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hi all,

I am developing application which would be abble to supervise some servers inside network as i am learning OOP to be fully correct way i implemented below code. The target is from Program class i will call Heartbeatsupervisor class (engine class) that would take 2 parameters inside construcot of Server class and Protocol class and then do some work in StartCheck method inside Heartbeatsupervisor as well. Could you please be so kind check and give me your feedback if this is correct way created or something could be changed in case OOP. Whats your opinion? I tried to deal with more protected properties but i lose due to access. Firstly please check and give your opinion. Regards.

Base class Cocpit:
public abstract class Cocpit: ICheck

        protected string _id;
        protected string _name;

        public Cocpit()

        public Cocpit(string name)
            Console.WriteLine("Default constructor of Cocpit called");

        protected internal abstract string Id { get; set; }
        protected internal abstract string Name { get; set; }

        #region ICheck Members

        public virtual void StartCheck()
            Console.WriteLine("Start check");

        public virtual void StopCheck()
            Console.WriteLine("Stop Check");

        public virtual Dictionary<string, string> GetDictionary()
            return null;



Server class derived from Cocpit:
public class Server: Cocpit

        private string _ip;             //new field
        private Dictionary<string, string> _serverList;

        public Server(string name, string ip)
            : base(name)
            this._ip = ip;
            this.Name = name;
            Console.WriteLine("Server default constructor called");

        protected internal override string Id      
            get { return _id; }
            set { _id = value; }
        }        //overriding property

        protected internal override string Name    
            get { return _name; }
            set { _name = value; }
        }        //overriding property

        protected internal virtual string Ip               
            get { return _ip; }
            set { _ip = value; }
        }        //new property

        #region Methods
        public Dictionary<string, string> ServerList
            get { return _serverList; }
            private set { _serverList = value; }


        #region Destructor
        /// <summary>
        /// Desctructor
        /// </summary>


        #region Overrided Methods

        public override void StartCheck()
            Console.WriteLine("StartCheck overrided");

            //TODO: [StartCheck] Check engine to be deployed

        public override void StopCheck()
            Console.WriteLine("StopCheck overrided");

            //TODO: [StopCheck] Check engine to be deployed

Protocol class derived from Cocpit:

public class Protocol: Cocpit

      /// This constructor will call Cocpit.Cocpit()
      public Protocol(string name)
          : base(name)

      protected internal override string Id
          get { return _id;}
          set{_id = value;}
      }        //overriding property

      protected internal override string Name
          get { return _name; }
          set { _name = value; }
      }        //overriding property

      #region Methods

      void EnumerateLists(IList list)
          //notice that the list is passed an IList and hence can handle both types of lists
          //Use IEnumerable
          foreach (object val in list)




Heartbeatsupervisor class (my engine):
public class HeartbeatSupervisor : ICheck

    private string _serverIp;
    private string _protocolName;

    public string ServerIp
        get { return _serverIp; }
        set { _serverIp = value; }

    public string ProtocolName
        get { return _protocolName; }
        set { _protocolName = value; }

    public HeartbeatSupervisor(Server server, Protocol protocol)
        this._serverIp = server.Ip;
        this._protocolName = server.Name;

    #region ICheck Members

    public void StartCheck()
        Ping pingSender = new Ping();
        PingOptions options = new PingOptions();

        // Use the default Ttl value which is 128,
        // but change the fragmentation behavior.
        options.DontFragment = true;

        // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
        string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
        byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
        int timeout = 120;

        PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(_serverIp, timeout, buffer, options);
        if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
            //Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime);
            //Console.WriteLine("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl);
            //Console.WriteLine("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment);
            //Console.WriteLine("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length);
            //Dump to log file and send by email


    public void StopCheck()
        //to implement



and at last Program class to fire actions :) :

class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
          HeartbeatSupervisor dd;
          dd = new HeartbeatSupervisor(new Server("someserver", ""), new Protocol("tcp"));
          dd.StartCheck(); //inside here ill use values passed to constructor
          //for Server and Protocol and do let say ping

Updated 11-Mar-14 2:20am
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 11-Mar-14 14:12pm    
It does not make so much sense, unless you provide description of each class, explain the purpose of each and its role in the big picture. And so on...
Also, from the very beginning: it makes no sense without showing the interface ICheck. Your code sample has to be self-consistent, if you want us to examine it. (However, I can see it through region. Bad thing is: why implicit interface implementation, through public? Is it really needed? why?)
carlito_brigante 11-Mar-14 14:55pm    
hi there,

the target of that app is to suervising some servers within a network.
The cocpit class is abstract base class for Protocol, Server and Service all of them has similar fields and i can say they have the same structure so i decided to make Cocpit as base class for them. Heartbeatsupervisor is lets say 'engine' which takes Server and Protocol within the constructor and will do e.g ping inside StartCheck method. Icheck is simple

namespace Stormin
interface ICheck
void StartCheck();
void StopCheck();
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 11-Mar-14 15:05pm    
You only need to make some class abstract, if you have some kind of polymorphism. So, what are the purposes of the terminal classes derived from Cocpit.
Having abstract Id and Name with protected _id and _name is not reasonable at all. You only open extra undesired access to members _id and _name without actual use of them.
carlito_brigante 12-Mar-14 4:07am    
Could you tell me why this is not good in abstract? I declare property for Id which will take or set the _id assumed that is the way of OOP to access provate - this case protected field...

protected string _id;
protected internal abstract string Id { get; set; }

P.S the purpose of Cocpit i wrote eralier posts
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 12-Mar-14 11:54am    
Because you are no using it, just carry out to derived classes. Dead members...

I did like this after all :

public abstract class Cocpit: ICheck
 protected string id;
        protected virtual string Id
            get { return id; }
            set { id = value; }

        protected string name;
        protected virtual string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }

in Server I did: (no need to implement own condition just use values
public class Server: Cocpit
  public Server(string name, string ip)
            : base(name)
            base.Id = ip;     //could be without base word
            base.Name = name;


inside Protocol I implemented new conditions for Id
public class Protocol: Cocpit

    /// This constructor will call Cocpit.Cocpit()
    public Protocol(string name)
        : base(name)
        base.Name = "dd";

 protected override string Id

            get { return null; }

                //dont need to use base word
                if ( != value) return;
                //DoSomethingOnWrite(id, value);
       = value;
            } //set Id


and after all when want to use inside Heartbeate I cant access protocol.Name inside constructor - how to access that?

 this._protocolName = protocol.Name;

public class HeartbeatSupervisor : ICheck

     private string _serverIp;
     private string _protocolName;

     protected string ServerIp
         get { return _serverIp; }
         set { _serverIp = value; }

     protected string ProtocolName
         get { return _protocolName; }
         set { _protocolName = value; }

     public HeartbeatSupervisor(Server server, Protocol protocol)
        this._serverIp = server.Ip;
        this._protocolName = protocol.Name;
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carlito_brigante wrote:
So to be fully sure my thinking is really correct please tell yes or not to my two statements: First case: I don't know since beginning whether derived classes inheriting from abstract base class would need to control values or not so I would implement like below then if some derived class don't want to control value then don't need to override this but just use Id directly from abstract base class and that's it but if some derived class would like to control Id then need to override Id for it own and create private field _id as well…

Let's see why would you need a property (not field) at all. You need it only because of its setter, or getter, or both, to provide some side effect on reading or writing the property value. Why having auto-implemented properties (with just { get; set; } instead of "real" getter and setter? Just because you want to preserve such possibility in future.

Your first flaw in your consideration is: "I don't know since beginning whether derived classes inheriting from abstract base class would need to control values or not, so…". If you don't know that, it means that you should assume that the derived class will have to control it. Isn't it obvious?

The second big flaw is that you think that explicit backing fields can add anything at all. In fact, auto-implemented backing is strictly equivalent to similar explicit backing (not counting the subtle but practically non-considerable problem of the name of that backing field). Having auto-implemented backing does not limit the ability to add those side effects in any way.

Your code in the comment I referenced won't even compile and does not makes sense, so I'll write proper illustrative example:
abstract class MyAbstractClass {
    protected virtual string Id { get; set; } // no need in explicit backing, ever
} //class MyAbstractClass

// this class does nothing useful because it adds no functionality,
// so it does not make any sense:
class MyDerivedClassWhichDoesNothingUseful : MyAbstractClass {
    protected string _id;
    protected override string Id { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } }
} //class MyDerivedClassWhichDoesNothingUseful

// overriding Id only makes sense if you introduce some side effect to the setter
// or to the getter, or both:
class MyDerivedClassWhichCanMakeSomeSense : MyAbstractClass {
    protected string id; // (name fixed to meet the Microsoft naming conventions)
    protected override string Id {
        get {
            return id;
        } //getId
        set {
            if (id == value) return;
            DoSomethingOnWrite(id, value);
            id = value;
        } //set Id
    } //Id
    void DoSomethingOnRead(string value) { /* ... */ }
    void DoSomethingOnWrite(string oldValue, string newValue) { /* ... */ }
} //class MyDerivedClassWhichCanMakeSomeSense

Is it clear now?

Let me tell you again: your original code is questionable is some other ways: the role of the interface (which is only needed when you use late binding, polymorphic methods receiving parameters of some interface compile-time, mixing interfaces with virtual method/property mechanisms (nothing wrong about it, but everything should have its purpose), and so on. I only caught what seemed obvious from the first glance.

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