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Today I am trying to learn better pointer differencing and I edited some code from a C-book. The problem is that where the book says it should be 1 my result is -0.100000. Here is the code:

// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr, f2_ptr, f3_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      f2_ptr = f_array[2];
      f3_ptr = f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%f\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

      return 0;

So it's the last 2 printf's where I difference with pointers. I understand that they are 1 position away from each other but the float value is not 1 but -0.100000. Why?

What I have tried:

I don't remember today. It has passed some time since I edited the code from the C-book.
Updated 6-Aug-21 6:31am
jeron1 6-Aug-21 10:43am    
try something like,

i2_ptr = &i_array[2];
Mieczyslaw1683 6-Aug-21 10:56am    
Hmm, I don't understand. The result is weird with that & symbol before. However, this is what I understand how the code should look and work correctly:
// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr, *f2_ptr, *f3_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      f2_ptr = f_array[2];
      f3_ptr = f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%f\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

      return 0;

The f2_ptr and f3_ptr are real pointers but the error when trying this code is:
"... \Giraffe\main.c|34|error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'float *' from type 'float'|
... \Giraffe\main.c|35|error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'float *' from type 'float'|"
jeron1 6-Aug-21 11:02am    
Like Griff said,

i2_ptr = i_array[2];

You've specified i2_ptr as a pointer, i_array[2] is not a pointer but the float value at index 2 of the array. When you have,

i2_ptr - i3_ptr

what is your expectation?

I didn't read the whole thing prior to commenting the first time, I apologize.
Richard MacCutchan 6-Aug-21 11:30am    
f2_ptr = f_array[2];

You cannot assign a floating point value to a pointer. If you want it to point to the third element of the array then you need to add the addressof operator, thus:
f2_ptr = &f_array[2];
Richard MacCutchan 6-Aug-21 11:32am    
If you really want to learn C then start with The C Programming Language - Wikipedia[^], the best book ever written on the subject.

Now I have made correct pointer arithmetic subtractions (in 2 types of arrays), I think. The code is below:
// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr, *f2_ptr, *f3_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = &i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = &i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      f2_ptr = &f_array[2];
      f3_ptr = &f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

      return 0;
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jeron1 6-Aug-21 12:55pm    
printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
printf("\n%d\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

Those lines will give you the difference between 2 addresses (not the values at those addresses), and in these cases will probably end up being negative.
Okay. I have learned to do some pointer arithmetic and I have seen how far apart 2 elements in two different types of arrays are from each other. Here is the code:

// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr, *f2_ptr, *f3_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      f2_ptr = &f_array[2];
      f3_ptr = &f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

      return 0;

For the future, I would like to understand why integer pointers don't need the "&" symbol before array names (with elements marked)?

P.s. If it would be the same for both the int array and float array it would look more logical.
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jeron1 6-Aug-21 12:10pm    
It does work the same for int's and floats.

int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr; // i2_ptr, i3_ptr declared as pointers to integers

i2_ptr = i_array[2]; // this assigns the int value at array index 2 (not the address) to the pointer variable i2_ptr
i3_ptr = i_array[3]; // this assigns the int value at array index 3 (not the address) to the pointer variable i3_ptr

same issue as before.
Mieczyslaw1683 6-Aug-21 12:23pm    
Okay. So in pointer arithmetic when subtracting two pointers (to elements in an array), then you need to use address-pointers (they have a "&" symbol before them). I tried this code below:
// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,5,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr, *f2_ptr, *f3_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      f2_ptr = &f_array[2];
      f3_ptr = &f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", f2_ptr - f3_ptr );

      return 0;

To try to see if it would give me the value "2" from the pointer arithmetic subtraction: Copy Code
printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
. It gave me a "0". This made me wonder a bit. It looks wrong to be doing pointer arithmetic with pointers that have values.

However the correct way is to specify that its adress-pointers and then do the pointer arithmetic.
Okay. So I have learned that pointers with adresses (adress-pointers) need the & before the, for example, array name. Then they can be int's without problems because it's just a value. So now I got it to work. Here is the code:

// Jones, Bradley L.; Peter Aitken; Dean Miller. C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself (pp. 339-340). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
   /* ptr_math.c--Demonstrates using pointer arithmetic to
      access array elements with pointer notation. */

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAX 10

   // Declare and initialize an integer array.

   int i_array[MAX] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

  // Declare a pointer to int and an int variable.

  int *i_ptr, *i2_ptr, *i3_ptr, *i4_ptr, *i5_ptr, count;

  // Declare and initialize a float array.

  float f_array[MAX] = { .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 };

  // Declare a pointer to float.

  float *f_ptr;

  int main( void )
      /* Initialize the pointers. */

      i_ptr = i_array;
      i2_ptr = i_array[2];
      i3_ptr = i_array[3];
      f_ptr = f_array;
      i4_ptr = &f_array[2];
      i5_ptr = &f_array[3];

      /* Print the array elements. */

    //  for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    //      printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr++, *f_ptr++);
    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
    printf("%d\t%f\n", *i_ptr, *f_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i2_ptr - i3_ptr );
    printf("\n%d\n", i4_ptr - i5_ptr );

      return 0;
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OriginalGriff 6-Aug-21 11:40am    
Don't assign pointers to variables of a different type of pointer:
float * fp = float_array;
int *ip = fp;
It'll work, but ... it'll also give you problems, because pointer arithmetic works on the size of the type the variable is a pointer to: and int and float are not the same size in all systems. In your case, they are both 32 bits, but that is system dependant, not a "fixed feature of C" so it works. But in a different system where an integer is 2 bytes (and they exist) and a float is 4 bytes the arithmetic goes wrong!

This gets really noticeable (and causes horrible bugs) when you start mixing char pointers with anything else because char is a byte (except when it's unicode) and anything else is aligned to different address boundaries. Which means that a char pointer can reference any address, but a 32bit int pointer can only address values which are a multiple of four.

Yes, I know - that's confusing.
Just don't do it, OK? It'll bite you hard some day if you do! :laugh:
Mieczyslaw1683 6-Aug-21 11:51am    
Ok, thanks. It seems logical to use float pointers to float arrays.
Because you aren't working with pointers:
float *f_ptr, f2_ptr, f3_ptr;
    f_ptr = f_array;
    f2_ptr = f_array[2];
    f3_ptr = f_array[3];

f_ptr is a pointer, but f2_ptr and f3_ptr aren't = they are float values, you you copy the content of two array elements into them before you do the subtraction: 0.2 and 0.3
Subtract 0.3 from 0.2 and you get ... -0.1

i2_ptr and i3_ptr are pointers, so when you subtract them, you get the number of elements between them.
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Mieczyslaw1683 6-Aug-21 10:59am    
Ok. So yes. I have noticed that I skipped the "*" symbol before so they became float values. Because I got this error when making pointers to the f_array elements: "... \Giraffe\main.c|34|error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'float *' from type 'float'|
... \Giraffe\main.c|35|error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'float *' from type 'float'|"

Why do I get that errors when making pointers to the array elements?

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