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Learn to Develop Android Apps

A compilation of Android development tutorials to help you get started developing mobile applications.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Android and Android development

Articles to help you understand the Android environemnt, and setting up the tools for Android development.

Creating your user interface

Articles to help you create your user interface, including ones targetting multiple screen sizes.

Working with Android services

Services in Android are programs that run in the background, providing functionality to your application.

  • Beginner's Guide to Android Services by Ranjan.D
    This article is all about learning how to code the Android Services. The articles starts from basics, explaining various aspects with suitable examples helping you to understand and code with services.
  • Simple Gestures on Android by Fredrik Bornander
    This article discusses multi-touch gestures on Android from a beginners perspective. It demonstrates an approach that allows for "standard" gestures such as slide-to-move and pinch-to-zoom but also endevours to go beyond those and attempt turn-to-rotate.
  • Android User Interactivity and Sensors by Ranjan.D
    This article is all about user interactivity and discussion about the usage of various sensors in Android.
  • Android Services and More by Safak Tarazan
    In this article, with the help of the pre-defined Android Alarm Service, we will create an application that's changes the telephone mode to vibrate mode in the desired time interval.
  • Asynchronous Tasks using AsyncTask by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
    After SDK 1.5, an API was made available for executing asynchronous tasks in Android Activities, without worrying with threads and manners to access the UI. For that, one must use AsyncTasks. Here a simple example is provided of how to properly use this API. Later, it will be discussed when to use (and when not to use) this API.

Saving data

Every application will need to save data at some point. This section contains articles to show you the variety of choices available in Android.

Graphics and animation

Creating advanced graphic and animation on Android.


Articles to help you communicate on Android (either between applications, or between devices.)

Alternate development tools

While the primary method of developing Android applications is using Eclipse, there are alternatives, including cross platform tools.

While the main development tools for creating Android applications is using Java, there are many alternate development tools that may be used.

Other Android topics

Other useful content not covered elsewhere.

  • Beginner's Guide to Publishing And Monetizing Your Android App by Grasshopper.iics
    A Step by Step Guide for Getting Your Android App into the App store and Monetize it
  • Test Your Android App
    The Amazon App Testing Service allows you to test your app to identify potential issues (if anything) with your app's compatibility on Android, Fire Tablets and Fire phone devices. Now you will also be able to test how your app's look & feel on Amazon and other devices.
  • Test Android Apps on Intel Devices...Virtually
    Ensure your apps run smoothly and deliver the best user experience on Intel-based Android devices by testing through a virtual testing service. There's no need to acquire multiple physical devicesbnow you can test apps virtually for free.