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I need a BigDecimal-Class for calculating with numbers with more than 28 digits.
I tried to use the W3bSine-Project and to import the J#-BigDecimal-Type.
Both approched didn't make me happy. Cause W3bSine seems to be buggy and there is no support.

In .NET 4 there is a BigInteger - but no BigDecimal!

Does anyone knows a good Library / Class for .NET?
Could be comercial.


Ankur\m/ 15-Apr-11 2:22am    
Value ranges from: -1.79769313486232 × 10308 to 1.79769313486232 × 10308
Pong D. Panda 15-Apr-11 2:41am    
Double has a limitation of 15-16 digits precision. I think he wants the precision of digits just like BigInteger can where long cant.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 15-Apr-11 3:10am    
You are right. BigInteger is all one would need if the integers numbers are needed.
See my Answer.

If BigDecimal existed (and it is possible to create such type), it would not be a real numeric type. The term "decimal" is related to the form a numeric is written in human readable form, not to the numeric properties like value, arithmetic operations, etc. That's why such things as "decimal" types do not exist in programming languages. Nevertheless, there is certain (little) sense in such type: then could be used as fixed-precision integer type using the technology of calculation "digit-by-digit" — like in traditional calculators. I think this technology is rendered a dead end.

If you have BigInteger — you have all you need, only learn to use it.

It is not clear, do you want integer or fractional number. If you need a fixed-precision fractional — this is practically the same is BigInteger, but implementing floating-point based on BigInteger will need some serious work. Is is in principle possible.
Please see my past Answer and discussion here:
I would like to use c # to make the windows calculator, what type should be used[^].

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I wrote this VB implementation of BigInt, and I like it, so thought it might be helpful. It can't handle truly gigantic numbers like graham's number, but it can calculate the volume of the universe in planck-lengths (+/- 1) in about 3 milliseconds, and thus seems suitable for most practical big-number applications. It's accurate for addition, subtraction, multiplication, integral division, Log2, and Shifting. Examples are at the top, feel free to reuse this code in any way you please. If you like it, and you work for Googol, hire me :)

Public Structure BigInt
    Public Shared Function U() As BigInt 'Volume of the universe in planck-lengths
        Dim lRet As BigInt = New BigInt(10) ^ 35 'Planck-lengths per meter
        lRet = (lRet * 30000000) * 13700000 * (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) ' Diameter of Observable Universe in planck-lengths
        lRet = BigInt.TimesPi((lRet ^ 3) * 4) \ 3 ' Volume of the universe in Plank-lengths
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Function TimesPi(pBigInt As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lOp As BigInt
        'Just a handy rational approximation of Pi, in hex for performance
        Dim lSignificantDigits = (pBigInt.Log2 \ 4) + 3
        'lOp = BigInt.FromBase10("1901870728566923076090143944714770339621590768313546337192526115562704339680963564320007808107929370299752345187688835741387003036853361285671158059867702399073227994426905220194699766118756059055619036488502928002591")
        'Debug.Print("Multiple=" & BigInt.ToBase16(lOp))
        lOp = BigInt.FromBase16(Left("5845B0A4C43FF041EE3CB64FE4AC283EC160121098D69A6E811E20511E3AE9B57DF4090D8855B3DC8BD649FA3756935283A0022779248D97ADD33C6B0BEAC74973DC124A3E1F0DBD6937F0E9E6975FF3C1C556B02A38ED94CE1F", lSignificantDigits))
        Dim lRet As BigInt = pBigInt * lOp
        'lOp = BigInt.FromBase10("605384255146420326102361023215940531716391478150345020739231253172134740688232476946000058713774549796561447468267746412874022717544100946587144148739626803435133473281606663121381125761746030151344353855924025288111")
        'Debug.Print("Multiple=" & BigInt.ToBase16(lOp))
        lOp = BigInt.FromBase16(Left("1C1911716363228A62BB598F0ACD9C1565D39E10D84CE34459AF8E7B7C871CF668B48356882A8239FC1FD6523E3B273E5232C420D9CB5564A5A2D1E571BD2D4ED25995EB9B7B06A9721C4929034443808B4F399D6714F9F1E5AF", lSignificantDigits))
        'Debug.Print("Dividend=" & BigInt.ToBase16(lOp))
        lRet = lRet \ lOp
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Function TestTimesPi(pReps As Integer) As Double
        Dim lOp As BigInt
        Dim lBigInt As BigInt = U()
        Dim lEnd As Double
        Dim lRet As BigInt
        Dim lStart As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        For i As Integer = 1 To pReps
            lRet = TimesPi(lBigInt)
        Next i
        lEnd = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print(lEnd - lStart & " seconds for " & pReps & " pi calculations")
        Return lEnd - lStart
    End Function
    Private mBytes As List(Of Byte)
    Private mIsNegative As Boolean
    Public Function IsEven() As Boolean
        Return Not IsOdd()
    End Function
    Public Function IsOdd() As Boolean
        If IsZero() Then Return False Else Return mBytes(0) And 1
    End Function
    Public Function Abs() As BigInt
        Dim lRet As New BigInt
        lRet.mBytes = New List(Of Byte)
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Sub Normalize()
        If mBytes Is Nothing Then
            mIsNegative = False
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If mBytes.Count > 0 Then
            While mBytes(mBytes.Count - 1) = 0
                mBytes.RemoveAt(mBytes.Count - 1)
            End While
        End If
        If (mBytes.Count = 0) Then
            mIsNegative = False
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(pVal As Long)
        If pVal < 0 Then
            mIsNegative = True
            pVal = -pVal
        End If
        mBytes = New List(Of Byte)
        While pVal > 0
            Dim lByte As Byte = pVal And 255
            pVal = pVal >> 8
        End While
        'No need to normalize this
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(pBigInt As BigInt)
        mBytes = New List(Of Byte)
        mIsNegative = pBigInt.mIsNegative
    End Sub
    Public Shared Operator -(ByVal class1 As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lRet As New BigInt(class1)
        lRet.mIsNegative = Not lRet.mIsNegative
        Return lRet
    End Operator
    Public Shared Function Compare(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Integer
        If class1.IsZero Then
            If class2.IsZero Then
                Return 0
            ElseIf class2.mIsNegative Then
                Return 1
                Return -1
            End If
        ElseIf class2.IsZero Then
            If class1.mIsNegative Then
                Return -1
                Return 1
            End If
        ElseIf class1.mIsNegative Then
            If class2.mIsNegative Then
                Return -Compare(-class1, -class2)
                Return -1
            End If
        ElseIf class2.mIsNegative Then
            Return 1
        End If
        'Handle positive-positive comparison here
        Dim iLeft As Integer = class1.mBytes.Count - 1
        Dim iRight As Integer = class2.mBytes.Count - 1
        While iLeft > iRight
            If class1.mBytes(iLeft) <> 0 Then
                Return 1
            End If
            iLeft -= 1
        End While
        While iRight > iLeft
            If class2.mBytes(iRight) <> 0 Then
                Return -1
            End If
            iRight -= 1
        End While
        While iLeft >= 0
            If class1.mBytes(iLeft) < class2.mBytes(iLeft) Then
                Return -1
            ElseIf class1.mBytes(iLeft) > class2.mBytes(iLeft) Then
                Return 1
            End If
            iLeft -= 1
        End While
        Return 0
    End Function
    Public Shared Operator <(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case -1
                Return True
            Case Else
                Return False
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator >(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 1
                Return True
            Case Else
                Return False
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator <=(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 0, -1
                Return True
            Case Else
                Return False
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator >=(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 0, 1
                Return True
            Case Else
                Return False
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator =(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 0
                Return True
            Case Else
                Return False
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As Boolean
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 0
                Return False
            Case Else
                Return True
        End Select
    End Operator
    Public Function IsZero() As Boolean
        If mBytes Is Nothing Then Return True
        If mBytes.Count = 0 Then Return True
        For Each lByte In mBytes
            If lByte <> 0 Then Return False
        Return True
    End Function
    Public Shared Operator +(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As Long) As BigInt
        Return class1 + New BigInt(class2)
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator +(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        If class1.mBytes Is Nothing Then Return class2
        If class2.mBytes Is Nothing Then Return class1
        Dim lBytes1 As Integer = class1.mBytes.Count
        Dim lBytes2 As Integer = class2.mBytes.Count
        Dim lBytes As New List(Of Byte)
        Dim lRemainder As Byte = 0
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim lZeros As Integer = 0
        While (i < lBytes1) Or (i < lBytes2) Or (lRemainder <> 0)
            Dim lByte1 As Integer = 0
            Dim lByte2 As Integer = 0
            Dim lTemp As Integer = 0
            If i < lBytes1 Then lByte1 = class1.mBytes(i)
            If i < lBytes2 Then lByte2 = class2.mBytes(i)
            lTemp = lByte1 + lByte2 + lRemainder
            lRemainder = 0
            If lTemp > 255 Then
                lRemainder = lTemp \ 256
                lTemp -= 256 * lRemainder
            End If
            If lTemp = 0 Then lZeros += 1 Else lZeros = 0
            i += 1
        End While
        While lZeros > 0
            lBytes.RemoveAt(lBytes.Count - 1)
            lZeros -= 1
        End While
        Dim lRet As New BigInt
        lRet.mBytes = lBytes
        Return lRet
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator -(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As Long) As BigInt
        Return class1 - New BigInt(class2)
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator -(ByVal class1 As BigInt, ByVal class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lResultIsNegative As Boolean
        Dim lLeft As BigInt
        Dim lRight As BigInt
        If class1.mIsNegative Then
            If class2.mIsNegative Then
                Return -(class1.Abs + class2.Abs)
                Return class1.Abs + class2
            End If
        ElseIf class2.mIsNegative Then
            Return class1 + class2.Abs
        End If
        Select Case Compare(class1, class2)
            Case 0
                Return New BigInt(0)
            Case -1
                lResultIsNegative = True
                lLeft = class2
                lRight = class1
            Case 1
                lResultIsNegative = False
                lLeft = class1
                lRight = class2
            Case Else
                Throw New InvalidOperationException("BigInt.vb encountered an invalid result when comparing numbers.")
        End Select

        'Left is bigger than right, switch sign at the end if indicated
        Dim lBorrow As Integer = 0
        Dim lRet As New BigInt(0)
        For i As Integer = 0 To lLeft.mBytes.Count - 1
            Dim iLeft As Integer
            Dim iRight As Byte
            iLeft = lLeft.mBytes(i) - lBorrow
            If i >= lRight.mBytes.Count Then
                iRight = 0
                iRight = lRight.mBytes(i)
            End If
            lBorrow = 0
            While iLeft < iRight
                lBorrow += 1
                iLeft += 256
            End While
            lRet.mBytes.Add(iLeft - iRight)
        lRet.mIsNegative = lResultIsNegative
        Return lRet
    End Operator
    Public Shared Function GrahamNotation(pBase As Integer, pArrows As Integer, pHeight As Integer) As BigInt
        Return GrahamNotation(New BigInt(pBase), pArrows, New BigInt(pHeight))
    End Function
    Public Shared Function GrahamNotation(pBase As BigInt, pArrows As Integer, pHeight As BigInt) As BigInt
        If pArrows > 1 Then
            Return GrahamNotation(pBase, pArrows - 1, GrahamNotation(pBase, 1, pHeight))
        End If
        Dim lRet As BigInt = pBase
        lRet = pBase ^ pHeight

        'lRet = lRet ^ (pHeight - 1)
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Operator *(ByVal class1 As BigInt, pByte As Byte) As BigInt
        Dim lBytes1 As Integer = class1.mBytes.Count

        Dim lOutBytes As New List(Of Byte)
        Dim lCarry As Long = 0
        For i = 0 To lBytes1 - 1
            Dim lTemp As Long = (CLng(class1.mBytes(i)) * pByte) + lCarry
            lCarry = 0
            If lTemp > 255 Then
                lCarry = lTemp \ 256
                lTemp = lTemp Mod 256
            End If
        'While lCarry > 255
        If lCarry > 255 Then
            lOutBytes.Add(CByte(lCarry Mod 256))
            lCarry = lCarry \ 256
        End If
        'End While
        If lCarry > 0 Then lOutBytes.Add(CByte(lCarry))
        Dim lRet As New BigInt
        lRet.mBytes = lOutBytes
        lRet.mIsNegative = class1.mIsNegative
        Return lRet
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator ^(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        If class2.IsZero Then Return New BigInt(1)
        If class2 = New BigInt(1) Then Return class1
        Dim lIsNegative As Boolean = False
        If class1.mIsNegative AndAlso (class2.mBytes(0) And 1) Then lIsNegative = True
        Dim lPow As New BigInt(class2)
        Dim lBase As New BigInt(class1)
        Dim l1 As New BigInt(1)
        Dim lSuperpow As New BigInt(l1)
        Dim lMultiplier As New BigInt(l1)
        Dim l2 As New BigInt(2)
        While lPow > l2
            If lPow.IsOdd Then
                lPow -= l1
                lMultiplier = lMultiplier * (lBase ^ lSuperpow)
                lPow = lPow >> 1
                lSuperpow = lSuperpow << 1
            End If
        End While
        lBase = lBase ^ lSuperpow
        If lPow = l2 Then lMultiplier = lMultiplier * lBase
        lBase = lBase * lMultiplier
        'If lSuperpow > l1 Then lBase = lBase ^ lSuperpow
        Return lBase
    End Operator

    Public Shared Operator ^(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As Integer) As BigInt
        Return class1 ^ New BigInt(class2)
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator *(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As Long) As BigInt
        Return class1 * New BigInt(class2)
    End Operator

    Public Shared Operator *(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lTop As BigInt
        Dim lBottom As BigInt
        If class1.IsZero Or class2.IsZero Then Return New BigInt(0)
        Dim lResultIsNegative As Boolean = class1.mIsNegative Xor class2.mIsNegative
        If class1.mBytes.Count < class2.mBytes.Count Then
            lTop = class2
            lBottom = class1
            lTop = class1
            lBottom = class2
        End If

        Dim lRunningTotal As New BigInt
        For i = 0 To lBottom.mBytes.Count - 1
            Dim lAdditive As BigInt = lTop * CByte(lBottom.mBytes(i))
            For j = 1 To i
                lAdditive.mBytes.Insert(0, CByte(0))
            lRunningTotal += lAdditive
        lRunningTotal.mIsNegative = lResultIsNegative
        Return lRunningTotal
    End Operator
    Public Shared Function PowerOf2(pPower As Integer) As BigInt
        Dim lRet As BigInt = New BigInt(1) << (pPower - 1)
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Private Shared mPowersOf10 As Dictionary(Of Integer, BigInt)

    Public Shared Function ClearCachedPowers()
        If mPowersOf10 IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
    End Function
    Public Shared Function PowerOf10(pPower As Integer) As BigInt
        If pPower = 0 Then
            Return New BigInt(1)
        ElseIf pPower = 1 Then
            Return New BigInt(10)
        ElseIf mPowersOf10.ContainsKey(pPower) Then
            Return New BigInt(mPowersOf10(pPower))
            mPowersOf10(pPower) = New BigInt(10) ^ pPower
            Return New BigInt(mPowersOf10(pPower))
        End If
    End Function
    Public Shared Operator \(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lResult As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        Divide(class1, class2, lResult, New BigInt(0))
        Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator /(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As Long) As BigDecimal1
        'Dim lResult As BigDecimal = New BigInt(0)
        'Divide(class1, New BigInt(class2), lResult, New BigInt(0))
        'Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator /(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As BigInt) As BigDecimal1
        'Dim lResult As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        'Divide(class1, New BigInt(class2), lResult, New BigInt(0))
        'Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator \(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As Long) As BigInt
        Dim lResult As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        Divide(class1, New BigInt(class2), lResult, New BigInt(0))
        Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator Mod(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As BigInt) As BigInt
        Dim lResult As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        Divide(class1, class2, New BigInt(0), lResult)
        Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator Mod(ByVal class1 As BigInt, class2 As Long) As BigInt
        Dim lResult As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        Divide(class1, New BigInt(class2), New BigInt(0), lResult)
        Return lResult
    End Operator
    Public Function ToByte() As Byte
        If IsZero() Then Return 0
        Return mBytes(0)
    End Function

    Public Shared Sub SquareTest(pPower As Integer)
        Dim lRet As BigInt = (New BigInt(1) << pPower) - New BigInt(1)
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub SpeedTest2()
        Dim lBigNum As BigInt = New BigInt(10)
        Dim lTime1 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lBigNum = lBigNum ^ 1000
        Dim lTime2 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print((lTime2 - lTime1) & " seconds to calculate Googol^10")
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lBigNum = lBigNum ^ 50
        lTime2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print((lTime2 - lTime1) & " seconds to raise that to the 50th power")
        Debug.Print("The result is " & lBigNum.Log2 & " bits long.")
        Debug.Print("Converting to decimal...")
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lTime2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Converting to decimal took " & (lTime2 - lTime1) & " seconds.")
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub SpeedTest3()
        Debug.Print("Generating 3 (arrow) 3")
        Dim lTime1 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Dim lBigInt = BigInt.GrahamNotation(3, 1, 3)
        Dim lTime2 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Time elapsed: " & (lTime2 - lTime1))

        Debug.Print("Generating 3 (double-arrow) 3")
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lBigInt = BigInt.GrahamNotation(3, 2, 3)
        lTime2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Time elapsed: " & (lTime2 - lTime1))

        Exit Sub

        Debug.Print(lBigInt.mBytes.Count & " bytes")
        Debug.Print("Generating 3 (triple-arrow) 2")
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lBigInt = BigInt.GrahamNotation(3, 3, 2)
        lTime2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Time elapsed: " & (lTime2 - lTime1))
        Debug.Print(lBigInt.mBytes.Count & " bytes")
        Debug.Print("Generating 3 (triple-arrow) 3")
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        lBigInt = BigInt.GrahamNotation(3, 3, 3)
        lTime2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Time elapsed: " & (lTime2 - lTime1))
        Debug.Print(lBigInt.mBytes.Count & " bytes")
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub SpeedTest4()
        Dim lBigInt As BigInt = GrahamNotation(2, 4, 2)
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub SpeedTest()
        Dim lTime1 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Dim j As Integer
        For i = 1 To 1000000
            j = j + 1
        Dim lTime2 As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("Integer: " & (lTime2 - lTime1))
        Dim k As New BigInt(0)
        Dim l1 As New BigInt(1)
        For i = 1 To 10000
            k = k + l1
        lTime1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Debug.Print("BigInt: " & (lTime1 - lTime2))
    End Sub

    Public Function ToInt16() As Int16
        Dim lRet As Int16
        If IsZero() Then Return 0
        If mBytes.Count > 1 Then lRet = lRet + (CLng(mBytes(1) And 127) << 8)
        If mBytes.Count > 0 Then lRet = lRet + mBytes(0)
        If mIsNegative Then Return -lRet Else Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Function ToInt32() As Int32
        Dim lRet As Int32
        If IsZero() Then Return 0
        If mBytes.Count > 3 Then lRet = lRet + (CLng(mBytes(3) And 127) << 24)
        If mBytes.Count > 2 Then lRet = lRet + (CLng(mBytes(2)) << 16)
        If mBytes.Count > 1 Then lRet = lRet + (CLng(mBytes(1)) << 8)
        If mBytes.Count > 0 Then lRet = lRet + mBytes(0)
        If mIsNegative Then Return -lRet Else Return lRet
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub Divide(pDividend As BigInt, pDivisor As BigInt, ByRef pResult As BigInt, ByRef pModulus As BigInt)
        If pDivisor.IsZero Then Throw New DivideByZeroException
        If pDividend.IsZero Then
            pResult = New BigInt(0)
            pModulus = New BigInt(0)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim lResultIsNegative As Boolean = pDividend.mIsNegative Xor pDivisor.mIsNegative
        Dim lDividend As BigInt = pDividend.Abs
        Dim lDivisor As BigInt = pDivisor.Abs
        Select Case Compare(lDividend, lDivisor)
            Case -1
                pResult = New BigInt(0)
                pModulus = New BigInt(lDividend)
                Exit Sub
            Case 0
                pResult = New BigInt(1)
                pModulus = New BigInt(0)
                Exit Sub
        End Select
        ' Dividend is greater than divisor
        ' Multiply the dividend by 256 while

        Dim lShift As Integer
        Dim lRunningTotal As New BigInt(0)
        While Not lDividend.IsZero
            If lDividend < lDivisor Then
                pModulus = lDividend
                pResult = lRunningTotal
                Exit Sub
            End If
            lShift = Math.Truncate(lDividend.Log2_Dbl - lDivisor.Log2_Dbl)
            'lShift = Math.Truncate(lDividend.Log2 - lDivisor.Log2)
            Dim lTestDivisor As BigInt = lDivisor << lShift
            If lTestDivisor > lDividend Then
                lTestDivisor = lTestDivisor >> 1
                lShift -= 1
            End If

            lRunningTotal += (New BigInt(1) << lShift)
            lDividend -= lTestDivisor
        End While

        pResult = lRunningTotal
        pModulus = New BigInt(0)
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Public Shared Operator <<(pBigInt As BigInt, pBits As Integer) As BigInt
        Dim lRet As New BigInt(pBigInt)
        Dim lBits As Integer = pBits
        If lBits >= 8 Then
            Dim lInsertBytes((pBits \ 8) - 1) As Byte
            lRet.mBytes.InsertRange(0, lInsertBytes)
            lBits = lBits Mod 8
        End If
        If lBits = 0 Then
            Return lRet
        End If
        Dim lMostSignificantBit As Byte = Log2(lRet.mBytes(lRet.mBytes.Count - 1))
        Dim lAvailableBits As Byte = 8 - lMostSignificantBit
        If lAvailableBits < lBits Then lRet.mBytes.Add(0)
        Dim lMaskLeft As Byte = (1 << (lBits + 1)) - 1
        Dim lMaskRight As Byte = Not lMaskLeft
        For i = lRet.mBytes.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
            lRet.mBytes(i) = ((lRet.mBytes(i) << lBits) Or (lRet.mBytes(i - 1) >> (8 - lBits))) And 255
        lRet.mBytes(0) = (lRet.mBytes(0) << lBits) And 255
        Return lRet
    End Operator
    Public Shared Operator >>(pBigInt As BigInt, pBits As Integer) As BigInt
        Dim lRet As New BigInt(pBigInt)
        Dim lBits As Integer = pBits
        If lBits >= 8 Then
            lRet.mBytes.RemoveRange(0, pBits = 8)
            lBits = lBits Mod 8
        End If
        If lBits = 0 Then
            Return lRet
        End If

        Dim lMostSignificantBit As Byte = Log2(lRet.mBytes(lRet.mBytes.Count - 1))
        Dim lAvailableBits As Byte = 8 - lMostSignificantBit
        If lAvailableBits < lBits Then lRet.mBytes.Add(0)
        Dim lMaskLeft As Byte = (1 << (lBits + 1)) - 1
        Dim lMaskRight As Byte = Not lMaskLeft
        For i = 0 To lRet.mBytes.Count - 2
            lRet.mBytes(i) = ((lRet.mBytes(i) >> lBits) Or (lRet.mBytes(i + 1) << (8 - lBits))) And 255
        lRet.mBytes(lRet.mBytes.Count - 1) = (lRet.mBytes(lRet.mBytes.Count - 1) >> lBits) And 255
        Return lRet

    End Operator
    Public Function Log2() As Long
        If IsZero() Then Return 0
        Return ((mBytes.Count - 1) * 8) + Log2(mBytes(mBytes.Count - 1))
    End Function

    Public Function Log2_Dbl() As Double
        If IsZero() Then Return 0
        Dim lBits As Integer = (mBytes.Count - 1) * 8
        Dim lDivisor As Double = 1
        Dim lRunningTotal As Double = lBits + Log2_Dbl(mBytes(mBytes.Count - 1))
        For i = mBytes.Count - 2 To Math.Max(mBytes.Count - 8, 0) Step -1
            lDivisor = lDivisor * 256
            lRunningTotal += (CDbl(Log2_Dbl(mBytes(i))) / lDivisor)
        Return lRunningTotal
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return BigInt.ToBase10(Me)
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ToBaseX(pBigInt As BigInt, pBase As Byte) As String
        If pBase < 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Cannot display as base less than 2")
        If pBase > 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Cannot display as base greater than 16")
        If pBigInt.IsZero Then Return "0"
        Dim aChars() As Char = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}

        Dim lRet As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
        If pBigInt.mIsNegative Then lRet.Append("-")
        lRet.Append("&(" & pBase & ")")

        Dim lByte As Byte = (pBigInt Mod pBase).ToByte
        If lByte And &HF0 Then
        End If
        If lByte And &HF Then
            lRet.Append(aChars(lByte And &HF))
        End If
        For i = pBigInt.mBytes.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
            lByte = pBigInt.mBytes(i)
            lRet.Append(aChars(lByte >> 4) & aChars(lByte And 15))
        Return lRet.ToString
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ToBase16(pBigInt As BigInt) As String
        If pBigInt.IsZero Then Return "0"
        Dim aChars() As Char = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}

        Dim lRet As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
        If pBigInt.mIsNegative Then lRet.Append("-")
        Dim lByte As Byte = pBigInt.mBytes(pBigInt.mBytes.Count - 1)
        If lByte And &HF0 Then
            lRet.Append(aChars(lByte >> 4))
        End If
        If lByte And &HF Then
            lRet.Append(aChars(lByte And &HF))
        End If
        For i = pBigInt.mBytes.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
            lByte = pBigInt.mBytes(i)
            lRet.Append(aChars(lByte >> 4) & aChars(lByte And 15))
        Return lRet.ToString
    End Function

    Public Function ToBase16() As String
        Return BigInt.ToBase16(Me)
    End Function

    Public Shared Function FromBase10(pSource As String) As BigInt
        Dim lMode As Byte = 1
        Dim lIsNegative As Boolean
        Dim lNB As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        Dim lDec As Integer = -1
        Dim lShiftDirection As Char
        Dim lShiftAmt As String
        For Each lChar In pSource
            Select Case lMode
                Case 1
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case " ", "+"
                        Case "-"
                            lIsNegative = True
                            lMode = 2
                        Case "0" 'ignore leading zeros
                        Case "1" To "9"
                            lMode = 2
                        Case "."
                            lDec = lNB.Length
                            lMode = 3
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
                Case 2
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case ","
                        Case "0" To "9"
                        Case "."
                            lDec = lNB.Length
                            lMode = 3
                        Case "E"
                            lMode = 4
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
                Case 3
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case ","
                        Case "0" To "9"
                        Case "E"
                            lMode = 4
                            lShiftDirection = "+"
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
                Case 4
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case "+", "-"
                            lShiftDirection = lChar
                            lMode = 5
                        Case "0"
                        Case "1" To "9"
                            lShiftAmt = lShiftAmt & lChar
                            lMode = 6
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
                Case 5
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case "0"
                        Case "1" To "9"
                            lShiftAmt = lShiftAmt & lChar
                            lMode = 6
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
                Case 6
                    Select Case lChar
                        Case "0" To "9"
                            lShiftAmt = lShiftAmt & lChar
                            lMode = 6
                        Case Else
                            Throw New InvalidCastException
                    End Select
            End Select
        If lDec = -1 Then lDec = lNB.Length + 1
        Dim lAsDecimal As String
        If lShiftAmt = "" Then
            lAsDecimal = lNB.ToString
        ElseIf lShiftDirection = "+" Then
            lDec = lDec + Val(lShiftAmt)
            If lDec > (lNB.Length + 1) Then
                lAsDecimal = lNB.ToString & New String("0", (lDec - lNB.Length) - 1)
                lAsDecimal = lNB.ToString.Substring(0, lDec - 1)
            End If
        ElseIf lShiftDirection = "-" Then
            lDec = lDec - Val(lShiftAmt)
            If lDec < 1 Then
                Return New BigInt(0)
                lAsDecimal = lNB.ToString.Substring(0, lDec - 1)
            End If
        End If
        'lAsDecimal is now a clean, unsigned decimal with scientific notation expanded
        Dim l10 As BigInt = New BigInt(10)
        Dim lTens As BigInt = New BigInt(1)
        Dim lRet As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        For i = lAsDecimal.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
            Dim lAdditive As BigInt = lTens * New BigInt(Asc(lAsDecimal.Substring(i, 1)) - 48)
            lRet += lAdditive
            lTens = lTens * l10
        lRet.mIsNegative = lIsNegative
        Return lRet
    End Function

    Public Shared Function FromBase16(pSource As String) As BigInt
        Dim lProc As New Stack(Of Byte)
        Dim lTemp As String = ""
        Dim lRet As New BigInt(0)
        For i = 0 To pSource.Length - 1
            Dim lChar As Char = pSource.Substring(i, 1)
            Dim lAsc As Integer = Asc(lChar)
            Select Case lAsc
                Case 48 To 57
                    lTemp = lTemp & lChar
                Case 65 To 70
                    lTemp = lTemp & lChar
            End Select
            If Len(lTemp) = 2 Then
                Dim lByte As Byte = 0
                lAsc = Asc(lTemp.Substring(0, 1))
                Select Case lAsc
                    Case 48 To 57
                        lByte = (lAsc - 48) << 4
                    Case 65 To 70
                        lByte = (lAsc - 55) << 4
                End Select
                lAsc = Asc(lTemp.Substring(1, 1))
                Select Case lAsc
                    Case 48 To 57
                        lByte = lByte + (lAsc - 48)
                    Case 65 To 70
                        lByte = lByte + (lAsc - 55)
                End Select

                lTemp = ""
                lRet.mBytes.Insert(0, lByte)
            End If
        If lTemp <> "" Then
            Select Case Asc(lTemp)
                Case 48 To 57
                    lRet = lRet << 4
                    lRet += New BigInt(Asc(lTemp) - 48)
                Case 65 To 70
                    lRet = lRet << 4
                    lRet += New BigInt(Asc(lTemp) - 55)
            End Select
        End If
        Return lRet
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ToBase10(pBigInt As BigInt) As String
        Dim lRemaining As BigInt = pBigInt
        Dim lStack As New Stack(Of Char)
        Dim lMod As BigInt = Nothing
        Dim lDigit As Byte
        Dim l10 As New BigInt(10)
        Dim l10K As New BigInt(10000)
        Dim l1B As New BigInt(1000000000)
        Dim l1Googol As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        If pBigInt.Log2 >= 332 Then l1Googol = New BigInt(10000) ^ 25
        Dim l1GoogolE10 As BigInt = New BigInt(0)
        If pBigInt.Log2 >= 3321 Then l1GoogolE10 = l1Googol ^ 10
        If pBigInt.IsZero Then Return "0"
        Dim lLastUpdate As Double = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
        Dim lStartTime As DateTime = Now
        Dim lStartDigits As Integer = lRemaining.Log2
        Dim lStackSize As Long = 0
            If (Not l1GoogolE10.IsZero) AndAlso (lRemaining > l1GoogolE10) Then
                Divide(lRemaining, l1GoogolE10, lRemaining, lMod)
                Dim lText As String = lMod.ToString.PadLeft(1000, "0")
                For i = lText.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
                    lStack.Push(lText.Substring(i, 1))
                lStackSize += lText.Length
            ElseIf (Not l1Googol.IsZero) AndAlso (lRemaining > l1Googol) Then
                Divide(lRemaining, l1Googol, lRemaining, lMod)
                Dim lText As String = lMod.ToString.PadLeft(100, "0")
                For i = lText.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
                    lStack.Push(lText.Substring(i, 1))
                lStackSize += lText.Length
            ElseIf lRemaining > l1B Then
                Divide(lRemaining, l1B, lRemaining, lMod)
                Dim lText As String = Format(lMod.ToInt32, "000000000")
                For i = lText.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
                    lStack.Push(lText.Substring(i, 1))
                lStackSize += lText.Length
            ElseIf lRemaining > l10K Then
                Divide(lRemaining, l10K, lRemaining, lMod)
                Dim lText As String = Format(lMod.ToInt16, "0000")
                For i = lText.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
                    lStack.Push(lText.Substring(i, 1))
                lStackSize += lText.Length
                Divide(lRemaining, l10, lRemaining, lMod)
                lStackSize += 1
            End If
            If (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer - lLastUpdate) > 10 Then
                Dim lLog2 As Integer = lRemaining.Log2
                If lLog2 < lStartDigits Then
                    Debug.Print(lLog2 & " significant digits remaining.")
                    Dim lTimeSpent As TimeSpan = Now.Subtract(lStartTime)
                    Dim lUnitTime As Double = lTimeSpent.TotalSeconds / (lStartDigits - lLog2)
                    Dim lCompletion As DateTime = Now.AddSeconds(lUnitTime * lLog2 * (lLog2 / lStartDigits) / 3)
                    Debug.Print("Estimated Completion: " & Format(lCompletion, "M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss"))
                    Dim lDigitRatio As Double = lStackSize / (lStartDigits - lLog2)
                    Debug.Print("Estimated Output Digits: " & (lStackSize + CInt(lDigitRatio * lLog2)))
                    lLastUpdate = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Timer
                End If
            End If
        Loop Until lRemaining.IsZero
        If pBigInt.mIsNegative Then lStack.Push("-")
        Dim lRet As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        While lStack.Count
        End While
        If Now - lStartTime > New TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) Then
            Using lwriter As New IO.StreamWriter("c:\temp\Calculation.txt", False)
            End Using
        End If
        Return lRet.ToString
    End Function

    Public Shared Function Log2(pByte As Byte) As Byte
        Dim lRet As Byte
        While pByte <> 0
            lRet += 1
            pByte = pByte >> 1
        End While
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Function Log2(pInteger As Integer) As Byte
        Dim lRet As Byte
        If pInteger < 0 Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("BigInt cannot take the logarithm of a negative number.")
        While pInteger <> 0
            lRet += 1
            pInteger = pInteger >> 1
        End While
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Function Log2_Dbl(pByte As Byte) As Double
        Dim lRet As Double = 8
        If pByte = 0 Then Return 0
        While (pByte And &H80) = 0
            lRet -= 1
            pByte = pByte << 1
        End While
        pByte = pByte << 1
        Dim lDivisor As Integer = 2
        While pByte <> 0
            If pByte And &H80 Then
                lRet = lRet + 1 / lDivisor
            End If
            lDivisor *= 2
            pByte = pByte << 1
        End While
        Return lRet
    End Function
    Public Shared Function Log2_Dbl(pInteger As Integer) As Double
        Dim lRet As Double = 8
        If pInteger = 0 Then Return 0
        While (pInteger And &H8000) = 0
            lRet -= 1
            pInteger = pInteger << 1
        End While
        pInteger = pInteger << 1
        Dim lDivisor As Integer = 2
        While pInteger <> 0
            If pInteger And &H8000 Then
                lRet = lRet + 1 / lDivisor
            End If
            lDivisor *= 2
            pInteger = pInteger << 1
        End While
        Return lRet
    End Function
End Structure
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