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in my code,the alert() function is not getting triggered. below is the code:

$data = array("arrDt", "dptDt");
foreach($data as $val){
	$$val = (isset($$val) && $$val!=0)? date("d/m/Y h:i A",$$val) : "";
$data = array("type", "name", "address", "dayTot","pt1","pt2","pt3","pt4","noofroom1","roomno1","cost1", "stax1", "ltax1","total1","noofroom2","roomno2","cost2", "stax2", "ltax2","total2" ,"noofroom3","roomno3","cost3", "stax3", "ltax3","total3","noofroom4","roomno4","cost4", "stax4", "ltax4","total4","sTaxno","lTaxno","vatno", "less", "advance","date","rno", "lTax", "sTax", "vat", "aCharge","eno","erate","dayTot","eST","eLT","amount","aNet","aPending","exNo","exST","exLT","exCharge","num_adult","num_child");
foreach($data as $val){
	$$val = (isset($$val))? $$val : "";
$dayTot =($dayTot=="")? 1:$dayTot;

$frmAction = (isset($id))? "editPayment":"addPayment";

function package($k){
	$sql="SELECT * FROM package WHERE id=".$k;
	return $package;
<title>Resort Payment Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Copyright" content="">
<meta name="description" content="Admin MOS Template">
<meta name="keywords" content="Admin Page">
<meta name="author" content="Ari Rusmanto">
<meta name="language" content="Bahasa Indonesia">
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function makeBlank(a) {
	for(i in a) {
function doCalculation()
	       	var dayTot = $("#dayTot").val();
		   // For Option 1
		    var cost1 = ($("#cost1").val()!="")? Number($("#cost1").val()):0;
			var ltax1 = ($("#ltax1").val()!="")? Number($("#ltax1").val()):0;
			var stax1 = ($("#stax1").val()!="")? Number($("#stax1").val()):0;
			var noofroom1 = ($("#noofroom1").val()!="")? Number($("#noofroom1").val()):0;
			var eST = ($("#eST").val()!="")? Number($("#eST").val()):0;
			var eLT = ($("#eLT").val()!="")? Number($("#eLT").val()):0;
			var num_adult = ($("#num_adult").val()!="")? Number($("#num_adult").val()):0;
			var num_child = ($("#num_child").val()!="")? Number($("#num_child").val()):0;
			//var aCharge=($("#aCharge").val()!="")? Number($("#aCharge").val()):0;
			var aCharge=0;
			 var t1 = cost1 * dayTot * noofroom1;
			 t1 = t1 + t1*((ltax1+stax1)/100);
			// For Option 2
		    var cost2 = ($("#cost2").val()!="")? Number($("#cost2").val()):0;
			var ltax2 = ($("#ltax2").val()!="")? Number($("#ltax2").val()):0;
			var stax2 = ($("#stax2").val()!="")? Number($("#stax2").val()):0;
			var noofroom2 = ($("#noofroom2").val()!="")? Number($("#noofroom2").val()):0;
			 var t2 = cost2 * dayTot * noofroom2;
			 t2 = t2 + t2*((ltax2+stax2)/100);
		// For Option 3
		    var cost3 = ($("#cost3").val()!="")? Number($("#cost3").val()):0;
			var ltax3 = ($("#ltax3").val()!="")? Number($("#ltax3").val()):0;
			var stax3 = ($("#stax3").val()!="")? Number($("#stax3").val()):0;
			var noofroom3 = ($("#noofroom3").val()!="")? Number($("#noofroom3").val()):0;
			 var t3 = cost3 * dayTot * noofroom3;
			 t3 = t3 + t3*((ltax3+stax3)/100);
			// For Option 4
		    var cost4 = ($("#cost4").val()!="")? Number($("#cost4").val()):0;
			var ltax4 = ($("#ltax4").val()!="")? Number($("#ltax4").val()):0;
			var stax4 = ($("#stax4").val()!="")? Number($("#stax4").val()):0;
			var noofroom4 = ($("#noofroom4").val()!="")? Number($("#noofroom4").val()):0;
			 var t4 = cost4 * dayTot * noofroom4;
			 t4 = t4 + t4*((ltax4+stax4)/100);
			// For Option 4
		    var eno = ($("#eno").val()!="")? Number($("#eno").val()):0;
			var erate = ($("#erate").val()!="")? Number($("#erate").val()):0;
			var exCharge=($("#exCharge").val()!="")? Number($("#exCharge").val()):0;
			//var ex_ch = eno * erate;
			var t = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + exCharge;
			$("#aCharge").val(aCharge); //aCharge amount goes to database-->
			  var less = ($("#less").val()!="")? Number($("#less").val()):0;
			  var less1 = (t - less); //working on this currently
			     var advance = ($("#advance").val()!="")? Number($("#advance").val()):0;
			    var advance1 = less1 - advance;

function numOnly(evt,input) {
	var z = evt.charCode ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
	if(z==190 || z==110) {
		var arr = (input.val()).split(".");
		if(arr.length==1) {
		} else {
			return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault():false;
	if(!(z == 35 || z == 36 || z == 8 || z == 9 || z == 46 || (z>= 37 && z<=40) || (z>= 48 && z<=57) || (z>= 96 && z<=105))) {
		return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault():false;
function percentOnly(evt,input) {
	var z = evt.charCode ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
	if(input.val()>9) {
		if(input.val()==10 && (z==48 || z==96)) return;
		if(z == 35 || z == 36 || z == 8 || z == 9 || z == 46) return;
		var arr = (input.val()).split(".");
		if(arr[0]==100) return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault():false;
		if(z==190 || z==110) {
			if(arr.length==1) return;
			else return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault():false;
		if(arr.length==1) return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault():false;
		else return;
$(document).ready(function() {
	$(".numberOnly").keydown(function(evt) {
	$(".percentOnly").keydown(function(evt) {
	$("input[name=status]").click(function(evt) {
	$("#pform").submit(function(evt) {
		var url = $(this).attr("action");
		var data = $(this).serialize();
			url: url,
			type: "POST",
			data: data,
			cache: false,
			success: function(html) {
				eval("var status = "+html+";");
				if(status.error==1) {
				} else if(status.error==3) {
					if(confirm("A bill with same room number and time comflict exist.\nDo You want to check it?")) {
						window.location = "<?php echo base_url("resort/editPaymentform/"); ?>"+status.msg;
				} else {
					if($("#id").length==0) {
						alert("Payment inserted successfully in database!");
						$("#pform").attr("action","<?php //echo base_url("resort/editPayment"); ?>/"+status.msg);
						$("#frmhead").html("Edit invoice number "+status.msg);
						$("#pform").append("<input type='hidden' name='id' id='id' value='"+status.msg+"'>");
						$("#frnBtn").append("<a href='<?php //echo base_url("resort/viewBill"); ?>/"+status.msg+"' id='viewBill' class='button'>View Bill</a>");
						window.location = "<?php echo base_url("resort/listpayment/"); ?>";
					} else {
						alert("Payment updated successfully in database!");
			error: function() {
				alert("Connectivity Issue fd!");
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url("js");?>/jquery.datetimeentry.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
	$.datetimeEntry.setDefaults({spinnerImage: '<?php echo base_url("img");?>/spinnerDefault.png'});
	$('#date').datetimeEntry({datetimeFormat: 'D-O-Y'});
	$('#arrDt').datetimeEntry({datetimeFormat: 'D-O-Y H:M a'});
	$('#dptDt').datetimeEntry({datetimeFormat: 'D-O-Y H:M a'});
	//$('#month1').datetimeEntry({datetimeformat: ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']});
//	$('#year1').datetimeEntry({datetimeformat: 'Y'});
		var a = ["pt1","pt2","pt3","pt4","noofroom1","roomno1","cost1", "stax1", "ltax1","total1","noofroom2","roomno2","cost2", "stax2", "ltax2","total2" ,"noofroom3","roomno3","cost3", "stax3", "ltax3","total3","noofroom4","roomno4","cost4", "stax4", "ltax4","total4","sTaxno","lTaxno","vatno", "less", "advance","eST","eLT","amount","aNet","aPending","eno","exNo","dayTot","exST","exLT","exCharge","num_adult","num_child"];
		for(i in a){
		switch($(this).val()) {
			case "accomodation":
				var a = ["pt1","pt2","pt3","pt4","noofroom1","roomno1","cost1", "stax1", "ltax1","total1","noofroom2","roomno2","cost2", "stax2", "ltax2","total2" ,"noofroom3","roomno3","cost3", "stax3", "ltax3","total3","noofroom4","roomno4","cost4", "stax4", "ltax4","total4","sTaxno","lTaxno","vatno", "less", "advance","eST","eLT","amount","aNet","aPending","eno","exNo","dayTot","exST","exLT","exCharge","num_adult","num_child"];
				for(i in a) {
				alert("Please select invoce type!");


<?php $this->load->view("common/header"); ?>
<div id="wrapper">
	<?php $this->load->view("common/sidebar"); ?>
	<div id="rightContent">
        <ul class="TabGroup">
			<li><a href="<?php echo base_url("resort/addPaymentForm"); ?>">Generate Invoice</a></li>
            <li class="Tablink">Generate Accmodation Invoices</a></li>

			<li><a href="<?php echo base_url("resort/listPayment"); ?>">View Invoices</a></li>
		<form action="<?php echo base_url("resort/".$frmAction);?>" method="POST" id="pform" class="tabContent">
		<h3 id="frmhead"><?php echo (isset($id))? "Edit invoice number ".$id:"Fill this form to generate invoice number ".$ivno; ?></h3>

		<table width="95%">
		    <td height="38">Invoice Type:</td>
		    <td><select name="type" id="type">
		      <option value="accomodation" <?php echo isSelected($type,"accomodation"); ?>>Accomodation</option>
		      <input type="hidden" class="pendek" name="rno" value="<?php echo $rno; ?>">
		      <input type="hidden" class="percentOnly pendek" name="lTax" value="<?php echo $lTax; ?>" id="lTax">
		      <input type="hidden" class="pendek" name="sTax" value="<?php echo $sTax; ?>" id="sTax">
		      <input type="hidden" class="percentOnly pendek" name="vat" value="<?php echo $vat; ?>" id="vat">
		      <input type="hidden" class="numberOnly pendek" name="aCharge" value="<?php echo $aCharge; ?>" id="aCharge"></td>
		    <td width="217">Name:</td>
		    <td width="952"><input type="text" class="sedang" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"></td>
		    <td><input type="text" class="panjang" name="address" value="<?php echo $address; ?>"></td>
		    <td>Arrival Date & time:</td>
		    <td><input type="text" class="dateTime pendek" style="width:200px;" name="arrDt" value="<?php echo $arrDt; ?>" id="arrDt"></td>
		    <td>Departure Date & time:</td>
		    <td><input type="text" class="dateTime pendek" style="width:200px;" name="dptDt" value="<?php echo $dptDt; ?>" id="dptDt"></td>
		  <tr id="dayTotr2">
		    <td>Total Days:</td>
		    <td><input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek" name="dayTot" value="<?php echo $dayTot; ?>" id="dayTot"></td>
			<tr class="top row" > 
            <td height="144" colspan="2">Option 1
                Select Package Type 
                <select name="pt1" id="pt1" onChange="showUser1(this.value)" >
                  <option value="">Select</option>
                  <?php $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM  package";
					$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
             <option value="<?php echo $pt1; ?>" selected><?php echo package($pt1); ?></option>
 				while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
					$package = $row2["package"];
					$id1 = $row2["id"];
                  <option value="<?php echo $id1; ?>"><?php echo $package; ?></option>
              <p id="op1"  >  No of rooms
                    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="noofroom1" id="noofroom1" value="<?php echo $noofroom1; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()"> 
                              Room No 
                    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="roomno1" value="<?php echo $roomno1; ?>" > 
                              <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="cost1" id="cost1" value="<?php echo $cost1; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">Per Day 
                              <br><br>No of Adults:<input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="num_adult" id="num_adult" value="<?php echo $num_adult; ?>"> 
    No of Child:<input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="num_child" id="num_child" value="<?php echo $num_child; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">
                               <br><br> Service Tax
                                <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="stax1" id="stax1" value="<?php echo $stax1; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
                                Luxury Tax
                                <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="ltax1" id="ltax1" value="<?php echo $ltax1; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" >
                              <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="total1" id="total1" value="<?php echo $total1; ?>" readonly >
		  if(isset($id) && $total2!== '0' )
          <table width="95%" style="" id="example" >
		<tr class="top row"   >
          <table width="95%" style="display:none;" id="example" >
		<tr class="top row"   >
		     <td >	
         <p>Option2 </p>
         <p> Select Package Type
           <select name="pt2" id="pt2"  onChange="showUser2(this.value)" >
             <option value="">Select</option>
             <?php $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM  package";
					$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
             <option value="<?php echo $pt2; ?>" selected><?php echo package($pt2); ?></option>
 				while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
					$package = $row2["package"];
					$id1 = $row2["id"];
             <option value="<?php echo $id1; ?>"><?php echo $package; ?></option>
             <p id="op2"  >  No of rooms
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="noofroom2" id="noofroom2" value="<?php echo $noofroom2; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
		      Room No 
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="roomno2" value="<?php echo $roomno2; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="cost2" id="cost2" value="<?php echo $cost2; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">Per Day
			    <br /><br />Service Tax
		        <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="stax2" id="stax2" value="<?php echo $stax2; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()"  > 
		        Luxury Tax
                <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="ltax2" id="ltax2" value="<?php echo $ltax2; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" >
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="total2" id="total2" value="<?php echo $total2; ?>" readonly onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" ></p>
		  if(isset($id) && $total3!== '0' )
         <table width="95%" style="" id="example1" >
        <table width="95%" style="display:none;" id="example1" >
		<tr class="top row"   >
		     <td >	
         <p>Option3 </p>
         <p> Select Package Type
           <select name="pt3" id="pt3"  onChange="showUser3(this.value)" >
             <option value="">Select</option>
             <?php $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM  package";
					$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
             <option value="<?php echo $pt3; ?>" selected><?php echo package($pt3); ?></option>
 				while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
					$package = $row2["package"];
					$id1 = $row2["id"];
             <option value="<?php echo $id1; ?>"><?php echo $package; ?></option>
             <p id="op3"  >   No of rooms
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="noofroom3" id="noofroom3" value="<?php echo $noofroom3; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
		      Room No 
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="roomno3" value="<?php echo $roomno3; ?>" > 
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="cost3" id="cost3" value="<?php echo $cost3; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">Per Day
			  <br /><br />
		        Service Tax
		        <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="stax3" id="stax3" value="<?php echo $stax3; ?>"  onkeydown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
		        Luxury Tax
                <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="ltax3" id="ltax3" value="<?php echo $ltax3; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" >
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="total3" id="total3" value="<?php echo $total3; ?>" readonly onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" >
		  if(isset($id) && $total4!== '0' )
       <table width="95%" style="" id="example2" >
      <table width="95%" style="display:none;" id="example2" >  <?
		<tr class="top row"   >
		     <td >	
         <p>Option4 </p>
         <p> Select Package Type
           <select name="pt4" id="pt4"  onChange="showUser4(this.value)" >
             <option value="">Select</option>
             <?php $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM  package";
					$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
             <option value="<?php echo $pt4; ?>" selected><?php echo package($pt4); ?></option>
 				while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
					$package = $row2["package"];
					$id1 = $row2["id"];
             <option value="<?php echo $id1; ?>"><?php echo $package; ?></option>
             <p id="op4"  >  No of rooms
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="noofroom4" id="noofroom4" value="<?php echo $noofroom4; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" > 
		      Room No 
    <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="roomno4" value="<?php echo $roomno4; ?>" > 
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="cost4" id="cost4" value="<?php echo $cost4; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">Per Day
			   <br /><br />
		        Service Tax
		        <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="stax4" id="stax4" value="<?php echo $stax4; ?>" onChange="doCalculation()" onKeyDown="doCalculation()"  > 
		        Luxury Tax
                <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="ltax4" id="ltax4" value="<?php echo $ltax4; ?>" onChange="doCalculation()" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" >
		      <input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek1" name="total4" id="total4" value="<?php echo $total4; ?>" readonly onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()" >
          <table width="95%" >
			<tr id="exchr" >
				<td>Extra Person Charges:</td>
				<td style="line-height:35px;">
					No. of Person : <input type="text" style="width:50px;" class="numberOnly pendek" id="eno" name="eno" value="<?php echo $eno; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">
					  Rate : <input type="text" style="width:50px;" class="numberOnly pendek" id="erate" name="erate" value="<?php echo $erate; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()"> Rs./Per Person   ST : <input type="text" style="width:50px;" class="numberOnly pendek" id="eST" name="eST" value="<?php echo $eST; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()"> LT : <input type="text" style="width:50px;" class="numberOnly pendek" id="eLT" name="eLT" value="<?php echo $eLT; ?>" onKeyDown="doCalculation()" onChange="doCalculation()">
					<div id="exCharge"><?php //echo $exCharge; ?></div>
			<tr id="stnor" ><td width="23%">Service Tax No:</td><td width="77%"><input type="text" class="pendek" name="sTaxno" value="AAECD5999CSD001" id="sTaxno" ></td></tr>
			<tr id="vnr" ><td>Vat No:</td><td><input type="text" class="pendek" name="vatno" value="27745260530V" id="vatno"></td></tr>
			<tr id="ltnor" ><td>Luxary Tax No:</td><td><input type="text" class="pendek" name="lTaxno" value="27745260530L" id="lTaxno"></td></tr>
			<tr id="amtr"><td>Total Amount:</td><td><input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek" name="amount" value="<?php echo $amount; ?>" id="amount"></td></tr>
			<tr><td>Less/Discount:</td><td><input type="text" class="numberOnly pendek" name="less" value="<?php echo $less; ?>" id="less"> Rs.</td></tr>
			<tr><td>Net Amount:</td><td><span id="aNet"><?php echo $aNet; ?></span></td></tr>
			<tr><td>Advance:</td><td><input type="text" class="numberOnly" name="advance" value="<?php echo $advance; ?>" id="advance"> Rs.</td></tr>
			<tr><td>Balance Amount Pending:</td><td><span id="aPending"><?php echo $aPending; ?></span></td></tr>
				<td>Amount Paid On <input type="text" class="pendek" name="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?>" id="date"> at resort</td>

				<td id="frnBtn">
					<input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit">
					<?php if(isset($id)) echo "<a href=".base_url("resort/viewBill/".$id)."  class='button' id='viewBill'>View Bill</a>"; ?>

		<?php if(isset($id)) echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' id='id' value='".$id."'>"; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php $this->load->view("common/footer"); ?>
</html><script >

function showUser1(str)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
  }"post","<?php echo base_url(""); ?>/getpackage.php?q="+str,true);
function showUser2(str)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
  }"post","<?php echo base_url(""); ?>/getpackage2.php?q="+str,true);
function showUser3(str)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
  }"post","<?php echo base_url(""); ?>/getpackage3.php?q="+str,true);
function showUser4(str)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
  }"post","<?php echo base_url(""); ?>/getpackage4.php?q="+str,true);
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and the php file which is used for inserting updationg and deleting the data from mysql database is as follows:


class Resortmodel extends CI_Model {

	function addPayment($input) {
		$db = array();
		$data = array("arrDt", "dptDt");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = (strtotime($input[$val])!=false)? strtotime($input[$val]):0;
		// if($db["arrDt"]!=0 && $db["dptDt"]!=0){
			// $a = $this->checkRTcomflict($input["rno"],$db["arrDt"],$db["dptDt"]);
			// if($a!=0) return $a;
		// }
		$data = array("type", "vatno", "sTaxno", "lTaxno", "rno", "name", "address", "date");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = $input[$val];
		$data = array("less", "lTax", "sTax", "vat", "advance", "aCharge","eST","eLT","exCharge","num_adult","num_child");
		// $data = array("pno", "exCharge", "fCharge", "less", "lTax", "sTax", "vat", "advance");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = (is_numeric($input[$val]))? $input[$val] : 0;
		switch($input["type"]) {
			case "accomodation":
				$data = array("pt1","noofroom1","roomno1","cost1", "stax1", "ltax1","total1","pt2","noofroom2","roomno2","cost2", "stax2", "ltax2","total2" ,"pt3","noofroom3","roomno3","cost3", "stax3", "ltax3","total3","pt4","noofroom4","roomno4","cost4", "stax4", "ltax4","total4","eno","erate","dayTot","eST","eLT","exCharge","aNet","amount","num_adult","num_child","date");
					foreach($data as $val) {
					$db[$val] = $input[$val];
				$total1 = (is_numeric($input["total1"]))? $input["total1"] : 0;
				$total2 = (is_numeric($input["total2"]))? $input["total2"] : 0;
				$total3 = (is_numeric($input["total3"]))? $input["total3"] : 0;
				$total4 = (is_numeric($input["total4"]))? $input["total4"] : 0;
				$num_child = (is_numeric($input["num_child"]))? $input["num_child"] : 0;
				$num_adult = (is_numeric($input["num_adult"]))? $input["num_adult"] : 0;
				$eLT=(is_numeric($input["eLT"]))? $input["eLT"]:0;
				$eST=(is_numeric($input["eST"]))? $input["eST"]:0;
				$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
				//$db["exCharge"] = $eno * $erate*$dayTot;
				$exCharge=(is_numeric($input["exCharge"]))? $input["exCharge"]:0;
				$db["exCharge"] = $exCharge;
				//$exCharge=(is_numeric($_POST['exCharge']))? $_POST['exCharge']:0
				$less = (is_numeric($input["less"]))? $input["less"] : 0;
				$advance = (is_numeric($input["advance"]))? $input["advance"] : 0;
				//$db["amount"] = ($dayTot*($charge + $exCharge))+$exAllTax; // Current here
				//$db["aNet"]  =$exAllTax+($total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $ex_charge) - $less;//******************working now
				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
				//$month1=(is_numeric($input["month1"]))? $input["month1"]:0; ***************** for adding months and year
//				$year1=(is_numeric($input["year1"]))? $input["year1"]:0;
//				$db["month1"]=$month1;
//				$db["year1"]=$year1;

			case "oneday":
				$afno = (is_numeric($input["afno"]))? $input["afno"] : 0;
				$afrate = (is_numeric($input["afrate"]))? $input["afrate"] : 0;
				$cfno = (is_numeric($input["cfno"]))? $input["cfno"] : 0;
				$cfrate = (is_numeric($input["cfrate"]))? $input["cfrate"] : 0;
				// $efno = (is_numeric($input["efno"]))? $input["efno"] : 0;
				$efrate = (is_numeric($input["efrate"]))? $input["efrate"] : 0;
				$db["fCharge"] = json_encode(array($afno,$afrate,$cfno,$cfrate,$efrate));
				$fcharge = $afno * $afrate + $cfno * $cfrate + $efrate;
				$fcharge = $fcharge + ($fcharge)*($db["vat"]/100);
				$ano = (is_numeric($input["ano"]))? $input["ano"] : 0;
				$arate = (is_numeric($input["arate"]))? $input["arate"] : 0;
				$cno = (is_numeric($input["cno"]))? $input["cno"] : 0;
				$crate = (is_numeric($input["crate"]))? $input["crate"] : 0;
				$db["oCharge"] = json_encode(array($ano,$arate,$cno,$crate));
				$charge = $ano * $arate + $cno * $crate;
				$charge = $charge + ($charge)*($db["sTax"]/100);
				$db["amount"] = $charge + $fcharge;
				// $db["amount"] = $db["amount"] + ($db["amount"])*($db["sTax"]/100);
				$db["aNet"] = $db["amount"] - $db["less"];
				// $db["aNet"] = $db["aTot"] + ($db["aTot"])*($db["sTax"]/100);
				// $db["aNet"] = $db["aTot"];
				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
			case "food":
				$afno = (is_numeric($input["afno"]))? $input["afno"] : 0;
				$afrate = (is_numeric($input["afrate"]))? $input["afrate"] : 0;
				$cfno = (is_numeric($input["cfno"]))? $input["cfno"] : 0;
				$cfrate = (is_numeric($input["cfrate"]))? $input["cfrate"] : 0;
				// $efno = (is_numeric($input["efno"]))? $input["efno"] : 0;
				$efrate = (is_numeric($input["efrate"]))? $input["efrate"] : 0;
				$dayTot = (is_numeric($input["dayTot"]))? $input["dayTot"] : 1;
				$db["fCharge"] = json_encode(array($afno,$afrate,$cfno,$cfrate,$efrate,$dayTot));
				$fcharge = ($afno * $afrate + $cfno * $cfrate + $efrate) * $dayTot;
				$db["amount"] = $fcharge + ($fcharge)*($db["vat"]/100);
				$db["aNet"] = $db["amount"] - $db["less"];$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
		// print_r($db);
		return true;
	function checkRTcomflict($rno, $arrDt, $dptDt, $id=null) {
		$this->db->where("`rno` =  '".$rno."' and (
			(`arrDt` <= '".$arrDt."' and `dptDt` >= '".$arrDt."') or
			(`arrDt` <= '".$dptDt."' and `dptDt` >= '".$dptDt."')
		if($id!=null) $this->db->where("id !=", $id);
		$result = $this->db->get("rpayment")->result_array();
		// echo $this->db->last_query();
		return (count($result)==0)? 0:$result[0]["id"];
	function updatePayment($input) {
		$db = array();
		$data = array("arrDt", "dptDt");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = (strtotime($input[$val])!=false)? strtotime($input[$val]):0;
		// if($db["arrDt"]!=0 && $db["dptDt"]!=0){
			// $a = $this->checkRTcomflict($input["rno"],$db["arrDt"],$db["dptDt"],$input["id"]);
			// if($a!=0) return $a;
		// }
		$data = array("type", "vatno", "sTaxno", "lTaxno", "rno", "name", "address", "date");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = $input[$val];
		$data = array("less", "lTax", "sTax", "vat", "advance", "aCharge","eST","eLT","num_adult","num_child");
		// $data = array("pno", "exCharge", "fCharge", "less", "lTax", "sTax", "vat", "advance");
		foreach($data as $val) {
			$db[$val] = (is_numeric($input[$val]))? $input[$val] : 0;
		switch($input["type"]) {
			case "accomodation":
			if($input["type"] == 'accomodation' && $input["id"] < 882)
				//$charge = $db["aCharge"];
//				$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
//				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
//				$exCharge = $eno * $erate;
//				$dayTot = (is_numeric($input["dayTot"]))? $input["dayTot"] : 1;
//				$eST = (is_numeric($input["eST"]))? $input["eST"] : 0;
//				$eLT = (is_numeric($input["eLT"]))? $input["eLT"] : 0;
//				$db["exCharge"] = json_encode(array($eno,$erate,$dayTot));
//				$aano = (is_numeric($input["aano"]))? $input["aano"] : 0;
//				$acno = (is_numeric($input["acno"]))? $input["acno"] : 0;
//				$db["pno"] = json_encode(array($aano,$acno));
//				$db["aNet"]  =($exAllTax+($total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $exCharge1) - $less)+$erate;

				//$eLT=(is_numeric($input["eLT"]))? $input["eLT"]:0; /// from here
//				$eST=(is_numeric($input["eST"]))? $input["eST"]:0;
//				//$aNet=(is_numeric($input["aNet"]))? $input["aNet"]:0;
//				$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
//				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
//				$db["exCharge"] = $eno * $erate*$dayTot;
//				$exCharge=(is_numeric($input["exCharge"]))? $input["exCharge"]:0;
//				$less = (is_numeric($input["less"]))? $input["less"] : 0;
//				$advance = (is_numeric($input["advance"]))? $input["advance"] : 0;
//				$exAllTax=($eST+$eLT)*$exCharge/100;
//				//$db["amount"] = ($dayTot*($charge + $exCharge))+$exAllTax; // Current here
//				$db["aNet"]  =$exAllTax+$total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $ex_charge- $less;//******************working now
//				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];
//				$db["eST"]=$eST;
//				$db["eLT"]=$eLT;

				$eLT=(is_numeric($input["eLT"]))? $input["eLT"]:0;
				$eST=(is_numeric($input["eST"]))? $input["eST"]:0;
				$num_child = (is_numeric($input["num_child"]))? $input["num_child"] : 0;
				$num_adult = (is_numeric($input["num_adult"]))? $input["num_adult"] : 0;
				$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
				//$db["exCharge"] = $eno * $erate*$dayTot;
				$exCharge=(is_numeric($input["exCharge"]))? $input["exCharge"]:0;
				$db["exCharge"] = $exCharge;
				//$exCharge=(is_numeric($_POST['exCharge']))? $_POST['exCharge']:0
				$less = (is_numeric($input["less"]))? $input["less"] : 0;
				$advance = (is_numeric($input["advance"]))? $input["advance"] : 0;
				//$db["amount"] = ($dayTot*($charge + $exCharge))+$exAllTax; // Current here
				//$db["aNet"]  =$exAllTax+($total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $ex_charge) - $less;//******************working now
				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
				//$month1=(is_numeric($input["month1"]))? $input["month1"]:0;
//				$year1=(is_numeric($input["year1"]))? $input["year1"]:0;
//				$sql ="SELECT MONTHNAME( STR_TO_DATE( MONTH( CURRENT_DATE( ) ) ,  '%m' ) )";
//				$re1= mysql_query($sql);
//				$row1=mysql_fetch_array($re1);
//				$db["month1"]=$row1[0];
//				$sql = "SELECT year(current_date())";
//				$re2= mysql_query($sql);
//				$row2=mysql_fetch_array($re2);
//				$db["year1"]=$row2[0];
				//$db["amount"] = $dayTot*($charge + $exCharge);
		//$db["amount"] = $db["amount"] + ($db["amount"])*(($db["lTax"] + $db["sTax"])/100)+($db["exCharge"]*$dayTot*(($db["eST"]+$db["eLT"])/100));
				$db["aNet"] = $db["amount"] - $db["less"];
				$data = array("pt1","noofroom1","roomno1","cost1", "stax1", "ltax1","total1","pt2","noofroom2","roomno2","cost2", "stax2", "ltax2","total2" ,"pt3","noofroom3","roomno3","cost3", "stax3", "ltax3","total3","pt4","noofroom4","roomno4","cost4", "stax4", "ltax4","total4","eno","erate","dayTot","eST","eLT","exCharge","amount","date");
					foreach($data as $val) {
					$db[$val] = $input[$val];
				$total1 = (is_numeric($input["total1"]))? $input["total1"] : 0;
				$total2 = (is_numeric($input["total2"]))? $input["total2"] : 0;
				$total3 = (is_numeric($input["total3"]))? $input["total3"] : 0;
				$total4 = (is_numeric($input["total4"]))? $input["total4"] : 0;
				$num_child = (is_numeric($input["num_child"]))? $input["num_child"] : 0;
				$num_adult = (is_numeric($input["num_adult"]))? $input["num_adult"] : 0;
				//$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
//				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
//				$ex_charge = $eno * $erate;
//				$less = (is_numeric($input["less"]))? $input["less"] : 0;
//				$advance = (is_numeric($input["advance"]))? $input["advance"] : 0;
//				$db["aNet"]  =($total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $ex_charge) - $less;
//				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
				$eLT=(is_numeric($input["eLT"]))? $input["eLT"]:0;
				$eST=(is_numeric($input["eST"]))? $input["eST"]:0;
				$eno = (is_numeric($input["eno"]))? $input["eno"] : 0;
				$erate = (is_numeric($input["erate"]))? $input["erate"] : 0;
				//$db["exCharge"] = $eno * $erate*$dayTot;
				$exCharge=(is_numeric($input["exCharge"]))? $input["exCharge"]:0;
				$db["exCharge"] = $exCharge;
				//$exCharge=(is_numeric($_POST['exCharge']))? $_POST['exCharge']:0
				$less = (is_numeric($input["less"]))? $input["less"] : 0;
				$advance = (is_numeric($input["advance"]))? $input["advance"] : 0;
				//$db["amount"] = ($dayTot*($charge + $exCharge))+$exAllTax; // Current here
				//$db["aNet"]  =$exAllTax+($total1 + $total2 + $total3 + $total4 + $ex_charge) - $less;//******************working now
				$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];	
				$month1=(is_numeric($input["month1"]))? $input["month1"]:0;
				$year1=(is_numeric($input["year1"]))? $input["year1"]:0;


			case "oneday":
				$afno = (is_numeric($input["afno"]))? $input["afno"] : 0;
				$afrate = (is_numeric($input["afrate"]))? $input["afrate"] : 0;
				$cfno = (is_numeric($input["cfno"]))? $input["cfno"] : 0;
				$cfrate = (is_numeric($input["cfrate"]))? $input["cfrate"] : 0;
				// $efno = (is_numeric($input["efno"]))? $input["efno"] : 0;
				$efrate = (is_numeric($input["efrate"]))? $input["efrate"] : 0;
				$db["fCharge"] = json_encode(array($afno,$afrate,$cfno,$cfrate,$efrate));
				$fcharge = $afno * $afrate + $cfno * $cfrate + $efrate;
				$fcharge = $fcharge + ($fcharge)*($db["vat"]/100);
				$ano = (is_numeric($input["ano"]))? $input["ano"] : 0;
				$arate = (is_numeric($input["arate"]))? $input["arate"] : 0;
				$cno = (is_numeric($input["cno"]))? $input["cno"] : 0;
				$crate = (is_numeric($input["crate"]))? $input["crate"] : 0;
				$db["oCharge"] = json_encode(array($ano,$arate,$cno,$crate));
				$charge = $ano * $arate + $cno * $crate;
				$charge = $charge + ($charge)*($db["sTax"]/100);
				$db["amount"] = $charge + $fcharge;
				// $db["amount"] = $db["amount"] + ($db["amount"])*($db["sTax"]/100);
				$db["aNet"] = $db["amount"] - $db["less"];
				// $db["aNet"] = $db["aTot"] + ($db["aTot"])*($db["sTax"]/100);
				// $db["aNet"] = $db["aTot"];
					$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];
			case "food":
				$afno = (is_numeric($input["afno"]))? $input["afno"] : 0;
				$afrate = (is_numeric($input["afrate"]))? $input["afrate"] : 0;
				$cfno = (is_numeric($input["cfno"]))? $input["cfno"] : 0;
				$cfrate = (is_numeric($input["cfrate"]))? $input["cfrate"] : 0;
				// $efno = (is_numeric($input["efno"]))? $input["efno"] : 0;
				$efrate = (is_numeric($input["efrate"]))? $input["efrate"] : 0;
				$dayTot = (is_numeric($input["dayTot"]))? $input["dayTot"] : 1;
				$db["fCharge"] = json_encode(array($afno,$afrate,$cfno,$cfrate,$efrate,$dayTot));
				$fcharge = ($afno * $afrate + $cfno * $cfrate + $efrate) * $dayTot;
				$db["amount"] = $fcharge + ($fcharge)*($db["vat"]/100);
				$db["aNet"] = $db["amount"] - $db["less"];	$db["aPending"] = $db["aNet"] - $db["advance"];
		// print_r($db);
		return true;
	function getPaymentList($where=array(),$like=array(),$per_page=null) {
		if($per_page==null) {
			return $this->db->get("rpayment")->num_rows();
		} else {
			return $this->db->get("rpayment",$per_page,$this->uri->segment(3));

previously this was working but after I added some fields in my page since then it is not working.
Updated 24-Nov-14 2:02am
E.F. Nijboer 24-Nov-14 8:33am    
Use developer tools of chrome or firefox firebug to step through the js code to figure out what is happening.
Richard MacCutchan 24-Nov-14 8:58am    
Please do not just dump all your code here and expect people to debug it for you. Identify where any problems occur and show that code only, with a detailed explanation of your problem.
Sinisa Hajnal 24-Nov-14 9:28am    
Please delete all that code and show only relevant parts. If you have a condition where you expect the alert to show, show that without all the rest. Also, check with Developer Tools if any console errors pop up. Maybe something (object or condition) is undefined
Oso Oluwafemi Ebenezer 25-Nov-14 4:11am    
When I saw the massive code, my zeal to help disappeared! Try to figure out when the problem is and ask for help, don't just dump your entire project and think people will figure it out for you.

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