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MySql and C# and arabic

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Dear all,

I have a table contain a column which holds arabic text , now I am sure that the col. char set is utf8 and the collection is utf8_unicode_ci and here is the connextion string:

Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=XXX ;Port=3306;Database=XXX;User=root;password=XXX;Option=3;CharSet=UTF8;

When I read the table using MySql Workbench it display the arabic text very well
When I read it using Navicate Lite also display it fine
When I read it using my software C# + Vs2005 , it display strange letters (i tried textbox & a datagridview)

So what should I do? I checked a lot of google results and no way some sites said I must query "set names = utf8" before every query but I don't know how to insert it in the code since I am using TableAdapter and BindingSource so I don't write SQL command direct in the code.

thanks all
Posted 9-May-11 2:25am by AhmedOsamaMoh.
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