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Hey kids, here's a brain teaser!

I have a full screen - say 800x480 at 16-bit color.

Therein, I have a 32kB window. This window allows me the memory to create up to a 128x128 bitmap at 16-bit color. Or 64x256. Or any rectangular region with that same area or less.

Creating rectangles using all available area is the ideal choice, but less area also works.

For a given screen, there are already rectangles of various sizes populating it at various locations, of various sizes, any area and potentially overlapping each other (but uncommon to do that). These rectangles must be filled *around* and otherwise untouched.

The goal is to fill the entire screen with as few rectangles as possible, each up to 32kB (128x128) in area.

C# and C++ are acceptable to answer in.

What I have tried:

The following gives me close to optimal output on the single test case I've run. If anyone can think of a way to improve it, let me know.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ttgo.hpp>
#include <htcw_data.hpp>
using namespace arduino;
using namespace gfx;
using rect_list_t = data::simple_vector<srect16>;

rect_list_t control_rects;
rect_list_t fill_rects;
void add_split_rects(const srect16* rects, size_t rects_count, const srect16 cmp) {
    for(size_t i = 0;i<rects_count;++i) {
        const srect16& r = rects[i];
        for(const srect16* it = control_rects.cbegin();it!=control_rects.cend();++it) {
            if(cmp!=*it) {
                if(r.intersects(*it)) {
                    srect16 out_rects[4];
                    size_t out_size=r.split(*it,4,out_rects);
                } else {
                    srect16 sr=r.crop((srect16)lcd.bounds());
                    // just draw it and store it as is
void make_fill_rects() {
    // first pass

    // fill in the areas where the other rects weren't
    // up to 128x128 in size
    for(int y=0;y<lcd.dimensions().height;y+=128) {
        for(int x=0;x<lcd.dimensions().width;x+=128) {
            srect16 r(spoint16(x,y),ssize16(128,128));
            for(const srect16* it = control_rects.cbegin();it!=control_rects.cend();++it) {
                if(r.intersects(*it)) {
                    // here we punch a rect sized hole in another rect
                    // which returns up to 4 rects in response
                    srect16 out_rects[4];
                    size_t out_size=r.split(*it,4,out_rects);
                } else {
                    // make sure it's within screen bounds
                    // just draw it and store it as is

// this is basically main() in normal C++
void setup() {
    // just add some random rects to the screen
    int ctl_count = rand()%5;
    for(int i = 0;i<ctl_count;++i) {
        srect16 r(
void loop() {
Updated 8-Jul-23 5:30am
Graeme_Grant 7-Jul-23 2:31am    
So you have irregular areas to fill based on pre-drawn, possible random, rectangles, with the possibility of overlapping each other.

Each fill rectangle can only be a max size of 32kB (128 x 128 pixels x 2bytes for 16bit color); dimensions may alter but max 32KB in size.

You want a fill formula with minimum rectangles?
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 8:49am    
Yeah. Only thing is the rect locations aren't technically random, but they are for this purpose. IRL they are laid out controls.
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 14:31pm    
To be clear the pre-drawn untouchable rectangles may be larger than 128x128 in area. It's just fill rectangles where I'm limited to that - the ones i have to create. Other than that yes, that is my issue. Like I said I looked at the tile problem demonstration and description and it doesn't quite fit my problem. Almost, but because it doesn't a different algorithm is needed. Someone suggested a kd-tree might be useful for this, but i don't know. I've only ever used that animal for nearest color matching.
BillWoodruff 7-Jul-23 13:46pm    
"a 32kB window. This window allows me the memory to create up to a 128x128 bitmap at 16-bit color. Or 64x256. Or any rectangular region with that same area or less.

Creating rectangles using all available area is the ideal choice"

This means rectangles will be different sizes ... constrained by minimum/maximum requirements ?
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 14:32pm    
there's effectively no minimum but since the idea is to minimize the number of rectangles needed, each rectangle needs to be as big as possible, limited to 32KB in area.

First thought:
1. get a mask of the blank area
2. split into rectangular regions
3. then split those based on the 32KB limitation

Maybe do vertical, then horizontal splits, then compare counts for optimal outcome.

[thinking about how to code the sample, will update soon].
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CPallini 7-Jul-23 6:01am    
BillWoodruff 7-Jul-23 13:47pm    
where "mask" is ?
Your articles have helped me immensely before and so I will gladly contribute back again!

I happen to have code for something similar to your teaser (NOTE: not entirely written by me but with a lot of help from a co-worker/friend a while back). I did some adjustments and it compiled fine, see the example fiddles here, the 1st one - HoneyTheCodeWitchSample[^] with no checking for existing rectangles, the second - HoneyTheCodeWitch2[^] for existing rectangles.

The first returned 18 tiles and the second 7 tiles -

First example -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Screen dimensions
        int screenWidth = 800;
        int screenHeight = 480;

        // Initialize a list to store the rectangles
        List<Rectangle> rectangles = new List<Rectangle>();

        // Start filling the screen
        FillScreen(screenWidth, screenHeight, rectangles);

        // Print the results
        Console.WriteLine("Number of rectangles used: " + rectangles.Count);
        foreach (Rectangle rectangle in rectangles)
            Console.WriteLine("Rectangle: X=" + rectangle.X + ", Y=" + rectangle.Y + ", Width=" + rectangle.Width + ", Height=" + rectangle.Height);

    static void FillScreen(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, List<Rectangle> rectangles)
        // Calculate the number of 128x128 rectangles that fit in the available window
        int maxRectanglesX = screenWidth / 128;
        int maxRectanglesY = screenHeight / 128;

        // Loop through the screen in a grid pattern
        for (int y = 0; y < maxRectanglesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < maxRectanglesX; x++)
                // Calculate the position of the current rectangle
                int rectangleX = x * 128;
                int rectangleY = y * 128;

                // Create a rectangle with the calculated position and dimensions
                Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangleX, rectangleY, 128, 128);

                // Check if the new rectangle overlaps with any existing rectangles
                bool overlaps = CheckOverlap(rectangle, rectangles);

                // If it doesn't overlap, add it to the list
                if (!overlaps)

    static bool CheckOverlap(Rectangle newRectangle, List<Rectangle> rectangles)
        foreach (Rectangle existingRectangle in rectangles)
            // Check if the new rectangle overlaps with any existing rectangles
            if (newRectangle.Intersects(existingRectangle))
                return true; // Overlap found, so return true

        return false; // No overlap found, so return false

public class Rectangle
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }

    public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
        X = x;
        Y = y;
        Width = width;
        Height = height;

    public bool Intersects(Rectangle other)
        // Check if the current rectangle intersects with another rectangle
        return !(X + Width <= other.X || other.X + other.Width <= X || Y + Height <= other.Y || other.Y + other.Height <= Y);

with an output as -
Number of rectangles used: 18
Rectangle: X=0, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=128, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=256, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=384, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=512, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=640, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=0, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=128, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=256, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=384, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=512, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=640, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=0, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=128, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=256, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=384, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=512, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=640, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128

The second example -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Screen dimensions
        int screenWidth = 800;
        int screenHeight = 480;

        // Initialize a list to store the existing rectangles
        List<Rectangle> existingRectangles = new List<Rectangle>
            new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100),
            new Rectangle(400, 200, 150, 150),
            new Rectangle(600, 300, 100, 50)

        // Initialize a list to store the filled rectangles
        List<Rectangle> filledRectangles = new List<Rectangle>();

        // Start filling the screen
        FillScreen(screenWidth, screenHeight, existingRectangles, filledRectangles);

        // Print the results
        Console.WriteLine("Number of rectangles used: " + filledRectangles.Count);
        foreach (Rectangle rectangle in filledRectangles)
            Console.WriteLine("Rectangle: X=" + rectangle.X + ", Y=" + rectangle.Y + ", Width=" + rectangle.Width + ", Height=" + rectangle.Height);

    static void FillScreen(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, List<Rectangle> existingRectangles, List<Rectangle> filledRectangles)
        // Calculate the number of 128x128 rectangles that fit in the available window
        int maxRectanglesX = screenWidth / 128;
        int maxRectanglesY = screenHeight / 128;

        // Loop through the screen in a grid pattern
        for (int y = 0; y < maxRectanglesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < maxRectanglesX; x++)
                // Calculate the position of the current rectangle
                int rectangleX = x * 128;
                int rectangleY = y * 128;

                // Create a rectangle with the calculated position and dimensions
                Rectangle newRectangle = new Rectangle(rectangleX, rectangleY, 128, 128);

                // Check if the new rectangle intersects with any existing rectangles
                bool overlaps = false;
                foreach (Rectangle existingRectangle in existingRectangles)
                    if (newRectangle.Intersects(existingRectangle))
                        overlaps = true;

                // If it doesn't overlap, add it to the list of filled rectangles
                if (!overlaps)

public class Rectangle
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }

    public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
        X = x;
        Y = y;
        Width = width;
        Height = height;

    public bool Intersects(Rectangle other)
        // Check if the current rectangle intersects with another rectangle
        return !(X + Width <= other.X || other.X + other.Width <= X || Y + Height <= other.Y || other.Y + other.Height <= Y);

And the output -
Number of rectangles used: 7
Rectangle: X=384, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=512, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=640, Y=0, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=640, Y=128, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=0, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=128, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128
Rectangle: X=256, Y=256, Width=128, Height=128

I hope this will point you in the right direction, thanks for your previous help!

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Rectangle {
    int X;
    int Y;
    int Width;
    int Height;

    Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
        : X(x), Y(y), Width(width), Height(height)

    bool Intersects(const Rectangle& other) const
        // Check if the current rectangle intersects with another rectangle
        return !(X + Width <= other.X || other.X + other.Width <= X || Y + Height <= other.Y || other.Y + other.Height <= Y);

void FillScreen(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, std::vector<Rectangle>& existingRectangles, std::vector<Rectangle>& filledRectangles)
    // Initialize a vector of available spaces with the full screen size
    std::vector<Rectangle> availableSpaces = { Rectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight) };

    // Loop through each available space
    for (const Rectangle& availableSpace : availableSpaces)
        // Find the best fitting rectangle within the available space
        Rectangle bestFit;
        bool foundFit = false;

        // Loop through each existing rectangle
        for (const Rectangle& existingRectangle : existingRectangles)
            // Check if the existing rectangle intersects with the available space
            if (existingRectangle.Intersects(availableSpace))

            // Check if the existing rectangle is a better fit than the current best fit
            if (existingRectangle.Width <= availableSpace.Width && existingRectangle.Height <= availableSpace.Height)
                // Update the best fit
                bestFit = existingRectangle;
                foundFit = true;

        // If a best fit was found, add it to the filled rectangles and update the available spaces
        if (foundFit)

            // Calculate the remaining available spaces by splitting the current available space
            std::vector<Rectangle> newAvailableSpaces;

            // Calculate the remaining space above the best fit
            if (bestFit.Y - availableSpace.Y > 0)
                Rectangle topSpace(availableSpace.X, availableSpace.Y, availableSpace.Width, bestFit.Y - availableSpace.Y);

            // Calculate the remaining space below the best fit
            if (availableSpace.Y + availableSpace.Height - bestFit.Y - bestFit.Height > 0)
                Rectangle bottomSpace(availableSpace.X, bestFit.Y + bestFit.Height, availableSpace.Width, availableSpace.Y + availableSpace.Height - bestFit.Y - bestFit.Height);

            // Calculate the remaining space to the left of the best fit
            if (bestFit.X - availableSpace.X > 0)
                Rectangle leftSpace(availableSpace.X, bestFit.Y, bestFit.X - availableSpace.X, bestFit.Height);

            // Calculate the remaining space to the right of the best fit
            if (availableSpace.X + availableSpace.Width - bestFit.X - bestFit.Width > 0)
                Rectangle rightSpace(bestFit.X + bestFit.Width, bestFit.Y, availableSpace.X + availableSpace.Width - bestFit.X - bestFit.Width, bestFit.Height);

            // Update the available spaces
            availableSpaces = newAvailableSpaces;

int main()
    // Screen dimensions
    int screenWidth = 800;
    int screenHeight = 480;

    // Initialize a vector to store the existing rectangles
    std::vector<Rectangle> existingRectangles = {
        Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100),
        Rectangle(400, 200, 150, 150),
        Rectangle(600, 300, 100, 50)

    // Initialize a vector to store the filled rectangles
    std::vector<Rectangle> filledRectangles;

    // Start filling the screen
    FillScreen(screenWidth, screenHeight, existingRectangles, filledRectangles);

    // Print the results
    std::cout << "Number of rectangles used: " << filledRectangles.size() << std::endl;
    for (const Rectangle& rectangle : filledRectangles)
        std::cout << "Rectangle: X=" << rectangle.X << ", Y=" << rectangle.Y << ", Width=" << rectangle.Width << ", Height=" << rectangle.Height << std::endl;

    return 0;
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honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 8:52am    
I'm plus +5 ing this for the sheer effort. It may solve my problem but I need to try it. It certainly looks like it works. It will take a minute to test everything so I am accepting this solution in the interim to keep people from posting more solutions. I may reject it after-the-fact if it doesn't solve the problem. No matter what happens, thank you very much for this.
Andre Oosthuizen 7-Jul-23 9:07am    
You're welcome, I hope this is what you were looking for.
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 9:18am    
I'm setting it up in C++ now, with visualization for checking. I'll let you know how it goes. It may be a bit, as I'm still waking up, drinking coffee, and poking at it periodically at the moment. Thanks again. :)
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 9:24am    
It's not quite what I need. The issue is it that it needs to fill in irregular sections that aren't 128x128, but may be 32x200 for example. In your code you simply don't put in the rect if it overlaps. This actually gets me my first pass so your solution is partially correct. Basically what I need is another pass to go through and fill in the blank spots. However, this still won't yield optimal results, but it gets me closer.
BillWoodruff 7-Jul-23 13:41pm    
Excellent on-topic response: +5
I feel like there is an algorithm for this fill technique

Yes, there is an algorithm, and it is not unique. This is a tiling problem, every tiler solve similar problems every day.

Note that an algorithm is not linked to a programming language.
Your jobs is to create your own algorithm and then to translate to a program.

For a rectangle of H*W, and using a round() function than round upper:
If you can't reshape the tiles: number of tiles needed = round(H/128) * round(W/128)
if you can reshape the tiles, theorical minimum number of tiles needed = round(H/128 * W/128)
After than, your answer depend on how you are good at avoiding overlap.

Here, we help you to fix your work, but you need to tell what you have done.

Not easy to craft an algorithm when most simple solutions are already optimum.
Simple filling with tiles 128*128 needs 28
Theorical optimum needs 24
Tiles of 480*34 needs 24
Tiles of 800*20 needs 24

Do you have sample sizes that need aleast 2 different shapes for optimum ?
Here is my code for xHarbour
WH= 480
WL= 800
TS= 128
? "Simple filling with tiles "+str(TS,,,.T.)+"*"+str(TS,,,.t.)+" needs "+ str(rsup(WH/TS)*rsup(WL/TS),,,.t.)
? "Theorical optimum needs "+str(rsup(WH/TS*WL/TS),,,.t.)

TL= int(TS*TS/TH)
TQ= rsup(WL/TL)
? "Tiles of "+str(TH,,,.t.)+"*"+str(TL,,,.t.)+" needs "+str(TQ,,,.t.)

TL= int(TS*TS/TH)
TQ= rsup(WH/TL)
? "Tiles of "+str(TH,,,.t.)+"*"+str(TL,,,.t.)+" needs "+str(TQ,,,.t.)

function RSup(x)
	* round to upper value
	if int(x)=x
	return rep
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CPallini 7-Jul-23 6:02am    
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 9:37am    
Thank you for pointing me to the algo. After looking it up: it seems like it almost describes my problem but not quite, because the filled in tiles occupy locations that are regular in size and location - they fit in the grid. My existing rectangles do not fit in a grid, so the algorithm I linked to won't work. I could subdivide into smaller grids so that the existing rects take up multiple grid spaces, but the problem with that is the grid is very small and I'd need to recombine small rects into larger rects, which is a problem in and of itself. Once again, thank you for pointing me to this algorithm, even if it's not quite what I need.
Patrice T 7-Jul-23 12:47pm    
Hi Honey,
Happy to learn that my solution lead you to useful things.

I have a problem with you.
- On 1 side you wrote numerous article and got awards for many of them., and you are MVP for years. This make me think you are seasoned programmer.
- On the other side, you seems to chock on rather simple questions (mostly student homework level).
What did I missed ?
BillWoodruff 7-Jul-23 14:18pm    
"Happy to learn that my solution lead you to useful things. I have a problem with you ... you seems to chock on rather simple questions (mostly student homework level).
What did I missed ?"

You missed that that this a technical QA thread ?
honey the codewitch 7-Jul-23 14:28pm    
The algorithm isn't sufficient. The reason that I didn't know the name of it is probably because I never went to school for any of this. Being self-taught, there are holes in my knowledge large enough to drive a truck through. Oh well.

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