i dont know how to check through Loop for Conservative and Aggressive percentage
Where ever you are getting this data, maintain a flag for each entry if it is a Conservative type or Aggresive type. Post this, all you have to do is loop through all the items and based on the flag have two counters to have sum of each type. At the end of loop, check the counters for sum to be 100. In case not, raise the message in a message box.
Something like:
float conservativeSum = 0.0;
float aggresiveSum = 0.0;
for(int i=0; i < Items.Count ; ++i)
conservativeSum += Item[i].Value;
aggresiveSum += Item[i].Value;
if(conservativeSum != 100.0)
MessageBox.Show("conservativeSum is not 100");
if(aggresiveSum != 100.0)
MessageBox.Show("aggresiveSum is not 100");