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I am a beginner with C# and WPF.
I would like to read from a CSV . I would like to pick up a line from the CSV each 30 second and with the fields of the line update the values in a User control ( a gauge with a Text box).
What I have already: I am doing something similar with a button event. I am reading the CSV with StreamReader and ReadLine and I am storing the data in a List<string>. I use for the user control INotifypropertyChanged and I am binding the control properties to a data context ( values from the list). Then, when I press the button , the values are taken from to the next csv line (next list position) and consequently are updated into the user control.

I want to do it automatically , I want to read the next line each 30 seconds.I read about timer and I did some tests printing the objtects of the list each 5 secodnds ,but it is not working for my plan. Any recommendation for my objective? I don't have to much experience with events and periods.

My code in this case it is not relevant because I am asking about how to fire , read , pick up a line or execute the data update each 30 second but just in case I added the main code blocks:

User control:

<pre lang="c#">    <Viewbox Grid.Column="1"  >
      <gauge:CircularGaugeControl x:Name="gaugeWindAngle"  Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Margin="5"
CurrentValue="{Binding Type}"
                                      PointerThickness ="5"
                                      DialText="Wind Angle"

    </Viewbox >
     <WrapPanel Margin="5">
        <Label Foreground="#DFA297">Speed: </Label>        
              x:Name="textboxWindSpeed" Text="{Binding TalkerID , UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
    <Button Grid.Column="0"  Content="Send sentence" x:Name="b1"        HorizontalAlignment="Left"      Margin="10,10,0,0"      VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="Button_Click"     />


public partial class Wind_gauge : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
    Trucker trucker = new Trucker();//DECLARE DATA CONTEXT AND LINK IT TO THE WIDGET properties (VALUES)
        double windAngle;
        int click = 0;
        public double WindAnglevalue

            get { return windAngle; }
                windAngle = value;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("WindAnglevalue"));


        double windSpeed;
        public double WindSpeedvalue

            get { return windSpeed; }
                windSpeed = value;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("WindSpeedvalue"));
                }            }

        #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


        public Wind_gauge()
            this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window1_Loaded);//launched event

        void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.gaugeWindAngle.DataContext = trucker.sentenceReceived; // Initialize widjet value to data context
            this.textboxWindSpeed.DataContext = trucker.sentenceReceived;

   private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            sendsentence(sender, e);
                      click++;//List index         

READING MY CSV IN class Truker to List<string>sentencesListt;:

class Trucker
   {  static Timer _timer;//test
       public  List<string> s = new List<string>(); //Repository of NMEA messages recived
       public  List<string> sentencesList
            get {

               if (s == null) {

               return s;
           }        }

public Trucker()
           loadNMEAsentences();// Load  messages from CSV
        /*   foreach (string l in sentencesList)
               Console.Write("Sentences:" + l);

   public void loadNMEAsentences()
           _timer = new Timer(3000);
           _timer.Enabled = true;
           _timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timerRead);
       }//end method

   void timerRead(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
       { s= new List<string>();
           System.IO.StreamReader file =
            new System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\Users\........\Data\NMEAmsg_wind.csv");
           string line;
           while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
           {                   if (line.IndexOf("$IIMWV", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                   s.Add(line);// Insert sententece to the repository sentences list
                   // Console.WriteLine(line);
           file.Close();        }
Updated 30-Sep-14 23:37pm
Sinisa Hajnal 1-Oct-14 3:44am    
Why couldn't you do it with Timer? What was the problem?
Kinna-10626331 1-Oct-14 4:28am    
I am not sure , I just improve my qustion adding that part. Probabily I am doing some mistake with the event associated to the timer.

1 solution

I solve it , I apply the timer into the user control and elapse the interval with a read event:

public Wind_gauge()
          this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window1_Loaded);//launched event
          timer = new Timer(3000);
          timer.Enabled = true;
          timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timerRead);


      void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          // this.gauge_rpm.DataContext = TRC.Fields.RPMDemandValue.ToString(); //Remaind it
          this.gaugeWindAngle.DataContext = trucker.sentenceReceived; // Initialize widjet value to data context
          this.textboxWindSpeed.DataContext = trucker.sentenceReceived; // Initialize widjet value to data context


      void timerRead(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
         //pick up a sentence here . It would be executed each 3 seconds
       if (click < trucker.sentencesList.Count)
              string[] fields = trucker.sentencesList[click].ToString().Split(',');
              trucker.sentenceReceived.Type = fields[1].ToString();
              trucker.sentenceReceived.TalkerID = fields[1].ToString();
              click++;//Index list

The reading Csv step and store the data into the list is as I did in the code of the cuestion without timer.
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Phil J Pearson 1-Oct-14 8:23am    
I'm glad you fixed it, but I think there's a much better way than using a timer. What if there isn't a new line in the csv file after 3 seconds? Or what if there's more than one new line after 3 seconds?
Look at the FileSystemWatcher class. You can set up a simple watcher to raise an event when the file changes -- much better than using a timer.
Kinna-10626331 1-Oct-14 10:31am    
Thank you Phil , when I was looking for a solution I found about fileWatcher but at that moment I though it was valid only for check what change in a directory/folder ( all the examples checked that) and quickly I started to program with timer. I will change it.

On the other hand , as a detail: in an else I included click=0 and then starts to display again the values until infinite. It was only for test of course xD

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