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Embedded .NET HTTP Server

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12 Jul 2012CPOL10 min read 192.8K   5.2K   144  
A simple HTTP server that can be embedded in any .NET application.
//#define DEBUG
// Embedded HTTP server, partial 1.1 support with keep-alive and session management
// REQUIRES: Sockets.dll (or Sockets.cs)

// v1.0

// HttpServer: Main class that implements a HTTP server on top of Sockets server.
//   Includes session management via cookies, keep-alive, UTF8 transfer of text
//   and simple query string parsing (via GET or POST).
// HttpRequest: Represents the request made by the user, with header fields,
//   query string and cookies pre-parsed. Typical server code will read the 
//   properties of this request to determine what to do.
// HttpResponse: The response which is to be sent back to the user. A simple
//   server will set the Content property, but you can send binary information
//   via RawContent, and change the mime type or response code.
// Session: A container into which you may put state information that will be
//  available in future requests from the same user.
// IHttpHandler: You must implement this interface in order to process
//   requests.
// SubstitutingFileHandler: An implementation of IHttpHandler that reads files
//   from disk and allows substitutions of <%pseudotags> within text documents.

// (C) Richard Smith 2008
// If downloaded from CodeProject, this file is subject to the CodeProject Open Licence 1.0.
// If downloaded from elsewhere, you may freely distribute the source code, as long as this
// header is not removed or modified. You may not charge for the source code or any compiled
// library that includes this class; however you may link to it from commercial software. Please
// leave a credit to the original download location in your documentation or About box.

// Simple HTTP server
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace RedCorona.Net {
	public class HttpServer {
		Server s;
		Hashtable hostmap = new Hashtable();	// Map<string, string>: Host => Home folder
		ArrayList handlers = new ArrayList();		// List<IHttpHandler>
		Hashtable sessions = new Hashtable();		// Map<string,Session>
		int sessionTimeout = 600;
		public Hashtable Hostmap { get { return hostmap; } }
		public Server Server { get { return s ; } }
		public ArrayList Handlers { get { return handlers; } }
		public int SessionTimeout {
			get { return sessionTimeout; }
			set { sessionTimeout = value; CleanUpSessions(); }
		public HttpServer(Server s){
			this.s = s; 
			s.Connect += new ClientEvent(ClientConnect);
			handlers.Add(new FallbackHandler());
		bool ClientConnect(Server s, ClientInfo ci){
			ci.Delimiter = "\r\n\r\n";
			ci.Data = new ClientData(ci);
			ci.OnRead += new ConnectionRead(ClientRead);
			ci.OnReadBytes += new ConnectionReadBytes(ClientReadBytes);
			return true;
		void ClientRead(ClientInfo ci, string text){
			// Read header, if in right state
			ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
			if(data.state != ClientState.Header) return; // already done; must be some text in content, which will be handled elsewhere
			text = text.Substring(data.headerskip);
			Console.WriteLine("Read header: "+text+" (skipping first "+data.headerskip+")");
			data.headerskip = 0;
			string[] lines = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split('\n');
			data.req.HeaderText = text;
			// First line: METHOD /path/url HTTP/version
			string[] firstline = lines[0].Split(' ');
			if(firstline.Length != 3){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Incorrect first header line "+lines[0]), true); return; }
			if(firstline[2].Substring(0, 4) != "HTTP"){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Unknown protocol "+firstline[2]), true); return; }
			data.req.Method = firstline[0];
			data.req.Url = firstline[1];
			data.req.HttpVersion = firstline[2].Substring(5);
			int p;
			for(int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++){
				p = lines[i].IndexOf(':');
				if(p > 0) data.req.Header[lines[i].Substring(0, p)] = lines[i].Substring(p+2);
				else Console.WriteLine("Warning, incorrect header line "+lines[i]);
			// If ? in URL, split out query information
			p = firstline[1].IndexOf('?');
			if(p > 0){
				data.req.Page = data.req.Url.Substring(0, p);
				data.req.QueryString = data.req.Url.Substring(p+1);
			} else {
				data.req.Page = data.req.Url;
				data.req.QueryString = "";
			if(data.req.Page.IndexOf("..") >= 0) { SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Invalid path"), true); return; }			
			if(!data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Host", out data.req.Host)){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "No Host specified"), true); return; }			
			string cookieHeader;
			if(data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Cookie", out cookieHeader)){
				string[] cookies = cookieHeader.Split(';');
				foreach(string cookie in cookies){
					p = cookie.IndexOf('=');
					if(p > 0){
						data.req.Cookies[cookie.Substring(0, p).Trim()] = cookie.Substring(p+1);
					} else {
						data.req.Cookies[cookie.Trim()] = "";
			string contentLengthString;
			if(data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Content-Length", out contentLengthString))
				data.req.ContentLength = Int32.Parse(contentLengthString);
			else  data.req.ContentLength = 0;
			//if(data.req.ContentLength > 0){
				data.state = ClientState.PreContent;
				data.skip = text.Length + 4;
			//} else DoProcess(ci);
			//ClientReadBytes(ci, new byte[0], 0); // For content length 0 body
		public string GetFilename(HttpRequest req){
			string folder = (string)hostmap[req.Host];
			if(folder == null) folder = "webhome";
			if(req.Page == "/") return folder + "/index.html";
			else return folder + req.Page;
		void DoProcess(ClientInfo ci){
			ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
			string sessid;
			if(data.req.Cookies.TryGetValue("_sessid", out sessid))
				data.req.Session = (Session)sessions[sessid];
			bool closed = Process(ci, data.req);
			data.state = closed ? ClientState.Closed : ClientState.Header; = 0;
			HttpRequest oldreq = data.req;
			data.req = new HttpRequest(); // Once processed, the connection will be used for a new request
			data.req.Session = oldreq.Session; // ... but session is persisted
			data.req.From = ((IPEndPoint)ci.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
		void ClientReadBytes(ClientInfo ci, byte[] bytes, int len){
			int ofs = 0;
			ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
			Console.WriteLine("Reading "+len+" bytes of content, in state "+data.state+", skipping "+data.skip+", read ";
				case ClientState.Content: break;
				case ClientState.PreContent: 
					data.state = ClientState.Content; 					
					if((data.skip - > len) { data.skip -= len; return; }
					ofs = data.skip -; data.skip = 0;
				//case ClientState.Header: += len - data.headerskip; return;
				default: += len; return;
			data.req.Content += Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, ofs, len-ofs);
			data.req.BytesRead += len - ofs;
			data.headerskip += len - ofs;
			#if DEBUG
			Console.WriteLine("Reading "+(len-ofs)+" bytes of content. Got "+data.req.BytesRead+" of "+data.req.ContentLength);
			if(data.req.BytesRead >= data.req.ContentLength){
				if(data.req.Method == "POST"){
					if(data.req.QueryString == "")data.req.QueryString = data.req.Content;
					else data.req.QueryString += "&" + data.req.Content;
		void ParseQuery(HttpRequest req){
			if(req.QueryString == "") return;
			string[] sections = req.QueryString.Split('&');
			for(int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++){
				int p = sections[i].IndexOf('=');
				if(p < 0) req.Query[sections[i]] = "";
				else req.Query[sections[i].Substring(0, p)] = URLDecode(sections[i].Substring(p+1));
		public static string URLDecode(string input){			
			StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
			int p;
			while((p = input.IndexOf('%')) >= 0){
				output.Append(input.Substring(0, p));
				string hexNumber = input.Substring(p + 1, 2);
				input = input.Substring(p + 3);
				output.Append((char)int.Parse(hexNumber, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
			return output.Append(input).ToString();
		protected virtual bool Process(ClientInfo ci, HttpRequest req){
			HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse();
			resp.Url = req.Url;
			for(int i = handlers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){
				IHttpHandler handler = (IHttpHandler)handlers[i];
				if(handler.Process(this, req, resp)){
					SendResponse(ci, req, resp, resp.ReturnCode != 200);
					return resp.ReturnCode != 200;
			return true;
		enum ClientState { Closed, Header, PreContent, Content };
		class ClientData {
			internal HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
			internal ClientState state = ClientState.Header;
			internal int skip, read, headerskip;
			internal ClientData(ClientInfo ci){
				req.From = ((IPEndPoint)ci.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
		public Session RequestSession(HttpRequest req){
			if(req.Session != null){
				if(sessions[req.Session.ID] == req.Session) return req.Session;
			req.Session = new Session(req.From);
			sessions[req.Session.ID] = req.Session;
			return req.Session;
		void CleanUpSessions(){
			ICollection keys = sessions.Keys;
			ArrayList toRemove = new ArrayList();
			foreach(string k in keys){
				Session s = (Session)sessions[k];
				int time = (int)((DateTime.Now - s.LastTouched).TotalSeconds);
				if(time > sessionTimeout){
					Console.WriteLine("Removed session "+k);
			foreach(object k in toRemove) sessions.Remove(k);
		// Response stuff
		static Hashtable Responses = new Hashtable();
		static HttpServer(){
			Responses[200] = "OK";
			Responses[302] = "Found";
			Responses[303] = "See Other";
			Responses[400] = "Bad Request";
			Responses[404] = "Not Found";
			Responses[500] = "Misc Server Error";
			Responses[502] = "Server Busy";
		void SendResponse(ClientInfo ci, HttpRequest req, HttpResponse resp, bool close){
			#if DEBUG
			Console.WriteLine("Response: "+resp.ReturnCode + Responses[resp.ReturnCode]);
			ByteBuilder bb = new ByteBuilder();
			bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HTTP/1.1 " + resp.ReturnCode + " " + Responses[resp.ReturnCode] + 
			        "\r\nDate: "+DateTime.Now.ToString("R")+
			        "\r\nServer: RedCoronaEmbedded/1.0"+
			        "\r\nConnection: "+(close ? "close" : "Keep-Alive")));
			if(resp.RawContent == null ) 
				bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Encoding: utf-8"+
					"\r\nContent-Length: "+resp.Content.Length));
				bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Length: "+resp.RawContent.Length));
			if(resp.ContentType != null)
				bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Type: "+resp.ContentType));
			if(req.Session != null) bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nSet-Cookie: _sessid="+req.Session.ID+"; path=/"));
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> de in resp.Header) bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n" + de.Key + ": " + de.Value));
			bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n\r\n")); // End of header
			if(resp.RawContent != null) bb.Add(resp.RawContent);
			else bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resp.Content));
			ci.Send(bb.Read(0, bb.Length));
			#if DEBUG
			Console.WriteLine("** SENDING\n"+resp.Content);
			if(close) ci.Close();
		class FallbackHandler : IHttpHandler {
			public bool Process(HttpServer server, HttpRequest req, HttpResponse resp){
				#if DEBUG
				Console.WriteLine("Processing "+req);
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
				sb.Append("<p>ID: "+req.Session.ID+"<br>User: "+req.Session.User);
				sb.Append("Method: "+req.Method+"; URL: '"+req.Url+"'; HTTP version "+req.HttpVersion+"<p>");
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> ide in req.Header) sb.Append(" "+ide.Key +": "+ide.Value+"<br>");
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> ide in req.Cookies) sb.Append(" "+ide.Key +": "+ide.Value+"<br>");
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> ide in req.Query) sb.Append(" "+ide.Key +": "+ide.Value+"<br>");
				resp.Content = sb.ToString();
				return true;
	public class HttpRequest {
		public bool GotHeader = false;
		public string Method, Url, Page, HttpVersion, Host, Content, HeaderText, QueryString;
		public IPAddress From;
		//public byte[] RawContent;
		public Dictionary<string, string> Query = new Dictionary<string, string>(), Header = new Dictionary<string, string>(), Cookies = new Dictionary<string, string>();		
		public int ContentLength, BytesRead;
		public Session Session;
	public class HttpResponse {
		public int ReturnCode = 200;
		public Dictionary<string, string> Header = new Dictionary<string, string>();
		public string Url, Content, ContentType = "text/html";
		public byte[] RawContent = null;
		public HttpResponse(){}
		public HttpResponse(int code, string content){ ReturnCode = code; Content = content; }
		public void MakeRedirect(string newurl){
			ReturnCode = 303;
			Header["Location"] = newurl;
			Content = "This document is requesting a redirection to <a href="+newurl+">"+newurl+"</a>";
	public interface IHttpHandler {
		bool Process(HttpServer server, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response);
	public class Session {
		string id;
		IPAddress user;
		DateTime lasttouched;
		Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
		public string ID { get { return id; } }
		public DateTime LastTouched { get { return lasttouched; } }
		public IPAddress User { get { return user; } }
		public object this[object key]{
			get { return data[key]; }
			set { data[key] = value; Touch(); }
		public Session(IPAddress user){
			this.user = user; = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
		public void Touch(){ lasttouched = DateTime.Now; }
	public class SubstitutingFileReader : IHttpHandler {
		// Reads a file, and substitutes <%x>
		HttpRequest req;
		bool substitute = true;
		public bool Substitute { get { return substitute; } set { substitute = value; } }
		public static Hashtable MimeTypes;
		static SubstitutingFileReader(){
			MimeTypes = new Hashtable();
			MimeTypes[".html"] = "text/html";
			MimeTypes[".htm"] = "text/html";
			MimeTypes[".css"] = "text/css";
			MimeTypes[".js"] = "application/x-javascript";
			MimeTypes[".png"] = "image/png";
			MimeTypes[".gif"] = "image/gif";
			MimeTypes[".jpg"] = "image/jpeg";
			MimeTypes[".jpeg"] = "image/jpeg";
		public virtual bool Process(HttpServer server, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response){
			string fn = server.GetFilename(request);
				response.ReturnCode = 404;
				response.Content = "File not found.";
				return true;
			string ext = Path.GetExtension(fn);
			string mime = (string)MimeTypes[ext];
			if(mime == null) mime = "application/octet-stream";
			response.ContentType =  mime;
			try {
				if(mime.Substring(0, 5) == "text/") {
					// Mime type 'text' is substituted
					StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fn);
					response.Content = sr.ReadToEnd();
						// Do substitutions
						Regex regex = new Regex(@"\<\%(?<tag>[^>]+)\>");
							req = request;
							response.Content = regex.Replace(response.Content, new MatchEvaluator(RegexMatch));
				} else {
					FileStream fs = File.Open(fn, FileMode.Open);
					byte[] buf = new byte[fs.Length];
					fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
					response.RawContent = buf;
			} catch(Exception e) {
				response.ReturnCode = 500;
				response.Content = "Error reading file: "+e;
				return true;
			return true;
		public virtual string GetValue(HttpRequest req, string tag){
			return "<span class=error>Unknown substitution: "+tag+"</span>";
		string RegexMatch(Match m){
			try {
				return GetValue(req, m.Groups["tag"].Value);
			} catch(Exception e) {
				return "<span class=error>Error substituting "+m.Groups["tag"].Value+"</span>";

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Written By
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I'm a recent graduate (MSci) from the University of Cambridge, no longer studying Geology. Programming is a hobby so I get to write all the cool things and not all the boring things Smile | :) . However I now have a job in which I have to do a bit of work with a computer too.

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