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Hi ,

Please help me to Create a dial up automatically using VB.NET, I am new to .Net, I was using the below mentioned code in VB6 it is working perfectly , but i am not able to convert this to ..

Module Code
 Option Explicit
    a As Byte
    b As Byte
    c As Byte
    d As Byte
End Type
Public Enum RasEntryOptions
   RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes = &H1
   RASEO_SpecificIpAddr = &H2
   RASEO_SpecificNameServers = &H4
   RASEO_IpHeaderCompression = &H8
   RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway = &H10
   RASEO_DisableLcpExtensions = &H20
   RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial = &H40
   RASEO_TerminalAfterDial = &H80
   RASEO_ModemLights = &H100
   RASEO_SwCompression = &H200
   RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw = &H400
   RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw = &H800
   RASEO_RequireDataEncryption = &H1000
   RASEO_NetworkLogon = &H2000
   RASEO_UseLogonCredentials = &H4000
   RASEO_PromoteAlternates = &H8000
   RASEO_SecureLocalFiles = &H10000
   RASEO_RequireEAP = &H20000
   RASEO_RequirePAP = &H40000
   RASEO_RequireSPAP = &H80000
   RASEO_Custom = &H100000
   RASEO_PreviewPhoneNumber = &H200000
   RASEO_SharedPhoneNumbers = &H800000
   RASEO_PreviewUserPw = &H1000000
   RASEO_PreviewDomain = &H2000000
   RASEO_ShowDialingProgress = &H4000000
   RASEO_RequireCHAP = &H8000000
   RASEO_RequireMsCHAP = &H10000000
   RASEO_RequireMsCHAP2 = &H20000000
   RASEO_RequireW95MSCHAP = &H40000000
   RASEO_CustomScript = &H80000000
End Enum
Public Enum RASNetProtocols
   RASNP_NetBEUI = &H1
   RASNP_Ipx = &H2
   RASNP_Ip = &H4
End Enum
Public Enum RasFramingProtocols
   RASFP_Ppp = &H1
   RASFP_Slip = &H2
   RASFP_Ras = &H4
End Enum

Public Type VBRasEntry
   options As RasEntryOptions
   CountryID As Long
   CountryCode As Long
   AreaCode As String
   LocalPhoneNumber As String
   AlternateNumbers As String
   ipAddr As RASIPADDR
   ipAddrDns As RASIPADDR
   ipAddrDnsAlt As RASIPADDR
   ipAddrWins As RASIPADDR
   ipAddrWinsAlt As RASIPADDR
   FrameSize As Long
   fNetProtocols As RASNetProtocols
   FramingProtocol As RasFramingProtocols
   ScriptName As String
   AutodialDll As String
   AutodialFunc As String
   DeviceType As String
   DeviceName As String
   X25PadType As String
   X25Address As String
   X25Facilities As String
   X25UserData As String
   Channels As Long
   NT4En_SubEntries As Long
   NT4En_DialMode As Long
   NT4En_DialExtraPercent As Long
   NT4En_DialExtraSampleSeconds As Long
   NT4En_HangUpExtraPercent As Long
   NT4En_HangUpExtraSampleSeconds As Long
   NT4En_IdleDisconnectSeconds As Long
   Win2000_Type As Long
   Win2000_EncryptionType As Long
   Win2000_CustomAuthKey As Long
   Win2000_guidId(0 To 15) As Byte
   Win2000_CustomDialDll As String
   Win2000_VpnStrategy As Long
End Type
'Make a combo box for the modem devices and use the GetDevices command.
'in the form Dim clsVbRasEntry As VbRasEntry
'make calls as clsVbRasEntry.options = selected options
'clsVbRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber = "555-5555" and so forth
Public Declare Function RasSetEntryProperties _
      Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasSetEntryPropertiesA" _
        (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String, _
        ByVal lpszEntry As String, _
        lpRasEntry As Any, _
        ByVal dwEntryInfoSize As Long, _
        lpbDeviceInfo As Any, _
        ByVal dwDeviceInfoSize As Long) _
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetErrorString _
     Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasGetErrorStringA" _
      (ByVal uErrorValue As Long, ByVal lpszErrorString As String, _
       cBufSize As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function FormatMessage _
     Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" _
      (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, _
       ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, _
       ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _
       Arguments As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetEntryProperties _
      Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasGetEntryPropertiesA" _
       (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String, _
        ByVal lpszEntry As String, _
        lpRasEntry As Any, _
        lpdwEntryInfoSize As Long, _
        lpbDeviceInfo As Any, _
        lpdwDeviceInfoSize As Long) As Long
        Public Type VBRASDEVINFO
   DeviceType As String
   DeviceName As String
End Type
Public Declare Function RasEnumDevices _
   Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasEnumDevicesA" ( _
        lpRasDevInfo As Any, _
        lpcb As Long, _
        lpcDevices As Long _
) As Long

Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
         (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Global Const RAS_MaxDeviceType = 16
Global Const RAS_MaxDeviceName = 128
Global Const GMEM_FIXED = &H0
Global Const GMEM_ZEROINIT = &H40
Global Const ApINULL = 0&
    dwSize As Long
    szDeviceType(RAS_MaxDeviceType) As Byte
    szDeviceName(RAS_MaxDeviceName) As Byte
End Type
Declare Function iRasEnumDevices Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasEnumDevicesA" ( _
    lpRasDevInfo As Any, _
    lpcb As Long, _
    lpcDevices As Long) As Long
Declare Sub iCopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
         hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Sub GetDevices(lst As ComboBox)
    Dim lpRasDevInfo As RASDEVINFO
    Dim lpcb As Long
    Dim cDevices As Long
    Dim t_Buff As Long
    Dim nRet As Long
    Dim t_ptr As Long
    Dim i As Long
    lpcb = 0
    lpRasDevInfo.dwSize = LenB(lpRasDevInfo) + (LenB(lpRasDevInfo) Mod 4)
    nRet = iRasEnumDevices(ByVal 0, lpcb, cDevices)
    t_Buff = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lpcb)
    iCopyMemory ByVal t_Buff, lpRasDevInfo, LenB(lpRasDevInfo)
    nRet = iRasEnumDevices(ByVal t_Buff, lpcb, lpcb)
    If nRet = 0 Then
        t_ptr = t_Buff
        For i = 0 To cDevices - 1
            iCopyMemory lpRasDevInfo, ByVal t_ptr, LenB(lpRasDevInfo)
            lst.AddItem (ByteToString(lpRasDevInfo.szDeviceName))
            t_ptr = t_ptr + LenB(lpRasDevInfo) + (LenB(lpRasDevInfo) Mod 4)
        Next i
        MsgBox nRet
    End If
    If t_Buff <> 0 Then GlobalFree (t_Buff)
End Sub
Function ByteToString(bytearray() As Byte) As String
    Dim i As Integer, t As String
    i = 0
    t = ""
    While i < UBound(bytearray) And bytearray(i) <> 0
        t = t & Chr$(bytearray(i))
        i = i + 1
    ByteToString = t
End Function
Function VBRasSetEntryProperties(strEntryName As String, _
         typRasEntry As VBRasEntry, _
         Optional strPhoneBook As String) As Long
   Dim rtn As Long, lngCb As Long, lngBuffLen As Long
   Dim b() As Byte
   Dim lngPos As Long, lngStrLen As Long
   rtn = RasGetEntryProperties(vbNullString, vbNullString, _
                           ByVal 0&, lngCb, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
   If rtn <> 603 Then VBRasSetEntryProperties = rtn: Exit Function
   lngStrLen = Len(typRasEntry.AlternateNumbers)
   lngBuffLen = lngCb + lngStrLen + 1
   ReDim b(lngBuffLen)
   CopyMemory b(0), lngCb, 4
   CopyMemory b(4), typRasEntry.options, 4
   CopyMemory b(8), typRasEntry.CountryID, 4
   CopyMemory b(12), typRasEntry.CountryCode, 4
   CopyStringToByte b(16), typRasEntry.AreaCode, 11
   CopyStringToByte b(27), typRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber, 129
   If lngStrLen > 0 Then
     CopyMemory b(lngCb), _
               ByVal typRasEntry.AlternateNumbers, lngStrLen
     CopyMemory b(156), lngCb, 4
   End If
   CopyMemory b(160), typRasEntry.ipAddr, 4
   CopyMemory b(164), typRasEntry.ipAddrDns, 4
   CopyMemory b(168), typRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt, 4
   CopyMemory b(172), typRasEntry.ipAddrWins, 4
   CopyMemory b(176), typRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt, 4
   CopyMemory b(180), typRasEntry.FrameSize, 4
   CopyMemory b(184), typRasEntry.fNetProtocols, 4
   CopyMemory b(188), typRasEntry.FramingProtocol, 4
   CopyStringToByte b(192), typRasEntry.ScriptName, 260
   CopyStringToByte b(452), typRasEntry.AutodialDll, 260
   CopyStringToByte b(712), typRasEntry.AutodialFunc, 260
   CopyStringToByte b(972), typRasEntry.DeviceType, 17
      If lngCb = 1672& Then lngStrLen = 33 Else lngStrLen = 129
   CopyStringToByte b(989), typRasEntry.DeviceName, lngStrLen
      lngPos = 989 + lngStrLen
   CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), typRasEntry.X25PadType, 33
      lngPos = lngPos + 33
   CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), typRasEntry.X25Address, 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 201
   CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), typRasEntry.X25Facilities, 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 201
   CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), typRasEntry.X25UserData, 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 203
   CopyMemory b(lngPos), typRasEntry.Channels, 4
   If lngCb > 1768 Then
      CopyMemory b(1768), typRasEntry.NT4En_SubEntries, 4
      CopyMemory b(1772), typRasEntry.NT4En_DialMode, 4
      CopyMemory b(1776), typRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraPercent, 4
      CopyMemory b(1780), typRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraSampleSeconds, 4
      CopyMemory b(1784), typRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraPercent, 4
      CopyMemory b(1788), typRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraSampleSeconds, 4
      CopyMemory b(1792), typRasEntry.NT4En_IdleDisconnectSeconds, 4
      If lngCb > 1796 Then
         CopyMemory b(1796), typRasEntry.Win2000_Type, 4
         CopyMemory b(1800), typRasEntry.Win2000_EncryptionType, 4
         CopyMemory b(1804), typRasEntry.Win2000_CustomAuthKey, 4
         CopyMemory b(1808), typRasEntry.Win2000_guidId(0), 16
         CopyStringToByte b(1824), typRasEntry.Win2000_CustomDialDll, 260
         CopyMemory b(2084), typRasEntry.Win2000_VpnStrategy, 4
      End If
   End If
   rtn = RasSetEntryProperties(strPhoneBook, strEntryName, _
                              b(0), lngCb, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
   VBRasSetEntryProperties = rtn
End Function

Function VBRASErrorHandler(rtn As Long) As String
   Dim strError As String, i As Long
   strError = String(512, 0)
   If rtn > 600 Then
      RasGetErrorString rtn, strError, 512&
      FormatMessage &H1000, ByVal 0&, rtn, 0&, strError, 512, ByVal 0&
   End If
   i = InStr(strError, Chr$(0))
   If i > 1 Then VBRASErrorHandler = Left$(strError, i - 1)
End Function
Function VBRasGetEntryProperties(strEntryName As String, _
         typRasEntry As VBRasEntry, _
         Optional strPhoneBook As String) As Long
   Dim rtn As Long, lngCb As Long, lngBuffLen As Long
   Dim b() As Byte
   Dim lngPos As Long, lngStrLen As Long
   rtn = RasGetEntryProperties(vbNullString, vbNullString, _
                           ByVal 0&, lngCb, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
   rtn = RasGetEntryProperties(strPhoneBook, strEntryName, _
                        ByVal 0&, lngBuffLen, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
   If rtn <> 603 Then VBRasGetEntryProperties = rtn: Exit Function
   ReDim b(lngBuffLen - 1)
   CopyMemory b(0), lngCb, 4
   rtn = RasGetEntryProperties(strPhoneBook, strEntryName, _
                           b(0), lngBuffLen, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
   VBRasGetEntryProperties = rtn
   If rtn <> 0 Then Exit Function
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.options, b(4), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.CountryID, b(8), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.CountryCode, b(12), 4
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.AreaCode, b(16), 11
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber, b(27), 129
   CopyMemory lngPos, b(156), 4
   If lngPos <> 0 Then
     lngStrLen = lngBuffLen - lngPos
     typRasEntry.AlternateNumbers = String(lngStrLen, 0)
     CopyMemory ByVal typRasEntry.AlternateNumbers, _
               b(lngPos), lngStrLen
   End If
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.ipAddr, b(160), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.ipAddrDns, b(164), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt, b(168), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.ipAddrWins, b(172), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt, b(176), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.FrameSize, b(180), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.fNetProtocols, b(184), 4
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.FramingProtocol, b(188), 4
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.ScriptName, b(192), 260
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.AutodialDll, b(452), 260
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.AutodialFunc, b(712), 260
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.DeviceType, b(972), 17
      If lngCb = 1672& Then lngStrLen = 33 Else lngStrLen = 129
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.DeviceName, b(989), lngStrLen
      lngPos = 989 + lngStrLen
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.X25PadType, b(lngPos), 33
      lngPos = lngPos + 33
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.X25Address, b(lngPos), 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 201
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.X25Facilities, b(lngPos), 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 201
   CopyByteToTrimmedString typRasEntry.X25UserData, b(lngPos), 201
      lngPos = lngPos + 203
   CopyMemory typRasEntry.Channels, b(lngPos), 4
   If lngCb > 1768 Then
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_SubEntries, b(1768), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_DialMode, b(1772), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraPercent, b(1776), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraSampleSeconds, b(1780), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraPercent, b(1784), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraSampleSeconds, b(1788), 4
      CopyMemory typRasEntry.NT4En_IdleDisconnectSeconds, b(1792), 4
      If lngCb > 1796 Then
         CopyMemory typRasEntry.Win2000_Type, b(1796), 4
         CopyMemory typRasEntry.Win2000_EncryptionType, b(1800), 4
         CopyMemory typRasEntry.Win2000_CustomAuthKey, b(1804), 4
         CopyMemory typRasEntry.Win2000_guidId(0), b(1808), 16
         CopyByteToTrimmedString _
                  typRasEntry.Win2000_CustomDialDll, b(1824), 260
         CopyMemory typRasEntry.Win2000_VpnStrategy, b(2084), 4
      End If
   End If
End Function

Function VBRasEnumDevices(clsVBRasDevInfo() As VBRASDEVINFO) As Long
   Dim rtn As Long, i As Long
   Dim lpcb As Long, lpcDevices As Long
   Dim b() As Byte
   Dim dwSize As Long
   rtn = RasEnumDevices(ByVal 0&, lpcb, lpcDevices)
   If lpcDevices = 0 Then Exit Function
   dwSize = lpcb \ lpcDevices
   ReDim b(lpcb - 1)
   CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
   rtn = RasEnumDevices(b(0), lpcb, lpcDevices)
   If lpcDevices = 0 Then Exit Function
   ReDim clsVBRasDevInfo(lpcDevices - 1)
   For i = 0 To lpcDevices - 1
     CopyByteToTrimmedString clsVBRasDevInfo(i).DeviceType, _
                                    b((i * dwSize) + 4), 17
     CopyByteToTrimmedString clsVBRasDevInfo(i).DeviceName, _
                           b((i * dwSize) + 21), dwSize - 21
   Next i
   VBRasEnumDevices = lpcDevices
End Function
Sub CopyByteToTrimmedString(strToCopyTo As String, _
                              bPos As Byte, lngMaxLen As Long)
   Dim strTemp As String, lngLen As Long
   strTemp = String(lngMaxLen + 1, 0)
   CopyMemory ByVal strTemp, bPos, lngMaxLen
   lngLen = InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0)) - 1
   strToCopyTo = Left$(strTemp, lngLen)
End Sub

Sub CopyStringToByte(bPos As Byte, _
                        strToCopy As String, lngMaxLen As Long)
   Dim lngLen As Long
   lngLen = Len(strToCopy)
   If lngLen = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
   ElseIf lngLen > lngMaxLen Then
      lngLen = lngMaxLen
   End If
   CopyMemory bPos, ByVal strToCopy, lngLen
End Sub

Form Code

Private Sub cmdCreateConnection_Click()

End Sub

'list devices installed in combobox lstDevice
Private Sub Form_Load()

If cboDevices.ListCount = 0 Then cmdCreateConnection.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub ListDevices()
GetDevices cboDevices
If cboDevices.ListCount > 0 Then cboDevices.ListIndex = 0
End Sub

Private Sub CreateNewEntry()
'make the DUN called DUN_NAME
'Will work if the selected device in the combo box is a modem
'The Connection Created is a "dummy" one
'If you want a real one, change the below parameters
'to the what you need, or add text boxes to a form
'so the user can enter them him/herself

Dim typVBRasEntry As VBRasEntry
typVBRasEntry.AreaCode = ""
typVBRasEntry.AutodialFunc = 0
typVBRasEntry.AutodialDll = 0
typVBRasEntry.CountryCode = "1"
typVBRasEntry.CountryID = "1"
typVBRasEntry.DeviceName = cboDevices.Text
typVBRasEntry.DeviceType = "Modem"
typVBRasEntry.fNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip
typVBRasEntry.FramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp
typVBRasEntry.options = RASEO_SwCompression + RASEO_IpHeaderCompression + RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway _
+ RASEO_SpecificNameServers + RASEO_PreviewUserPw + RASEO_ShowDialingProgress

'New line added

typVBRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber = "*99#"

typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDns.a = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDns.b = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDns.c = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDns.d = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt.a = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt.b = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt.c = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt.d = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWins.a = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWins.b = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWins.c = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWins.d = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt.a = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt.b = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt.c = "0"
typVBRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt.d = "0"

Dim rtn As Long
rtn = VBRasSetEntryProperties("Aircel", typVBRasEntry)
If rtn <> 0 Then
    MsgBox VBRASErrorHandler(rtn)
    MsgBox "Aircel Dial Up Created Sucessfully", vbOKOnly, "Complete"

End If

End Sub

Please help me ......
#realJSOP 17-Mar-11 7:38am    
Help you with what? All you did was post a crapload of coad without any indication of where you're having a problem.

Go through my article, this may helps you

Never post the entire code on the board, post where you are exactly getting problem.
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Аslam Iqbal 17-Mar-11 8:09am    
good thinking. my 5
bbblogat 17-Mar-11 13:00pm    
I am Sorry for that, first time i am posting in a forum like this ... thank you so much for the response ....
bbblogat 17-Mar-11 19:32pm    
Thank you for the reply Rajesh sir,
my actual problem is i need to create a dial up connectoid in my case "aircel", for dialing i got a different code .actually i am trying to create an application which help me to create a connection instantly by the click of a button .The code what i have pasted will do that for me (using vb6) , but i am not able to run the exe on vista and win 7 , so i am changing it to ... please help me sir
Rajesh Anuhya 29-Apr-11 6:29am    
Sorry for the late reply.., vb6 applications are not run on 64 bit environments. your have to compile your application in VS 64 bit/ any CPU environment.

Type is not supported in VB.NET.
You can use Structure instead.
Public Structure RASIPADDR
        Public a As Byte
        Public b As Byte
        Public c As Byte
        Public d As Byte
    End Structure

any type is no longer supported too.
you can try this, its very simple:
Public Class Form1
   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Process.Start("rasdial", "gp-internet")
    End Sub

     Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing

        Process.Start("rasdial", "gp-internet /DISCONNECT")
    End Sub
End Class

It works perfect on my PC.
Change "gp-internet" to your "connectionname"("aircel").
to disconnect pass the argument "rasdial gp-internet /DISCONNECT".
To see the message read the console. Process class provides users to read console output.
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bbblogat 17-Mar-11 19:29pm    
Thank you for the reply Aslam sir,
my actual problem is i need to create a dial up connectoid in my case "aircel", for dialing i got a different code .actually i am trying to create an application which help me to create a connection instantly by the click of a button .The code what i have pasted will do that for me using vb6 , but i am not able to run it on vista and win 7 , so i am changing it to ... please help me sir
Аslam Iqbal 18-Mar-11 2:37am    
Rajesh Puli gave you a real time example. you can try that. Did you try my code?
bbblogat 18-Mar-11 5:17am    
Hi Sir,

Rajesh puli's code is to dial an existing connectoid , actually i have to create a new connectoid called "aircel" , i have tried both the codes and both are dialing an existing connectoid perfectly ..but i am using the following code to dial the connectoid ..
DResult = InternetDial(Me.Handle, "My Connection", DialUpOptions.INTERNET_DIAL_UNATTENDED, mlConnection, 0) Please help me...
Аslam Iqbal 18-Mar-11 12:26pm    
Sorry, you have to try yourself. Change Type->Structure And Any->Long/or what var type it usage.
Like this:
Declare Sub iCopyMemory1 Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
hpvDest As Long, hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

Declare Sub iCopyMemory2 Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
hpvDest As Integer, hpvSource As Integer, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

I did that before for system callback operation.

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