decoded string. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szStr			An UTF-8 string to decode.
	 * \param[out] pbstrDecoded	A decoded string.
	[helpstring("method Utf8DecodeIntoBuff")] HRESULT Utf8DecodeIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,string,unique] LPCOLESTR szStr);
	 * \brief	Decodes an UTF-8 string.
	 * This method decodes an UTF-8 string in unicode.
	 * \param[in] szStr			An UTF-8 string to decode.
	 * \param[out] pbstrDecoded	A decoded string.
	[helpstring("method Utf8Decode")] HRESULT Utf8Decode([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrDecoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to encode a string using URL encoding.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to encode an Unicode string using URL encoding.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szStr		A string to encode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage	A code page which is used to convert bstrStr into a multibyte character string.
	 *                      This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *						The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[helpstring("method UrlEncodeLen")] HRESULT UrlEncodeLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string using URL encoding.
	 * This method encodes a Unicode string using URL encoding.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the encoded string. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to encode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page which is used to convert bstrStr into a multibyte character string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	[helpstring("method UrlEncodeIntoBuff")] HRESULT UrlEncodeIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,string,unique] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage);
	 * \brief	Encodes a string using URL encoding.
	 * This method encodes a Unicode string using URL encoding.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to encode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page which is used to convert bstrStr into a multibyte character string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pbstrEncoded	A URL encoded string.
	[helpstring("method UrlEncode")] HRESULT UrlEncode([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrEncoded);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to decode an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to decode an URL-encoded string.
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * This method does not support the URL-encoded string which contains a unicode character by using the %u or %x prefix.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szStr		A string to decode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage	A code page of the source string of the URL encoded string.
	 *					    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *						The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[helpstring("method UrlDecodeLen")] HRESULT UrlDecodeLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method does not support the URL-encoded string which contains a unicode character by using the %u or %x prefix.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the decoded string. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to decode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page of the source string of the URL encoded string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	[helpstring("method UrlDecodeIntoBuff")] HRESULT UrlDecodeIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,string,unique] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage);
	 * \brief	Decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method decodes an URL-encoded string.
	 * This method does not support the URL-encoded string which contains a unicode character by using the %u or %x prefix.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szStr			A string to decode.
	 * \param[in] CodePage		A code page of the source string of the URL encoded string.
	 *						    This is required because the URL encoding uses Ansi or UTF-8 string as a source.
	 *							The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pbstrDecoded	A decoded string.
	[helpstring("method UrlDecode")] HRESULT UrlDecode([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szStr, [in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT CodePage, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrDecoded);

 * \internal
 * \brief	This interface is used to store an internal object.
 * This interface is used internally.
	helpstring("IHttpResponseInternal2 interface"),
interface IHttpResponseInternal2 : IUnknown{
	[helpstring("method SetInternalObject")] HRESULT SetInternalObject([in,ref] void * pObj);
	[helpstring("method GetInternalObject")] HRESULT GetInternalObject([out,ref] void ** ppObj);

 * \brief	This interface represents a response returned by a HTTP web server.
 * This interface provides functionalities to handle a response which is returned by a HTTP web server.
 * This interface is returned if the request methods of the IDispHttpClient2 interface succeeds.
 * Do not use early binding because this interface can be changed in a future release.
 * \sa		IDispHttpClient2, IDispHttpPostStat2
	helpstring("IDispHttpResponse2 interface"),
interface IDispHttpResponse2 : IDispatch{
	 * \brief	Returns the number of headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the number of headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount		The number of headers of which name is bstrName.
	[id(21), helpstring("method GetHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetHeaderCount([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen		The length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	[id(22), helpstring("method GetHeaderLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * If a header name has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If a header specified by bstrName is not found or the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * Otherwise it always returns a null-terminated string.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx			A zero-based index for a header which has multiple values.
	 *							The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader	The requested header.
	[id(23), helpstring("method GetHeader")] HRESULT GetHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the header exists or not.
	 * This method returns whether the header specified by bstrName exists.
	 * If a header name has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx			A zero-based index for a header which has multiple values.
	 *							The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist		TRUE if the requested header is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(24), helpstring("method HeaderExists")] HRESULT HeaderExists([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the HTTP status code.
	 * This property returns the HTTP status code of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pdwStatus	The HTTP status code.
	[propget, id(25), helpstring("attribute Status")] HRESULT Status([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwStatus);
	 * \brief	Returns the HTTP status text.
	 * This property returns the HTTP status text of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pbstrStatusText	The HTTP status text.
	[propget, id(27), helpstring("attribute StatusText")] HRESULT StatusText([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrStatusText);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the content length is available.
	 * This method returns whether the content length is available.
	 * The content is the data stream except the HTTP headers. 
	 * \param[out] pbHasContentLength	TRUE if the content length is available, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(28), helpstring("method HasContentLength")] HRESULT HasContentLength([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbHasContentLength);
	 * \brief	Returns the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	 * This property returns the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	 * The content is the data stream except the HTTP headers. 
	 * If HasContentLength return FALSE, it will return 0.
	 * \param[out] pcbContLen	the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	[propget, id(29), helpstring("attribute ContentLength")] HRESULT ContentLength([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pcbContLen);
	 * \brief	Reads the content of a returned HTTP response.
	 * This method reads the content (the data stream except headers) of a returned HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] ppsaBuff		A safe array to save the read content.
	 * \param[out] pcbRead		The number of bytes read. If all content is read, 0 is returned. 
	[id(30), helpstring("method ReadContent")] HRESULT ReadContent([in,out,ref] SAFEARRAY(BYTE) * ppsaBuff, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pcbRead);
	 * \brief	Returns the content of a returned HTTP response.
	 * This method returns the content (the data stream except headers) of a returned HTTP response.
	 * \param[in] cbDesire		A desired number of bytes to read.
	 * \param[out] pvarArray	The read content in safe array. 
	[id(31), helpstring("method ReturnContent")] HRESULT ReturnContent([in] DWORD cbDesire, [out,ref,retval] VARIANT * pvarArray);
	 * \brief	Saves the content of a returned HTTP response to a file.
	 * This method saves the content (the data stream except headers) of a returned HTTP response
	 * to a file which is specified by bstrFilePath.
	 * \param[in] bstrFilePath	A file path to save.
	 * \param[in] bOverwrite	If this is TRUE, a file is overwritten if aleady exists. otherwise an error is occurred.
	 *							The default is TRUE.
	[id(32), helpstring("method SaveContent")] HRESULT SaveContent([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrFilePath, [in,defaultvalue(TRUE)] BOOL bOverwrite);
	 * \brief	Returns the entire content of a returned HTTP response as a string.
	 * This method returns the entire content of a returned HTTP response as a string.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] nCodePage				A code page of the content of a returned HTTP response.
	 *									The default is CP_ACP.
	 * \param[out] pbstrContentString	The read content.
	[id(33), helpstring("method ReturnAsString")] HRESULT ReturnAsString([in,defaultvalue(CP_ACP)] UINT nCodePage, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrContentString);

 * \brief	This interface represents a response returned by a HTTP web server.
 * This interface provides functionalities to handle a response which is returned by a HTTP web server.
 * This interface is returned if the request methods of the IHttpClient2 interface succeeds.
 * \sa		IHttpClient2, IHttpPostStat2
	helpstring("IHttpResponse2 interface"),
interface IHttpResponse2 : IUnknown{
	 * \brief	Returns the number of headers of which name is szName.
	 * This method returns the number of headers of which name is szName.
	 * \param[in] szName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount		The number of headers of which name is szName.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetHeaderCount([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen		The length of the header of which name is bstrName.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the header of which name is bstrName.
	 * If a header name has multiple values, you can specify the zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If a header specified by bstrName is not found or the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * Otherwise it always returns a null-terminated string.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the requested header. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx			A zero-based index for a header which has multiple values.
	 *							The default is zero.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetHeaderIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the header of which name is szName.
	 * This method returns the header of which name is szName.
	 * If a header name has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If a header specified by szName is not found or the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * Otherwise it always returns a null-terminated string.
	 * \param[in] bstrName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx			A zero-based index for a header which has multiple values.
	 *							The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader	The requested header.
	[helpstring("method GetHeader")] HRESULT GetHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the header exists or not.
	 * This method returns whether the header specified by szName exists.
	 * If a header name has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] szName		A case-insensitive header name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx			A zero-based index for a header which has multiple values.
	 *							The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist		TRUE if the requested header is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method HeaderExists")] HRESULT HeaderExists([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the HTTP status code.
	 * This method returns the HTTP status code of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pdwStatus	The HTTP status code.
	[helpstring("method GetStatus")] HRESULT GetStatus([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwStatus);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the HTTP status text.
	 * This method returns the length of the HTTP status text of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen	The length of the HTTP status text.
	[helpstring("method GetStatusTextLen")] HRESULT GetStatusTextLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the HTTP status text.
	 * This method returns the HTTP status text of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the HTTP status text. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	[helpstring("method GetStatusTextIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetStatusTextIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the HTTP status text.
	 * This method returns the HTTP status text of a HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pbstrStatusText	The HTTP status text.
	[helpstring("method GetStatusText")] HRESULT GetStatusText([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrStatusText);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	 * This method retrieves the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	 * The content is the data stream except the HTTP headers. 
	 * If the content length is not available, pbRetrieved will be set to FALSE.
	 * \param[out] pcbContLen	the content length of a returned HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pbRetrieved	FALSE if the content length is not available, otherwise TRUE.
	[helpstring("method GetContentLength")] HRESULT GetContentLength([out,ref] DWORD * pcbContLen, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRetrieved);
	 * \brief	Reads the content of a returned HTTP response.
	 * This method reads the content (the data stream except headers) of a returned HTTP response.
	 * \param[out] pbyBuff		A buffer to save the read content.
	 * \param[in] cbBuff		A buffer size in byte.
	 * \param[out] pcbRead		The number of bytes read. If all content is read, 0 is returned. 
	[helpstring("method ReadContent")] HRESULT ReadContent([out,ref,size_is(cbBuff),length_is(*pcbRead)] BYTE * pbyBuff, [in] DWORD cbBuff, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pcbRead);
	 * \brief	Saves the content of a returned HTTP response to a file.
	 * This method saves the content (the data stream except headers) of a returned HTTP response
	 * to a file which is specified by bstrFilePath.
	 * \param[in] szFilePath	A file path to save.
	 * \param[in] bOverwrite	If this is TRUE, a file is overwritten if aleady exists. otherwise an error is occurred.
	 *							The default is TRUE.
	[helpstring("method SaveContent")] HRESULT SaveContent([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szFilePath, [in,defaultvalue(TRUE)] BOOL bOverwrite);

 * \internal
 * \brief	This interface is used to store an internal object.
 * This interface is used internally.
	helpstring("IHttpPostStatInternal2 interface"),
interface IHttpPostStatInternal2 : IUnknown{
	[helpstring("method SetInternalObject")] HRESULT SetInternalObject([in,ref] void * pObj);
	[helpstring("method GetInternalObject")] HRESULT GetInternalObject([out,ref] void ** ppObj);

 * \brief	This interface represents progress information of the HTTP POST operation.
 * The purpose of this interface is to provide progress information to user.
 * If you call BeginPost or BeginUpload method of the IDispHttpClient2 interface, you can retrieve
 * progress information by using the Query method of the IDispHttpClient2 interface.
 * Do not use early binding because this interface can be changed in a future release.
 * \sa		IDispHttpClient2, IDispHttpResponse2
	helpstring("IDispHttpPostStat2 interface"),
interface IDispHttpPostStat2 : IDispatch{

	 * \brief	Indicates whether the POST is in progress or not.
	 * This method returns a boolean which indicates whether the POST is in progress or not.
	 * \param[out] pbIsActive	TRUE if the POST is in progress, otherwise FALSE
	[propget, id(21), helpstring("attribute IsActive")] HRESULT IsActive([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbIsActive);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullActualTotalByte	The actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server
	[propget, id(22), helpstring("attribute ActualTotalByte")] HRESULT ActualTotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullActualTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullActualPostedByte	The actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server
	[propget, id(23), helpstring("attribute ActualPostedByte")] HRESULT ActualPostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullActualPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullTotalByte		The number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server
	[propget, id(24), helpstring("attribute TotalByte")] HRESULT TotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullPostedByte		The number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server
	[propget, id(25), helpstring("attribute PostedByte")] HRESULT PostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwActualTotalByte	The actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(26), helpstring("attribute ActualTotalByteD")] HRESULT ActualTotalByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwActualTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwActualPostedByte	The actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(27), helpstring("attribute ActualPostedByteD")] HRESULT ActualPostedByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwActualPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwTotalByte			The number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(28), helpstring("attribute TotalByteD")] HRESULT TotalByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwPostedByte		The number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(29), helpstring("attribute PostedByteD")] HRESULT PostedByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the total number of parameters.
	 * This method returns the total number of parameters to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwTotalCount		The total number of parameters
	[propget, id(30), helpstring("attribute TotalCount")] HRESULT TotalCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwTotalCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of posted parameters.
	 * The count includes the current parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwPostedCount		The number of posted parameters
	[propget, id(31), helpstring("attribute PostedCount")] HRESULT PostedCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwPostedCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of file parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of file parameters.
	 * The file parameter is a parameter which contains a file path to upload.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwFileCount			The number of file parameters
	[propget, id(32), helpstring("attribute FileCount")] HRESULT FileCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwFileCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted file parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of posted file parameters.
	 * The file parameter is a parameter which contains a file path to upload.
	 * If the current parameter is a file parameter, then the count includes the current parameter.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwPostedFileCount	The number of posted file parameters
	[propget, id(33), helpstring("attribute PostedFileCount")] HRESULT PostedFileCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwPostedFileCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the current parameter name.
	 * This method returns the current parameter name.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbstrCurrParam	The current parameter name
	[propget, id(35), helpstring("attribute CurrParam")] HRESULT CurrParam([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrCurrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns the current file path.
	 * This method returns the file path which is currently being uploaded.
	 * If the current parameter is not a file parameter or the system fails to allocate
	 * memory for the current file path, it will return "NULL".
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbstrCurrFile	The current file path
	[propget, id(37), helpstring("attribute CurrFile")] HRESULT CurrFile([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrCurrFile);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamTotalByte		The number of bytes of the current parameter
	[propget, id(38), helpstring("attribute CurrParamTotalByte")] HRESULT CurrParamTotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamPostedByte	The number of posted bytes of the current parameter
	[propget, id(39), helpstring("attribute CurrParamPostedByte")] HRESULT CurrParamPostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamRemainByte	The number of remained bytes of the current parameter
	[propget, id(40), helpstring("attribute CurrParamRemainByte")] HRESULT CurrParamRemainByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamRemainByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwCurrParamTotalByte	The number of bytes of the current parameter (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(41), helpstring("attribute CurrParamTotalByteD")] HRESULT CurrParamTotalByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCurrParamTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwCurrParamPostedByte	The number of posted bytes of the current parameter (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(42), helpstring("attribute CurrParamPostedByteD")] HRESULT CurrParamPostedByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCurrParamPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwCurrParamRemainByte	The number of remained bytes of the current parameter (in DWORD)
	[propget, id(43), helpstring("attribute CurrParamRemainByteD")] HRESULT CurrParamRemainByteD([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCurrParamRemainByte);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the current parameter is a file parameter.
	 * This method returns TRUE if the current parameter is a file parameter, otherwise it will return FALSE.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbCurrParamIsFile	TRUE if the current parameter is a file parameter, otherwise FALSE.
	[propget, id(44), helpstring("attribute CurrParamIsFile")] HRESULT CurrParamIsFile([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCurrParamIsFile);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the current parameter is completely posted.
	 * This method returns TRUE if the current parameter is completely posted, otherwise it will return FALSE.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbCurrParamIsComplete	TRUE if the current parameter is completely posted, otherwise FALSE.
	[propget, id(45), helpstring("attribute CurrParamIsComplete")] HRESULT CurrParamIsComplete([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCurrParamIsComplete);

 * \brief	This interface represents progress information of the HTTP POST operation.
 * The purpose of this interface is to provide progress information to user.
 * If you call BeginPost or BeginUpload method of the IHttpClient2 interface, you can retrieve
 * progress information by using the Query method of the IHttpClient2 interface.
 * \sa		IHttpClient2, IHttpResponse2
	helpstring("IHttpPostStat2 interface"),
interface IHttpPostStat2 : IUnknown{

	 * \brief	Indicates whether the POST is in progress or not.
	 * This method returns a boolean which indicates whether the POST is in progress or not.
	 * \param[out] pbIsActive	TRUE if the POST is in progress, otherwise FALSE
	[helpstring("method GetIsActive")] HRESULT GetIsActive([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbIsActive);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullActualTotalByte	The actual number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server
	[helpstring("method GetActualTotalByte")] HRESULT GetActualTotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullActualTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * The returned size includes the size of boundaries, parameter names, and other elements.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullActualPostedByte	The actual number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server
	[helpstring("method GetActualPostedByte")] HRESULT GetActualPostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullActualPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullTotalByte		The number of bytes to send to a HTTP web server
	[helpstring("method GetTotalByte")] HRESULT GetTotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullPostedByte		The number of bytes posted to a HTTP web server
	[helpstring("method GetPostedByte")] HRESULT GetPostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the total number of parameters.
	 * This method returns the total number of parameters to send to a HTTP web server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwTotalCount		The total number of parameters
	[helpstring("method GetTotalCount")] HRESULT GetTotalCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwTotalCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of posted parameters.
	 * The count includes the current parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwPostedCount		The number of posted parameters
	[helpstring("method GetPostedCount")] HRESULT GetPostedCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwPostedCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of file parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of file parameters.
	 * The file parameter is a parameter which contains a file path to upload.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwFileCount			The number of file parameters
	[helpstring("method GetFileCount")] HRESULT GetFileCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwFileCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted file parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of posted file parameters.
	 * The file parameter is a parameter which contains a file path to upload.
	 * If the current parameter is a file parameter, then the count includes the current parameter.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwPostedFileCount	The number of posted file parameters
	[helpstring("method GetPostedFileCount")] HRESULT GetPostedFileCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwPostedFileCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the current parameter name.
	 * This method returns the length of the current parameter name.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen		The length of the current parameter name
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamLen")] HRESULT GetCurrParamLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the current parameter name.
	 * This method returns the current parameter name.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the requested string. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetCurrParamIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the current parameter name.
	 * This method returns the current parameter name.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbstrCurrParam	The current parameter name
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParam")] HRESULT GetCurrParam([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrCurrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the current file path.
	 * This method returns the length of the file path which is currently being uploaded.
	 * If the current parameter is not a file parameter or the system fails to allocate
	 * memory for the current file path, it will return 4 (::wcslen ("NULL")).
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen		The length of the current file path
	[helpstring("method GetCurrFileLen")] HRESULT GetCurrFileLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the current file path.
	 * This method returns the file path which is currently being uploaded.
	 * If the current parameter is not a file parameter or the system fails to allocate
	 * memory for the current file path, it will return "NULL".
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] szBuff		A buffer to save the current file path. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff		A buffer size in character.
	[helpstring("method GetCurrFileIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetCurrFileIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the current file path.
	 * This method returns the file path which is currently being uploaded.
	 * If the current parameter is not a file parameter or the system fails to allocate
	 * memory for the current file path, it will return "NULL".
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbstrCurrFile	The current file path
	[helpstring("method GetCurrFile")] HRESULT GetCurrFile([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrCurrFile);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamTotalByte	The number of bytes of the current parameter
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamTotalByte")] HRESULT GetCurrParamTotalByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamTotalByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of posted bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamPostedByte	The number of posted bytes of the current parameter
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamPostedByte")] HRESULT GetCurrParamPostedByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamPostedByte);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * This method returns the number of remained bytes of the current parameter.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pullCurrParamRemainByte	The number of remained bytes of the current parameter
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamRemainByte")] HRESULT GetCurrParamRemainByte([out,ref,retval] ULONGLONG * pullCurrParamRemainByte);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the current parameter is a file parameter.
	 * This method returns TRUE if the current parameter is a file parameter, otherwise it will return FALSE.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbCurrParamIsFile	TRUE if the current parameter is a file parameter, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamIsFile")] HRESULT GetCurrParamIsFile([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCurrParamIsFile);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the current parameter is completely posted.
	 * This method returns TRUE if the current parameter is completely posted, otherwise it will return FALSE.
	 * The current parameter is a parameter which is being sent to the server.
	 * If the IsActive is FALSE, you shouldn't call this method.
	 * \param[out] pbCurrParamIsComplete	TRUE if the current parameter is completely posted, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method GetCurrParamIsComplete")] HRESULT GetCurrParamIsComplete([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCurrParamIsComplete);

 * \brief	This interface analyzes a URL into its component parts.
 * This interface analyzes a URL into its component parts and saves information about each parts.
 * It always try to analyze the URL to get the best result. It does not check whether the URL is valid. 
 * The URL itself is not saved.
 * Do not use early binding because this interface can be changed in a future release.
	helpstring("IDispHttpUrlAnalyzer2 interface"),
interface IDispHttpUrlAnalyzer2 : IDispatch{

	 * \brief	Resets all internal states.
	 * This method clears all saved information and sets to 0.
	[id(20), helpstring("method Reset")] HRESULT Reset();
	 * \brief	Analyzes a URL into its component parts.
	 * This method analyzes a URL and saves information about its component parts.
	 * It does not check whether the URL is valid. The URL itself is not saved.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl	An URL to analyze.
	[id(21), helpstring("method Analyze")] HRESULT Analyze([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrUrl);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnProtocolIdx	The start index of the protocol part.
	[propget, id(22), helpstring("attribute ProtocolIdx")] HRESULT ProtocolIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnProtocolIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnProtocolLen	The length of the protocol part.
	[propget, id(23), helpstring("attribute ProtocolLen")] HRESULT ProtocolLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnProtocolLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the address part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the address part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnAddressIdx		The start index of the address part.
	[propget, id(24), helpstring("attribute AddressIdx")] HRESULT AddressIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnAddressIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the address part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the address part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnAddressLen		The length of the address part.
	[propget, id(25), helpstring("attribute AddressLen")] HRESULT AddressLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnAddressLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the port part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the port part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPortIdx		The start index of the port part.
	[propget, id(26), helpstring("attribute PortIdx")] HRESULT PortIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPortIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the port part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the port part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPortLen		The length of the port part.
	[propget, id(27), helpstring("attribute PortLen")] HRESULT PortLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPortLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the path part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the path part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPathIdx		The start index of the path part.
	[propget, id(28), helpstring("attribute PathIdx")] HRESULT PathIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPathIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the path part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the path part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPathLen		The length of the path part.
	[propget, id(29), helpstring("attribute PathLen")] HRESULT PathLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPathLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the search string part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the search string part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchIdx		The start index of the search string part.
	[propget, id(30), helpstring("attribute SearchIdx")] HRESULT SearchIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnSearchIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the search string part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the search string part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchLen		The length of the search string part.
	[propget, id(31), helpstring("attribute SearchLen")] HRESULT SearchLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnSearchLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnBookmarkIdx		The start index of the bookmark part.
	[propget, id(32), helpstring("attribute BookmarkIdx")] HRESULT BookmarkIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnBookmarkIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchLen		The length of the bookmark part.
	[propget, id(33), helpstring("attribute BookmarkLen")] HRESULT BookmarkLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnBookmarkLen);

 * \brief	This interface analyzes a URL into its component parts.
 * This interface analyzes a URL into its component parts and saves information about each parts.
 * It always try to analyze the URL to get the best result. It does not check whether the URL is valid. 
 * The URL itself is not saved.
	helpstring("IHttpUrlAnalyzer2 interface"),
interface IHttpUrlAnalyzer2 : IUnknown{

	 * \brief	Resets all internal states.
	 * This method clears all saved information and sets to 0.
	[helpstring("method Reset")] HRESULT Reset();
	 * \brief	Analyzes a URL into its component parts.
	 * This method analyzes a URL and saves information about its component parts.
	 * It does not check whether the URL is valid. The URL itself is not saved.
	 * \param[in] szUrl		An URL to analyze.
	[helpstring("method Analyze")] HRESULT Analyze([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szUrl);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnProtocolIdx	The start index of the protocol part.
	[helpstring("method GetProtocolIdx")] HRESULT GetProtocolIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnProtocolIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the protocol part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnProtocolLen	The length of the protocol part.
	[helpstring("method GetProtocolLen")] HRESULT GetProtocolLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnProtocolLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the address part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the address part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnAddressIdx		The start index of the address part.
	[helpstring("method GetAddressIdx")] HRESULT GetAddressIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnAddressIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the address part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the address part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnAddressLen		The length of the address part.
	[helpstring("method GetAddressLen")] HRESULT GetAddressLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnAddressLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the port part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the port part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPortIdx		The start index of the port part.
	[helpstring("method GetPortIdx")] HRESULT GetPortIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPortIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the port part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the port part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPortLen		The length of the port part.
	[helpstring("method GetPortLen")] HRESULT GetPortLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPortLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the path part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the path part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPathIdx		The start index of the path part.
	[helpstring("method GetPathIdx")] HRESULT GetPathIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPathIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the path part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the path part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnPathLen		The length of the path part.
	[helpstring("method GetPathLen")] HRESULT GetPathLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnPathLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the search string part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the search string part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchIdx		The start index of the search string part.
	[helpstring("method GetSearchIdx")] HRESULT GetSearchIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnSearchIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the search string part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the search string part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchLen		The length of the search string part.
	[helpstring("method GetSearchLen")] HRESULT GetSearchLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnSearchLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the start index of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the start index of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnBookmarkIdx		The start index of the bookmark part.
	[helpstring("method GetBookmarkIdx")] HRESULT GetBookmarkIdx([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnBookmarkIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * This method returns the length of the bookmark part in the URL.
	 * \param[out] pnSearchLen		The length of the bookmark part.
	[helpstring("method GetBookmarkLen")] HRESULT GetBookmarkLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pnBookmarkLen);

 * \brief	An enum for attributes of the HTTP parameter.
 * This enumerator specifies several attributes for the HTTP parameter.
 * You can specify a combination of the following flag constants.
 * \sa IHttpClient2::AddParam, IDispHttpClient2::AddParam
 * \sa IHttpClient2::SetParam, IDispHttpClient2::SetParam
	helpstring("HttpClientParamAttr Enumerator")
enum HttpClientParamAttr
	HttpClientParamNormal			= 0x00000000					//!< The parameter is a normal parameter.
	, HttpClientParamFile			= 0x00000001					//!< The parameter is a file parameter.
																	//!  This means that the parameter's value contains the file path
																	//!  and the file specified by the file path is uploaded when the HTTP UPLOAD is started.
	, HttpClientParamEncodedName	= 0x00000002					//!< The parameter's name is a URL-Encoded string.
																	//!  This means that the parameter's name is not encoded using URL-encoding
																	//!  before sending to the web server when the HTTP GET or POST is started.
	, HttpClientParamEncodedValue	= 0x00000004					//!< The parameter's value is a URL-Encoded string.
																	//!  This means that the parameter's value is not encoded using URL-encoding
																	//!  before sending to the web server when the HTTP GET or POST is started.
	, HttpClientParamEncoded		= HttpClientParamEncodedName
									| HttpClientParamEncodedValue	//!< The parameter's name and value are URL-Encoded strings.
																	//!  This means that the parameter's name and value are not encoded using URL-encoding
																	//!  before sending to the web server when the HTTP GET or POST is started.
} ;

 * \brief	This interface helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
 * This interface supports HTTP GET, POST and UPLOAD (multipart/form-data).
 * Do not use early binding because this interface can be changed in a future release.
 * \sa IHttpResponse2, IDispHttpResponse2
 * \sa IHttpPostStat2, IDispHttpPostStat2
	helpstring("IDispHttpClient2 interface"),
interface IDispHttpClient2 : IDispatch{

	 * \brief	Returns the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * This method returns the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * If the StrictFileCheck is TRUE, an exception will be thrown
	 * when it fails to open a file which is going to be uploaded.
	 * If FALSE, it does nothing. The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] pbStrict		StrictFileCheck property.
	[propget, id(20), helpstring("attribute StrictFileCheck")] HRESULT StrictFileCheck([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbStrict);
	 * \brief	Sets the StrictFileCheck property.
	 * This method sets the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * If the StrictFileCheck is TRUE, an exception will be thrown
	 * when it fails to open a file which is going to be uploaded,
	 * otherwise, it does nothing. The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[in] bStrict		A boolean value which specifies StrictFileCheck.
	[propput, id(20), helpstring("attribute StrictFileCheck")] HRESULT StrictFileCheck([in] BOOL bStrict);
	 * \brief	Returns the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * This method returns the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * If the UseUtf8 is TRUE, all request will be sent in UTF-8 encoding,
	 * otherwise, all request will be sent in ANSI encoding.
	 * If a web server uses UTF-8 encoding, you should set TRUE.
	 * The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] pbUseUtf8	UseUtf8 property.
	[propget, id(21), helpstring("attribute UseUtf8")] HRESULT UseUtf8([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbUseUtf8);
	 * \brief	Sets the UseUtf8 property.
	 * This method sets the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * If the UseUtf8 is TRUE, all request will be sent in UTF-8 encoding,
	 * otherwise, all request will be sent in ANSI encoding.
	 * If a web server uses UTF-8 encoding, you should set TRUE.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[in] bUseUtf8		A boolean value which specifies UseUtf8.
	[propput, id(21), helpstring("attribute UseUtf8")] HRESULT UseUtf8([in] BOOL bUseUtf8);
	 * \brief	Returns the current ANSI code page.
	 * This method returns the current ANSI code page which is used for all non-unicode strings.
	 * If a web server uses an ANSI character set, you should set an appropriate ANSI code page.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * The default is CP_ACP (which is the system's ANSI code page).
	 * \param[out] pnAnsiCodePage	The current ANSI code page.
	 * \sa	::WideCharToMultiByte, ::MultiByteToWideChar
	[propget, id(22), helpstring("attribute AnsiCodePage")] HRESULT AnsiCodePage([out,ref,retval] UINT * pnAnsiCodePage);
	 * \brief	Sets the current ANSI code page.
	 * This method sets the current ANSI code page which is used for all non-unicode strings.
	 * If a web server uses an ANSI character set, you should set an appropriate ANSI code page.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * The default is CP_ACP (which is the system's ANSI code page).
	 * \param[in] nAnsiCodePage		An ANSI code page to set.
	 * \sa	::WideCharToMultiByte, ::MultiByteToWideChar
	[propput, id(22), helpstring("attribute AnsiCodePage")] HRESULT AnsiCodePage([in] UINT nAnsiCodePage);

	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP headers.
	 * This method erases all HTTP headers which is sent to a web server.
	 * \param[out] pbCleared		FALSE if all header is aleady erased, otherwise TRUE.
	[id(26), helpstring("method ClearHeader")] HRESULT ClearHeader([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCleared);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method erases a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index to remove.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(27), helpstring("method RemoveHeaderAt")] HRESULT RemoveHeaderAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method erases a HTTP header of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(28), helpstring("method RemoveHeader")] HRESULT RemoveHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method erases all HTTP headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(29), helpstring("method RemoveAllHeader")] HRESULT RemoveAllHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Adds a new HTTP header.
	 * This method adds a new HTTP header.
	 * The header's name and the header's value can not be NULL or an empty string.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] bstrValue			A header value. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	[id(30), helpstring("method AddHeader")] HRESULT AddHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrValue);
	 * \brief	Sets a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method modifies the HTTP header value of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found and the nIdx is zero, it will add a new header.
	 * The header's name and the header's value can not be NULL or an empty string.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] bstrValue			A header value. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	[id(31), helpstring("method SetHeader")] HRESULT SetHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrValue, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header name at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP header name.
	[id(32), helpstring("method GetHeaderNameAtLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderNameAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrName		A header name.
	[id(33), helpstring("method GetHeaderNameAt")] HRESULT GetHeaderNameAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP header.
	[id(34), helpstring("method GetHeaderAtLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader		A header.
	[id(35), helpstring("method GetHeaderAt")] HRESULT GetHeaderAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a header.
	[id(36), helpstring("method GetHeaderLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader		A header.
	[id(37), helpstring("method GetHeader")] HRESULT GetHeader([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the specified HTTP header exists.
	 * This method returns whether the HTTP header of which name is bstrName exists.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist			TRUE if the header is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(38), helpstring("method HeaderExists")] HRESULT HeaderExists([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP headers of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to find.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of headers.
	[id(39), helpstring("method GetHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetHeaderCount([in,unique,string] const BSTR bstrName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP headers.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP headers.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of headers.
	[id(40), helpstring("method GetAllHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetAllHeaderCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);

	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP parameters.
	 * This method erases all HTTP parameters.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[out] pbCleared		FALSE if all parameter is aleady erased, otherwise TRUE.
	[id(41), helpstring("method ClearParam")] HRESULT ClearParam([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCleared);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method erases a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index to remove.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(42), helpstring("method RemoveParamAt")] HRESULT RemoveParamAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method erases a HTTP parameter of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(43), helpstring("method RemoveParam")] HRESULT RemoveParam([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP parameters of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method erases all HTTP parameters of which name is bstrName.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(44), helpstring("method RemoveAllParam")] HRESULT RemoveAllParam([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Adds a new HTTP parameter.
	 * This method adds a new HTTP parameter. The dwParamAttr specifies parameter attributes.
	 * For more information about parameter attributes, see the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] bstrValue			A parameter value.
	 * \param[in] dwParamAttr		A parameter attribute. This is a bitwise Ored value of the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 *								The default is HttpClientParamNormal.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[id(45), helpstring("method AddParam")] HRESULT AddParam([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrValue, [in,defaultvalue(HttpClientParamNormal)] DWORD dwParamAttr);
	 * \brief	Sets a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method modifies the HTTP parameter value of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found and the nIdx is zero, it will add a new parameter.
	 * The dwParamAttr specifies parameter attributes.
	 * For more information about parameter attributes, see the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] bstrValue			A parameter value.
	 * \param[in] dwParamAttr		A parameter attribute. This is a bitwise Ored value of the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 *								The default is HttpClientParamNormal.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[id(46), helpstring("method SetParam")] HRESULT SetParam([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrValue, [in,defaultvalue(HttpClientParamNormal)] DWORD dwParamAttr, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter name at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP parameter name.
	[id(47), helpstring("method GetParamNameAtLen")] HRESULT GetParamNameAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrName		A parameter name.
	[id(48), helpstring("method GetParamNameAt")] HRESULT GetParamNameAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP parameter.
	[id(49), helpstring("method GetParamAtLen")] HRESULT GetParamAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrParam		A parameter.
	[id(50), helpstring("method GetParamAt")] HRESULT GetParamAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a parameter.
	[id(51), helpstring("method GetParamLen")] HRESULT GetParamLen([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrParam		A parameter.
	[id(52), helpstring("method GetParam")] HRESULT GetParam([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range or the attribute is 0, it will return 0.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwAttr			A parameter attribute.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[id(53), helpstring("method GetParamAttrAt")] HRESULT GetParamAttrAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAttr);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the specified position.
	 * This method returns an attribute of the HTTP parameter of which name is bstrName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found or the attribute is 0, it will return 0.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwAttr			A parameter attribute.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[id(54), helpstring("method GetParamAttr")] HRESULT GetParamAttr([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAttr);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the specified HTTP parameter exists.
	 * This method returns whether the HTTP parameter of which name is bstrName exists.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist			TRUE if the parameter is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[id(55), helpstring("method ParamExists")] HRESULT ParamExists([in,ref,string] const BSTR bstrName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP parameters of which name is bstrName.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP parameters of which name is bstrName.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of parameters.
	[id(56), helpstring("method GetParamCount")] HRESULT GetParamCount([in,unique,string] const BSTR bstrName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP parameters.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of parameters.
	[id(57), helpstring("method GetAllParamCount")] HRESULT GetAllParamCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);

	 * \brief	Sets parameters for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets parameters for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * All parameters passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrUserAgent		A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] dwAccessType		A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] bstrProxyName		A name of a proxy server which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] bstrProxyBypass	A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen
	[id(58), helpstring("method SetInternet")] HRESULT SetInternet([in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrUserAgent, [in] DWORD dwAccessType, [in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrProxyName, [in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrProxyBypass, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD dwFlags);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrUserAgent	A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propget, id(59), helpstring("attribute InternetUserAgent")] HRESULT InternetUserAgent([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrUserAgent);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property sets the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The value passed to this property is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrUserAgent		A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 *                              If this is NULL, The default is used.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propput, id(59), helpstring("attribute InternetUserAgent")] HRESULT InternetUserAgent([in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrUserAgent);
	 * \brief	Returns the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwAccessType	A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propget, id(60), helpstring("attribute InternetAccessType")] HRESULT InternetAccessType([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAccessType);
	 * \brief	Sets the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property sets the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The value passed to this property is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] dwAccessType		A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propput, id(60), helpstring("attribute InternetAccessType")] HRESULT InternetAccessType([in] DWORD dwAccessType);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyName	A proxy server name which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propget, id(61), helpstring("attribute InternetProxyName")] HRESULT InternetProxyName([out,ref,retval,string] BSTR * pbstrProxyName);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property sets the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The value passed to this property is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrProxyName		A proxy server name which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propput, id(61), helpstring("attribute InternetProxyName")] HRESULT InternetProxyName([in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrProxyName);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyBypass	A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propget, id(62), helpstring("attribute InternetProxyBypass")] HRESULT InternetProxyBypass([out,ref,retval,string] BSTR * pbstrProxyBypass);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property sets the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The value passed to this property is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] bstrProxyBypass	A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propput, id(62), helpstring("attribute InternetProxyBypass")] HRESULT InternetProxyBypass([in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrProxyBypass);
	 * \brief	Returns the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propget, id(63), helpstring("attribute InternetFlags")] HRESULT InternetFlags([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwFlags);
	 * \brief	Sets the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property sets the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The value passed to this property is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[propput, id(63), helpstring("attribute InternetFlags")] HRESULT InternetFlags([in] DWORD dwFlags);

	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to make a URL for a HTTP GET request
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to make a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * If you want to pass some parameters to a web server using HTTP GET, you have to append parameters to the requested URL.
	 * This method calculates the length of the URL for that situation.
	 * If there are no HTTP parameters, it returns the length of the bstrUrl. Otherwise it returns the calculated length.
	 * It does not check whether the bstrUrl is valid.
	 * If the bstrUrl is NULL, it returns the length of the appended parameters. (Not including the beginning '?' character)
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl			An URL which is used to calculate the length of the GET URL.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[id(64), helpstring("method MakeGetUrlLen")] HRESULT MakeGetUrlLen([in,unique,string] const BSTR bstrUrl, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a URL for a HTTP GET request
	 * This method returns a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * If you want to pass some parameters to a web server using HTTP GET, you have to append parameters to the requested URL.
	 * This method creates a URL for that situation. If there are no HTTP parameters, it returns the bstrUrl.
	 * It does not check whether the bstrUrl is valid.
	 * If the bstrUrl is NULL, it returns only the appended parameters. (Not including the beginning '?' character)
	 * If the bstrUrl is NULL and the parameters do not exist, it returns an empty string.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl			An URL which is used to make a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * \param[out] pbstrGetUrl		A generated URL.
	[id(65), helpstring("method MakeGetUrl")] HRESULT MakeGetUrl([in,unique,string] const BSTR bstrUrl, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrGetUrl);

	 * \brief	Sets a proxy user name and a password
	 * This method sets a user name and a password which are used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the bstrUserName parameter is NULL, the proxy account saved in an instance will be removed.
	 * You can handle proxy authorization using this method, but there are some restrictions.
	 * First, The HTTP POST is not safe if you are not an authorized user.
	 * (It is possible that the proxy server closes the connection before the request is finished).
	 * Second, Only the HTTP GET can be used to request proxy authorization.
	 * (This restriction is caused by the WinInet API).
	 * \param[in] bstrUserName		A proxy user name. Empty string is not allowed.
	 *								If it is NULL, account information saved in an instance will be removed.
	 * \param[in] bstrPassword		A proxy password. NULL and empty string are not allowed.
	[id(66), helpstring("method SetProxyAccount")] HRESULT SetProxyAccount([in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrUserName, [in,ptr,string] const BSTR bstrPassword);
	 * \brief	Returns a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy user name is not set, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyUserName	A proxy user name.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[propget, id(68), helpstring("method ProxyUserName")] HRESULT ProxyUserName([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyUserName);
	 * \brief	Returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy password is NULL, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyPassword	A proxy password.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[propget, id(70), helpstring("method ProxyPassword")] HRESULT ProxyPassword([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyPassword);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP GET request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP GET request.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2
	[id(71), helpstring("method RequestGet")] HRESULT RequestGet([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP GET request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP GET request.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrReferer			A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrName			An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrPwd			An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[id(72), helpstring("method RequestGetEx")] HRESULT RequestGetEx([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrReferer, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrName, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP POST request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP POST request. If you call this method, you can retrieve progress
	 * information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed
	[id(73), helpstring("method BeginPost")] HRESULT BeginPost([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache);
	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP POST request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP POST request. If you call this method, you can retrieve progress
	 * information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrReferer			A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrName			An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrPwd			An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[id(74), helpstring("method BeginPostEx")] HRESULT BeginPostEx([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrReferer, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrName, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrPwd);

	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If you call this method, you can retrieve progress information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed
	[id(75), helpstring("method BeginUpload")] HRESULT BeginUpload([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache);
	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If you call this method, you can retrieve progress information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrReferer			A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrName			An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrPwd			An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[id(76), helpstring("method BeginUploadEx")] HRESULT BeginUploadEx([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrReferer, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrName, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrPwd);

	 * \brief	Queries progress information of the current POST context
	 * This method queries progress information of the current POST context.
	 * If you call the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method which starts a new POST context,
	 * you can retrieve progress information by using this method.
	 * If an exception occurs, the current POST context is automatically canceled.
	 * \param[in] pIDispHttpPostStat2	A IDispHttpPostStat2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpPostStat2, BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Cancel, Proceed
	[id(77), helpstring("method Query")] HRESULT Query([in] IDispHttpPostStat2 * pIDispHttpPostStat2);
	 * \brief	Cancels the current POST context
	 * This method cancels the current POST context which is started by
	 * the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method.
	 * \param[out] pbCanceled			Whether the operation canceled.
	 * \sa	BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Query, Proceed
	[id(78), helpstring("method Cancel")] HRESULT Cancel([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCanceled);
	 * \brief	Proceeds with the current POST context
	 * This method proceeds with the current POST context which is started by
	 * the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method.
	 * It transmits data of the current POST context to the web server.
	 * If all bytes are transmitted, a IDispHttpResponse2 interface is returned.
	 * If an exception occurs, the current POST context is automatically canceled.
	 * \param[in] cbDesired				The number of bytes to be transmitted.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface if all bytes are transmitted,
	 *									otherwise NULL.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2, BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Query, Cancel
	[id(79), helpstring("method Proceed")] HRESULT Proceed([in] DWORD cbDesired, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP POST request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP POST request.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2
	[id(80), helpstring("method RequestPost")] HRESULT RequestPost([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP POST request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP POST request.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrReferer			A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrName			An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrPwd			An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[id(81), helpstring("method RequestPostEx")] HRESULT RequestPostEx([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrReferer, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrName, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2
	[id(82), helpstring("method RequestUpload")] HRESULT RequestUpload([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the bstrUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl				A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrReferer			A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrName			An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] bstrUsrPwd			An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIDispHttpResponse2	A IDispHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IDispHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[id(83), helpstring("method RequestUploadEx")] HRESULT RequestUploadEx([in,string,ref] const BSTR bstrUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrReferer, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrName, [in,string,ptr] const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2);

 * \brief	This interface helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
 * This interface supports HTTP GET, POST and UPLOAD (multipart/form-data).
 * \sa IHttpResponse2, IDispHttpResponse2
 * \sa IHttpPostStat2, IDispHttpPostStat2
	helpstring("IHttpClient2 interface"),
interface IHttpClient2 : IUnknown{

	 * \brief	Returns the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * This method returns the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * If the StrictFileCheck is TRUE, an exception will be thrown
	 * when it fails to open a file which is going to be uploaded.
	 * If FALSE, it does nothing. The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] pbStrict		StrictFileCheck property.
	[helpstring("method GetStrictFileCheck")] HRESULT GetStrictFileCheck([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbStrict);
	 * \brief	Sets the StrictFileCheck property.
	 * This method sets the current StrictFileCheck property.
	 * If the StrictFileCheck is TRUE, an exception will be thrown
	 * when it fails to open a file which is going to be uploaded.
	 * If FALSE, it does nothing. The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[in] bStrict		A boolean value which specifies StrictFileCheck.
	[helpstring("method SetStrictFileCheck")] HRESULT SetStrictFileCheck([in] BOOL bStrict);
	 * \brief	Returns the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * This method returns the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * If the UseUtf8 is TRUE, all request will be sent in UTF-8 encoding,
	 * otherwise, all request will be sent in ANSI encoding.
	 * If a web server uses UTF-8 encoding, you should set TRUE.
	 * The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] pbUseUtf8	UseUtf8 property.
	[helpstring("method GetUseUtf8")] HRESULT GetUseUtf8([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbUseUtf8);
	 * \brief	Sets the UseUtf8 property.
	 * This method sets the current UseUtf8 property.
	 * If the UseUtf8 is TRUE, all request will be sent in UTF-8 encoding,
	 * otherwise, all request will be sent in ANSI encoding.
	 * If a web server uses UTF-8 encoding, you should set TRUE.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[in] bUseUtf8		A boolean value which specifies UseUtf8.
	[helpstring("method SetUseUtf8")] HRESULT SetUseUtf8([in] BOOL bUseUtf8);
	 * \brief	Returns the current ANSI code page.
	 * This method returns the current ANSI code page which is used for all non-unicode strings.
	 * If a web server uses an ANSI character set, you should set an appropriate ANSI code page.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * The default is CP_ACP (which is the system's ANSI code page).
	 * \param[out] pnAnsiCodePage	The current ANSI code page.
	 * \sa	::WideCharToMultiByte, ::MultiByteToWideChar
	[helpstring("method GetAnsiCodePage")] HRESULT GetAnsiCodePage([out,ref,retval] UINT * pnAnsiCodePage);
	 * \brief	Sets the current ANSI code page.
	 * This method sets the current ANSI code page which is used for all non-unicode strings.
	 * If a web server uses an ANSI character set, you should set an appropriate ANSI code page.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * For more infomation about the Code-Page Identifiers, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * The default is CP_ACP (which is the system's ANSI code page).
	 * \param[in] nAnsiCodePage		An ANSI code page to set.
	 * \sa	::WideCharToMultiByte, ::MultiByteToWideChar
	[helpstring("method SetAnsiCodePage")] HRESULT SetAnsiCodePage([in] UINT nAnsiCodePage);

	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP headers.
	 * This method erases all HTTP headers which is sent to a web server.
	 * \param[out] pbCleared		FALSE if all header is aleady erased, otherwise TRUE.
	[helpstring("method ClearHeader")] HRESULT ClearHeader([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCleared);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method erases a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index to remove.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveHeaderAt")] HRESULT RemoveHeaderAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method erases a HTTP header of which name is szName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveHeader")] HRESULT RemoveHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP headers of which name is szName.
	 * This method erases all HTTP headers of which name is szName.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the header is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveAllHeader")] HRESULT RemoveAllHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Adds a new HTTP header.
	 * This method adds a new HTTP header.
	 * The header's name and the header's value can not be NULL or an empty string.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] szValue			A header value. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	[helpstring("method AddHeader")] HRESULT AddHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szValue);
	 * \brief	Sets a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method modifies the HTTP header value of which name is szName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found and the nIdx is zero, it will add a new header.
	 * The header's name and the header's value can not be NULL or an empty string.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] bstrValue			A header value. NULL or an empty string is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	[helpstring("method SetHeader")] HRESULT SetHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szValue, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header name at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP header name.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderNameAtLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderNameAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will copy an empty string.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the header name. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderNameAtIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetHeaderNameAtIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrName		A header name.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderNameAt")] HRESULT GetHeaderNameAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP header.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderAtLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will copy an empty string.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the header. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderAtIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetHeaderAtIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based header index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader		A header.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderAt")] HRESULT GetHeaderAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP header of which name is szName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP header.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderLen")] HRESULT GetHeaderLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header of which name is szName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the header. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetHeaderIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP header at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP header of which name is szName.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the header is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrHeader		A header.
	[helpstring("method GetHeader")] HRESULT GetHeader([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrHeader);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the specified HTTP header exists.
	 * This method returns whether the HTTP header of which name is bstrName exists.
	 * If the header has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] bstrName			A case-insensitive header name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the header has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist			TRUE if the header is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method HeaderExists")] HRESULT HeaderExists([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP headers of which name is szName.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP headers of which name is szName.
	 * If the szName is NULL, it will return the number of all headers.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive header name to find.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of headers.
	[helpstring("method GetHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetHeaderCount([in,unique,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP headers.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP headers.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of headers.
	[helpstring("method GetAllHeaderCount")] HRESULT GetAllHeaderCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);

	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP parameters.
	 * This method erases all HTTP parameters.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[out] pbCleared		FALSE if all parameter is aleady erased, otherwise TRUE.
	[helpstring("method ClearParam")] HRESULT ClearParam([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCleared);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method erases a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index to remove.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveParamAt")] HRESULT RemoveParamAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method erases a HTTP parameter of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveParam")] HRESULT RemoveParam([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Erases all HTTP parameters of which name is szName.
	 * This method erases all HTTP parameters of which name is szName.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to remove. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[out] pbRemoved		TRUE if the parameter is found and removed, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method RemoveAllParam")] HRESULT RemoveAllParam([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbRemoved);
	 * \brief	Adds a new HTTP parameter.
	 * This method adds a new HTTP parameter. The dwParamAttr specifies parameter attributes.
	 * For more information about parameter attributes, see the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] szValue			A parameter value.
	 * \param[in] dwParamAttr		A parameter attribute. This is a bitwise Ored value of the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 *								The default is HttpClientParamNormal.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[helpstring("method AddParam")] HRESULT AddParam([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szValue, [in,defaultvalue(HttpClientParamNormal)] DWORD dwParamAttr);
	 * \brief	Sets a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method modifies the HTTP parameter value of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found and the nIdx is zero, it will add a new parameter.
	 * The dwParamAttr specifies parameter attributes.
	 * For more information about parameter attributes, see the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 * It is not allowed to call this method if the BeginPost or BeginUpload method is not finished.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] szValue			A parameter value.
	 * \param[in] dwParamAttr		A parameter attribute. This is a bitwise Ored value of the HttpClientParamAttr enumerator.
	 *								The default is HttpClientParamNormal.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[helpstring("method SetParam")] HRESULT SetParam([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szValue, [in,defaultvalue(HttpClientParamNormal)] DWORD dwParamAttr, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter name at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP parameter name.
	[helpstring("method GetParamNameAtLen")] HRESULT GetParamNameAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will copy an empty string.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the parameter name. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	[helpstring("method GetParamNameAtIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetParamNameAtIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter name at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrName		A parameter name.
	[helpstring("method GetParamNameAt")] HRESULT GetParamNameAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a HTTP parameter.
	[helpstring("method GetParamAtLen")] HRESULT GetParamAtLen([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will copy an empty string.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the parameter. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	[helpstring("method GetParamAtIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetParamAtIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pbstrParam		A parameter.
	[helpstring("method GetParamAt")] HRESULT GetParamAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method returns the length of a HTTP parameter of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found, it will return zero.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a parameter.
	[helpstring("method GetParamLen")] HRESULT GetParamLen([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save the parameter. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	[helpstring("method GetParamIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetParamIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter at the specified position.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found, it will return NULL.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbstrParam		A parameter.
	[helpstring("method GetParam")] HRESULT GetParam([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrParam);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the given index.
	 * This method returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the given index specified by nIdx.
	 * If the index is out of range or the attribute is 0, it will return 0.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based parameter index.
	 * \param[out] pdwAttr			A parameter attribute.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[helpstring("method GetParamAttrAt")] HRESULT GetParamAttrAt([in] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAttr);
	 * \brief	Returns a HTTP parameter attribute at the specified position.
	 * This method returns an attribute of the HTTP parameter of which name is szName.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * If the parameter is not found or the attribute is 0, it will return 0.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pdwAttr			A parameter attribute.
	 * \sa	HttpClientParamAttr
	[helpstring("method GetParamAttr")] HRESULT GetParamAttr([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAttr);
	 * \brief	Returns whether the specified HTTP parameter exists.
	 * This method returns whether the HTTP parameter of which name is szName exists.
	 * If the parameter has multiple values, you can specify a zero-based index for a specific value.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find. NULL is not allowed.
	 * \param[in] nIdx				A zero-based value index if the parameter has multiple values. The default is zero.
	 * \param[out] pbExist			TRUE if the parameter is found, otherwise FALSE.
	[helpstring("method ParamExists")] HRESULT ParamExists([in,ref,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD nIdx, [out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbExist);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP parameters of which name is szName.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP parameters of which name is szName.
	 * If the szName is NULL, it will return the number of all parameters.
	 * \param[in] szName			A case-insensitive parameter name to find.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of parameters.
	[helpstring("method GetParamCount")] HRESULT GetParamCount([in,unique,string] LPCOLESTR szName, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
	 * \brief	Returns the number of HTTP parameters.
	 * This method returns the number of HTTP parameters.
	 * \param[out] pdwCount			The number of parameters.
	[helpstring("method GetAllParamCount")] HRESULT GetAllParamCount([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwCount);

	 * \brief	Sets parameters for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets parameters for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * All parameters passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szUserAgent		A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] dwAccessType		A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] szProxyName		A name of a proxy server which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] szProxyBypass		A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen
	[helpstring("method SetInternet")] HRESULT SetInternet([in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szUserAgent, [in] DWORD dwAccessType, [in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szProxyName, [in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szProxyBypass, [in,defaultvalue(0)] DWORD dwFlags);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the length of the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetUserAgentLen")] HRESULT GetInternetUserAgentLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save a User Agent. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetUserAgentIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetInternetUserAgentIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrUserAgent	A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetUserAgent")] HRESULT GetInternetUserAgent([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrUserAgent);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets the lpszAgent parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The parameter passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szUserAgent		A User Agent which corresponds to the lpszAgent parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 *                              If this is NULL, The default is used.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method SetInternetUserAgent")] HRESULT SetInternetUserAgent([in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szUserAgent);
	 * \brief	Returns the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwAccessType	A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetAccessType")] HRESULT GetInternetAccessType([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwAccessType);
	 * \brief	Sets the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets the dwAccessType parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The parameter passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] dwAccessType		A type of access which corresponds to the dwAccessType parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method SetInternetAccessType")] HRESULT SetInternetAccessType([in] DWORD dwAccessType);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the length of the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a proxy server name which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyNameLen")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyNameLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This property returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * If the proxy name is NULL, an empty string is returned.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save a proxy server name. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyNameIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyNameIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyName	A proxy server name which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyName")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyName([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyName);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets the lpszProxyName parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The parameter passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szProxyName		A proxy server name which corresponds to the lpszProxyName parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method SetInternetProxyName")] HRESULT SetInternetProxyName([in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szProxyName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the length of the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyBypassLen")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyBypassLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * If the proxy bypass is NULL, an empty string is returned.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save a proxy bypass list. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyBypassIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyBypassIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyBypass	A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetProxyBypass")] HRESULT GetInternetProxyBypass([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyBypass);
	 * \brief	Sets the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets the lpszProxyBypass parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The parameter passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] szProxyBypass		A proxy bypass list which corresponds to the lpszProxyBypass parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method SetInternetProxyBypass")] HRESULT SetInternetProxyBypass([in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szProxyBypass);
	 * \brief	Returns the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method returns the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[out] pdwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method GetInternetFlags")] HRESULT GetInternetFlags([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwFlags);
	 * \brief	Sets the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function
	 * This method sets the dwFlags parameter for the ::InternetOpen function which is called internally before sending a request.
	 * The parameter passed to this method is forwarded to the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * For more infomation about the ::InternetOpen function, see the MSDN documentation.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags			Options which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::InternetOpen function.
	 * \sa	::InternetOpen, SetInternet
	[helpstring("method SetInternetFlags")] HRESULT SetInternetFlags([in] DWORD dwFlags);

	 * \brief	Returns the number of characters required to make a URL for a HTTP GET request
	 * This method returns the number of characters required to make a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * If you want to pass some parameters to a web server using HTTP GET, you have to append parameters to the requested URL.
	 * This method calculates the length of the URL for that situation.
	 * If there are no HTTP parameters, it returns the length of the szUrl. Otherwise it returns the calculated length.
	 * It does not check whether the szUrl is valid.
	 * If the szUrl is NULL, it returns the length of the appended parameters. (Not including the beginning '?' character)
	 * The returned value does not include the terminating NULL character.
	 * \param[in] szUrl				An URL which is used to calculate the length of the GET URL.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The number of characters required. (Not including the terminating NULL character)
	[helpstring("method MakeGetUrlLen")] HRESULT MakeGetUrlLen([in,unique,string] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a URL for a HTTP GET request
	 * This method returns a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * If you want to pass some parameters to a web server using HTTP GET, you have to append parameters to the requested URL.
	 * This method creates a URL for that situation. If there are no HTTP parameters, it returns the szUrl.
	 * It does not check whether the szUrl is valid.
	 * If the szUrl is NULL, it returns only the appended parameters. (Not including the beginning '?' character)
	 * If the bstrUrl is NULL and the parameters do not exist, it returns an empty string.
	 * \param[in] bstrUrl			An URL which is used to make a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * \param[out] pbstrGetUrl		A generated URL.
	[helpstring("method MakeGetUrlIntoBuff")] HRESULT MakeGetUrlIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff, [in,unique,string] LPCOLESTR szUrl);
	 * \brief	Returns a URL for a HTTP GET request
	 * This method returns a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * If you want to pass some parameters to a web server using HTTP GET, you have to append parameters to the requested URL.
	 * This method creates a URL for that situation. If there are no HTTP parameters, it returns the szUrl.
	 * It does not check whether the szUrl is valid.
	 * If the szUrl is NULL, it returns only the appended parameters. (Not including the beginning '?' character)
	 * If the bstrUrl is NULL and the parameters do not exist, it returns an empty string.
	 * \param[in] szUrl				An URL which is used to make a URL for a HTTP GET request.
	 * \param[out] pbstrGetUrl		A generated URL.
	[helpstring("method MakeGetUrl")] HRESULT MakeGetUrl([in,unique,string] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrGetUrl);

	 * \brief	Sets a proxy user name and a password
	 * This method sets a user name and a password which are used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the szUserName parameter is NULL, the proxy account saved in an instance will be removed.
	 * You can handle proxy authorization using this method, but there are some restrictions.
	 * First, The HTTP POST is not safe if you are not an authorized user.
	 * (It is possible that the proxy server closes the connection before the request is finished).
	 * Second, Only the HTTP GET can be used to request proxy authorization.
	 * (This restriction is caused by the WinInet API).
	 * \param[in] szUserName		A proxy user name. Empty string is not allowed.
	 *								If it is NULL, account information saved in an instance will be removed.
	 * \param[in] szPassword		A proxy password. NULL and empty string are not allowed.
	[helpstring("method SetProxyAccount")] HRESULT SetProxyAccount([in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szUserName, [in,ptr,string] LPCOLESTR szPassword);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns the length of a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy user name is not set, zero is returned.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a proxy user name.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyUserNameLen")] HRESULT GetProxyUserNameLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns ta proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy user name is not set, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save a proxy user name. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyUserNameIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetProxyUserNameIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy user name which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy user name is not set, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyUserName	A proxy user name.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyUserName")] HRESULT GetProxyUserName([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyUserName);
	 * \brief	Returns the length of a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns the length of a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy password is NULL, zero is returned.
	 * \param[out] pdwLen			The length of a proxy password.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyPasswordLen")] HRESULT GetProxyPasswordLen([out,ref,retval] DWORD * pdwLen);
	 * \brief	Returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy password is NULL, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] szBuff			A buffer to save a proxy password. The buffer can not be NULL.
	 * \param[in] cchBuff			A buffer size in character.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyPasswordIntoBuff")] HRESULT GetProxyPasswordIntoBuff([out,ref,string,size_is(cchBuff)] OLECHAR * szBuff, [in] DWORD cchBuff);
	 * \brief	Returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server
	 * This method returns a proxy password which is used to access HTTP proxy server.
	 * If the proxy password is NULL, an empty string is returned.
	 * \param[out] pbstrProxyPassword	A proxy password.
	 * \sa	SetProxyAccount
	[helpstring("method GetProxyPassword")] HRESULT GetProxyPassword([out,ref,string,retval] BSTR * pbstrProxyPassword);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP GET request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP GET request.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2
	[helpstring("method RequestGet")] HRESULT RequestGet([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP GET request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP GET request.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szReferer				A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrName				An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrPwd				An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[helpstring("method RequestGetEx")] HRESULT RequestGetEx([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szReferer, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrName, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP POST request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP POST request. If you call this method, you can retrieve progress
	 * information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed
	[helpstring("method BeginPost")] HRESULT BeginPost([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache);
	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP POST request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP POST request. If you call this method, you can retrieve progress
	 * information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szReferer				A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrName				An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrPwd				An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[helpstring("method BeginPostEx")] HRESULT BeginPostEx([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szReferer, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrName, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrPwd);

	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If you call this method, you can retrieve progress information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed
	[helpstring("method BeginUpload")] HRESULT BeginUpload([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache);
	 * \brief	Starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method starts a new HTTP UPLOAD request which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If you call this method, you can retrieve progress information of the POST request by using the Query method.
	 * To finish the request, you have to call the Proceed method.
	 * If the bstrUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szReferer				A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrName				An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrPwd				An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \sa	Query, Proceed, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[helpstring("method BeginUploadEx")] HRESULT BeginUploadEx([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szReferer, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrName, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrPwd);

	 * \brief	Queries progress information of the current POST context
	 * This method queries progress information of the current POST context.
	 * If you call the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method which starts a new POST context,
	 * you can retrieve progress information by using this method.
	 * If an exception occurs, the current POST context is automatically canceled.
	 * \param[in] pIHttpPostStat2		A IDispHttpPostStat2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpPostStat2, BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Cancel, Proceed
	[helpstring("method Query")] HRESULT Query([in] IHttpPostStat2 * pIHttpPostStat2);
	 * \brief	Cancels the current POST context
	 * This method cancels the current POST context which is started by
	 * the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method.
	 * \param[out] pbCanceled			Whether the operation canceled.
	 * \sa	BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Query, Proceed
	[helpstring("method Cancel")] HRESULT Cancel([out,ref,retval] BOOL * pbCanceled);
	 * \brief	Proceeds with the current POST context
	 * This method proceeds with the current POST context which is started by
	 * the BeginPost or the BeginUpload method.
	 * It transmits data of the current POST context to the web server.
	 * If all bytes are transmitted, a IHttpResponse2 interface is returned.
	 * If an exception occurs, the current POST context is automatically canceled.
	 * \param[in] cbDesired				The number of bytes to be transmitted.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface if all bytes are transmitted,
	 *									otherwise NULL.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2, BeginPost, BeginPostEx, BeginUpload, BeginUploadEx, Query, Cancel
	[helpstring("method Proceed")] HRESULT Proceed([in] DWORD cbDesired, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP POST request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP POST request.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2
	[helpstring("method RequestPost")] HRESULT RequestPost([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP POST request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP POST request.
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szReferer				A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrName				An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrPwd				An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[helpstring("method RequestPostEx")] HRESULT RequestPostEx([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szReferer, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrName, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);

	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] bUseCache				Specifies whether to use cache.
	 *									The default is FALSE.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2
	[helpstring("method RequestUpload")] HRESULT RequestUpload([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in,defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL bUseCache, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);
	 * \brief	Retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * This method retrieves the resource specified by the szUrl using HTTP UPLOAD request
	 * which is a HTTP POST request with another content-type (multipart/form-data).
	 * If the szUrl does not start with "https://", "http" is used as the protocol.
	 * \param[in] szUrl					A HTTP URL.
	 * \param[in] dwFlags				A flags which corresponds to the dwFlags parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szReferer				A referer which corresponds to the lpszReferer parameter of the ::HttpOpenRequest function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrName				An user name which corresponds to the lpszUsername parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[in] szUsrPwd				An user password which corresponds to the lpszPassword parameter of the ::InternetConnect function.
	 * \param[out] ppIHttpResponse2		A IHttpResponse2 interface.
	 * \sa	IHttpResponse2, ::InternetConnect, ::HttpOpenRequest
	[helpstring("method RequestUploadEx")] HRESULT RequestUploadEx([in,string,ref] LPCOLESTR szUrl, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szReferer, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrName, [in,string,ptr] LPCOLESTR szUsrPwd, [out,ref,retval] IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2);

	helpstring("RyeolHttpClientCom2 1.0 Type Library")
library RyeolHttpClientCom2Lib

	enum HttpClientDefFlag ;
	enum HttpClientErrorCode ;
	enum HttpClientParamAttr ;

		helpstring("HttpEncoder2 Class")
	coclass HttpEncoder2
		[default] interface IDispHttpEncoder2;
		interface IHttpEncoder2;
		helpstring("HttpResponse2 Class")
	coclass HttpResponse2
		[default] interface IDispHttpResponse2;
		interface IHttpResponse2;
		interface IHttpResponseInternal2;
		helpstring("HttpPostStat2 Class")
	coclass HttpPostStat2
		[default] interface IDispHttpPostStat2;
		interface IHttpPostStat2;
		interface IHttpPostStatInternal2;
		helpstring("HttpUrlAnalyzer2 Class")
	coclass HttpUrlAnalyzer2
		[default] interface IDispHttpUrlAnalyzer2;
		interface IHttpUrlAnalyzer2;
		helpstring("HttpClient2 Class")
	coclass HttpClient2
		[default] interface IDispHttpClient2;
		interface IHttpClient2;

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Written By
Software Developer
Korea (Republic of) Korea (Republic of)
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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