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Object-Oriented database design with the DatabaseObjects library

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31 Jan 20076 min read 112.2K   3.9K   64  
Demonstrates creating object-oriented database systems with the DatabaseObjects library.
' ___________________________________________________
'  � Hi-Integrity Systems 2007. All rights reserved.
' - Toby Wicks
' ___________________________________________________

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On 

Namespace SQL

    Public Class SQLCreateTable
        Inherits SQLStatement

        Private pstrName As String
        Private pobjFields As SQLTableFields

        Public Sub New()

            pobjFields = New SQLTableFields
            pobjFields.AlterMode = SQLTableFields.AlterModeType.Add     'set that fields can only be added

        End Sub

        Public Property Name() As String

                Return pstrName

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As String)

                pstrName = Value.Trim

            End Set
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property Fields() As SQLTableFields

                Return pobjFields

            End Get
        End Property

        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SQL() As String
                Dim strSQL As String

                If Me.Name = Nothing Then
                    Throw New DatabaseObjectsException("TableName has not been set.")
                End If

                strSQL = _
                    "CREATE TABLE " & _
                    SQLConvertIdentifierName(Me.Name, Me.ConnectionType) & " (" & pobjFields.SQL(Me.ConnectionType) & ")"

                Return strSQL

            End Get
        End Property

    End Class

    Public Class SQLAlterTable
        Inherits SQLStatement

        Private pstrName As String
        Private pobjFields As SQLTableFields = New SQLTableFields

        Public Sub New()

        End Sub

        Public Property Name() As String

                Return pstrName

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As String)

                pstrName = Value.Trim

            End Set
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property Fields() As SQLTableFields

                Return pobjFields

            End Get
        End Property

        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SQL() As String
                Dim strMode As String
                Dim strFields As String

                If Me.Name = Nothing Then
                    Throw New DatabaseObjectsException("TableName has not been set.")
                End If

                Select Case pobjFields.AlterMode
                    Case SQLTableFields.AlterModeType.Add
                        strMode = "ADD"
                    Case SQLTableFields.AlterModeType.Alter
                        strMode = "ALTER COLUMN"
                    Case SQLTableFields.AlterModeType.Drop
                        strMode = "DROP COLUMN"
                End Select

                Return _
                    "ALTER TABLE " & SQLConvertIdentifierName(Me.Name, Me.ConnectionType) & " " & _
                    strMode & " " & pobjFields.SQL(Me.ConnectionType)

            End Get
        End Property

    End Class

    Public Class SQLTableFields

        Friend Enum AlterModeType
        End Enum

        Private Const pcintAlterModeUninitialized As Integer = -1

        Friend AlterMode As AlterModeType = CType(pcintAlterModeUninitialized, AlterModeType)
        Private pcolFields As ArrayList = New ArrayList

        Public Sub New()

        End Sub

        Public Function Add() As SQLTableField

            Return Add("", DataType.VariableCharacter, 0)

        End Function

        Public Function Add( _
            ByVal strFieldName As String, _
            ByVal eDataType As SQL.DataType, _
            Optional ByVal intSize As Integer = 0) As SQLTableField


            Dim objField As SQLTableField = New SQLTableField

            With objField
                .Name = strFieldName
                .DataType = eDataType
                If intSize > 0 Then
                    .Size = intSize
                End If
                If .IsCharacterDataType And intSize = 0 Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("Size not specified for character based field " & strFieldName)
                End If
            End With


            Return objField

        End Function

        Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal strFieldName As String) As SQLTableField


                Dim intIndex As Integer

                strFieldName = strFieldName.Trim
                intIndex = FieldNameIndex(strFieldName)

                If intIndex = -1 Then
                    Item = New SQLTableField
                    Item.Name = strFieldName
                    Item = DirectCast(pcolFields(intIndex), SQLTableField)
                End If

            End Get
        End Property

        Public Sub Drop(ByVal strFieldName As String)


            Dim objField As SQLTableField = New SQLTableField

            objField.Name = strFieldName.Trim

            If FieldNameIndex(strFieldName) = -1 Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("Field '" & strFieldName & "' already exists")
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Function FieldNameIndex( _
            ByVal strFieldName As String) As Integer

            strFieldName = strFieldName.Trim
            FieldNameIndex = -1

            For intIndex As Integer = 0 To pcolFields.Count - 1
                If String.Compare(DirectCast(pcolFields(intIndex), SQLTableField).Name, strFieldName, True) = 0 Then
                    Return intIndex
                End If

        End Function

        Friend ReadOnly Property SQL(ByVal eConnectionType As Database.ConnectionType) As String
                Const cstrSeperator As String = ", "

                Dim strSQL As String
                Dim bOnlyFieldName As Boolean

                bOnlyFieldName = AlterMode = AlterModeType.Drop

                For Each objField As SQLTableField In pcolFields
                    strSQL &= objField.SQL(eConnectionType, bOnlyFieldName) & cstrSeperator

                Return strSQL.Substring(0, strSQL.Length - cstrSeperator.Length)        'remove the last comma and space

            End Get
        End Property

        Private Sub EnsureAlterModeValid(ByVal eAlterMode As SQLTableFields.AlterModeType)

            'if the alter mode hasn't been set then any of the modes are valid
            If AlterMode = pcintAlterModeUninitialized Then
                AlterMode = eAlterMode
                If eAlterMode <> AlterMode Then
                    Throw New DatabaseObjectsException("Cannot mix " & AlterModeDescription(AlterMode) & " fields and " & AlterModeDescription(eAlterMode) & " fields into one SQL statement")
                End If
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Function AlterModeDescription(ByVal eAlterMode As SQLTableFields.AlterModeType) As String

            Select Case eAlterMode
                Case AlterModeType.Add : Return "adding"
                Case AlterModeType.Alter : Return "altering"
                Case AlterModeType.Drop : Return "dropping"
            End Select

        End Function

    End Class

    Public Class SQLTableField

        Private pstrName As String
        Private peType As SQL.DataType = DataType.VariableCharacter
        Private pintSize As Integer = 1
        Private pintScale As Integer = 0
        Private pintPrecision As Integer = 18
        Private pbAutoIncrements As Boolean
        Private pbAcceptsNull As Boolean = True
        Private pobjDefault As Object
        Private peKeyType As SQL.KeyType = KeyType.None

        Friend Sub New()

        End Sub

        Public Property Name() As String

                Return pstrName

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As String)

                pstrName = Value.Trim

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property DataType() As SQL.DataType

                Return peType

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As SQL.DataType)

                peType = Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property KeyType() As SQL.KeyType

                Return peKeyType

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As SQL.KeyType)

                peKeyType = Value

                If Value = KeyType.Primary Then
                    pbAcceptsNull = False
                End If

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property Size() As Integer
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)


                If Value <= 1 Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException
                End If

                pintSize = Value

            End Set


                Return pintSize

            End Get
        End Property

        Public Property ScaleLength() As Integer

                Return pintScale

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)


                If Value <= 0 Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException
                End If

                pintScale = Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property Precision() As Integer

                Return pintPrecision

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)


                If Value <= 0 Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException
                End If

                pintPrecision = Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property AutoIncrements() As Boolean

                AutoIncrements = pbAutoIncrements

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

                pbAutoIncrements = Value
                pbAcceptsNull = Not Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property AcceptsNull() As Boolean

                Return pbAcceptsNull

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

                pbAcceptsNull = Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property [Default]() As Object

                Return pobjDefault

            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Object)

                pobjDefault = Value

            End Set
        End Property

        Friend ReadOnly Property SQL( _
            ByVal eConnectionType As Database.ConnectionType, _
            ByVal bOnlyFieldName As Boolean) As String


                Dim strName As String
                Dim strDataType As String
                Dim strColumnOptions As String
                Dim strSQL As String

                If Me.Name = Nothing Then
                    Throw New DatabaseObjectsException("Field Name has not been set.")
                End If

                strName = SQLConvertIdentifierName(Me.Name, eConnectionType)

                If bOnlyFieldName Then
                    strSQL = strName
                    strDataType = DataTypeString(eConnectionType, peType)
                    strColumnOptions = ColumnOptions(eConnectionType)
                    strSQL = strName & " " & strDataType & strColumnOptions
                End If

                Return strSQL
            End Get

        End Property

        Private Function ColumnOptions( _
            ByVal eConnection As Database.ConnectionType) As String

            Dim objOptions As ArrayList = New ArrayList
            Dim strOptions As String

            If pbAcceptsNull Then
                objOptions.Add("NOT NULL")
            End If

            If Not pobjDefault Is Nothing Then
                objOptions.Add("DEFAULT " & SQLConvertValue(pobjDefault, eConnection))
            End If

            If IsIntegerDataType() And pbAutoIncrements Then
                Select Case eConnection
                    Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                    Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                        'must be set to a key 
                        If peKeyType = KeyType.None Then
                            peKeyType = KeyType.Unique
                        End If
                    Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                End Select
            End If

            Select Case peKeyType
                Case KeyType.Primary
                    objOptions.Add("PRIMARY KEY")
                Case KeyType.Unique
            End Select

            For Each objOption As Object In objOptions
                strOptions &= " " & DirectCast(objOption, String)

            ColumnOptions = strOptions

        End Function

        Private Sub EnsureDecimalDataType()

            If peType <> DataType.Decimal Then
                Throw New MethodLockedException("First set Type to " & DataType.Decimal.ToString)
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Sub EnsureCharacterDataType()

            If Not IsCharacterDataType() Then
                Throw New MethodLockedException("Data type is not character based")
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Sub EnsureIntegerDataType()

            If Not IsIntegerDataType() Then
                Throw New MethodLockedException
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Function IsIntegerDataType() As Boolean

            Select Case peType
                Case DataType.BigInteger, DataType.Integer, DataType.SmallInteger, DataType.TinyInteger
                    Return True
                Case Else
                    Return False
            End Select

        End Function

        Friend Function IsCharacterDataType() As Boolean

            Select Case peType
                Case _
                    DataType.Character, DataType.UnicodeCharacter, _
                    DataType.VariableCharacter, DataType.UnicodeVariableCharacter
                    Return True
                Case Else
                    Return False
            End Select

        End Function

        Private Function DataTypeString( _
            ByVal eConnection As Database.ConnectionType, _
            ByVal eDataType As DataType) As String

            Dim strDataType As String

            Select Case eDataType
                Case DataType.TinyInteger
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "BYTE"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "TINYINT UNSIGNED"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "TINYINT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.SmallInteger
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "SMALLINT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "SMALLINT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "SMALLINT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Integer
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "INTEGER"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "INT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "INTEGER"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.BigInteger
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "NUMERIC(19,0)"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "BIGINT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "BIGINT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Character
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "TEXT(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "CHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "CHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.UnicodeCharacter
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            'Unicode is only supported in Microsoft Access 2000+
                            strDataType = "TEXT(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "NCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "NCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.VariableCharacter
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "TEXT(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "VARCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "VARCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.UnicodeVariableCharacter
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            'Unicode is only supported in Microsoft Access 2000+
                            strDataType = "TEXT(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "NVARCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "NVARCHAR(" & pintSize & ")"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Decimal
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "NUMERIC(" & pintPrecision & "," & pintScale & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DECIMAL(" & pintPrecision & "," & pintScale & ")"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "NUMERIC(" & pintPrecision & "," & pintScale & ")"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Real
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "REAL"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "FLOAT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "REAL"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Float
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "FLOAT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DOUBLE"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "FLOAT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.SmallMoney
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "NUMERIC(10,4)"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DECIMAL(10,4)"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "SMALLMONEY"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Money
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "NUMERIC(19,4)"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DECIMAL(19,4)"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "MONEY"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Boolean
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "YESNO"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "BOOLEAN"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "BIT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.SmallDateTime
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "DATETIME"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DATETIME"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "SMALLDATETIME"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.DateTime
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "DATETIME"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "DATETIME"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "DATETIME"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.TimeStamp
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            Throw New NotSupportedException("TIMESTAMP")
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "TIMESTAMP"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "TIMESTAMP"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Text
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "MEMO"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "LONGTEXT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "TEXT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.UnicodeText
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            'Unicode is only supported in Microsoft Access 2000+
                            strDataType = "MEMO"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET UTF8"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "NTEXT"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Binary
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "OLEOBJECT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "BLOB"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "BINARY"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.VariableBinary
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "OLEOBJECT"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "BLOB"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "VARBINARY"
                    End Select

                Case DataType.Image
                    Select Case eConnection
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MicrosoftAccess
                            strDataType = "IMAGE"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.MySQL
                            strDataType = "LONGBLOB"
                        Case Database.ConnectionType.SQLServer
                            strDataType = "IMAGE"
                    End Select
            End Select

            DataTypeString = strDataType

        End Function

    End Class

End Namespace

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United States United States
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