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Hello. I'm looking for the most ideal or practical method of streaming a live feed from a digital camera to a windows form (picture box) in .net while being able to control the camera settings programmatically.

Right now my method to connect is below.

First i'd like to mention that if there is a way to change settings while leaving the same camera connection in tact that would be great, but if there is a better method (like directShow?) i'm all for changing it too. I can't seem to get very good FPS or resolution out of this method and hopefully a new method or learning more about this method can resolve that issue too..

From Logitech they suggest using the IAMCameraControl and IAMVideoProcAmp but these are really old interfaces and there's not many good samples i could find.

My primary goal is changing the camera settings. If you have any advice or experience your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal winHandle As Int32, ByVal wMsg As Int32, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Int32
Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowPos" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, ByVal x As Int32, ByVal y As Int32, ByVal cx As Int32, ByVal cy As Int32, ByVal wFlags As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hndw As Integer) As Boolean
Declare Function capCreateCaptureWindowA Lib "avicap32.dll" (ByVal lpszWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Int32, ByVal x As Int32, ByVal y As Int32, ByVal nWidth As Int32, ByVal nHeight As Int32, ByVal hWndParent As IntPtr, ByVal nID As Integer) As Integer

Private Sub OpenPreviewWindow()
        Dim iHeight As Integer = Me.PictureBox1.Height
        Dim iWidth As Integer = Me.PictureBox1.Width
        ' Open Preview window in picturebox .
        ' Create a child window with capCreateCaptureWindowA so you can display it in a picturebox.
        hHwnd = capCreateCaptureWindowA(iDevice.ToString, WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD, 0, 0, Me.PictureBox1.Width, Me.PictureBox1.Height, Me.PictureBox1.Handle, 0)
        'connect to device
        If SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, iDevice, 0) Then
            'set preview scale
            SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_SCALE, True, 0)
            'set preview rate in milliseconds
            SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE, 66, 0)
            'start previewing the image from the camera
            SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW, True, 0)
            'resize window to fit in picturebox
            SetWindowPos(hHwnd, New IntPtr(HWND_BOTTOM), 0, 0, Me.PictureBox1.Width, Me.PictureBox1.Height, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOZORDER)
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox("Error opening preview window (camera): " & ex.Message)
    End Try
End Sub
Updated 23-Oct-12 4:57am
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 23-Oct-12 13:12pm    
Whatever you do, don't use PictureBox, this is totally pointless.
RavonX 24-Oct-12 11:55am    
pointless... ? your response is almost pointless buddy.

But moving toward something that isn't, how do you display the image you are receiving from the camera if not through a picture box?
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 24-Oct-12 12:09pm    
If you want to know what to use instead of PictureBox, I'll tell you, but if you want to argue -- no, thank you, please proceed on your own. PictureBox is only good to simplify static or almost always static picture presentation, everything else is presented by deriving from Control or some other classes... Simply put, PictureBox is almost never used, or used by the abusers...

RavonX 24-Oct-12 12:50pm    
pointless. I don't really care if you don't help. I don't want to argue I'm here for DIGITAL CAMERAS LIKE THE FREAKIN TITLE WOULD IMPLY. and I might have a short fuse for jerk-offs.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 24-Oct-12 13:15pm    
If you want to behave like that, nobody will want to help you. By saying all that, you don't look capable of using the advice, sorry. Not many will want to waste time for you, even though it could be false impression. I almost gave you the idea, but you are keeping to resist. It's up to you, of course.

This is the option I'm running at the moment. This isn't ideal yet, and also not by any means finished. But it works.

First: download the DirectShowLibrary from <ahref>DirectShowNet[<ahref target="_blank" title="New Window">^]

Second: attach the DirectShowLib-2005 as a reference

Then the code:

Imports DirectShowLib

Public Class LEDTester2

    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal winHandle As Int32, ByVal wMsg As Int32, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Int32
    Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowPos" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, ByVal x As Int32, ByVal y As Int32, ByVal cx As Int32, ByVal cy As Int32, ByVal wFlags As Integer) As Integer
    Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hndw As Integer) As Boolean
    Declare Function capCreateCaptureWindowA Lib "avicap32.dll" (ByVal lpszWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Int32, ByVal x As Int32, ByVal y As Int32, ByVal nWidth As Int32, ByVal nHeight As Int32, ByVal hWndParent As IntPtr, ByVal nID As Integer) As Integer
    Const WM_CAP_USER As Int32 = &H400
    Const WM_CAP_START As Int32 = WM_CAP_USER
    Const WM_CAP_EDIT_COPY As Int32 = WM_CAP_START + 30
    Const WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW As Int32 = WM_CAP_START + 50
    Const WM_CAP_SET_SCALE As Int32 = WM_CAP_START + 53
    Const WS_CHILD As Int32 = &H40000000
    Const WS_VISIBLE As Int32 = &H10000000
    Const SWP_NOMOVE As Int32 = &H2S
    Const SWP_NOSIZE As Int32 = 1
    Const SWP_NOZORDER As Int32 = &H4S
    Const HWND_BOTTOM As Int32 = 1
    Dim iDevice As Integer = 0
    Dim hHwnd As Integer
    Dim capDevices As DsDevice()
    Dim camDevice As DsDevice = Nothing
    Dim camFilter As IBaseFilter = Nothing
    Dim camControl As IAMCameraControl
    Dim vidControl As IAMVideoProcAmp
    Dim camFound As Boolean = False
    Dim videoLoaded As Boolean = False
    Dim graphBuilder As IFilterGraph2 = CType(New FilterGraph, IFilterGraph2)
    Dim myZoomValue As Long = 0
    Dim myExposureValue As Long = 0
    Private cameraWaitTime As Integer = 250
    Public Enum SWP As UInt32
        NOSIZE = &H1
        NOMOVE = &H2
        NOZORDER = &H4
        NOREDRAW = &H8
        NOACTIVATE = &H10
        DRAWFRAME = &H20
        FRAMECHANGED = &H20
        SHOWWINDOW = &H40
        HIDEWINDOW = &H80
        NOCOPYBITS = &H100
        NOOWNERZORDER = &H200
        NOREPOSITION = &H200
        NOSENDCHANGING = &H400
        DEFERERASE = &H2000
        ASYNCWINDOWPOS = &H4000
    End Enum

    Private Sub OpenCamera()

        'open camera

            Dim iHeight As Integer = Me.PictureBox1.Height
            Dim iWidth As Integer = Me.PictureBox1.Width
            ' Open Preview window in picturebox .
            ' Create a child window with capCreateCaptureWindowA so you can display it in a picturebox.
            hHwnd = capCreateCaptureWindowA(iDevice.ToString, WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD, 0, 0, Me.PictureBox1.Width, Me.PictureBox1.Height, Me.PictureBox1.Handle, 0)
            'connect to device
            If SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, iDevice, 0) Then
                'set preview scale
                SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_SCALE, True, 0)
                'set preview rate in milliseconds
                SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE, 66, 0)
                'start previewing the image from the camera
                SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW, True, 0)
                'resize window to fit in picturebox
                SetWindowPos(hHwnd, New IntPtr(HWND_BOTTOM), 0, 0, Me.PictureBox1.Width, Me.PictureBox1.Height, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOZORDER)
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Error opening preview window (camera): " & ex.Message)
        End Try

        'control camera

        capDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)

        For Each CD As DsDevice In capDevices
            If CD.Name = "USB2.0 2MP UVC AF Camera" Then
                camDevice = CD
                camFound = True
            ElseIf CD.Name = "Logitech HD Webcam C615" Then
                camDevice = CD
                camFound = True
            End If

        If camFound Then
            Dim hr As Integer = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(camDevice.Mon, Nothing, camDevice.Name, camFilter)
            camControl = CType(camFilter, IAMCameraControl)
            vidControl = CType(camFilter, IAMVideoProcAmp)

            'Dim propSet As IKsPropertySet

            myZoomValue = 0

            Dim iMin As Integer
            Dim iMax As Integer
            Dim iStep As Integer
            Dim iDft As Integer
            Dim iResult As Integer
            'Dim iSetting As Integer

            iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, myExposureValue, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            MsgBox("Exposure min-" & iMin.ToString & " Max-" & iMax.ToString & vbCrLf & "Current Setting: " & myExposureValue)

            videoLoaded = True
            MsgBox("Controlling camera")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub LEDTester2_MouseWheel(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseWheel
        If videoLoaded Then
            'this is to play with settings, unfortunately Zoom was unavailable on the  cameras I used
            Dim iResult As Integer

            If e.Delta > 0 Then
                ''more exposure
                myExposureValue += 1
                If myExposureValue > -1 Then
                    myExposureValue = -1
                End If
                iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, myExposureValue, CameraControlFlags.Manual)
                ''less exposure
                myExposureValue -= 1
                If myExposureValue < -13 Then
                    myExposureValue = -13
                End If
                iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, myExposureValue, CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
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Here's a sample of the current code which uses video controls to build a video screen control on the form in the specified location with specified height and width. This also has a trackbar attached to the form along with a combobox to pick and edit settings for the camera view (gain, exposure, etc..).

It's pretty sweet. I haven't gone HD with it, and im not sure how to yet. That's one of the long term goals. I believe this is the start to getting there. Also I'm working on getting pictures out of this now as well. I'm thinking that will be pretty easy, though. We'll see!

Imports DirectShowLib
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes
Imports System.Threading
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim myTestInt As Integer
Enum PlayState
End Enum
Dim CurrentState As PlayState = PlayState.Stopped
Dim D As Integer = Convert.ToInt32("0X8000", 16)
Public WM_GRAPHNOTIFY As Integer = D + 1
Dim VideoWindow As IVideoWindow = Nothing
Dim MediaControl As IMediaControl = Nothing
Dim MediaEventEx As IMediaEventEx = Nothing
Dim GraphBuilder As IGraphBuilder = Nothing
Dim CaptureGraphBuilder As ICaptureGraphBuilder2 = Nothing
Dim rot As DsROTEntry = Nothing
Dim capDevices As DsDevice()
Dim camDevice As DsDevice = Nothing
Dim myExposureValue As Integer
Dim myBrightnessValue As Integer
Dim myGainValue As Integer
Dim mySaturationValue As Integer
Dim myZoomValue As Integer
Dim camFilter As IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim camControl As IAMCameraControl
Dim vidControl As IAMVideoProcAmp
Dim myGraphBuilder As IFilterGraph2 = CType(New FilterGraph, IFilterGraph2)

#Region "Camera"
    Private Sub CaptureVideo()
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        Dim sourceFilter As IBaseFilter = Nothing
            hr = Me.CaptureGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(Me.GraphBuilder) 'Specifies filter graph "graphbuilder" for the capture graph builder "captureGraphBuilder" to use.
            Debug.WriteLine("Attach the filter graph to the capture graph : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
            sourceFilter = FindCaptureDevice()
            SetConfigParms(CaptureGraphBuilder, sourceFilter, 45, 1280, 720)
            hr = Me.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "Video Capture")
            Debug.WriteLine("Add capture filter to our graph : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
            hr = Me.CaptureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, sourceFilter, Nothing, Nothing)
            Debug.WriteLine("Render the preview pin on the video capture filter : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
            rot = New DsROTEntry(Me.GraphBuilder)
            hr = Me.MediaControl.Run()
            Debug.WriteLine("Start previewing video data : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
            Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running
            Debug.WriteLine("The currentstate : " & Me.CurrentState.ToString)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("An unrecoverable error has occurred.With error : " & ex.ToString)
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetConfigParms(ByVal capGraph As ICaptureGraphBuilder2, ByVal capFilter As IBaseFilter, ByVal iFrameRate As Integer, ByVal iWidth As Integer, ByVal iHeight As Integer)
            Dim hr As Integer
            Dim o As New Object
            Dim media As New AMMediaType
            Dim FoundFormat As Boolean
            ' Find the stream config interface
            hr = capGraph.FindInterface(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, capFilter, GetType(IAMStreamConfig).GUID, o)
            Dim videoStreamConfig As IAMStreamConfig = CType(o, IAMStreamConfig)
            If (videoStreamConfig Is Nothing) Then
                Throw New Exception("Failed to get IAMStreamConfig")
            End If
            'Dim myListOfResolution As New List(Of String)
            Dim iCount As Integer = 0, iSize As Integer = 0
            videoStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(iCount, iSize)
            Dim pmtConfig As New AMMediaType
            For iFormat As Integer = 0 To iCount - 1
                Dim scc As New VideoStreamConfigCaps, pScc As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(scc))
                hr = videoStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps(iFormat, pmtConfig, pScc)
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(pScc, scc)
                '' copy out the videoinfoheader
                Dim header As VideoInfoHeader = New VideoInfoHeader
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmtConfig.formatPtr, header)
                ''Examine the format, and possibly use it. 
                If pmtConfig.subType = MediaSubType.RGB24 Then
                    Debug.Print("iFormat: " & header.BmiHeader.Width & "x" & header.BmiHeader.Height)
                    'myListOfResolution.Add(header.BmiHeader.Width.ToString & " width, " & header.BmiHeader.Height.ToString & " height")
                    If header.BmiHeader.Width = iWidth And header.BmiHeader.Height = iHeight Then
                        If (iFrameRate > 0) Then
                            'header.AvgTimePerFrame = (10000000 / iFrameRate)
                        End If
                        hr = videoStreamConfig.SetFormat(pmtConfig)
                        FoundFormat = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
                ''Delete the media type when you are done.
                Marshal.DestroyStructure(pScc, GetType(VideoStreamConfigCaps))
                Marshal.DestroyStructure(pmtConfig.formatPtr, GetType(VideoInfoHeader))
                pmtConfig = Nothing
                header = Nothing
                scc = Nothing
            If Not FoundFormat Then
                ' Get the existing format block
                hr = videoStreamConfig.GetFormat(media)
                ' copy out the videoinfoheader
                Dim v As VideoInfoHeader = New VideoInfoHeader
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(media.formatPtr, v)
                ' if overriding the framerate, set the frame rate
                If (iFrameRate > 0) Then
                    v.AvgTimePerFrame = (10000000 / iFrameRate)
                End If
                ' if overriding the width, set the width
                If (iWidth > 0) Then
                    v.BmiHeader.Width = iWidth
                End If
                ' if overriding the Height, set the Height
                If (iHeight > 0) Then
                    v.BmiHeader.Height = iHeight
                End If
                ' Copy the media structure back
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(v, media.formatPtr, False)
                ' Set the new format
                hr = videoStreamConfig.SetFormat(media)
                media = Nothing
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("error in setConfigParms - " & ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetInterfaces()
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        Me.GraphBuilder = CType(New FilterGraph, IGraphBuilder)
        Me.CaptureGraphBuilder = CType(New CaptureGraphBuilder2, ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
        Me.MediaControl = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IMediaControl)
        Me.VideoWindow = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IVideoWindow)
        Me.MediaEventEx = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IMediaEventEx)
        hr = Me.MediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(Me.Handle, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, IntPtr.Zero) 'This method designates a window as the recipient of messages generated by or sent to the current DirectShow object
        DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr) 'ThrowExceptionForHR is a wrapper for Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR, but additionally provides descriptions for any DirectShow specific error messages.If the hr value is not a fatal error, no exception will be thrown:
        Debug.WriteLine("I started Sub Get interfaces , the result is : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
    End Sub
    Public Function FindCaptureDevice() As IBaseFilter
        Debug.WriteLine("Start the Sub FindCaptureDevice")
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        Dim classEnum As IEnumMoniker = Nothing
        Dim moniker As IMoniker() = New IMoniker(0) {}
        Dim source As Object = Nothing
        Dim devEnum As ICreateDevEnum = CType(New CreateDevEnum, ICreateDevEnum)
        hr = devEnum.CreateClassEnumerator(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice, classEnum, 0)
        Debug.WriteLine("Create an enumerator for the video capture devices : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
        If classEnum Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ApplicationException("No video capture device was detected.\r\n\r\n" & _
                           "This sample requires a video capture device, such as a USB WebCam,\r\n" & _
                           "to be installed and working properly.  The sample will now close.")
        End If
        If classEnum.Next(moniker.Length, moniker, IntPtr.Zero) = 0 Then
            Dim iid As Guid = GetType(IBaseFilter).GUID
            moniker(0).BindToObject(Nothing, Nothing, iid, source)
            Throw New ApplicationException("Unable to access video capture device!")
        End If
        Return CType(source, IBaseFilter)
    End Function
    Public Sub SetupVideoWindow()
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        'set the video window to be a child of the main window
        'putowner : Sets the owning parent window for the video playback window. 
        hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_Owner(Me.Handle)
        hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WindowStyle.Child Or WindowStyle.ClipChildren)
        'Use helper function to position video window in client rect of main application window
        'Make the video window visible, now that it is properly positioned
        'put_visible : This method changes the visibility of the video window. 
        hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_Visible(OABool.True)
    End Sub
    Protected Overloads Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
        Select Case m.Msg
            Case WM_GRAPHNOTIFY
        End Select
        If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then
            Me.VideoWindow.NotifyOwnerMessage(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam.ToInt32, m.LParam.ToInt32)
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub HandleGraphEvent()
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        Dim evCode As EventCode
        Dim evParam1 As Integer
        Dim evParam2 As Integer
        If Me.MediaEventEx Is Nothing Then
        End If
        While Me.MediaEventEx.GetEvent(evCode, evParam1, evParam2, 0) = 0
            '// Free event parameters to prevent memory leaks associated with
            '// event parameter data.  While this application is not interested
            '// in the received events, applications should always process them.
            hr = Me.MediaEventEx.FreeEventParams(evCode, evParam1, evParam2)
            '// Insert event processing code here, if desired
        End While
    End Sub
    Public Sub closeinterfaces()
        '//stop previewing data
        If Not (Me.MediaControl Is Nothing) Then
        End If
        Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Stopped
        '//stop recieving events
        If Not (Me.MediaEventEx Is Nothing) Then
            Me.MediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(IntPtr.Zero, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, IntPtr.Zero)
        End If
        '// Relinquish ownership (IMPORTANT!) of the video window.
        '// Failing to call put_Owner can lead to assert failures within
        '// the video renderer, as it still assumes that it has a valid
        '// parent window.
        If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then
        End If
        ' // Remove filter graph from the running object table
        If Not (rot Is Nothing) Then
            rot = Nothing
        End If
        '// Release DirectShow interfaces
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.MediaControl) : Me.MediaControl = Nothing
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.MediaEventEx) : Me.MediaEventEx = Nothing
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.VideoWindow) : Me.VideoWindow = Nothing
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.GraphBuilder) : Me.GraphBuilder = Nothing
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.CaptureGraphBuilder) : Me.CaptureGraphBuilder = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Resize1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
        If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
        End If
        If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub ChangePreviewState(ByVal showVideo As Boolean)
        Dim hr As Integer = 0
        '// If the media control interface isn't ready, don't call it
        If Me.MediaControl Is Nothing Then
            Debug.WriteLine("MediaControl is nothing")
        End If
        If showVideo = True Then
            If Not (Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running) Then
                Debug.WriteLine("Start previewing video data")
                hr = Me.MediaControl.Run
                Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running
            End If
            Debug.WriteLine("Stop previewing video data")
            hr = Me.MediaControl.StopWhenReady
            Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Stopped
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub ResizeVideoWindow()
        'Resize the video preview window to match owner window size
        'left , top , width , height
        If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then 'if the videopreview is not nothing
            Me.VideoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 27, Me.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height - 27)
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "Loading"
    Public Sub LoadMe(ByRef PartsDRow As DataRow, ByRef loadThisProjectRow As DataRow, ByVal editMode As Boolean)
        '_MyBKGDInfo1 = New myHelper
        'deletedItem = False
        '_myPartDRow = PartsDRow
        '_myProjectDRow = loadThisProjectRow
        If editMode Then
            'load info for trackbar / textboxes and show controls
            If camFound Then
                Me.Label1.Visible = True
                Me.TrackBar1.Visible = True
                Me.ComboBox1.Visible = True
                Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem = Me.ComboBox1.Items(0)
                MsgBox("Camera not found")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Me.Label1.Visible = False
            Me.TrackBar1.Visible = False
            Me.ComboBox1.Visible = False
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetupCamera()
        'open camera
        If Not camFound Then
            capDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)
            For Each CD As DsDevice In capDevices
                If CD.Name = "USB2.0 2MP UVC AF Camera" Then
                    camDevice = CD
                    camFound = True
                ElseIf CD.Name = "Logitech HD Webcam C615" Then
                    camDevice = CD
                    camFound = True
                End If
        End If
        If camFound Then
            Dim hr As Integer = myGraphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(camDevice.Mon, Nothing, camDevice.Name, camFilter)
            camControl = CType(camFilter, IAMCameraControl)
            vidControl = CType(camFilter, IAMVideoProcAmp)

            Dim iMin As Integer
            Dim iMax As Integer
            Dim iStep As Integer
            Dim iDft As Integer
            Dim iResult As Integer

            iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            'If DBNull.Value.Equals(_myProjectDRow.Item(3)) Then
            myExposureValue = 0.35 * iMax
            '    myExposureValue = _myProjectDRow.Item(3)
            'End If
            iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, myExposureValue, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)

            iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Focus, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Focus, 0, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)

            iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Pan, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Pan, 0, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)

            'zoom doesn't work very well on logitech c615 model

            'iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, myZoomValue, CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            'MsgBox("my zoom value = " & myZoomValue.ToString & vbCrLf & "iresult = " & iResult.ToString)

            iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            'If DBNull.Value.Equals(_myProjectDRow.Item(3)) Then
            myZoomValue = iMin
            '    myExposureValue = _myProjectDRow.Item( ????? )
            'End If
            iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, myZoomValue, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Me.Button1.Text = "Zoom in"

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.BacklightCompensation, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.BacklightCompensation, iMax, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Brightness, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            'If DBNull.Value.Equals(_myProjectDRow.Item(4)) Then
            myBrightnessValue = 0.15 * iMax
            '    myBrightnessValue = _myProjectDRow.Item(4)
            'End If
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Brightness, myBrightnessValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Contrast, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Contrast, iMax, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gain, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            'If DBNull.Value.Equals(_myProjectDRow.Item(5)) Then
            myGainValue = 0.25 * iMax
            '    myGainValue = 0
            '    myGainValue = _myProjectDRow.Item(5)
            'End If
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gain, myGainValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Saturation, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            'If DBNull.Value.Equals(_myProjectDRow.Item(6)) Then
            mySaturationValue = 0.3 * iMax
            '    mySaturationValue = _myProjectDRow.Item(6)
            'End If
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Saturation, mySaturationValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Sharpness, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Sharpness, iMax, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance, iMin, iMax, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance, iMax, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)

            videoLoaded = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged1(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
    End Sub
    Private Sub AttachItemToTrackBar()
        If videoLoaded Then
            'Dim iResult As Integer
            Dim iSetting As Integer = GetCurrentSetting()
            Dim iMin As Integer
            Dim iMax As Integer
            GetMinMaxSetting(iMin, iMax)
            Me.TrackBar1.Minimum = iMin
            Me.TrackBar1.Maximum = iMax
            Me.TrackBar1.Value = iSetting
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetTextBoxToTrackBar()
        Me.Label1.Text = Me.TrackBar1.Value
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetMinMaxSetting(ByRef minVal As Integer, ByRef maxVal As Integer)
        Dim iResult As Integer
        Dim iStep As Integer
        Dim iDft As Integer
        Select Case Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
            Case "Zoom"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Exposure"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Focus"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Focus, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Iris"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Iris, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Pan"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Pan, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Roll"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Roll, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Tilt"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Tilt, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Zoom"
                iResult = camControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "BacklightCompensation"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.BacklightCompensation, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Brightness"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Brightness, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "ColorEnable"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.ColorEnable, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Contrast"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Contrast, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Gain"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gain, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Gamma"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gamma, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Hue"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Hue, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Saturation"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Saturation, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "Sharpness"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.Sharpness, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
            Case "WhiteBalance"
                iResult = vidControl.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance, minVal, maxVal, iStep, iDft, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Function GetCurrentSetting() As Integer
        Dim iResult As Integer
        Dim iSetting As Double
        Select Case Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
            Case "Zoom"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Exposure"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Focus"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Focus, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Iris"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Iris, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Pan"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Pan, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Roll"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Roll, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Tilt"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Tilt, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Zoom"
                iResult = camControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "BacklightCompensation"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.BacklightCompensation, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Brightness"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Brightness, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "ColorEnable"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.ColorEnable, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Contrast"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Contrast, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Gain"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gain, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Gamma"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gamma, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Hue"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Hue, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Saturation"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Saturation, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "Sharpness"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.Sharpness, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
            Case "WhiteBalance"
                iResult = vidControl.Get(VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance, iSetting, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
        End Select
        Return iSetting
    End Function
    Private Sub SetCurrentSetting(ByVal newValue As Integer)
        Dim iResult As Integer
        Select Case Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
            Case "Zoom"
                iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, newValue, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
                myZoomValue = newValue
            Case "Exposure"
                iResult = camControl.Set(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, newValue, DirectShowLib.CameraControlFlags.Manual)
                myExposureValue = newValue
            Case "Brightness"
                iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Brightness, newValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
                myBrightnessValue = newValue
            Case "Gain"
                iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Gain, newValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
                myGainValue = newValue
            Case "Saturation"
                iResult = vidControl.Set(VideoProcAmpProperty.Saturation, newValue, DirectShowLib.VideoProcAmpFlags.Manual)
                mySaturationValue = newValue
        End Select
    End Sub
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