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Problem when using directshow methods under CLR/Windows forms application

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Hi there,

can anybody show me an easy programm that uses directshow methods with a CLR/WinForm App? I've already made some successful samples using directshow under Win32/WinForm App.
But when i made the same thing in CLR/WinForm, it has always errors, for example like that:
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2020: Unresolved token (0A000016) IID_IMediaEvent.
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2020: Unresolved token (0A000017) IID_IMediaControl. 
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2020: Unresolved token (0A000019) CLSID_FilterGraph.
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2020: Unresolved token (0A00001A) IID_IGraphBuilder.
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2001: Unresolved extern symbol "IID_IMediaEvent".
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2001: Unresolved extern symbol "IID_IMediaControl".
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2001: Unresolved extern symbol "IID_IGraphBuilder".
1>TEST.obj : error LNK2001: Unresolved extern symbol "CLSID_FilterGraph".
1>c:\dokumente und einstellungen\cmadmin\eigene dateien\visual studio 2010\Projects\TEST\Debug\TEST.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 8 Unresolved extern references.

although i did add strmiids.lib, quartz.lib and ole32.lib before.

Thank you very much!
Posted 19-Sep-12 2:55am by christmars.
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