A compilation of Android development tutorials to help you get started developing mobile applications.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Android and Android development
Articles to help you understand the Android environemnt, and setting up the tools for Android development.
Introduction to Android by Ranjan.D
In this article you will be learning the basics about Android, It's architecture stack etc. Also it covers the brief summary
about Android, comparison with other phones etc.
Android - A beginner's guide by Felix Geilert
This tutorial is a starting point for developing Android apps. It will explain the very basics of the Android SDK (Software
Development Kit) and how to use it with Eclipse.
Setting Up Your Android Development Environment by Peter Leow
Getting ready and putting together all the development and testing tools into an integrated development environment for
Hello Android - The Hello World Application by Varavut
This article will guide you to create your first Android application. This application called "Hello World", it is a simple
program that programmers write when they learn a new programming language or platform.
Creating your user interface
Articles to help you create your user interface, including ones targetting multiple screen sizes.
Android UI Layouts and Controls by Peter Leow
I have set the scope of this article to cover the more common and more important UI layouts and UI controls.
Menus, Multiple Intents, Resource Management and Data Binding in Android with a Simple ImageList App by Grasshopper.iics
This tutorial is meant to be a very basic beginer's tutorial for resource management in Android by taking a case study of
an image list control which is part of a real time published app.
Create an app for Phone and Tablet by Varavut
One Android application package can be run on a ton of devices including a phone, tablet, PC, etc. In this article we will
talk about how to make the app suitable for the big screen, how can efficiently use the screen space, and tip and trick to
make the app better.
Working with Android services
Services in Android are programs that run in the background, providing functionality to your application.
Beginner's Guide to Android Services by Ranjan.D
This article is all about learning how to code the Android Services. The articles starts from basics, explaining various
aspects with suitable examples helping you to understand and code with services.
Simple Gestures on Android by Fredrik Bornander
This article discusses multi-touch gestures on Android from a beginners perspective. It demonstrates an approach that allows
for "standard" gestures such as slide-to-move and pinch-to-zoom but also endevours to go beyond those and attempt turn-to-rotate.
Android User Interactivity and Sensors by Ranjan.D
This article is all about user interactivity and discussion about the usage of various sensors in Android.
Android Services and More by Safak Tarazan
In this article, with the help of the pre-defined Android Alarm Service, we will create an application that's changes the
telephone mode to vibrate mode in the desired time interval.
Asynchronous Tasks using AsyncTask by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
After SDK 1.5, an API was made available for executing asynchronous tasks in Android Activities, without worrying with threads
and manners to access the UI. For that, one must use AsyncTasks. Here a simple example is provided of how to properly use
this API. Later, it will be discussed when to use (and when not to use) this API.
Saving data
Every application will need to save data at some point. This section contains articles to show you the variety of choices available in Android.
Handling Input And Storage In Android with A Real Time Online Opinion Polarity Mining App by Grasshopper.iics
Learn easy data management, SqlLite database, XML Web services, File Database in Android with a Real time App
Becoming Resourceful with Android Resources by Peter Leow
Behind every Android app, lies the code that provides the functionalities as well as the resources that support those functionalities.
Resources are anything and everything that can be digitized for use in your code, such as text strings, layouts, animation,
graphics, colors, and any other static data that your Android app needs.
Using SQLite Database with Android by Mina Samy
Android default Database engine is SQLite. SQLite is a lightweight transactional database engine that occupies a small amount
of disk storage and memory, so it's a perfect choice for creating databases on many mobile operating systems such as Android,
Using a Database With Your Android App by Android on Intel
In this article we will take a look at Android* SQLite API and helper classes for database creation and maintenance.
Graphics and animation
Creating advanced graphic and animation on Android.
Beginner's Guide to Android Animation/Graphics by Peter Leow
Learning to draw and animate simple 2D and 3D graphics in Android.
Create your first Android Game with libgdx by Giannakakis Kostas
In this article I am going to provide an overview of the libgdx. A simple 2D game, called "Fruit Catcher" will be used as
an example.
Articles to help you communicate on Android (either between applications, or between devices.)
Android Connectivity by Ranjan.D
This article discuss in detail about various Android connectivity options like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, SIP, USB.
Beginner's Guide to Android Content Providers by Ranjan.D
Content providers are those which provide access to data residing in a place, you can think of it as an interface to a central
repository. You can access data through content provider interfaces from within a code running in a different process. These
content providers basically manage the data; provide security in accessing the data.
Android: How to communicate with .NET application via TCP by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing how to communicate between Android and .NET application.
Alternate development tools
While the primary method of developing Android applications is using Eclipse, there are alternatives, including cross platform tools.
While the main development tools for creating Android applications is using Java, there are many alternate development tools
that may be used.
Cross-platform Mobile Development vs Native Development by Dominic Burford
In this article, I will outline the benefits of using a cross-platform technology as compared to native development.
Introduction to Xamarin.Android by Dominic Burford
This article gives an overview of Xamarin.Android, which is a MonoDroid plug-in for Visual Studio. It allows .NET developers
to build applications that target the Android platform using their existing IDE and language, therefore without having to
learn Java / Eclipse. The article will go through the basics of creating a Xamarin.Android project as well explaining the
key elements and project structure.
Introduction to Android development with Cordova and Web Starter Kit by Davyd McColl
How to get started with Cordova and the Web Starter Kit framework when developing apps for Android (which you can then expand
to include other targets like iOS, Windows Phone and Windows8 Store Apps)
Writing an Android GUI using C++ by li9705
The article is an introduction to write Android GUI applications using CLE and Wrapandroid.
Other Android topics
Other useful content not covered elsewhere.
Beginner's Guide to Publishing And Monetizing Your Android App by Grasshopper.iics
A Step by Step Guide for Getting Your Android App into the App store and Monetize it
Test Your Android App
The Amazon App Testing Service allows you to test your app to identify potential issues (if anything) with your app's compatibility
on Android, Fire Tablets and Fire phone devices. Now you will also be able to test how your app's look & feel on Amazon and
other devices.
Test Android Apps on Intel Devices...Virtually
Ensure your apps run smoothly and deliver the best user experience on Intel-based Android devices by testing through a virtual
testing service. There's no need to acquire multiple physical devicesbnow you can test apps virtually for free.