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Object-Oriented database design with the DatabaseObjects library

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31 Jan 20076 min read 110K   3.9K   64  
Demonstrates creating object-oriented database systems with the DatabaseObjects library.
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Quick Start<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h1>
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<p>Implementing a database table using classes and the DatabaseObjects library
  involves creating two classes. The first class, represents a database table,
  while the second class represent each database record in the table. For the
  classes to &quot;hook into&quot; the library the first class (or collection
  class) must implement the <strong>IDatabaseObjects</strong> interface while
  the second class must implement the <strong>IDatabaseObject</strong> interface.
  By implementing each of the <strong>IDatabaseObjects</strong>' and <strong>IDatabaseObject</strong> functions
  the collection class can specify which table it is tied to, the table's unique
  field, whether it should only represent a subset of the table, how the table
  should be sorted, if there are any related tables, etc. while the second class
  can specify how a database record is to be copied to and from the class. With
  the interfaces implemented the DatabaseObjects library can then automatically
  generate the appropriate SQL statements for common database functions such
  as inserting a new record, updating an existing record, searching through a
  table, enumerating through a set of records, returning the number of records
in a table, etc.</p>
<p>The diagram below depicts how a <strong>Products</strong> database table might
  be implemented using the library. Two classes would be required; a <strong>Products </strong>class
  that implements the <strong>IDatabaseObjects</strong> interface and a<strong> Product</strong> class
  that implements the <strong>IDatabaseObject</strong> interface. Once the interfaces
  have been implemented the library can then be used with the DatabaseObjects
  library's set of predefined, generic functions to automatically generate and
  execute the necessary SQL statements. For example, the <strong>Count </strong>property
  in the <strong>Products</strong> class could call one of the predefined DatabaseObjects
  functions: <strong>ObjectsCount</strong>. This function creates an SQL statement
  using the value returned from <strong>IDatabaseObjects_TableName</strong> (in
  this case &quot;Products&quot;) to generate the following: <code>SELECT COUNT(*)
  FROM Products</code>. The SQL statement is then executed and the result returned.
  If the <strong>DBO.ObjectsCount</strong> function was called by passing a <strong>Customers</strong> class
  which had implemented <strong> IDatabaseObjects_TableName</strong> to return &quot;Customers&quot; then
  the <strong>DBO.ObjectsCount</strong> function would generate and execute the
  statement:<code> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers</code>. This basic technique
  is used by the DatabaseObjects library and it's set of generic functions.</p>
<p><img src="images/databaseobjects_classdiagram.jpg" width="479" height="764"></p>
<h3><strong>Code Example</strong></h3>
<p>This example demonstrates using the DatabaseObjects library with the <strong>Products</strong> table
  from Microsoft's Northwind database. The Microsoft Access version of the Northwind
  database is included with Visual Basic 6 and by default is located at: <em>C:\Program
  Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\nwind.mdb. </em>The following example assumes
  that the database exists at this location - although this can be modified.
  The database can also be downloaded <a href="">here</a> from
the Microsoft website. A MySQL version of the Northwind database is also bundled
  with the demonstration
<li>Run <strong>Visual Basic 6</strong></li>
  <li>Create a new <strong>ActiveX DLL</strong></li>
  <li>Rename <strong>Project1</strong> to <strong>NorthwindDB</strong></li>
  <li>Rename <strong>Class1</strong> to <strong>Products</strong></li>
  <li>Add a new class, name it <strong>Product</strong></li>
  <li>Add the DBO library project
      <li>Select <strong>File &gt; Add Project</strong></li>
        <li>Select the <strong>Existing</strong> tab</li>
        <li>Navigate to the <strong>DBO.vbp</strong> project</li>
        <li>Select <strong>Open</strong></li>
  <li>Select the <strong>NorthwindDB</strong> project</li>
  <li>Select <strong>Project &gt; References</strong></li>
  <li>Select the <strong>DBO</strong> library and the<strong> Microsoft ActiveX
      Data Objects 2.8 Library </strong>references</li>
Product Class</strong></h3>
  <li>Open the <strong>Product</strong> class</li>
  <li>At the top of the class type <strong>Implements IDatabaseObject</strong></li>
  <li>Select the <strong>IDatabaseObject</strong> from the object list (combo box at the top left)</li>
  <li>Select each  function (combo box at the top right) to automatically
      generate the <strong>IDatabaseObject </strong>functions. All of the functions
    must be implemented even if they are to be left blank.</li>
  <li>Fill in the remainder of the class so that it looks like the following:</li>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><pre><span class="comment">
'Product class</span> 
<span class="keyword">Implements</span> <span class="keyword"><a href="IDatabaseObject.htm">IDatabaseObject</a>

Public </span>Name <span class="keyword">As String<br>Public </span>UnitPrice<span class="keyword"> As Currency<br></span>
<span class="keyword">Private</span> plngProductID<span class="keyword"> As Long</span> 
<span class="comment">
'Implement the IDatabaseObject functions</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Property Let</span> <a href="IDatabaseObject_DistinctValue.htm">IDatabaseObject_DistinctValue</a>(<span class="keyword">ByVal</span> RHS <span class="keyword">As Variant</span>)
<span class="comment">
    'This function is called when the Product is loaded or 
    'this is a new object which has not yet been saved and is identified
    'by an identity or autoincrement field (<a href="IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldAutoIncrements.htm">IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldIsAnIdentityField</a>)

    'Store the Product ID
</span>    plngProductID = RHS

<span class="keyword">End Property</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Property Get</span> <a href="IDatabaseObject_DistinctValue.htm">IDatabaseObject_DistinctValue</a>() <span class="keyword">As Variant</span>
<span class="comment">
</span><span class="comment">    'Return the distinct value for the Product which in this case is the ProductID (plngProductID)</span>
    IDatabaseObject_DistinctValue = plngProductID

<span class="keyword">End Property</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Property Get</span> <a href="IDatabaseObject_IsSaved.htm">IDatabaseObject_IsSaved</a>() <span class="keyword">As Boolean</span>

<span class="comment">    'Return whether the object has been saved to the database
    'If the object is new then plngProductID will be 0

    'This property is essentially used to determine whether to 
    'perform either an INSERT or UPDATE SQL command
    IDatabaseObject_IsSaved = plngProductID &lt;&gt; 0

<span class="keyword">End Property</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Property Let</span> <a href="IDatabaseObject_IsSaved.htm">IDatabaseObject_IsSaved</a>(<span class="keyword">ByVal</span> RHS <span class="keyword">As Boolean</span>)

<span class="keyword">End Property</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Sub</span> <a href="IDatabaseObject_Load.htm">IDatabaseObject_Load</a>(<span class="keyword">ByVal</span> objFields <span class="keyword">As</span> DBO.SQLFieldValues)

<span class="comment">    'objFields will be populated with all of the fields from 1 record of the Products' table
    'Copy the fields from the database (via objFields) and store them in the appropriate variables
</span>    Me.Name = objFields(&quot;ProductName&quot;)<br>    Me.UnitPrice = objFields(&quot;UnitPrice&quot;)<br>
<span class="keyword">End Sub</span>

<span class="keyword">Private Function </span><a href="IDatabaseObject_Save.htm">IDatabaseObject_Save</a>() <span class="keyword">As</span> DBO.SQLFieldValues

    <span class="keyword">Dim</span> objFields <span class="keyword">As</span> SQLFieldValues<br>    <span class="keyword">Set</span> objFields = <span class="keyword">New</span> SQLFieldValues

    objFields.Add &quot;ProductName&quot;, Me.Name<br>    objFields.Add &quot;UnitPrice&quot;, Me.UnitPrice

    <span class="keyword">Set</span> IDatabaseObject_Save = objFields

<span class="keyword">End Function</span></pre>
Products Class</h3>
<ol><li>Open the <strong>Products</strong> class</li>
  <li>At the top of the class type <strong>Implements IDatabaseObjects</strong></li>
  <li>Just as before, select the <strong>IDatabaseObjects</strong> from the object
    list (combo box at the top left)</li>
  <li>Select each function (combo box at the top right) to automatically generate
    the <strong>IDatabaseObjects </strong>functions. All of the functions must
    be implemented.</li>
  <li>Fill in the remainder of the class so that it looks like the following:</li>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
    <td><pre><span class="comment">
'Products class</span>

<span class="keyword">Implements</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects.htm">IDatabaseObjects</a><br>
<span class="keyword">Public Property Get</span> Enumerator() <span class="keyword">As</span> IUnknown 

<span class="comment">    'This property will allow a For Each enumeration to be used</span>
<span class="comment">    'colProducts must be declared static otherwise it will be released 
    'at the end of the function call and the enumerator will become invalid 
   <span class="keyword"> Static</span> colProducts <span class="keyword">As</span> Collection
    <span class="keyword">Set</span> colProducts = dbo.<a href="DatabaseObjects_ObjectsCollection.htm">ObjectsCollection</a>(Me)<br>
    <span class="keyword">Set</span> Enumerator = colProducts.[_NewEnum]

<span class="keyword">End Property</span><br>  <br>
<span class="comment">'Implement the IDatabaseObjects functions</span><span class="keyword">

Private Function</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldAutoIncrements.htm">IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldAutoIncrements</a>() <span class="keyword">As Boolean</span>

    <span class="comment">'The ProductID field is an automatically incrementing field</span>
    IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldAutoIncrements = <span class="keyword">True</span>

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldName.htm">IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldName</a>() <span class="keyword">As String</span>
<span class="comment">    'The ProductID field uniquely identifies each product record in the table</span>
    IDatabaseObjects_DistinctFieldName = &quot;ProductID&quot;

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function </span><a href="IDatabaseObjects_ItemInstance.htm">IDatabaseObjects_ItemInstance</a>() <span class="keyword">As</span> dbo.IDatabaseObject
    <span class="comment">'Return a new instance of the class that is associated with this collection</span>
    <span class="keyword">Set</span> IDatabaseObjects_ItemInstance = <span class="keyword">New</span> Product

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function </span><a href="IDatabaseObjects_KeyFieldName.htm">IDatabaseObjects_KeyFieldName</a>() <span class="keyword">As String</span>
<span class="comment">
    'The ProductName field is a unique field within the product table 
    'and is used by the DBO.ObjectByKey function</span>
    IDatabaseObjects_KeyFieldName = &quot;ProductName&quot;

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects_OrderBy.htm">IDatabaseObjects_OrderBy</a>() <span class="keyword">As</span> DBO.SQLSelectOrderByFields

<span class="comment">    'When enumerating through the collection (using ObjectByOrdinal or ObjectsCollection)
    'then the  Product objects should be ordered by ProductName</span>    
<span class="comment">    'If this function returns Nothing then the records are not sorted</span>
    <span class="keyword">Set</span> IDatabaseObjects_OrderBy = <span class="keyword">New</span> SQLSelectOrderByFields
    IDatabaseObjects_OrderBy.Add &quot;ProductName&quot;, dboOrderAscending

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function </span><a href="IDatabaseObjects_TableName.htm">IDatabaseObjects_TableName</a>() <span class="keyword">As String</span>
    <span class="comment">'Return the database table that this collection uses</span>
    IDatabaseObjects_TableName = &quot;Products&quot;

<span class="keyword">End Function</span>
<span class="keyword">
Private Function</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects_Subset.htm">IDatabaseObjects_Subset</a>() <span class="keyword">As</span> dbo.SQLConditions
<span class="comment">    'Leave this function blank to include all of the product records</span>

<span class="keyword">End Function

Private Function</span> <a href="IDatabaseObjects_TableJoins.htm">IDatabaseObjects_TableJoins</a>(<span class="keyword">ByVal</span> objPrimaryTable <span class="keyword">As</span> SQLSelectTable, <span class="keyword">ByVal</span> objTables <span class="keyword">As</span> dbo.SQLSelectTables) <span class="keyword">As</span> dbo.SQLSelectTableJoins
<span class="comment">    'Leave this function blank to not join to any tables </span>

<span class="keyword">End Function</span></pre></td>

  <li>Enable the<strong> For Each</strong> enumeration
      <li> Select Tools &gt; Procedure Attributes</li>
      <li> Select <strong>Enumerator</strong> in the Name list</li>
      <li>Click Advanced</li>
      <li>Enter -4 for the 'Procedure ID'</li>
      <li>This will allow the <strong>For Each</strong> command to be used on
      the <strong>Products</strong> collection</li>
<h3>NorthwindDatabase Class</h3>
  <li>Add a new class to the <strong>NorthwindDB</strong> project, name it <strong>NorthWindDatabase</strong></li>
  <li>Set the instancing property for the <strong>NorthWindDatabase</strong> class
    to <strong>6-GlobalMultiUse</strong></li>
  <li>Add the following code to the <strong>NorthWindDatabase</strong> class</li>
  <li>This will connect to the nwind.mdb database. The nwind.mdb database is
    available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> at
    the Microsoft website.</li>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6">

<span class="keyword">Public Sub</span> Connect()

    <span class="keyword">Const</span> cstrDatabaseFilePath <span class="keyword">As String</span> = &quot;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\nwind.mdb&quot;

    Dim strConnection As String

<span class="keyword">  </span>  strConnection = _<br>        &quot;Data Source=&quot; &amp; cstrDatabaseFilePath &amp; &quot;;&quot; &amp; _<br>        &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=;&quot;

    DBO.Connect strConnection, dboConnectionTypeMicrosoftAccess

<span class="keyword">End Sub</span>

<span class="keyword">Public Property Get </span>Products() <span class="keyword">As</span> Products

    <span class="keyword">Set </span>Products =<span class="keyword"> New </span>Products

<span class="keyword">End Property</span></pre>
<h3>Exe Project</h3>
<ol><li>Select <strong>File &gt; Add Project</strong></li>
  <li>Select <strong>Standard EXE</strong></li>
  <li>Rename <strong>Project1</strong> to <strong>DBOTest</strong></li>
  <li>Right click on<strong> DBOTest </strong>and select <strong>Set As Startup</strong></li>
  <li>Select the <strong>DBOTest</strong> project</li>
  <li>Select <strong>Project &gt; References</strong></li>
  <li>Select the<strong> NorthwindDB</strong> reference</li>
  <li>Add a text box to Form1</li>
  <li>Set the <strong>MultiLine</strong> property to true</li>
  <li>Set the <strong>ScrollBars</strong> property to <strong>2-Vertical</strong></li>
  <li>Clear the <strong>Text</strong> property</li>
  <li>Paste the following code into Form1:</li>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
    <td><pre><span class="keyword">
Private Sub</span> Form_Load()<br>    <br>    <span class="keyword">Dim </span>objProduct <span class="keyword">As</span> Product<br>    <br>    NorthwindDB.Connect

    <span class="keyword">For</span> <span class="keyword">Each</span> objProduct <span class="keyword">In</span> NorthWindDB.Products<br>        Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text &amp; objProduct.Name &amp; &quot;  -  &quot; &amp; FormatCurrency(objProduct.UnitPrice) &amp; vbCrLf<br><span class="keyword">    Next<br>    <br>End Sub</span>
<p>For more
  information and examples see the <a href="reference.htm">reference guide</a> and
  demonstration program. Both
are available at the website <a href=""></a> in
the downloads section.</p>
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<p align="center"><font size="1">�  Hi Integrity Systems 2005. All rights reserved.</font></p>

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