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Mathemathics Framework

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16 Sep 2008CPOL6 min read 75.7K   6.2K   171  
.NET Mathematical Framework
'Imports ggUtilLib
Imports BV.Core
Imports BV.Math
Imports IMidRange
Imports GraphicsObjects
Imports MidRange
Imports BV.Controls
Imports SecundaryForms
Imports GraphicsUtilities
Imports BV.TopLevel
Imports BV.TopLevel.Parsing
Imports BV.TopLevel.Laplace
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Microsoft.Samples.DirectX.UtilityToolkit

Imports System.XML.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

Public Class FormBodeViewer

    Enum DemoLoaded
    End Enum

    Protected Shared LogUtil As ggUtilLib.LogUtility

    Private intDemoLoaded As DemoLoaded = DemoLoaded.Linear
    Private disableRootFinding As Boolean = True
    Private disableRootLocus As Boolean = True

    Private Shared UseDirectX As Boolean = true
    Private WithEvents intFormFullScreen As New FrmFullScreen

    Private VisorCtlMod1, VisorCtlPH1, VisorCtlMod2, VisorCtlPH2, VisorCtlCP As VisorCtl
    Private intD3DManager As ID3DManagable
    Friend WithEvents FullD3DControl1 As FullD3DControl2
    Private frameWork As Framework

    Private WithEvents intVisorM As VisorXYAdvanced
    Private WithEvents intVisorP As VisorXYAdvanced
    Private WithEvents intVisor2CP As VisorComplexPlain
    Private ZoomToolBar As ZoomToolStrip
    Private RLToolBar As RLStripToolBar
    Private WithEvents ParamToolBar As ParametricsToolStripBar
    Private WithEvents CursorToolBar As CursorToolStripBar
    Private FRToolBar As FindRootToolStripBar
    Private FFTToolBar As FFTToolStripBar

    Private MainScanner As AdvancedSingleScanner

    Private tnVisors, tnLaplaceFn, tnFunctions, tnCursors, tnScan As TreeNode
    Private tnParams, tnParamsControlled, tnFFTObj, tnRecycleBin As TreeNode
    Private tnSings, tnRL, tnParseableFn, tn3D, tnRootFinding, tnOthers As TreeNode
    Private tnFFTSpectrum As TreeNode

    Private htblListItmObj As Dictionary(Of ListViewItem, Object)
    Private htblNodeObj As Dictionary(Of TreeNode, Object)
    Private htblObjNode As Dictionary(Of Object, TreeNode)
    Private htblfnGoV, htblfnGoVP As Dictionary(Of FunctionBase, GraphOfVisorSimple) 'lo uso para guardar el LaplaceSistemCalc, GoV
    Private htblfnSysC As Dictionary(Of FunctionBase, BasicSystemCalc)

    Dim Selected3Dfn As FunctionBase
    Private SelectedSing As Singularity
    Private LapFn As LaplaceFunction
    Private Fn As FunctionBase
    Private Pr As Parameter
    Private selectedObj As Object
    Private SystemCalc As AutoSystemCalc

    Private FnProp As FunctionPropertiesDescriptor
    Private ScProp2 As ScannerPropertiesDescriptorBase
    Private SCProp As ScannerPropertiesDescriptor

    Private dontRun As Boolean
    Private PreviousOption As Integer

#Region "Constructor"

    Public Sub New()

        ' Llamada necesaria para el Dise�ador de Windows Forms.

        ' Agregue cualquier inicializaci�n despu�s de la llamada a InitializeComponent().
        If LogUtil Is Nothing Then
            LogUtil = New ggUtilLib.LogUtility(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath & "\BVLog.txt")
        End If
#If DEBUG Then
#End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal f As Framework)
        ' Store framework
        frameWork = f

        ' Llamada necesaria para el Dise�ador de Windows Forms.

        ' Agregue cualquier inicializaci�n despu�s de la llamada a InitializeComponent().
        Me.FullD3DControl1 = New BV.Test.FullD3DControl2

        Me.FullD3DControl1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Coral
        Me.FullD3DControl1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
        Me.FullD3DControl1.frameWork = Nothing
        Me.FullD3DControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 3)
        Me.FullD3DControl1.MinimumSize = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 200)
        Me.FullD3DControl1.Name = "FullD3DControl1"
        Me.FullD3DControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(453, 371)
        Me.FullD3DControl1.TabIndex = 0


        FullD3DControl1.frameWork = frameWork
        Me.intD3DManager = Me.FullD3DControl1.d3dObj
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Load and UnLoad"

    Private Sub FormBodeViewer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        ' Me.TabControlViewer.DoubleBuffered = True
        htblNodeObj = New Dictionary(Of TreeNode, Object)
        htblListItmObj = New Dictionary(Of ListViewItem, Object)
        htblObjNode = New Dictionary(Of Object, TreeNode)
        htblfnGoV = New Dictionary(Of FunctionBase, GraphOfVisorSimple)
        htblfnGoVP = New Dictionary(Of FunctionBase, GraphOfVisorSimple)
        htblfnSysC = New Dictionary(Of FunctionBase, BasicSystemCalc)

        MainScanner = New AdvancedSingleScanner
        MainScanner.NumberOfPoints = 128

        Me.VisorCtlMod1 = New VisorCtl
        Me.VisorCtlPH1 = New VisorCtl
        Me.VisorCtlMod2 = New VisorCtl
        Me.VisorCtlPH2 = New VisorCtl
        Me.VisorCtlCP = New VisorCtl


        Me.VisorCtlMod1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.VisorCtlMod2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.VisorCtlPH1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.VisorCtlPH2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.VisorCtlCP.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        intVisorM = New VisorXYAdvanced(Me.VisorCtlMod1) 'TabPageModule)
        intVisorP = New VisorXYAdvanced(Me.VisorCtlPH1) 'TabPagePhase)
        intVisor2CP = New VisorComplexPlain(Me.VisorCtlCP) 'TabPageCP)

        Me.intVisor2CP.RenderControl = Me.VisorCtlCP 'TabPageCP 'Me.VisorCtlCP


        ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.Items.Add("Linear Analisys")
        ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.Items.Add("Bode Analisys")
        ToolStripButtonShowExpresionEditor.Enabled = False


        If intDemoLoaded = DemoLoaded.Linear Then
            ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 0
            ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 1
        End If


        Me.ZoomToolBar = New ZoomToolStrip(Me.intVisorM, Me.ToolStripContainer1)
        Me.ZoomToolBar.Visible = False
        Me.ZoomToolBar.Container.Location = New Point(0, 25)

        Me.RLToolBar = New RLStripToolBar(Me.intVisor2CP, Me.ToolStripContainer1)
        Me.RLToolBar.Container.Location = New Point(0, 25)
        Me.RLToolBar.Visible = False

        Me.ParamToolBar = New ParametricsToolStripBar(Me.ToolStripContainer1)
        Me.ParamToolBar.Location = New Point(0, 25)
        Me.ParamToolBar.Visible = False

        Me.CursorToolBar = New CursorToolStripBar(Me.intVisorM, Me.ToolStripContainer1)
        Me.CursorToolBar.Container.Location = New Point(0, 25)
        Me.CursorToolBar.Visible = False

        Me.FFTToolBar = New FFTToolStripBar(Me.intVisorP, Me.ToolStripContainer1)
        Me.FFTToolBar.Container.Location = New Point(0, 25)
        Me.FFTToolBar.Visible = False
        Me.FFTToolBar.TimeVisor = Me.intVisorM

        If Me.intDemoLoaded = DemoLoaded.Linear OrElse Me.disableRootFinding = False Then
            FRToolBar = New FindRootToolStripBar(Me.intVisorM, Me.ToolStripContainer1)
            FRToolBar.Container.Location = New Point(0, 25)
        End If


        Me.FullD3DControl1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(45, 50, 170)

        AddHandler intVisorM.Selected, AddressOf onSelectItm
        AddHandler intVisorP.Selected, AddressOf onSelectItm
        AddHandler intVisor2CP.Selected, AddressOf onSelectItm
        AddHandler FullD3DControl1.d3dObj.VisorChange, AddressOf On3DVisor_change
        AddHandler FullD3DControl1.d3dObj.VisorLimitsChange, AddressOf On3DVisor_change
        'AddHandler intVisor2CP.ScaleChange, AddressOf OnPlaneComplexScaleChange
        AddHandler MessageManager.SendMessage, AddressOf OnMessageReicived
        AddHandler Parser.FunctionsChanged, AddressOf OnParamChanged
        AddHandler Parser.ParamsChanged, AddressOf OnParamChanged

        If Not frameWork Is Nothing Then
            Disable3DLimitChange = True
            FullD3DControl1.frameWork = frameWork
            Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea.XRange.ToString
            Disable3DLimitChange = False
        End If

    End Sub

    Dim cbItmFn, cbItmMathFn As WordItemBase

    Private Sub FillExpresionEditor()

        ' FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.Combo2Title = ""

        'agrego los funciones matematicas basicas reconocidas por el Parser
        cbItmMathFn = New WordItemBase("Built IN Functions", "Built IN Functions")
        cbItmMathFn.Icon = New Icon([GetType], "F.ico")
        For Each BUF As BuitlInFunctionContainer In Parser.BuiltInFunctions
            If BUF.OperatorType <> BuitlInFunctionContainer.EOperatorType.Binary Then
                cbItmMathFn.Add(BUF.FunctionExpresionOperator, BUF)
            End If

        'agrego las funciones matematicas agregadas
        cbItmMathFn = New WordItemBase("User Functions", "User Functions")
        cbItmMathFn.Icon = New Icon([GetType], "fx.ico")
        'For Each Fn As FunctionBase In Parser.KnownFuntions
        '    cbItmMathFn.Add(Fn.Name, Fn)
        Dim kys() As Char = New Char() {"+", "/", "-", "*"}
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form3_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        If frameWork IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Some Methods"

    Private Sub InitilizeSubMenus()
        Me.ToolStripMenuItemRootFinderToolBar.Enabled = Not Me.disableRootFinding
        'Me.ToolStripMenuItemRootlBar.Enabled = Not Me.disableRootLocus
    End Sub

    Sub LinearSettings()
            PreviousOption = 0
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonDemos1.Enabled = False
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonDemos3.Enabled = False
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonParametric.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripDropDownButtonDemos2.Enabled = True

            Me.ToolStripMenuItemVariableWidthPulse.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemParabolicFunction.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemRLCResonantCircuit.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemOrder5PolinomicFunction.Enabled = True

            MainScanner.TypeOfStep = AdvancedSingleScanner.TypeOfIncrement.Linear
            SetXRanges(10, -10)
            SetYRanges(12, -12)
            'intVisor.SetRanges(-10, 10, -12, 12)
            intVisorM.AutoResize = True
            intVisorM.AutoScale = AutoScaleCplxTypes.X
            intVisorM.Name = "Module Visor"
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Linear
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "Y"
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "-"
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = False

            'intVisorP.SetRanges(0.1, 10000, 0.01, 100)
            intVisorP.YAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Degree
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Logarithmic
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "x"
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "-"
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = False
            'intVisorP.AutoScale = AutoScaleCplxTypes.YImaginary
            intVisorP.AutoResize = True
            intVisorP.Name = "Phase Visor"


        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Sub BodeSettings()
            PreviousOption = 1
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonDemos1.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonDemos3.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripSplitButtonParametric.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripDropDownButtonDemos2.Enabled = False

            Me.ToolStripMenuItemVariableWidthPulse.Enabled = False
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemParabolicFunction.Enabled = False
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemRLCResonantCircuit.Enabled = True
            Me.ToolStripMenuItemOrder5PolinomicFunction.Enabled = False

            SetXRanges(1000000, 0.1)
            MainScanner.TypeOfStep = AdvancedSingleScanner.TypeOfIncrement.Exponential
            intVisorM.YRange = New RangeF(0.01, 1000)
            'intVisor.SetRanges(0.1, 10000, 0.01, 100)
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Decibell
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "T"
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "[dB]"
            intVisorM.YAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = True
            intVisorM.XAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Logarithmic
            intVisorM.XAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "f"
            intVisorM.XAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "[Hz]"
            intVisorM.XAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = True
            intVisorM.AutoScale = AutoScaleCplxTypes.YReal
            intVisorM.AutoResize = True

            'intVisorP.SetRanges(0.1, 10000, 0.01, 100)
            intVisorP.YRange = New RangeF(0.01, 100)
            intVisorP.YAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Degree
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisType = EAxisType.Logarithmic
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "f"
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "[Hz]"
            intVisorP.XAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = True
            'objVisor2DP.AutoScale = AutoScaleCplxTypes.YImaginary
            intVisorP.AutoResize = True


        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Sub RefreshAll()
        If Me.ToolStripButtonAutoRefresh2D.Checked Then
            Dim i As Integer
            For Each Sys As AutoSystemCalc In Me.htblfnSysC.Values
                Sys.UseSharedScanner = True
                If i = 0 Then
                End If
                i += 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub ComplexPlainSettings()
        'intVisor2CP.SetRanges(-10000, 10000, -10000, 10000)
        intVisor2CP.XRange = New RangeF(-10000, 10000)
        intVisor2CP.YRange = New RangeF(-10000, 10000)
        intVisor2CP.XAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "s"
        intVisor2CP.XAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "[Hz]"
        intVisor2CP.XAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = True
        intVisor2CP.YAxisProperties.AxisLabel = "f"
        intVisor2CP.YAxisProperties.AxisUnit = "[Hz]"
        intVisor2CP.YAxisProperties.UnitIsVisible = True
        'objVisor2CP.AutoScale = AutoScaleCplxTypes.YReal
        intVisor2CP.AutoResize = True
        intVisor2CP.IsSimetrical = True
        intVisorP.Name = "Complex Plane Visor"
    End Sub

    Sub SetYRanges(ByVal yMax As Single, ByVal yMin As Single) ', ByVal yMax As Single, ByVal yMin As Single)
        Me.intVisorM.YRange = New RangeF(yMin, yMax)
        Me.intVisorP.YRange = New RangeF(yMin, yMax)
    End Sub

    Sub SetXRanges(ByVal xMax As Single, ByVal xMin As Single) ', ByVal yMax As Single, ByVal yMin As Single)
        Me.intVisorM.XRange = New RangeF(xMin, xMax)
        Me.intVisorP.XRange = New RangeF(xMin, xMax)
        MainScanner.FinalValue = xMax
        MainScanner.InitialValue = xMin
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "TreeView"

    Sub InitilalizeTreeView()
        Me.tnFunctions = Me.AddRootNode("Functions", 1)
        Me.tnParams = Me.AddRootNode("Parameters", 3)

        Me.tnOthers = Me.AddRootNode("Others", 15)

        Me.tnVisors = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Visors", 0)
        Me.tnRL = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Root Locus", 13)
        Me.tnScan = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Scan", 4)
        Me.tnCursors = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Cursors", Me.CursorToolBar, 5)
        If Not Me.FRToolBar Is Nothing Then
            Me.tnRootFinding = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Rootfinding", Me.FRToolBar.RootFinderObject, 14)
        End If
        Me.tnFFTObj = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "FFT", 6)
        Me.tn3D = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "3D Graph", Me.FullD3DControl1, 17)
        Me.tnRecycleBin = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnOthers, "Recycle Bin", 7)

        Me.tnParseableFn = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnFunctions, "Parseable Functions", 1)
        Me.tnLaplaceFn = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnFunctions, "Bode Functions", 2)

        Me.tnSings = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnParams, "Singularities", 12)

        Me.AddSubNode(tnVisors, Me.intVisorM, Me.intVisorM.Name, 0)
        Me.AddSubNode(tnVisors, Me.intVisorP, Me.intVisorP.Name, 0)
        Me.AddSubNode(tnVisors, Me.intVisor2CP, Me.intVisor2CP.Name, 0)

        Me.AddSubNode(tnScan, Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner, "Parametrics Scanner", 4)
        Me.AddSubNode(tnScan, Me.MainScanner, "Main Scanner", 4)

        tnFFTSpectrum = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnFFTObj, Me.FFTToolBar.FFTSpectrum, "FFT Spectrum", 6)

        If Not Me.intD3DManager Is Nothing Then
            Me.AddSubNode(tn3D, Me.intD3DManager, "3D Enviroment", 4)
        End If
        Me.tnParamsControlled = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnParams, "Controlled", 3)
    End Sub

    Function AddRootNode(ByVal TreeNodeText As String, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As TreeNode
        Dim Ts As TreeNode
        Ts = Me.TreeViewItems.Nodes.Add(TreeNodeText, TreeNodeText, ImgIndex)
        Ts.SelectedImageIndex = ImgIndex
        Return Ts
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Agrega un nodo raiz al treeview, con el Texto e imagen indicados.
    ''' Ademas relaciona al nodo con el objeto especificado
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="TreeNodeText"></param>
    ''' <param name="o"></param>
    ''' <param name="ImgIndex"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Function AddRootNode(ByVal TreeNodeText As String, ByVal o As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As TreeNode
        If o Is Nothing Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim Ts As TreeNode
        Ts = Me.TreeViewItems.Nodes.Add(TreeNodeText, TreeNodeText, ImgIndex)
        Ts.SelectedImageIndex = ImgIndex
        Me.htblNodeObj.Add(Ts, o)
        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(o) Then
            Me.htblObjNode.Add(o, Ts)
        End If
        Return Ts
    End Function

    Function AddSubNode(ByVal ParentNode As TreeNode, ByVal Text As String, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As TreeNode
        Dim Ts As TreeNode

        Ts = ParentNode.Nodes.Add(Text, Text, ImgIndex)
        Ts.SelectedImageIndex = ImgIndex
        Return Ts
    End Function

    Function AddSubNode(ByVal ParentNode As TreeNode, ByVal o As Object, ByVal ObjectName As String, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As TreeNode
        If o Is Nothing Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim Ts As TreeNode

        Ts = ParentNode.Nodes.Add(ObjectName, ObjectName, ImgIndex)
        Ts.SelectedImageIndex = ImgIndex
        Me.htblNodeObj.Add(Ts, o)
        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(o) Then
            Me.htblObjNode.Add(o, Ts)
        End If
        Return Ts
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Agrega el subnodo con el texto e imagen especificados al Parentnode indicado,
    ''' y ademas relaciona al nuevo nodo con el objeto O
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="ParentNode"></param>
    ''' <param name="TreeNodeText"></param>
    ''' <param name="o"></param>
    ''' <param name="ImgIndex"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Function AddSubNode(ByVal ParentNode As TreeNode, ByVal TreeNodeText As String, ByVal o As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As TreeNode
        If o Is Nothing Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim Ts As TreeNode
        Ts = ParentNode.Nodes.Add(TreeNodeText, TreeNodeText, ImgIndex)
        Ts.SelectedImageIndex = ImgIndex
        Me.htblNodeObj.Add(Ts, o)
        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(o) Then
            Me.htblObjNode.Add(o, Ts)
        End If
        Return Ts
    End Function

    Private Sub MoveNode(ByVal NewParentNode As TreeNode, ByVal TN As TreeNode)
    End Sub

    Private Function RemoveControledNode(ByVal ObjectName As String, ByVal ParentNode As TreeNode) As TreeNode
        Dim TN() As TreeNode

        TN = Me.TreeViewItems.Nodes.Find(ObjectName, True)
        If TN Is Nothing OrElse TN.Length = 0 Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        For Each node As TreeNode In TN
            If node.Parent Is ParentNode Then
                RemoveControledNode = node
                Exit Function
            End If
        Return Nothing
    End Function

#End Region

#Region "ListView"

    Function AddListViewItem(ByVal text As String, ByVal o As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer) As ListViewItem
        If o Is Nothing Then
            Throw New NullReferenceException
        End If
        AddListViewItem = Me.ListViewSubItems.Items.Add(text, ImgIndex)
        Me.htblListItmObj.Add(AddListViewItem, o)
    End Function

#End Region

#Region "Message"

    Private Sub OnMessageReicived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal s As MessageEventArgs)
        If s.MessageType = MessageEventArgs.EMessageType.Error Then
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.White
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.BackColor = Color.Brown
        ElseIf s.MessageType = MessageEventArgs.EMessageType.Warning Then
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.Black
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.BackColor = Color.Yellow
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.Black
            Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
        End If
        Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text = s.Message
    End Sub

    Sub Log(ByVal Message As String)
        Me.TextBoxLog.Text &= ControlChars.NewLine & Message
    End Sub

    Protected Overridable Sub Log(ByVal Sender As String, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Level As ggUtilLib.LogUtility.PriorityLevel)
        LogUtil.Log(Sender, Message, Level)
        'Me.RaiseSendMessage(New MessageEventArgs(Message))
    End Sub

    Protected Overridable Sub Log(ByVal Message As String, ByVal ex As Exception)
        LogUtil.Log(Me, Message, ex)
        'Me.RaiseSendMessage(New MessageEventArgs(Message))
    End Sub

    Protected Overridable Sub Log(ByVal Messages() As String, ByVal Level As ggUtilLib.LogUtility.PriorityLevel)
        Dim txtLog As String = ""
        For Each message As String In Messages
            txtLog &= message & ControlChars.NewLine
        LogUtil.Log(Me, txtLog, Level)
        'Me.RaiseSendMessage(New MessageEventArgs(txtLog))
    End Sub

    Protected Overridable Sub Log(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Level As ggUtilLib.LogUtility.PriorityLevel)
        LogUtil.Log(Me, Message, Level)
        'Me.RaiseSendMessage(New MessageEventArgs(Message))
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Add & Remove Buttons Events"

#Region "Adding Section"

    Private Function AddFn2Graph(ByVal fn As FunctionBase) As GraphOfVisorSimple
        If Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(fn) Then
            Return Me.htblfnGoV.Item(fn)
        End If
        Me.SystemCalc = New AutoSystemCalc(fn)
        If Me.ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
            Me.SystemCalc.VariableIsReal = VariableMain.Imaginary
            Me.SystemCalc.VariableIsReal = VariableMain.Real
        End If
        Me.SystemCalc.Scanner = MainScanner
        Me.htblfnSysC.Add(fn, Me.SystemCalc)

        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorSimple

        GoV = Me.intVisorM.CurrentGoV
        'GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        GoV.Name = "Module Graph " & intVisorM.GraphCount

        Me.htblfnGoV.Add(fn, GoV)

        If Me.dontRun = False Then
        End If
        Return GoV
    End Function

    Private Function AddFn2PhaseGraph(ByVal fn As FunctionBase) As GraphOfVisorSimple
        If Me.htblfnGoVP.ContainsKey(fn) Then
            Return Me.htblfnGoVP.Item(fn)
        End If
        'If Me.ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
        '    Me.SystemCalc.VariableIsReal = VariableMain.Imaginary
        '    Me.SystemCalc.VariableIsReal = VariableMain.Real
        'End If
        If Me.htblfnSysC.ContainsKey(fn) Then
            Me.SystemCalc = Me.htblfnSysC.Item(fn)
            Me.SystemCalc = New AutoSystemCalc(fn)
            Me.SystemCalc.Scanner = MainScanner
            Me.htblfnSysC.Add(fn, Me.SystemCalc)
        End If

        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS

        GoV = Me.intVisorP.CurrentGoV
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Angle
        GoV.Name = "Phase Graph " & intVisorM.GraphCount

        Me.htblfnGoVP.Add(fn, GoV)

        Return GoV
    End Function

    Private Function AddFn2ComplexPlain(ByVal fn As LaplaceFunction) As GraphOfVisorComplexPlain
        Return Me.intVisor2CP.CurrentGoV
    End Function

    Private Function AddFn2AllGraph(ByVal fn As FunctionBase) As GraphOfVisorComplex
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplex

        GoV = AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV = Me.intVisorP.CurrentGoV
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Angle
        GoV.Name = "Phase Graph " & intVisorP.GraphCount
        Return GoV
    End Function

    Private Function AddParameterForControl(ByVal p As Parameter) As ScanResponseModifier
        Return Me.ParamToolBar.Add(p)
    End Function

    'Private Sub AddLaplaceFunction(ByVal LapFn As LaplaceFunction)
    '    FunctionManager.Add(LapFn)
    '    Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnLaplaceFn, LapFn, LapFn.Name, 2)
    '    Me.TreeViewItems.SelectedNode = Nothing
    '    Me.ListViewSubItems.SelectedItems.Clear()
    '    AddHandler LapFn.NameChange, AddressOf OnNameChange
    '    AddHandler LapFn.DataChange, AddressOf OnFunctionChange
    '    If Not Me.dontRun Then
    '        Me.selectedObj = LapFn
    '    End If
    'End Sub

    Private Sub AddRootLocus(ByVal RL As RootLocusBase)
        Dim TN As TreeNode
        TN = Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnRL, RL, RL.Name, 13)
        Me.AddSubNode(TN, RL.LaplaceDirectObject, RL.LaplaceDirectObject.Name, 2)
        Me.AddSubNode(TN, RL.LaplaceFeedbackObject, RL.LaplaceFeedbackObject.Name, 2)
        If Not RL.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            Me.AddSubNode(TN, RL.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject, RL.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject.Name, 2)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddSing(ByVal Sing As Singularity, ByVal LapFn As LaplaceFunction)
        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(LapFn) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Dim TN As TreeNode
        TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(LapFn)

        If Sing.SingularitieType = SingType.Zero Then
            If Sing.IsConjugated Then
                Me.AddSubNode(TN, Sing.Conjugate, Sing.Conjugate.Name, 11)
                Me.AddListViewItem(Sing.Name, Sing, 9)
                Me.AddSubNode(TN, Sing, Sing.Name, 10)
                Me.AddListViewItem(Sing.Name, Sing, 8)
            End If
            If Sing.IsConjugated Then
                Me.AddSubNode(TN, Sing, Sing.Name, 9)
                Me.AddListViewItem(Sing.Name, Sing, 7)
                Me.AddSubNode(TN, Sing, Sing.Name, 8)
                Me.AddListViewItem(Sing.Name, Sing, 6)
            End If
        End If

        selectedObj = Sing
        PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Sing
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Creation Section"

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Agrega una funcion cualquier al sistema
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="Fn"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub AddFunction(ByVal Fn As FunctionBase)
        If FunctionManager.Contains(Fn) Then
            If TypeOf Fn Is [Function] AndAlso Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(Fn) Then
                'siempre contiene a este tipo
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        If TypeOf Fn Is LaplaceFunction Then
            Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnLaplaceFn, Fn, Fn.Name, 2)
            Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnParseableFn, Fn, Fn.Name, 1)
        End If
        Me.TreeViewItems.SelectedNode = Nothing
        AddHandler Fn.NameChange, AddressOf OnNameChange
        AddHandler Fn.DataChange, AddressOf OnFunctionChange
        If Not Me.dontRun Then
            Me.selectedObj = Me.Fn
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateFunction(ByVal Expresion As String, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String) As [Function]
        Fn = FunctionManager.Add(Expresion, Name)
        Fn.Description = Description
        Return Fn
    End Function

    Private Function CreateFunction(ByVal Expresion As String) As [Function]
        Fn = FunctionManager.Add(Expresion)
        Return Fn
    End Function

    Private Function CreateFunction() As [Function]
        Return Me.CreateFunction("sin(x)")
    End Function

    Private Function CreateLaplaceFunction(ByVal BaseName As String, ByVal KReal As Single) As FunctionBase
        Dim LapFn As LaplaceFunction

        If BaseName Is Nothing OrElse BaseName = "" Then
            LapFn = New LaplaceFunction
            LapFn = New LaplaceFunction(BaseName)
        End If
        LapFn.Real = KReal
        Return LapFn
    End Function

    Private Function CreateParameter(ByVal Name As String) As Parameter

        CreateParameter = New Parameter(Name)
        CreateParameter = CreateParameter

        Me.AddSubNode(tnParams, CreateParameter, CreateParameter.Name, 4)
        AddHandler CreateParameter.NameChange, AddressOf OnNameChange
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Crea un parametro, lo agrega al sistema y devuelve su referencia
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Function CreateParameter() As Parameter

        CreateParameter = New Parameter
        CreateParameter = CreateParameter

        Me.AddSubNode(tnParams, CreateParameter, CreateParameter.Name, 4)
        AddHandler CreateParameter.NameChange, AddressOf OnNameChange
    End Function

    Private Function CreateSing(ByVal Real As Single, ByVal Imag As Single, ByVal Cero As Boolean, ByVal LapFn As LaplaceFunction) As Singularity
        'CreateSing = Me.CreateSing(Real, Imag, Cero)
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        CreateSing = New GraphicsSingularity(Real, Imag)
        If Cero Then
            CreateSing.SingularitieType = SingType.Zero
            CreateSing.SingularitieType = SingType.Polo
        End If
        AddSing(CreateSing, LapFn)
    End Function

    'Private Function CreateSing(ByVal Real As Single, ByVal Imag As Single, ByVal Cero As Boolean) As Singularity
    '    CreateSing = New GraphicsSingularity(Real, Imag)
    '    If Cero Then
    '        CreateSing.SingularitieType = SingType.Zero
    '    Else
    '        CreateSing.SingularitieType = SingType.Polo
    '    End If
    '    LapFn.Add(CreateSing)
    '    AddSing(CreateSing, LapFn)
    'End Function

    Private Function CreateConjugatedSings(ByVal Real As Single, ByVal Imag As Single, ByVal Cero As Boolean, ByVal LapFn As LaplaceFunction) As Singularity
        'CreateConjugatedSings = CreateConjugatedSings(Real, Imag, Cero)
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        CreateConjugatedSings = New GraphicsSingularity(Real, Imag)
        If Cero Then
            CreateConjugatedSings.SingularitieType = SingType.Zero
            CreateConjugatedSings.SingularitieType = SingType.Polo
        End If

        Dim selectedsing2 As GraphicsSingularity
        selectedsing2 = New GraphicsSingularity
        selectedsing2.Conjugate = CreateConjugatedSings

        Me.AddSing(CreateConjugatedSings, LapFn)
    End Function

    'Private Function CreateConjugatedSings(ByVal Real As Single, ByVal Imag As Single, ByVal Cero As Boolean) As Singularity

    '    CreateConjugatedSings = New GraphicsSingularity(Real, Imag)
    '    If Cero Then
    '        CreateConjugatedSings.SingularitieType = SingType.Zero
    '    Else
    '        CreateConjugatedSings.SingularitieType = SingType.Polo
    '    End If

    '    Dim SelectedSing2 As GraphicsSingularity
    '    SelectedSing2 = New GraphicsSingularity
    '    SelectedSing2.Conjugate = CreateConjugatedSings

    '    LapFn.Add(CreateConjugatedSings)
    '    AddSing(CreateConjugatedSings, LapFn)

    'End Function

#End Region

#Region "Remove Section"

    Private Sub RemoveGraph(ByVal Gov As GraphOfVisorSimple)
        If Me.intVisorM.Contains(Gov) Then
        End If
        If Me.intVisor2CP.Contains(Gov) Then
        End If
        If Me.intVisorP.Contains(Gov) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Saca los graficos de la funcion seleccionada y luego envia esta
    ''' funci�n a la papelera de reciclaje
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub RemoveFunction()
        If Me.Fn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub RemoveFunction(ByVal Fn As FunctionBase)
        Dim gov As GraphOfVisorSimple
        If Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(Me.Fn) Then
            gov = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(Me.Fn)
        ElseIf Me.htblfnGoVP.ContainsKey(Me.Fn) Then
            gov = Me.htblfnGoVP.Item(Me.Fn)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Me.RemoveFunction(Me.Fn, gov)
    End Sub

    Private Sub RemoveFunction(ByVal Fn As FunctionBase, ByVal Gov As GraphOfVisorSimple)
        If MsgBox("Are you sure to remove selected Function :" & Me.Fn.Name, _
                             MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Me.htblfnSysC.ContainsKey(Fn) Then
        End If
        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(Fn) Then
        End If
        Dim TN As TreeNode
        TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(Me.Fn)
        Me.MoveNode(Me.tnRecycleBin, TN)
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Saca los graficos de la funcion de Laplace seleccionada y 
    ''' luego envia esta funci�n a la papelera de reciclaje
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub RemoveLaplaceFunction()
        If Me.LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'If Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(LapFn) Then
        '    If MsgBox("Are you sure to remove selected Laplace Function?", MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
        '        Exit Sub
        '    End If

        '    Dim gov As GraphOfVisorSimple
        '    gov = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(LapFn)
        '    Me.htblfnGoV.Remove(LapFn)
        '    Me.RemoveGraph(gov)
        '    If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(LapFn) Then
        '        Stop
        '    End If
        '    Dim TN As TreeNode
        '    TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(LapFn)
        '    Me.MoveNode(Me.tnRecycleBin, TN)
        'End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Remueve la singularidad seleccionada del sistema de Laplace
    ''' seleccionado
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Sub RemoveSing()
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.SelectedSing Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If LapFn.Contains(Me.SelectedSing) Then
            Dim TN As TreeNode
            TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(Me.SelectedSing)

            Me.MoveNode(Me.tnRecycleBin, TN)
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Remueve todas las singularidades del sistema de Laplace Seleccionado
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Sub ClearSings()
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        For Each s As Singularity In LapFn.Singularities
            Dim TN As TreeNode
            TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(s)
            Me.MoveNode(Me.tnRecycleBin, TN)
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "TabPage Utilities"

    Sub ChangeTabPosition(ByVal OldTabCtrl As TabControl, ByVal NewTabCtrl As TabControl, ByVal TabPg As TabPage)
        If OldTabCtrl.TabPages.Contains(TabPg) Then
        End If
        If Not NewTabCtrl.TabPages.Contains(TabPg) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub AddTabPage(ByVal TabCtrl As TabControl, ByVal TabPg As TabPage)
        If Not TabCtrl.TabPages.Contains(TabPg) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub RemoveTabPage(ByVal TabCtrl As TabControl, ByVal TabPg As TabPage)
        If TabCtrl.TabPages.Contains(TabPg) Then
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Add & Remove Button Captur Methods"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemAddPole_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddPole.Click
        CreateSing(-CInt(Rnd() * 100), 0, False, Me.LapFn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddCeroToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddCeroToolStripMenuItem.Click
        CreateSing(-CInt(Rnd() * 100), 0, True, Me.LapFn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddConjugatedPolesToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddConjugatedPolesToolStripMenuItem.Click
        CreateConjugatedSings(-CInt(Rnd() * 100), CInt(Rnd() * 100), False, Me.LapFn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddConjugatedCerosToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddConjugatedCerosToolStripMenuItem.Click
        CreateConjugatedSings(-CInt(Rnd() * 100), CInt(Rnd() * 100), True, Me.LapFn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddLaplaceFuncionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddLaplaceFuncion.Click
        Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("", 100)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddFunctionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddFunction.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemRemoveFunction_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemRemoveFunction.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemAddFn2Graph_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddFn2Graph.Click
        If TypeOf Me.selectedObj Is FunctionBase Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddFunctionToPhaseGraphToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddFunctionToPhaseGraph.Click
        If Not Me.Fn Is Nothing Then
        ElseIf Not LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Me.OnMessageReicived(Me, New MessageEventArgs("!Must select first a function!", MessageEventArgs.EMessageType.Info))
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddLaplaceFunctionToComplexPlainToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddLaplaceFunctionToComplexPlain.Click
        If Not LapFn Is Nothing Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddSelectedSingToFunctionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAddSelectedSingToFunction.Click
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.SelectedSing Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not LapFn.Contains(Me.SelectedSing) Then
            Dim TN, TP As TreeNode
            TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(Me.SelectedSing)
            TP = Me.htblObjNode.Item(LapFn)
            Me.MoveNode(TP, TN)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemRemoveGraph_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RemoveGraphToolStripMenuItem.Click
        If TypeOf Me.selectedObj Is GraphOfVisorSimple Then
            If MsgBox("Are you sure to remove selected Graph?", MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
                Exit Sub
            End If

        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub RemoveLaplaceFunctionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RemoveLaplaceFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Click
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "TreeView & ListView Selection"

    Private Sub TreeViewItems_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles TreeViewItems.AfterSelect
        If Not Me.htblNodeObj.ContainsKey(e.Node) Then
            PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Nothing

            If e.Node Is Me.tnParseableFn Then
                'Dim tn As TreeNode
                Dim LI As ListViewItem
                Dim fn As FunctionBase
                For Each o As Object In Me.htblObjNode.Keys
                    If TypeOf o Is FunctionBase Then
                        If Me.htblObjNode.Item(o).Parent IsNot Me.tnRecycleBin Then
                            fn = o
                            If TypeOf o Is [Function] Then
                                LI = Me.AddListViewItem(fn.Name, fn, 1)
                                LI = Me.AddListViewItem(fn.Name, fn, 2)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
            Exit Sub
        End If
        SelectItm(Me.htblNodeObj.Item(e.Node), Me.TreeViewItems)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ListViewSubItems_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListViewSubItems.SelectedIndexChanged
        If Me.ListViewSubItems.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not Me.htblListItmObj.ContainsKey(Me.ListViewSubItems.SelectedItems(0)) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim o As Object
        o = Me.htblListItmObj.Item(Me.ListViewSubItems.SelectedItems(0))
        If TypeOf o Is LaplaceFunction Then
            SelectLaplaceFunction(o, False)
            Me.TreeViewItems.SelectedNode = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Me.TreeViewItems.SelectedNode = Nothing
        SelectItm(Me.htblListItmObj.Item(Me.ListViewSubItems.SelectedItems(0)), Me.ListViewSubItems)
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "TollStripButtons Methods Capture"

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonRun.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonShowZoom_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonShowZoom.Click
        ZoomToolBar.Visible = Not ZoomToolBar.Visible
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemClearSings_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemClearSings.Click
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If MsgBox("Are you sure to remove all singularities from the selected Laplace Function?", MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemRemoveSings_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemRemoveSings.Click
        If LapFn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.SelectedSing Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If MsgBox("Are you sure to remove selected singularity from the selected Laplace Function?", MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonSplitGraph_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonShowCursorToolBar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonShowCursorToolBar.Click
        Me.CursorToolBar.Visible = Me.ToolStripButtonShowCursorToolBar.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateParameterToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemCreateParameter.Click
        Dim Pr As Parameter

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()
        Pr.Real = 1
        Me.selectedObj = Pr
        Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Pr
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.DropDownClosed
        If ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = PreviousOption Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
            If MsgBox("Do you wish to set Linear Scales?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
                ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 1
            End If
            If MsgBox("Do you wish to set Logaritmic Scales for Bode Analisys?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
                ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex = 0
            End If
        End If
        PreviousOption = ToolStripComboBoxMainOptions.SelectedIndex
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Bode Demos"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem_ClickOpenLoopAmplifier(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemOpenLoopAmplifier.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        If FunctionManager.Contains("A") Then
            fn.Name = "A"
            fn.Name = "A" & ParameterBase.Count
        End If
        fn.Name = "A"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "100000/((1+z/1000)*(1+z/100000))"
        fn.Description = "Open loop Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "In this Demo the amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "First at 1KHz, and Second at 100KHz"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem_ClickAmplifierWithFeedBack(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAmplifierWithFeedBack.Click
        dontRun = True
        Dim A, B, D As String

        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        If FunctionManager.Contains("A") Then
            fn.Name = "A"
            fn.Name = "A" & ParameterBase.Count
        End If
        fn.Name = "A"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "100000/((1+z/1000)*(1+z/100000))"
        fn.Description = "Open loop Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "In this Demo the amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "First at 1KHz, and Second at 100KHz"

        A = fn.Name
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Dim Pr As Parameter

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()
        Pr.Name = "p" & ParameterBase.Count
        Pr.Real = 0.1

        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Name = "B"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = Pr.Name
        fn.Description = "Feedback transference"
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        B = Me.Fn.Name

        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Name = "D"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "1+" & A & "*" & B
        fn.Description = "Return Difference"
        D = fn.Name

        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Name = "Af"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = A & "/" & D
        fn.Description = "Amplifier with feedback transference"
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier

        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Range = New RangeF(0.0001, 1)
        SPM.Alinearity = 3

        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem1OpenLoopAmplifier_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem1OpenLoopAmplifier.Click
        dontRun = True
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceAmplifier(100000, 1000, 100000)
        lapFn.Description = "Open loop Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "In this Demo the amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "First at 1KHz, and Second at 100KHz"
        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemMixedAmplifierWithFeedBack_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemMixedAmplifierWithFeedBack.Click
        dontRun = True
        Dim str As String
        Dim B, A As LaplaceFunction
        Dim Af, D As [Function]

        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        A = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000)
        A.Description = "Open loop Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "In this Demo the amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "First at 1KHz, and Second at 100KHz"
        Me.CreateSing(-1000, 0, False, A)
        Me.CreateSing(-100000, 0, False, A)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = A

        str = "1+" & A.Name & "*"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(A)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        B = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01)
        B.Description = "Feedback transference"
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(B)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = B


        str &= B.Name
        D = Me.CreateFunction()
        D.Name = "D"
        D.Parts(0).Expresion = str
        D.Description = "Return Difference"

        Af = Me.CreateFunction()
        Af.Name = "Af"
        Af.Parts(0).Expresion = A.Name & "/" & D.Name
        Af.Description = "Amplifier with feedback transference"
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Af)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem1LM741_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem1LM741.Click
        dontRun = True
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceAmplifier(100000, 10, 5000000)
        lapFn.Description = "Open loop LM741 Operational Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                    & "This amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                    & "First at 10Hz, and Second at 5MHz" _
                    & "In this case a Laplace Function was used"
        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemLM741_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemLM741.Click
        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        If FunctionManager.Contains("A") Then
            fn.Name = "A"
            fn.Name = "A" & ParameterBase.Count
        End If
        fn.Name = "A"
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "100000/((1+z/10)*(1+z/5000000))"
        fn.Description = "Open loop LM741 Operational Amplifier transference." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                    & "This amplifier have a DC gain of 100.000, and two poles:" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                    & "First at 10Hz, and Second at 5MHz" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                    & "In this case a Parseable Expresion - Function was used"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateLaplaceAmplifier(ByVal DCGain As Single, ByVal F1 As Single, ByVal f2 As Single) As LaplaceFunction
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        CreateLaplaceAmplifier = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", DCGain)
        Me.CreateSing(-F1, 0, False, LapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-f2, 0, False, LapFn)

        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(CreateLaplaceAmplifier)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
    End Function

#End Region

#Region "Root Locus Demos"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemAmplifierWith3Poles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAmplifierWith3Poles.Click
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction

        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)


        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000) 'New LaplaceFunction
        Me.CreateSing(-100, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-1500, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-4000, 0, False, lapFn)
        'Me.CreateSing(-6000, 0, False)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01) 'New LaplaceFunction
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject)
            GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        End If


        Dim srm As ScanResponseModifier
        srm = Me.ParamToolBar.Add(lapFn)
        srm.Alinearity = 2
        srm.Range = New RangeF(0.000001, 1)
        srm.Enable = True

        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemUnrealAmplifier_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemUnrealAmplifier.Click
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS

        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)

        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000) 'New LaplaceFunction
        Me.CreateSing(-100, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-1500, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(500, 0, True, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-2500, 0, True, lapFn)
        'Me.CreateConjugatedSings(40, 2000, True)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01) 'New LaplaceFunction
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject)
            GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        End If


        Dim srm As ScanResponseModifier
        srm = Me.ParamToolBar.Add(lapFn)
        srm.Alinearity = 2
        srm.Range = New RangeF(0.000001, 1)
        srm.Enable = True

        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemAmplifierWith2Poles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemAmplifierWith2Poles.Click
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction
        Dim sng As Singularity

        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)


        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000) 'New LaplaceFunction
        sng = Me.CreateSing(-100, 0, False, lapFn)
        sng = Me.CreateSing(-4000, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01) 'New LaplaceFunction
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject)
            GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        End If


        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemDerivador_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemDerivador.Click
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction
        Dim sng As Singularity

        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)


        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000) 'New LaplaceFunction
        lapFn.BriefDescription = "Direct Amplifier Function"
        lapFn.Description = "Direct Amplifier function, Emuling like LM741 Amplifier "
        sng = Me.CreateSing(-10, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01) 'New LaplaceFunction
        lapFn.BriefDescription = "FeedBack Function"
        lapFn.Description = "FeedBack Function for an Derivator Amplifier"
        sng = Me.CreateSing(0, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject)
            GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        End If


        dontRun = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemIntegrador_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemIntegrador.Click
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        Dim lapFn As LaplaceFunction

        dontRun = True
        Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)


        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("A", 100000) 'New LaplaceFunction
        lapFn.BriefDescription = "Direct Amplifier Function"
        lapFn.Description = "Direct Amplifier function, Emuling like LM741 Amplifier "
        Me.CreateSing(-10, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.CreateSing(-5000000, 0, False, lapFn)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        lapFn = Me.CreateLaplaceFunction("B", 0.01) 'New LaplaceFunction
        lapFn.BriefDescription = "FeedBack Function"
        lapFn.Description = "FeedBack Function for an Integral Amplifier"
        Me.CreateSing(0, 0, True, lapFn)
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject = lapFn
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(lapFn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module

        Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea

        If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
            GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject)
            GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Module
        End If


        dontRun = False
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Linear Demos"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemCosineFunction_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemCosineFunction.Click
        'if  Me.intVisorM.XRange.Max
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -1)
        Dim Expresion As String
        Dim fn As [Function]
        ' Expresion = "2E-05*sin(14*0,3141593*z)-6E-05*cos(10*0,3141593*z)"
        Expresion = "cos(1,7153*x)" 

        fn = Me.CreateFunction(Expresion)

        fn.Description = "This represent a simple Cosine function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemExponentialDecrecientFunc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemExponentialDecrecientFunct.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "10*e^(-0,5*x)*sin(x)"
        fn.Description = "This represent a Sine exponencial decrecient function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemStepFunctionAsX2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemStepFunctionAsX2.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "esc(x-2)"
        fn.Description = "This represent a simple step function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub RampFunctionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RampFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -1)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "ram(x)"
        fn.Description = "This represent a ramp function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub ParabolicFunctionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemParabolicFunction2.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -10)

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "0.1*z^2+z-10"
        fn.Description = "This represent Parabolic function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Linear Parametric Demos"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemParabolicFunction_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemParabolicFunction.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -10)

        Dim Pr As Parameter
        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()

        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier
        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Enable = True

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "0.1*z^2+z+" & Pr.Name & "-10"
        fn.Description = "This represent Parabolic function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemOrder5PolinomicFunction_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemOrder5PolinomicFunction.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -10)

        Dim Pr As Parameter

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()

        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier

        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Enable = True

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "0.0001*z^5+0.001*z^3+0.1*x^2+" & Pr.Name & "-10"
        fn.Description = "This represent Parabolic function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemVariableWidthPulse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemVariableWidthPulse.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -10)

        Dim Pr As Parameter
        Dim Fn As [Function]

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()
        Pr.Real = 2

        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier

        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Enable = True
        Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.ScannerProperties.Range = New RangeF(0.1, 4)
        Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.ScannerProperties.NumberOfPoints = 20
        'SPM.Range = New RangeF(0.1, 4)


        Fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        Fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "pul(z/" & Pr.Name & ")"
        Fn.Description = "This represent Variable width Pulse function"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real

        Me.FFTToolBar.Visor = Me.intVisorP
        Me.intVisorP.XRange = New RangeF(-1, 64)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemRLCResonantCircuit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemRLCResonantCircuit.Click
        'Me.SetXRanges(10000000, 1)
        Me.SetXRanges(0.002, 0)

        Dim Pr As Parameter
        Dim fn, sigma, Wo2, S1, S2, Vt, A, B, D As [Function]
        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier
        Dim desc As String

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter("L")
        Pr.Real = 0.001

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter("C")
        Pr.Real = 0.000001

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter("R")
        Pr.Real = 100

        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Enable = True
        Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.ScannerProperties.Range = New RangeF(0.1, 1000)
        Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.ScannerProperties.NumberOfPoints = 40
        'SPM.Range = New RangeF(0.1, 4)

        'en el plano complejo  
        desc = "RLC Resonant Circuit." & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & "" & ControlChars.NewLine _
                        & ""
        fn = Me.CreateFunction("R/(R*L*C*z^2+L*z+R)", "RLCinPlain", desc)
        'fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "(R*L*2*pi*j*x)/(R+2*pi*j*x*L)-1/(2*pi*j*x*C)"
        'fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "R/(R*L*C*z^2+L*z+R)"
        ' Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = New Areaf(200, -200, 200, -200)
        Me.intD3DManager.ComplexValueShowed = ComplexTarget.Real

        desc = ""
        sigma = Me.CreateFunction("1/(2*R*C)", "sigma", desc)

        Wo2 = Me.CreateFunction("1/(L*C)", "Wo2", "")

        'valor del polo
        S1 = Me.CreateFunction("-" & sigma.Name & "+sqr(sigma^2-" & Wo2.Name & ")", "S1", "")
        S2 = Me.CreateFunction("-" & sigma.Name & "-sqr(sigma^2-" & Wo2.Name & ")", "S2", "")

        'cos coeficientes de V(t)
        A = Me.CreateFunction("1/(L*C*" & S1.Name & "*" & S2.Name & ")", "A", "")
        B = Me.CreateFunction("1/(L*C*" & S1.Name & "*(" & S1.Name & "-" & S2.Name & ")" & ")", "B", "")
        D = Me.CreateFunction("1/(L*C*" & S2.Name & "*(" & S2.Name & "-" & S1.Name & ")" & ")", "D", "")

        'respuesta temporal
        Vt = Me.CreateFunction(A.Name & "+" & _
                                B.Name & "*e^(-" & S1.Name & "*z)" & "+" & _
                                D.Name & "*e^(" & S2.Name & "*z)", "Vt", "")

        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(Vt)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Linear Parametric 3D Demos"

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemSincWaves_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSincWaves.Click
        Me.SetXRanges(10, -10)

        Dim Pr As Parameter

        Pr = Me.CreateParameter()

        Dim SPM As ScanResponseModifier

        SPM = Me.AddParameterForControl(Pr)
        SPM.Enable = True

        Dim fn As [Function]
        fn = Me.CreateFunction()
        fn.Parts(0).Expresion = "sinc(mod(z+" & Pr.Name & "))+sinc(mod(z-" & Pr.Name & "+20))"
        fn.Description = "This represent two 3D Sinc functions ovelapping it's self"
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorComplexS
        GoV = Me.AddFn2Graph(fn)
        GoV.Show = EGraphShowOne.Real

        Me.intD3DManager.ComplexValueShowed = ComplexTarget.Real
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Accesory Methods"

    Sub DisableRemoveButtons()
        Me.ToolStripButtonShowExpresionEditor.Enabled = False
        Me.ToolStripMenuItemRemoveFunction.Enabled = False
        Me.RemoveLaplaceFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
        Me.RemoveParameterToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
        Me.RemoveGraphToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
        Me.ToolStripMenuItemRemoveSings.Enabled = False
        'Me.ClearFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
        'Me.ClearSingsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
        Me.ToolStripButtonShow3D.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    Sub SplitGraph(ByVal Split As Boolean)
        Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.Checked = Split
    End Sub

    Sub SplitGraph()
        If Not Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.Checked Then
            ChangeTabPosition(Me.TabControlMain, Me.TabControlViewer, Me.TabPageCP)
            AddTabPage(TabControlViewer, TabPagePhase)
            Me.intVisorM.RenderControl = Me.VisorCtlMod1
            Me.intVisorP.RenderControl = Me.VisorCtlPH1 'Me.TabPagePhase '
            Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.Image = New Bitmap([GetType], "Tabs.bmp")
            Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.ToolTipText = "Change to Tab mode - Separated Graphs"
            ChangeTabPosition(TabControlViewer, Me.TabControlMain, Me.TabPageCP)
            RemoveTabPage(TabControlViewer, Me.TabPagePhase)
            Me.intVisorM.RenderControl = Me.VisorCtlMod2 'Me.SplitContainerViewerSplit.Panel1 
            Me.intVisorP.RenderControl = Me.VisorCtlPH2 'Me.SplitContainerViewerSplit.Panel2 
            Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.Image = New Bitmap([GetType], "Tiled.bmp")
            Me.ToolStripButtonSplitGraph.ToolTipText = "Change to Mixed mode - Multi Graphs"
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Selection Methods"

    Sub SelectItm(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal Parent As Object)
        'Me.RemoveFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False

            If TypeOf sender Is Visor2DGoV Then
                For Each GoV As GraphOfVisorSimple In CType(sender, Visor2DGoV).ArrGraphs
                    Me.AddListViewItem(GoV.Name, GoV, 0)
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                If Not sender Is Me.intVisor2CP Then
                    Me.ZoomToolBar.Visor = sender
                    Me.CursorToolBar.Visor = sender
                End If
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is FrameAxisProperties Then
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is Singularity Then
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                Me.RLToolBar.SelectedSingularity = sender
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = sender
                Me.ToolStripMenuItemRemoveSings.Enabled = True
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is FunctionBase Then
                'Para las funciones en general
                If TypeOf sender Is LaplaceFunction Then
                    SelectLaplaceFunction(sender, True)
                    Me.ToolStripButtonShow3D.Enabled = True
                ElseIf TypeOf sender Is [Function] Then
                    Me.ToolStripButtonShowExpresionEditor.Enabled = True
                    If FnProp Is Nothing Then
                        FnProp = New FunctionPropertiesDescriptor(sender)
                    End If
                    FnProp.SelectedFunction = sender
                    If Me.htblfnSysC.ContainsKey(sender) Then
                        Me.FFTToolBar.SelectedSystem = Me.htblfnSysC.Item(sender)
                    End If
                    Me.FFTToolBar.SelectedFunction = sender
                    If FRToolBar IsNot Nothing Then
                        Me.FRToolBar.TemporalSelectedCalcObject = sender
                    End If
                    Me.ToolStripMenuItemRemoveFunction.Enabled = True
                    Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                    Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing
                    Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = FnProp
                End If
                If Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(sender) Then
                    Me.CursorToolBar.SelectedGoV = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(sender)
                End If
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                Me.Fn = sender
                'Me.Selected3Dfn = sender
                Me.ToolStripButtonShow3D.Enabled = True

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is Parameter Then
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                Me.Pr = sender
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = sender

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is GraphOfVisorSimple Then
                Me.selectedObj = sender
                Me.CursorToolBar.SelectedGoV = sender
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.RemoveGraphToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is LinearSingleScanner Then
                If SCProp Is Nothing Then
                    SCProp = New ScannerPropertiesDescriptor(Me.MainScanner)
                    AddHandler SCProp.Change, AddressOf OnScannerChange
                End If
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = SCProp
                Me.ToolStripMenuItemRemoveSings.Enabled = True
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is ScanResponseModifier Then
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is ComplexMultiScanner Then
                If Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.Count > 0 Then
                    For Each srm As ScanResponseModifier In Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.Items
                        'Me.ListViewSubItems.Items.Add(s.Target.Name & " Controller", 4)
                        If Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(srm.Target) Then
                            Dim o As TreeNode
                            o = Me.htblObjNode.Item(srm.Target)
                            Me.AddListViewItem(srm.Target.Name & " Controller", srm, o.SelectedImageIndex)
                            Me.AddListViewItem(srm.Target.Name & " Controller", srm, 9)
                        End If
                End If
                If ScProp2 Is Nothing Then
                    ScProp2 = New ScannerPropertiesDescriptorBase(Me.ParamToolBar.Scanner.ScannerProperties)
                End If
                Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = ScProp2
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf sender Is Me.CursorToolBar Then
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Me.CursorToolBar.CursorProperties
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is CursorBase Then
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = Nothing
                Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = Nothing

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is RootLocusBase Then
                PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
                Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus = sender
                Me.AddListViewItem(Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject.Name, Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceDirectObject, 2)
                Me.AddListViewItem(Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject.Name, Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceFeedbackObject, 2)
                If Not Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject Is Nothing Then
                    Me.AddListViewItem(Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject.Name, Me.RLToolBar.SelectedRootLocus.LaplaceGlobalFeedBackedObject, 2)
                End If

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is ID3DManagable Then
                Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender
            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is FullD3DControl2 Then
                Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender

            ElseIf sender Is Me.FRToolBar.RootFinderObject Then
                Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Me.FRToolBar.RootFinderObject

            ElseIf TypeOf sender Is SpectrumContainer Then
                Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = sender

                Exit Sub
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub SelectLaplaceFunction(ByVal LapFn As LaplaceFunction, ByVal ShowSingulaties As Boolean)
        If ShowSingulaties Then
            If LapFn.SingCount > 0 Then
                For Each s As Singularity In LapFn.Singularities
                    If s.SingularitieType = SingType.Polo Then
                        If s.IsConjugated Then
                            Me.AddListViewItem(s.Name, s, 8)
                            Me.AddListViewItem(s.Name, s, 6)
                        End If
                        If s.IsConjugated Then
                            Me.AddListViewItem(s.Name, s, 9)
                            Me.AddListViewItem(s.Name, s, 7)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        End If
        'Me.selectedObj = LapFn
        'Me.Selected3Dfn = LapFn
        'Me.Fn = LapFn
        'If Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(LapFn) Then
        '    Me.CursorToolBar.SelectedGoV = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(LapFn)
        'End If
        PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = LapFn
        Me.RLToolBar.LaplaceSelectedObject = LapFn
        Me.ToolStripButtonShow3D.Enabled = True
        Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter = LapFn
        Me.RemoveLaplaceFunctionToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Sub onSelectItm(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Me.TreeViewItems.SelectedNode = Nothing
        Me.SelectItm(sender, sender)
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "OnChange Capture Methods"

    Private Sub OnFunctionChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If Me.ToolStripButtonAutoRefresh2D.Checked = False Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If dontRun Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not TypeOf sender Is FunctionBase Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not Me.htblfnGoV.ContainsKey(sender) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If TypeOf sender Is LaplaceFunction Then
            LapFn = sender
        ElseIf TypeOf sender Is [Function] Then
            Me.Fn = sender
            If Not LapFn.Contains(sender) Then
            End If
        End If
        Dim GoV As GraphOfVisorSimple

        GoV = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(sender)
        If GoV Is Nothing Then
            MessageManager.Send(Me, New MessageEventArgs("Un error ocurrio al recuperar el GoV", _
            Exit Sub
        End If
        SystemCalc = GoV.BindedObject
        If sender Is Me.Selected3Dfn Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub OnNameChange(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim TN As TreeNode

        If TypeOf sender Is FunctionBase Then
            If TypeOf sender Is LaplaceFunction Then
                LapFn = sender
                Me.Fn = sender
            End If
        ElseIf TypeOf sender Is Parameter Then
            Pr = sender
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(sender) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        TN = Me.htblObjNode.Item(sender)
        TN.Text = CType(sender, ParameterBase).Name
    End Sub

    Private Sub OnScannerChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Me.intVisorM.XRange = Me.MainScanner.Range
        Me.intVisorP.XRange = Me.MainScanner.Range
    End Sub

    Sub OnParamAdded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ParamToolBar.ParamAdded
        If Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnParamsControlled, Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter.Name, Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter, 5)
        'MoveNode(Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter.Name, Me.tnParamsControlled)
    End Sub

    Sub OnParamRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ParamToolBar.ParamRemoved
        If Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        RemoveControledNode(Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter.Name, Me.tnParamsControlled)
        'Me.AddSubNode(Me.tParams, Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter, Me.ParamToolBar.SelectedParameter.Name, 5)
    End Sub

    Sub OnCursorAdded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CursorToolBar.CursorAdded
        For Each cur As Cursor In Me.CursorToolBar.Cursors
            If Not Me.htblObjNode.ContainsKey(cur) Then
                Me.AddSubNode(Me.tnCursors, cur, cur.Name, 5)
            End If
    End Sub

    'Private Sub OnPlaneComplexScaleChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    '    For Each RL As RootLocusBase In Me.RLToolBar.RootLocuses
    '        RL.FindingArea = Me.intVisor2CP.VisorArea
    '        RL.CalcRootLocus()
    '    Next
    'End Sub

    'Private Sub OnCursorRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CursorToolBar.CursorRemoved

    'End Sub

    'Private Sub On3DVisor_LimitsChange(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    '    Me.Disable3DLimitChange = True
    '    Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea.ToString
    '    Refresh3DGraph()
    '    Me.Disable3DLimitChange = False
    'End Sub

    Private Sub On3DVisor_change(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "3D region"

    Private Sub Show3DSelectedFunction(ByVal Selected3Dfn As FunctionBase)
        If intD3DManager Is Nothing Then
            'intD3DManager = New Form1
            OnMessageReicived(Me, New BV.Core.MessageEventArgs("El entorno 3D no esta disponible", MessageEventArgs.EMessageType.Error))
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.Selected3Dfn Is Nothing AndAlso Not Selected3Dfn Is Nothing Then
            Me.Selected3Dfn = Selected3Dfn
            AddHandler Selected3Dfn.DataChange, AddressOf ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click
        ElseIf Selected3Dfn Is Me.Selected3Dfn Then
            'no hago nada
        ElseIf Not Selected3Dfn Is Me.selectedObj Then
            RemoveHandler Selected3Dfn.DataChange, AddressOf ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click
            Selected3Dfn = Me.selectedObj
            AddHandler Selected3Dfn.DataChange, AddressOf ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Show3DSelectedFunction()
        If Not Selected3Dfn Is Nothing Then
        ElseIf TypeOf Me.selectedObj Is FunctionBase Then
        ElseIf TypeOf Me.Fn Is FunctionBase Then
            OnMessageReicived(Me, New BV.Core.MessageEventArgs("Debe seleccionar antes una funci�n", MessageEventArgs.EMessageType.Error))
        End If
    End Sub

    'Private Sub Refresh3DGraph(ByVal Arr(,) As ComplexUndefinied)

    '    Dim i, j, M, N As Integer

    '    M = Arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    '    N = Arr.GetUpperBound(1)

    '    Me.FullD3DControl1.d3dObj.NumberOfPoints = M
    '    Me.intD3DManager.BeginUpdate()
    '    For i = 0 To M
    '        For j = 0 To N
    '            Me.intD3DManager.SetComplexPlainValue(Arr(i, j), i, j)
    '        Next
    '    Next
    '    Me.intD3DManager.EndUpdate()
    'End Sub

    'Private Sub Refresh3DGraph(ByVal Arr(,) As ComplexPolar)

    '    Dim i, j, M, N As Integer

    '    M = Arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    '    N = Arr.GetUpperBound(1)

    '    Me.FullD3DControl1.d3dObj.NumberOfPoints = M
    '    Me.intD3DManager.BeginUpdate()
    '    For i = 0 To M
    '        For j = 0 To N
    '            Me.intD3DManager.SetComplexPlainValue(New ComplexUndefinied(Arr(i, j)), i, j)
    '        Next
    '    Next
    '    Me.intD3DManager.EndUpdate()
    'End Sub

    Private Sub Refresh3DGraph()
        If Me.Selected3Dfn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Dim i, j, M, N As Integer
        Dim X, Y As RangeF
        Dim pX, pY As Double

        X = Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea.XRange
        Y = Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea.YRange
        M = Me.intD3DManager.ComplexPlainMatrix.GetUpperBound(0)
        N = Me.intD3DManager.ComplexPlainMatrix.GetUpperBound(1)
        pX = X.dx / M
        pY = Y.dx / N
        For i = 0 To M
            For j = 0 To N
                Me.intD3DManager.SetComplexPlainValue(Selected3Dfn.Calc(New ComplexUndefinied(i * pX + X.Min, j * pY + Y.Min)), i, j)
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "3D region Capture Buttons Methods"

    Private Delegate Sub simpleDelegate()
    Dim DelPtr As simpleDelegate

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonShow3D.Click
        If Me.Fn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.InvokeRequired Then
            DelPtr = New simpleDelegate(AddressOf Show3DSelectedFunction)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonRefreshEnable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonRefreshEnable.Click
        If Selected3Dfn Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If ToolStripButtonRefreshEnable.Checked Then
            AddHandler Selected3Dfn.DataChange, AddressOf ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click
            RemoveHandler Selected3Dfn.DataChange, AddressOf ToolStripButtonShow3D_Click
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonAdjustAnalisys_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonAdjustAnalisys.Click
        If Me.intVisorM.GraphCount = 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim SC As AutoSystemCalc
        Dim gov As GraphOfVisorSimple
        For Each fn As FunctionBase In Me.htblfnGoV.Keys
            gov = Me.htblfnGoV.Item(fn)
            If Me.intVisorM.Contains(gov) Then
                SC = Me.htblfnSysC.Item(fn)
                SC.Scanner.Range = Me.intVisorM.XRange
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub FullD3DControl1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FullD3DControl1.Click
        If Me.intD3DManager Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Me.PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Me.intD3DManager
        Me.selectedObj = Me.intD3DManager
    End Sub

    Dim Disable3DLimitChange As Boolean
    Private Sub ToolStripComboBox3DLimits_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) Handles ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.KeyDown
        If e.KeyCode <> Keys.Enter Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = "" OrElse Disable3DLimitChange Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
            Dim d As Double
            Dim r As RangeF
            d = Math.BVStrMath.DecodeMultiplos(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text)
            If Math.BVStrMath.Error = False Then
                r = New RangeF(d, -d)
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = New Areaf(r, r)
                Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = r.Max.ToString
                Exit Try
            End If
            If r.Parse(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text) Then
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = New Areaf(r, r)
                Exit Try
            End If
            Dim a As Areaf
            If a.Parse(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text) Then
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = a
                Exit Try
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageManager.Send(Me, New MessageEventArgs("Hubo un error al procesar la expresi�n: " & Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text))
            Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = ""
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonLimit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                            Handles ToolStripButtonLimitDown.Click, _

        If Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = "" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Dim Increment As Boolean

        Increment = (sender Is Me.ToolStripButtonLimitUp)
            Dim d As Double
            Dim r As RangeF
            d = Math.BVStrMath.DecodeMultiplos(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text)
            If Math.BVStrMath.Error = False Then
                r.Max = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(d, Increment)
                r.Min = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(-d, Increment)
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = New Areaf(r, r)
                Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = r.Max.ToString
                Exit Try
            End If
            If r.Parse(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text) Then
                r.Max = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(r.Max, Increment)
                r.Min = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(r.Min, Increment)
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = New Areaf(r, r)
                Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = r.ToString
                Exit Try
            End If
            Dim a As Areaf
            If a.Parse(Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text) Then
                a.XMax = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(a.XMax, Increment)
                a.XMin = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(a.XMin, Increment)
                a.YMax = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(a.YMax, Increment)
                a.YMin = Math.BVMathFunctions.ChangeValueLog(a.YMin, Increment)
                Me.intD3DManager.AnalisysArea = a
                Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = a.ToString
                Exit Try
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageManager.Send(Me, New MessageEventArgs("Hubo un error al procesar la expresi�n: " & Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text))
            Me.ToolStripComboBox3DLimits.Text = ""
        End Try

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Main Method"

    Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
        If UseDirectX Then
            'uso DX
#If (Debug) Then
            Using frameWork As New Framework()
                Dim FrmD3DWindowedInControl As New FormBodeViewer(frameWork)

                frameWork.SetCursorSettings(True, True)
                ' Initialize
                ' Pass control to the sample framework for handling the message pump and 
                ' dispatching render calls. The sample framework will call your FrameMove 
                ' and FrameRender callback when there is idle time between handling window messages.

                ' Perform any application-level cleanup here. Direct3D device resources are released within the
                ' appropriate callback functions and therefore don't require any cleanup code here.
                Return frameWork.ExitCode
            End Using
                ' Show the cursor and clip it when in full screen
                frameWork.SetCursorSettings(True, True)
                ' Initialize
                ' Pass control to the sample framework for handling the message pump and 
                ' dispatching render calls. The sample framework will call your FrameMove 
                ' and FrameRender callback when there is idle time between handling window messages.

                ' In release mode fail silently
                ' Ignore any exceptions here, they would have been handled by other areas
                If frameWork.ExitCode = 0 Then
                    Return 1
                End If
                '  Return an error code here
                Return frameWork.ExitCode
            End Try
#End If

            Dim FrmD3DWindowedInControl As New FormBodeViewer()

        End If
    End Function

    '    Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
    '        If UseDirectX Then
    '            Try
    '                'uso DX
    '                System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles()
    '                Using frameWork As New Framework()
    '                    Dim FrmD3DWindowedInControl As New FormBodeViewer(frameWork)

    '                    Try
    '                        ' Show the cursor and clip it when in full screen
    '                        frameWork.SetCursorSettings(True, True)
    '                        ' Initialize
    '                        ' Pass control to the sample framework for handling the message pump and 
    '                        ' dispatching render calls. The sample framework will call your FrameMove 
    '                        ' and FrameRender callback when there is idle time between handling window messages.
    '                        FrmD3DWindowedInControl.Show()
    '                        frameWork.MainLoop()
    '                    Catch e As Exception
    '#If (Debug) Then
    '                        'In debug mode show this error (maybe - depending on settings)
    '                        frameWork.DisplayErrorMessage(e)
    '            Catch
    '                ' In release mode fail silently
    '#End If
    '                        ' Ignore any exceptions here, they would have been handled by other areas
    '                        If frameWork.ExitCode = 0 Then
    '                            Return 1
    '                        End If
    '                        '  Return an error code here
    '                        Return frameWork.ExitCode
    '                    End Try
    '                    ' Perform any application-level cleanup here. Direct3D device resources are released within the
    '                    ' appropriate callback functions and therefore don't require any cleanup code here.
    '                    Return frameWork.ExitCode
    '                End Using

    '            Catch ex As Exception
    '                Stop
    '            End Try
    '        Else
    '            Dim FrmD3DWindowedInControl As New FormBodeViewer()

    '            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(FrmD3DWindowedInControl)
    '        End If
    '    End Function

#End Region

#Region "About"

    Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click
        Static frmAbout As FrmAbout

        If frmAbout Is Nothing Then
            frmAbout = New FrmAbout
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "FullScreen Region"

    Sub OnFullScreenClose(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles intFormFullScreen.FormClosing
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemFullScreen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemX4.Click _
                                                                                                    , ToolStripMenuItemX2.Click _
                                                                                                    , ToolStripMenuItemX1.Click '_
        ', ToolStripButtonFullScreen.Click
        If sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemX1 Then
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemX2 Then
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemX4 Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub FullScreen()
        intFormFullScreen.HideEnable = True
    End Sub

    Sub FullScreen(ByVal size As Integer)
        intFormFullScreen.HideEnable = True
        intFormFullScreen.ShowFullScreen(New Size(System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width * size, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height * size))
    End Sub

    Sub FullScreen(ByVal size As Size)
        intFormFullScreen.HideEnable = True
    End Sub

#End Region

    Private Sub OnParamChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CollectionChangedEventArgs)
        If TypeOf e.ObjectChanged Is FunctionBase Then
        End If
        'Dim cbItm As ComboItemBase
        'For Each BUF As BuitlInFunctionContainer In Parser.BuiltInFunctions
        '    cbItm.Add(BUF.Name, BUF)
        'cbItm = FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.Item("")

        'agrego los funciones matematicas agregadas
        'cbItm = New ComboItemBase("User Functions")
        'For Each Fn As FunctionBase In Parser.KnownFuntions
        '    cbItm.Add(Fn.Name, Fn)
        If e.Operation = CollectionChangedEventArgs.OperationTypes.Added Then
            cbItmMathFn.Add(CType(e.ObjectChanged, INameable)) 'ctype(sender,FunctionBase).
            'FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.AddItem( cbItmMathFn)

        ElseIf e.Operation = CollectionChangedEventArgs.OperationTypes.Removed Then
            cbItmMathFn.Remove(CType(e.ObjectChanged, INameable).Name) 'ctype(sender,FunctionBase).
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnClearLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClearLog.Click
        Me.TextBoxLog.Text = ""
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemListAvailableFunctions_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemListAvailableFunctions.Click
        For Each fn As BuitlInFunctionContainer In Parser.BuiltInFunctions
            Me.Log(fn.FunctionName & " - " & fn.FunctionDescription)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSave.Click
    End Sub

    Dim FileName As String = "D:\test.bvd"  'bode viewer Data
    Private Sub SaveBin()
        Dim Buff() As Byte

        For Each fn As FunctionBase In Me.htblfnGoV.Keys
            Buff = SerializableBlock.Serialize(fn)

        If Buff Is Nothing OrElse Buff.Length = 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(FileName, Buff, False)
    End Sub

    Private Sub saveXml()
        'Dim Ser As New Globe.Xml.Serialization.Serializer

        'Ser.Serialize("D:\test.xml", Me.htblfnGoV.Keys)

        If File.Exists("D:\test.xml") Then
        End If
        Dim writer As XmlSerializer
        Dim filew As New StreamWriter("D:\test.xml")

        'For Each p As ParameterBase In
        '    writer = New XmlSerializer(Fn.GetType)
        '    writer.Serialize(filew, Fn)

        For Each fn As FunctionBase In Me.htblfnGoV.Keys
            writer = New XmlSerializer(fn.GetType)
            writer.Serialize(filew, fn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonShowExpresionEditor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonShowExpresionEditor.Click
        If Me.FnProp Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.Value = Me.FnProp.Expresion
        AddHandler FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.VisibleChanged, AddressOf OnFormExpresionHide
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnFormExpresionHide(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.Visible Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        RemoveHandler FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.VisibleChanged, AddressOf OnFormExpresionHide
        If Me.FnProp Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.IsCanceled = False Then
            Me.FnProp.Expresion = FormPropertyEditorUI.Editor.Value
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemOpen.Click
        'Dim reader As New XmlSerializer(GetType(FunctionBase))
        'Dim file As New StreamReader("D:\test.xml")
        'Dim fileData As [Function]
        'fileData = CType(reader.Deserialize(file), [Function])
        'Dim reader As New XmlTextReader("D:\test.xml")
        'Dim contents As String

        'contents = reader.ReadInnerXml

    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButtonAutoRefresh2D_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonAutoRefresh2D.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowToolbarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _
                                                        ToolStripMenuItemCursorToolBar.Click, _
                                                        ToolStripMenuItemZoomToolbar.Click, _
                                                        ToolStripMenuItemFFTToolBar.Click, _
                                                        ParametricToolbarToolStripMenuItem.Click, _
        Dim toolbar As ToolStripMenuItem

        toolbar = sender
        If sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemCursorToolBar Then
            Me.CursorToolBar.Visible = toolbar.Checked
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemFFTToolBar Then
            Me.FFTToolBar.Visible = toolbar.Checked
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ParametricToolbarToolStripMenuItem Then
            Me.ParamToolBar.Visible = toolbar.Checked
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemZoomToolbar Then
            Me.ZoomToolBar.Visible = toolbar.Checked
        ElseIf sender Is Me.ToolStripMenuItemRootFinderToolBar Then
            Me.FRToolBar.Visible = toolbar.Checked
        End If
    End Sub

    'Private Sub FormBodeViewer_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint

    'End Sub

End Class

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Written By
Engineer Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Argentina Argentina
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions