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Open Door - Reporting, Charts, Enquiry Drill-Downs

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2 Feb 2009CPOL6 min read 39.4K   2K   59  
A utility for generating user editable reports, charts, documents, enquiries
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports marshal = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal
Imports System
Imports System.Text

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgId("DataTable_NET.DataTable")> Public Class ADOBndDataTable
    inherits System.Data.DataTable
	' Fetch behaviour
	'       Fetchtype = DOES_FETCH_ABSOLUTE - next,previous,absolute
	'       Fetchtype = DOES_FETCH_BOOKMARK - next and positions on bookmark
	'       Fetchtype = DOES_FETCH_PRIOR - next,prior
	'       Fetchtype = DOES_FETCH_ROWID - use second cursor for rowid
	'       Fetchtype = DOES_FETCH_NEXT - next only
	Private rowsknown As Boolean
    private FirstFetchCall as boolean
	Private maxrow As Integer
	Private maxstdrow As Integer
	Private numaddedrows As Integer
	Private pvBOF As Boolean
	Private pvEOF As Boolean
	Private addedrows() As addedrowdata
	Private scrollable As Boolean
	Private dfu As Boolean
	Private nonscrollrowid As String '* 50
    public AOTableName as string
    public Loading as boolean
	'Private nonscrollrowidlen As Long
	Private Const bkmrkcol As Short = 0
	Private currpos As Integer
	Private maxrowfetched As Integer
	Private rows_fetched As Integer
	Private stmt As Integer
	Private mainstmt As Integer
	Private createdok As Short
	Private COlDat() As coldata
	Private numcols As Short
	Private CursorName As String
	Private gHnd As Integer
    Private GAddr As System.IntPtr
    Private CurrAddr As System.IntPtr
	Private recsize As Integer
	Private noFetched As Integer
	Private rowstat() As Short
	Private tblName As string
	Private FieldList As Object
	Private whereclause As String
	Private orderclause As String
	Private updateclause As String
	Private pvHstmt As Integer
	Private hdbcv As Integer
	Private henv As Integer
	Private initialized As Boolean
	Private fs As fileset
	Public cols As New Collection
	Private sqlstat As String
	Private HDB As HDBC
	Friend Sub setparent(ByRef po As HDBC)
		HDB = po
		initialized = True
	End Sub
	public readonly property HDBC() as HDBC
            return HDB
    End Get
 End Property
	Private Sub addcolumns(ByVal colnum As Short)
		'Dim col As New DCol
		'With col
		'    .datatype = COlDat(colnum%).datatype
		'    .colsize = COlDat(colnum%).colsize
		'    .coloffset = COlDat(colnum%).coloffset
		'    .coltitle = COlDat(colnum%).coltitle
		'    .colname = COlDat(colnum%).colname
		'    .extradata = COlDat(colnum%).extradata
		'    .retval = COlDat(colnum%).retval
		'    .defaultval = COlDat(colnum%).defaultval
		'    .capitalize = COlDat(colnum%).capitalize
		'    .editable = COlDat(colnum%).editable
		'    .longdata = COlDat(colnum%).longdata
		'   .nodisplay = COlDat(colnum%).nodisplay
		'End With
		'cols.Add col, CStr(colnum%)
		'Set col = Nothing
	End Sub
	Private  Sub AddRow()
		Dim colnum As Short
		Dim scnt As Short
		Dim frs As Object
		Dim l_true As Integer
		l_true = -1
		If Not createdok Then
			MsgBox("Add Row executed on uninitialized dataset")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Do While Not rowsknown
			frs = fetch()
		numaddedrows = numaddedrows + 1
		If numaddedrows = 1 Then
			ReDim addedrows(1)
			ReDim Preserve addedrows(numaddedrows)
		End If
        addedrows(numaddedrows).RowHnd = GlobalAlloc(0, recsize)
        addedrows(numaddedrows).RowAddr = GlobalLockPtr(addedrows(numaddedrows).RowHnd)
        'addedrows(numaddedrows).RowAddr = marshal.AllocHGlobal(recsize)
		currpos = maxstdrow + numaddedrows
		maxrow = currpos
		CurrAddr = addedrows(numaddedrows).RowAddr
		If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
			scnt = 2
			scnt = 1
		End If
		'initialize cols with null values
        For colnum = scnt To numcols
            marshal.WriteInt32(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(colnum).coloffset + COlDat(colnum).colsize), l_true)
            'agCopyData(l_true, CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(colnum).coloffset + COlDat(colnum).colsize), 4)
        Next colnum
        pvBOF = False
        pvEOF = False
	End Sub
	Private ReadOnly Property nocols() As Short
			If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
				nocols = numcols - 1
				nocols = numcols
			End If
		End Get
	End Property
	Private  ReadOnly Property RowCount() As Integer
			Dim frs As Object
			Do While Not rowsknown
				frs = fetch()
			RowCount = maxrow
		End Get
	End Property
	Private ReadOnly Property Cursor() As String
			Return CursorName
		End Get
	End Property
	Private ReadOnly Property BOF() As Boolean
			BOF = pvBOF
		End Get
	End Property
	Private ReadOnly Property EOF() As Boolean
			EOF = pvEOF
		End Get
	End Property	
	Private ReadOnly Property CurrentMaxRow() As Integer
			If rowsknown Then
				CurrentMaxRow = maxrow
				CurrentMaxRow = maxrowfetched
			End If
		End Get
	End Property
	private ReadOnly Property MaxRowKnown() As Boolean
			MaxRowKnown = rowsknown
		End Get
	End Property
	friend Function create(ByVal f_nam As String, ByVal t_nam As String, ByVal w_cls As String, ByVal o_cls As String, ByVal u_cls As String, Optional ByRef scrollreq As Object = Nothing, Optional ByRef DropForUpdate As Object = Nothing) As Boolean
		Dim es As String
		Dim RL As Integer
		Dim this_name As String
		Dim pos As Short
		Dim col_size As Short
		Dim cnm As String
		Dim cnt As Short
		Dim off_now As Integer
		Dim col_nullable As Short
		Dim c_scale As Short
		Dim col_pres As Integer
		Dim data_type As Short
		Dim ret_size As Short
		Dim rsql As String
		Dim fsql As String
		Dim sql As String
		Dim r As Short
		Dim thdbcv As Object
        Dim DataCol As System.Data.DataColumn 
		Dim tenv As Object
		'debug.print "in create"
        Loading = true
		Dim RunWithInfo As Boolean
		rowsknown = False
		maxrow = 0
		maxrowfetched = 0
		numaddedrows = 0
		ReDim addedrows(1)
		pvBOF = True
		'debug.print "pvBOF set to true on create"
		pvEOF = False
		On Error GoTo createerr
		If IsNothing(scrollreq) Then
			scrollable = False
			'debug.print "Non-scrollable table to be created"
			If scrollreq Then
				scrollable = True
				'debug.print "Srollable table to be created"
				scrollable = False
				'debug.print "Non-scrollable table to be created"
			End If
		End If
		If IsNothing(DropForUpdate) Then
			dfu = False
			If DropForUpdate Then
				dfu = True
				dfu = False
			End If
		End If
		'Debug.Print "DB IS " & HDB.HostDatabase & " o_cls$ " & o_cls$
		If (HDB.HostDatabase = "ACCESS") Or (HDB.HostDatabase = "SQLBASE" And o_cls <> "") Then
			'Debug.Print "DB IS " & HDB.HostDatabase & " o_cls$ " & o_cls$ & " Setting drop for update"
			dfu = True
		End If
		tblName = UCase(Trim(t_nam))
		If tblName = "" Then
			MsgBox("Invalid table name")
			create = False
			Exit Function
		End If
		f_nam = (Trim(f_nam))
		'''''''debug.print f_nam$
		w_cls = Trim(w_cls)
		If w_cls <> "" Then
			If Left(w_cls, 5) <> "WHERE" Then
				w_cls = " WHERE " & w_cls
				w_cls = " " & w_cls
			End If
		End If
		whereclause = w_cls
		o_cls = UCase(Trim(o_cls))
		If o_cls <> "" Then
			If Left(o_cls, 5) <> "ORDER" Then
				o_cls = " ORDER BY " & o_cls
				o_cls = " " & o_cls
			End If
		End If
		orderclause = o_cls
		u_cls = UCase(Trim(u_cls))
		If u_cls = "" Then
			If f_nam <> "" And f_nam <> "'X'" Then
				u_cls = f_nam
				MsgBox("Invalid FOR UPDATE field list")
				Exit Function
			End If
		End If
		updateclause = u_cls
		If f_nam = "" Then
			f_nam = "'X'"
		End If
		FieldList = f_nam
		numcols = 0
		currpos = 0
		pvHstmt = 0
		henv = tenv
		hdbcv = thdbcv
		CursorName = ""
		maxrowfetched = 0
		rows_fetched = -1
		'''''''debug.print "IN create SQL " & sql$
		ReDim rowstat(0)
		If mainstmt <> 0 Then
			'debug.print "Calling sqlfreestmt"
			r = SQLFreeStmt(mainstmt, SQL_DROP)
		End If
		'debug.print "calling alloc"
		r = SQLAllocStmt(HDB.handle, mainstmt)
		If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
			mainstmt = 0
			create = False
			Exit Function
		End If
		pvHstmt = mainstmt
		'put proper test
		'debug.print "setting statement options"
		Select Case HDB.HostDatabase
			Case "ACCESS"
				'no settings
				If scrollable Then
					'r% = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt&, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_SCROLL_KEYSET_DRIVEN, 1)
					'If Not (r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
					'    showerror r%, mainstmt&
					'    Exit Function
					'End If
					r = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK, SQL_SCROLL_KEYSET_DRIVEN, 1)
						showerror(r, mainstmt)
						Exit Function
					End If
				End If
				RunWithInfo = True
				r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK)
				If Not r = SQL_SUCCESS Then '(r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
					showerror(r, mainstmt)
					Exit Function
				End If
				r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC)
				If Not r = SQL_SUCCESS Then 'Not (r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
					showerror(r, mainstmt)
					Exit Function
				End If
			Case "SQLBASE"
				If scrollable Then
					r = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_SCROLL_KEYSET_DRIVEN, 1)
						showerror(r, mainstmt)
						Exit Function
					End If
					'r% = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt&, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK, SQL_SCROLL_KEYSET_DRIVEN, 1)
					'If Not (r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
					'    showerror r%, mainstmt&
					'    Exit Function
					'End If
					r = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_SCROLL_FORWARD_ONLY, 1)
						showerror(r, mainstmt)
						Exit Function
					End If
					'r% = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt&, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK, SQL_SCROLL_FORWARD_ONLY, 1)
					'If Not (r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
					'    showerror r%, mainstmt&
					'    Exit Function
					'End If
				End If
			Case "ANYWHERE"
				'''''''debug.print "Setting anywhere dataset options"
				r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK)
					'''''''debug.print "Failed on set concurrent lock"
					showerror(r, mainstmt)
					Exit Function
				End If
				r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CURSOR_STATIC)
					'''''''debug.print "Failed on set dynamic cursor"
					showerror(r, mainstmt)
					Exit Function
				End If
			Case "ORACLE"
				'no special settings required
			Case Else
				'''debug.print "****************** UNEXPECTED OPTION *****************"
				If HDB.ssreq() Then
					If HDB.sslockreq() Then
						' "SQLSERVER"
						r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK)
						If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
							'''''''debug.print "Failed on set concurrent lock"
							showerror(r, mainstmt)
							Exit Function
						End If
						r = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC)
						If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
							'''''''debug.print "Failed on set dynamic cursor"
							showerror(r, mainstmt)
							Exit Function
						End If
						If scrollable Then
							' "SQLBASE"
							r = SQLSetScrollOptions(mainstmt, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_SCROLL_KEYSET_DRIVEN, 1)
							If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
								'''''''debug.print "Failed on set dynamic cursor"
								showerror(r, mainstmt)
								Exit Function
							End If
						End If
						'r% = SQLSetStmtOption(mainstmt&, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK)
						'If Not (r% = SQL_SUCCESS Or r% = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
						'    '''''''debug.print "Failed on set concurrency"
						'    showerror r%, mainstmt&
						'    Exit Function
						'End If
					End If
				End If
		End Select
		'debug.print "create pos bef sql"
		If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
			sql = "SELECT ROWID," & FieldList & " FROM " & tblName
			sql = "SELECT " & FieldList & " FROM " & tblName
		End If
		'Debug.Print sql$
		fsql = sql & w_cls & o_cls
		If Not dfu Then
			fsql = fsql & " FOR UPDATE OF " & u_cls
		End If
		'Debug.Print fsql$
		'Debug.Print "Calling SQLExecDirectt"
		r = SQLExecDirect(mainstmt, fsql, CInt(Len(fsql)))
		'Debug.Print "SQLExecDirectt done"
		If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
			If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO And RunWithInfo) Then
				MsgBox("Fail on " & fsql)
				Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
				mainstmt = 0
				create = False
				Exit Function
			End If
		End If
		db("SPHYG CREATE DTAB " & fsql)
		If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID And scrollable Then
			fs.bufsize = 50
            fs.RowHnd = GlobalAlloc(0, fs.bufsize)
            fs.RowAddr = GlobalLockPtr(fs.RowHnd)
            'fs.RowAddr = marshal.AllocHGlobal(fs.bufsize)
			rsql = sql & " WHERE ROWID = ?"
			If fs.RowStmt <> 0 Then
				r = SQLFreeStmt(fs.RowStmt, SQL_DROP)
			End If
			r = SQLAllocStmt(HDB.handle, fs.RowStmt)
			'''''debug.print "Allocating row stmt"
			'''''''debug.print "binding to mem addr " & Format$(fs.RowAddr)
			'''''''debug.print "buf size " & Format$(fs.bufsize)
			'addcursor fs.RowStmt, rsql$
			r = SQLPrepare(fs.RowStmt, rsql, CInt(Len(rsql)))
			If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
				MsgBox("Failed on " & rsql)
				'''''''debug.print rsql$
				Call showerror(r, fs.RowStmt)
				r = SQLFreeStmt(fs.RowStmt, SQL_DROP)
				fs.RowStmt = 0
				Exit Function
			End If
			'''''debug.print "row stmt prepared"
			r = SQLSetParam(fs.RowStmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, fs.bufsize, 0, fs.RowAddr, fs.reclen)
			If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
				showerror(r, fs.RowStmt)
				Exit Function
			End If
			'''''debug.print "row param set"
		ElseIf HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_BOOKMARK Then 
			fs.bufsize = 50
            fs.RowHnd = GlobalAlloc(0, fs.bufsize)
            fs.RowAddr = GlobalLockPtr(fs.RowHnd)
            'fs.RowAddr = marshal.AllocHGlobal(fs.bufsize)
		End If
		'debug.print "create pos b"
		sqlstat = sql
		CursorName = SGC(mainstmt)
		'Debug.Print "Cursor is " & Format$(CursorName)
		'''''debug.print "pos b1"
		r = SQLNumResultCols(mainstmt, numcols)
		'''''''debug.print "pos d"
		'''''debug.print "pos b2"
		If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
			Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
			MsgBox("Err on numresult col")
			create = False
			Exit Function
		End If
		'debug.print "pos b3"
		ret_size = 0
		data_type = 0
		col_pres = 0
		c_scale = 0
		col_nullable = 0
		ReDim COlDat(numcols)
		off_now = 0
		'debug.print "pos b4"
		For cnt = 1 To numcols
            DataCol = New system.Data.DataColumn()
			'''''debug.print "pos b5 top loop"
			cnm = New String(Chr(0), 501)
			col_size = 500
			r = SQLDescribeCol(mainstmt, cnt, cnm, col_size, ret_size, data_type, col_pres, c_scale, col_nullable)
				Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
				MsgBox("Error in sqldescribecol in " & sql)
				create = False
				Exit Function
			End If
			pos = InStr(1, cnm, Chr(0))
			this_name = Left(cnm, pos - 1)
			If this_name = "" Then
				this_name = "CNM_" & VB6.Format(cnt)
			End If
			COlDat(cnt).colpres = col_pres
			COlDat(cnt).colscale = c_scale
			COlDat(cnt).colnullable = col_nullable
			COlDat(cnt).dbdatatype = data_type
			Select Case data_type
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = col_pres + 1
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_CHAR
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = col_pres + 1
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_CHAR
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 4096
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = True
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_CHAR
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 4096
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = True
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_CHAR
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 2
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_SHORT
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 4
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_LONG
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")
				'Case SQL_BIGINT
				'	COlDat(cnt).colsize = 4
				'   COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
				'	COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_LONG
                '    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int64")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 8
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_DOUBLE
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
					'Case SQL_TIME
					'    coldat(cnt%).colsize = 6
					'    coldat(cnt%).extradata = False
					'    coldat(cnt%).datatype = SQL_C_TIME
				Case SQL_DATE
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 6
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_DATE
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")
					COlDat(cnt).colsize = 16 '23
					COlDat(cnt).extradata = False
					COlDat(cnt).datatype = SQL_C_TIMESTAMP
                    DataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")
				Case Else
					MsgBox("Unrecognized data type")
					Exit Function
			End Select
			COlDat(cnt).coloffset = off_now
			COlDat(cnt).colname = this_name
			COlDat(cnt).coltitle = this_name
			off_now = off_now + COlDat(cnt).colsize + 4 ' null ind/ length
			COlDat(cnt).defaultval = System.DBNull.Value
			'''''debug.print "Col " & Format$(cnt%) & " size is " & Format$(COlDat(cnt%).colsize)
			'addcolumns cnt%
            DataCol.ColumnName = this_name
            DataCol.ReadOnly = false
            DataCol.Unique = false
            datacol.AllowDBNull = cbool(COlDat(cnt).colnullable)
		Next cnt
		If gHnd <> 0 Then
			RL = GlobalUnlock(gHnd)
			gHnd = GlobalFree(gHnd)
			gHnd = 0
		End If
		recsize = off_now
        gHnd = GlobalAlloc(0, recsize)
        GAddr = GlobalLockPtr(gHnd)
        'GAddr = marshal.AllocHGlobal(recsize)
		If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID And scrollable Then
            fs.FetchHnd = GlobalAlloc(0, recsize)
            fs.FetchAddr = GlobalLockPtr(fs.FetchHnd)
            'fs.FetchAddr = marshal.AllocHGlobal(recsize)
		End If
		For cnt = 1 To numcols
			COlDat(cnt).retval = 0
			''''''''''debug.print "Binding col " & Format$(cnt%) & " datatype is " & Format$(COlDat(cnt%).datatype) & " addr " & Format$(CLng(GAddr + COlDat(cnt%).coloffset)) & " size " & Format$(CLng(COlDat(cnt%).colsize))
            r = SQLBindCol(mainstmt, cnt, COlDat(cnt).datatype, IntPtr.op_Explicit(GAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(cnt).coloffset), CInt(COlDat(cnt).colsize), COlDat(cnt).retval)
			If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
				Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
				MsgBox("Error in sqlbindcol")
			End If
			If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID And scrollable Then
                r = SQLBindCol(fs.RowStmt, cnt, COlDat(cnt).datatype, IntPtr.op_Explicit(fs.FetchAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(cnt).coloffset), CInt(COlDat(cnt).colsize), COlDat(cnt).retval)
				If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
					Call showerror(r, fs.RowStmt)
					MsgBox("Error in sqlbindcol")
				End If
			End If
			''''''''''debug.print "col " & Format$(cnt%) & " bound"
		Next cnt

        Dim PrimaryKeyColumns(0) As DataColumn    
        dim pk_cnt as Integer = 0
        sql = GetPKStr(t_nam)
        dim sds as SDataset
        dim ColNam as string
        dim KeySeq as integer
        sds = hdb.CreateSDataset(sql)
        do while sds.fetch()
            ColNam = sds.FetchString(4)
            KeySeq = sds.FetchLong(5)
            if pk_cnt > 0 then
                redim preserve PrimaryKeyColumns(pk_cnt)
            End If
            PrimaryKeyColumns(pk_cnt)= mybase.Columns(COlNam)
            pk_cnt += 1
        sds = nothing
        if pk_cnt > 0 then
            mybase.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyColumns
        end if
        AOTableName = t_nam
        mybase.TableName = t_nam
        createdok = True
		'Debug.Print "create pos d"
        dim RowCnt as Integer
        rowcnt = 0        
        do while fetch()          
            dim datarow as dataRow
            DataRow = mybase.NewRow
            for cnt = 1 to numcols
                select case COlDat(cnt).dbdatatype
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = FetchString(cnt)
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = FetchString(cnt)
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = Fetchlong(cnt)
                Case  SQL_BIGINT
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = cdec(Fetchdouble(cnt))
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = cdec(Fetchdouble(cnt))
                Case SQL_DATE,SQL_TIMESTAMP
                        DataRow(coldat(cnt).colname) = Fetchdate(cnt)
                Case Else
                    MsgBox("Unrecognized data type")
                    Exit Function
                End Select                
            DataRow = nothing
        FirstFetchCall = true
        Loading = false
		create = True
		Exit Function
		If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			es = Err.Description
			es = ""
		End If
		Err.Raise(1 + vbObjectError,  , es & " error creating datatable")
	End Function
	private Sub saveinserts()
		Dim RL As Integer
		Dim r As Short
		Dim updstmt As Integer
		Dim S As String
		Dim copylen As Integer
		Dim this_dbl_date As Double
		Dim this_val As String
		Dim Col As Object
		Dim valstring As String
		Dim colstring As String
		Dim scnt As Short
		Dim donecol1 As Object
		Dim dirtyfnd As Object
		Dim arcnt As Short
        Dim lstring As String 'VB6.FixedLengthString(4096)
        Dim ldouble(0) As Double
        Dim lint(0) As Short
        Dim llong(0) As Integer
		Dim ldate As DATE_STRUCT
		Dim ltimestamp As TIMESTAMP_STRUCT
		If numaddedrows > 0 Then
			For arcnt = 1 To numaddedrows
				CurrAddr = addedrows(arcnt).RowAddr
				dirtyfnd = False
				donecol1 = False
				If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
					scnt = 2
					scnt = 1
				End If
				colstring = ""
				valstring = ""
				For Col = scnt To numcols
                    COlDat(Col).retval = marshal.readint32(CurrAddr, COlDat(Col).coloffset + COlDat(Col).colsize)
                    'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset + COlDat(Col).colsize), COlDat(Col).retval, 4)

					If COlDat(Col).retval <> SQL_NULL_DATA Then
						dirtyfnd = True
						Select Case COlDat(Col).datatype
							Case SQL_C_DATE
                                Dim ldate1 As DATE_STRUCT = CType(marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), GetType(DATE_STRUCT)), DATE_STRUCT)
                                ldate = ldate1
                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), ldate, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                                this_val = HDB.Fdate(DateSerial(ldate.year_Renamed, ldate.month_Renamed, ldate.day_Renamed))
                                Dim ltimestamp1 As TIMESTAMP_STRUCT = CType(marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), GetType(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT)), TIMESTAMP_STRUCT)
                                ltimestamp = ltimestamp1

                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), ltimestamp, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
								'''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  timestamp"
								this_dbl_date = DateSerial(ltimestamp.year_Renamed, ltimestamp.month_Renamed, ltimestamp.day_Renamed).ToOADate() + (ltimestamp.hour_Renamed / 24) + (ltimestamp.minute_Renamed / (1440)) + (ltimestamp.second_Renamed / (86400))
								this_val = HDB.Fdatetime(System.Date.FromOADate(this_dbl_date)) ' + hfrac# + mfrac# + sfrac#)
							Case SQL_C_SHORT
                                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), lint, 0, 1)

                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), lint, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
								'''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  int"
                                this_val = CStr(lint(0))
							Case SQL_C_LONG
                                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), llong, 0, 1)
                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), llong, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                                '''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  long"
                                this_val = CStr(llong(0))
							Case SQL_C_DOUBLE
                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), ldouble, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), ldouble, 0, 1) 'COlDat(Col).coloffset, CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
								'''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  double"
                                this_val = CStr(ldouble(0))
							Case Else
								If COlDat(Col).retval <= 4096 Then
									copylen = COlDat(Col).retval
									copylen = 4096
									MsgBox("Warning, data greater than 4096 characters truncated")
								End If
                                lstring = marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset)) ', copylen)
                                'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset), lstring.Value, copylen)
								'''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as string"
                                this_val = fds(lstring) 'fds(Left(lstring.Value, COlDat(Col).retval))
						End Select
						If colstring <> "" Then
							colstring = colstring & ", "
							valstring = valstring & ", "
						End If
						colstring = colstring & COlDat(Col).colname
						valstring = valstring & this_val
					End If
				Next Col
				If dirtyfnd Then
					S = "INSERT INTO " & tblName & " (" & colstring & ") VALUES (" & valstring & ")"
					''''''debug.print s$
					r = SQLAllocStmt(HDB.handle, updstmt)
					If r <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
						Call showerror(r, updstmt)
						MsgBox("Insert Failed on alloc")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					''debug.print s$
					r = SQLExecDirect(updstmt, S, CInt(Len(S)))
						Call showerror(r, updstmt)
					ElseIf Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS) Then 
						Call showerror(r, updstmt)
						MsgBox("Insert Failed on exec " & S)
						Exit Sub
						''''''debug.print "upd returns " & Format$(r%)
					End If
					r = SQLFreeStmt(updstmt, SQL_DROP)
					''''''debug.print "dirty NOT FND on row " & Format$(arcnt%)
				End If
				RL = GlobalUnlock(addedrows(arcnt).RowHnd)
				addedrows(arcnt).RowHnd = GlobalFree(addedrows(arcnt).RowHnd)
			Next arcnt
		End If
		numaddedrows = 0
		ReDim addedrows(1)
	End Sub
	Private Sub showerror(ByVal errnum As Short, ByVal hstmt As Integer)
		showdberror(HDB.henv, HDB.handle, errnum, hstmt)
	End Sub
	private Function SGC(ByVal hstmt As Integer) As String
		Dim pos As Short
		Dim r As Short
		Dim ohstmt As Integer
		Dim lbuf As New VB6.FixedLengthString(255)
		Dim cur_size As Short
		Dim ret_size As Short
		Dim cn As String
		cn = ""
		If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
			If pvBOF Or pvEOF Then
				cn = ""
				cn = FetchString(0) '(hstmt, 1)
			End If
			cur_size = 255
			r = SQLGetCursorName(hstmt, lbuf.Value, cur_size, ret_size)
			pos = InStr(1, lbuf.Value, Chr(0))
			If pos > 0 Then
				cn = Trim(Left(lbuf.Value, pos - 1))
			End If
		End If
		SGC = cn
	End Function
	Private Function fetch(Optional ByVal FetchType As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal rval As Object = Nothing) As Boolean
		Dim nxpos As Integer
		Dim dbcnt As Short
		Dim cpos As Integer
		Dim cr As Short
		Dim br As Short
		Dim cnt As Short
		Dim S As String
		Dim r As Short
		Dim fstfetch As Object
		Dim chkrow As Integer
		Dim rv As Integer 'set as required row
		Dim lstring As New VB6.FixedLengthString(50)
		Dim upd As Boolean
		Dim freset As Boolean
		Dim ftyp As Object
		Static lr As Integer ' set as last row fetched overall
		Static lmrf As Integer ' set as last row fetched overall
		''''debug.print "In fetch routine"
		rv = 0
		fetch = False
		freset = False
		If Not createdok Then
			MsgBox("Fetch executed on uninitialized dataset")
			currpos = -1
			Exit Function
		End If
		If IsNothing(FetchType) Then
			ftyp = "N"
			ftyp = FetchType
		End If
        if ftyp = "N" and FirstFetchCall then
            ftyp = "A"
            rval = 1
        End If
        FirstFetchCall = false
		If IsNothing(rval) Then
			chkrow = -999
			chkrow = CInt(rval)
		End If
		If currpos > 0 Then
			If Not (ftyp = "A" And chkrow = currpos) Then
				If scrollable And HDB.HostDatabase = "SQLBASE" And HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
					'''debug.print "Calling create"
					Call create(FieldList, tblName, whereclause, orderclause, updateclause, scrollable, dfu)
					freset = True
				End If
				fetch = True
				Exit Function
			End If
		End If
		If ftyp <> "N" And Not scrollable Then
			MsgBox("Invalid fetch type on non-scrollable datatable")
			Exit Function
		End If
		''''''debug.print "scroll or not?"
		If scrollable Then
			'''debug.print "in scrollable"
			If freset Then
				'''debug.print "pt A ftyp " & Format$(ftyp) & " lr& " & Format$(lr&)
				If ftyp = "N" Then
					rv = lr + 1
					ftyp = "A"
				ElseIf ftyp = "P" Then 
					rv = lr - 1
					ftyp = "A"
				ElseIf ftyp = "A" Then 
					rv = rval
				End If
				'''debug.print "pt B"
				If ftyp = "A" Then
					'''debug.print "pt B1"
					If IsNothing(rval) Then
						ftyp = "N"
						If pvBOF Then
							rv = 1
						ElseIf pvEOF Then 
							Exit Function
							rv = lr + 1
						End If
						'''debug.print "pt B2"
						rv = rval
						If lr = rv Then
							'already on required row
							fetch = True
							Exit Function
						ElseIf lr = rv - 1 Then 
							'next row req
							ftyp = "N"
						ElseIf lr = rv + 1 Then 
							ftyp = "P"
						End If
					End If
				ElseIf ftyp = "N" Then 
					If pvBOF Then
						rv = 1
					ElseIf pvEOF Then 
						Exit Function
						rv = lr + 1
					End If
				ElseIf ftyp = "P" Then 
					If pvBOF Then
						Exit Function
					ElseIf pvEOF Then 
						rv = maxrow
						rv = lr - 1
					End If
				End If
			End If
			'''debug.print "Fetching row with index " & Format$(rv) & " type " & ftyp
			If rowsknown And rv > maxstdrow Then
				''''''debug.print "rows known fetch "
				If (rv - maxstdrow) <= numaddedrows Then
					CurrAddr = addedrows(rv - maxstdrow).RowAddr
					rv = -1
					pvEOF = True
				End If
				currpos = rv
				''''''debug.print "currpos set to " & Format$(currpos)
            ElseIf HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID And scrollable Then
                'no longer supported
                CurrAddr = GAddr
                stmt = mainstmt
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_BOOKMARK Then
                    'SET UP TO CREATE FILeSET INFO
                    ''''''debug.print "In bookmark"
                    ''debug.print "In fetch abs supported"
                    Select Case ftyp
                        Case "N"
                            r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                        Case "P"
                            If HDB.fp() Then
                                ''''''debug.print "Calling prior fetch"
                                r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_PRIOR, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                                r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTE, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                            End If
                        Case "A"
                            If Not (HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ABSOLUTE) Then
                                cpos = lr
                                ''''''debug.print "Setting cpos to lr " & Format$(cpos&) & " rv is " & Format$(rv)
                                If rv > cpos And cpos >= 0 Then
                                    ''''''debug.print "In rv > cpos"
                                    dbcnt = 0
                                    Do While rv > cpos
                                        ''''''debug.print "In loop rv > cpos, about to fetch"
                                        r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                                        ''''''debug.print "Fetch done"
                                        If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
                                            ''''''debug.print "error on fetch"
                                            If r = SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND Or HDB.HostDatabase = "ANYWHERE" Then
                                                If lr > 0 Then
                                                    pvBOF = False
                                                    ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by fetch at end (lr > 0)"
                                                End If
                                                currpos = -1
                                                pvEOF = True
                                                rv = -1
                                                cpos = -1
                                                If rowsknown = False Then
                                                    rowsknown = True
                                                    maxrow = maxrowfetched
                                                    maxstdrow = maxrowfetched
                                                End If
                                                ''''''debug.print "no data cpos is -1 rv is -1"
                                                currpos = -1
                                                pvEOF = True
                                                pvBOF = True
                                                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by error"
                                                rv = -99
                                                cpos = -99
                                                ''''''debug.print "error cpos is -99 rv is -99"
                                            End If
                                            cpos = cpos + 1
                                            If cpos > maxrowfetched Then
                                                maxrowfetched = cpos
                                            End If
                                            ''''''debug.print "Cpos incremented to " & Format$(cpos&) & " rv still " & Format$(rv)
                                        End If
                                        'dbcnt% = dbcnt% + 1
                                        'If dbcnt% > 10 Then
                                        '    Exit Function
                                        '    ''''''debug.print "Crash out"
                                        'End If
                                    If cpos < 0 Then
                                        If rowsknown Then
                                            If rv > maxstdrow Or maxstdrow = 0 Then
                                                Exit Function
                                            End If
                                            r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_PRIOR, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                                            If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
                                                currpos = -1
                                                pvEOF = True
                                                pvBOF = True
                                                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by fetch prior error"
                                                rv = -99
                                                cpos = -99
                                                Exit Function
                                                cpos = maxstdrow
                                                currpos = maxstdrow
                                            End If
                                            currpos = -1
                                            pvEOF = True
                                            pvBOF = True
                                            ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true (x)"
                                            rv = -99
                                            cpos = -99
                                            Exit Function
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                    Do While cpos > rv
                                        r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_PRIOR, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                                        If Not (r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) Then
                                            If r = SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND Or HDB.HostDatabase = "ANYWHERE" Then
                                                If lr > 0 Then
                                                    pvEOF = False
                                                End If
                                                currpos = -1
                                                pvBOF = True
                                                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true on no data on prior by fetch"
                                                rv = 0
                                                cpos = 0
                                                currpos = -1
                                                pvEOF = True
                                                pvBOF = True
                                                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by error (y)"
                                                rv = -99
                                                cpos = -99
                                            End If
                                            cpos = cpos - 1
                                        End If
                                End If
                                ''debug.print "Calling absolute fetch"
                                r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTE, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
                            End If
                        Case Else
                            MsgBox("Invalid fetch request")
                    End Select
                    ''''''debug.print "Fetch done"
                    If r = SQL_SUCCESS Or r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO Then
                        pvEOF = False
                        pvBOF = False
                        ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by fetch"
                        If rv > maxrowfetched Then
                            maxrowfetched = rv
                        End If
                    ElseIf r = SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND Or HDB.HostDatabase = "ANYWHERE" Then
                        Select Case ftyp
                            Case "N"
                                If lr > 0 Then
                                    pvBOF = False
                                    ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by no data (lr > 0)"
                                End If
                                If rowsknown = False Then
                                    rowsknown = True
                                    maxrow = maxrowfetched
                                    maxstdrow = maxrow
                                End If
                                currpos = -1
                                pvEOF = True
                                rv = -1
                            Case "P"
                                If lr > 0 Then
                                    pvEOF = False
                                End If
                                pvBOF = True
                                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by fetch"
                                currpos = 0
                                rv = 0
                            Case "A"
                                If lr > 0 Then
                                    pvBOF = False
                                    ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by fetch abs"
                                End If
                                currpos = -1
                                pvEOF = True
                                rv = -1
                        End Select
                        MsgBox("Error retrieving row from file set Fetch returns " & VB6.Format(r))
                        Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
                        rv = -99
                        currpos = -1
                        pvEOF = True
                        pvBOF = True
                        ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by z"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            lr = rv
            currpos = rv
            ''''''debug.print "lr& currpos set to rv " & Format$(rv)
            If currpos > 0 Then
                pvBOF = False
                ''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by currpos"
                pvEOF = False
            End If
			If rowsknown And currpos >= maxstdrow Then
				nxpos = currpos + 1
				If (nxpos - maxstdrow) <= numaddedrows Then
					CurrAddr = addedrows(nxpos - maxstdrow).RowAddr
					currpos = nxpos
					currpos = -1
					pvEOF = True
				End If
				''debug.print "non-scroll option"
				CurrAddr = GAddr
				stmt = mainstmt
				If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
					''''debug.print "calling sqlfetch"
					r = SQLFetch(mainstmt)
					''debug.print "calling sqlExtendedfetch"
					r = SQLExtendedFetch(mainstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, rv, noFetched, rowstat(0))
				End If
				''''debug.print "fetch ret " & Format$(r%)
					If r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO And HDB.HostDatabase = "SQLBASE" Then
						showerror(r, mainstmt)
						currpos = -1
						pvEOF = True
						pvBOF = True
						pvEOF = False
						pvBOF = False
						''debug.print "pvBOF set to false by fwd fetch"
						currpos = currpos + 1
						If currpos > maxrowfetched Then
							maxrowfetched = currpos
						End If
						If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
							nonscrollrowid = FetchString(0)
						End If
					End If
				ElseIf r = SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND Or HDB.HostDatabase = "ANYWHERE" Then 
					pvEOF = True
					''''''debug.print "no data found on fwd fetch, setting currpos& to -1"
					currpos = -1
					If Not rowsknown Then
						rowsknown = True
						maxrow = maxrowfetched
						maxstdrow = maxrow
					End If
					Call showerror(r, mainstmt)
					currpos = -1
					pvEOF = True
					pvBOF = True
					''''''debug.print "pvBOF set to true by general error K (" & Format$(r%) & ")"
				End If
			End If
		End If
		If currpos > 0 Then
			fetch = True
			''debug.print "setting fetch true (currpos > 0) is " & Format$(currpos&)
			fetch = False
			''''''debug.print "setting fetch false (currpos <= 0)"
		End If
		Exit Function
		fetch = False
		Exit Function
	End Function
	Private Function fqqstring(ByVal stmt As Integer, ByVal colnum As Short) As String
		Dim r As Short
		Dim rgbvalue As String
		Dim pcbValue As Integer
		Dim retval As String
		rgbvalue = New String(Chr(0), 256)
		r = SQLGetDataString(stmt, colnum, SQL_C_CHAR, rgbvalue, bufsize, pcbValue)
		If Not ((r = SQL_SUCCESS) Or (r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) Then
			fqqstring = ""
			showerror(r, stmt)
            retval = GetStringFromLPSTR(rgbvalue)
			Do While pcbValue > bufsize
				r = SQLGetDataString(stmt, colnum, SQL_C_CHAR, rgbvalue, bufsize, pcbValue)
				If Not ((r = SQL_SUCCESS) Or (r = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) Then
					fqqstring = ""
					showerror(r, stmt)
					Exit Function
                    retval = retval & GetStringFromLPSTR(rgbvalue)
				End If
			fqqstring = Trim(retval)
		End If
	End Function
    Private Function FetchDate(ByVal colnum As Short) As Date
        Dim fd As Object
        fd = FetchCol(colnum)
        If IsDate(fd) Then
            FetchDate = CDate(fd)
            FetchDate = Nothing
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function FetchDouble(ByVal colnum As Short) As Double
        Dim fchdouble As Object
        ''''''''debug.print "Fetching col 1"
        fchdouble = FetchCol(colnum)
        If IsNumeric(fchdouble) Then
            ''''''''debug.print "numeric ok"
            FetchDouble = CDbl(fchdouble)
            ''''''''debug.print "not numeric"
            FetchDouble = 0.0#
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function FetchInt(ByVal colnum As Short) As Short
        Dim fchint As Object
        On Error GoTo finterr
        fchint = FetchCol(colnum)
        If IsNumeric(fchint) Then
            FetchInt = CShort(fchint)
            FetchInt = 0
        End If
        Exit Function
        'MsgBox "Error fetching " & fchint
        ''''''debug.print "Error fetching " & fchint
        FetchInt = 0
    End Function
    Private Function FetchLong(ByVal colnum As Short) As Integer
        Dim fchlong As Object
        fchlong = FetchCol(colnum)
        If IsNumeric(fchlong) Then
            FetchLong = CInt(fchlong)
            FetchLong = 0
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function FetchString(ByVal colnum As Short) As String
        Dim fchString As Object
        fchString = FetchCol(colnum)
        If VarType(fchString) = VariantType.Null Then
            FetchString = ""
            If VarType(fchString) = 8 Then
                FetchString = fchString
                FetchString = CStr(fchString)
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Free()
        Dim RL As Integer
        Dim r As Short
        ''debug.print "In free"
        If mainstmt <> 0 Then
            ''''''debug.print "Releasing mainstmt"
            If currpos > 0 Then
                ''debug.print "Calling update, currpos is " & Format$(currpos&)
            End If
            ''debug.print "Freeing now"
            r = SQLFreeStmt(mainstmt, SQL_DROP)
            mainstmt = 0
        End If
        If gHnd <> 0 Then
            ''''''debug.print "releasing memory block"
            RL = GlobalUnlock(gHnd)
            gHnd = GlobalFree(gHnd)
            gHnd = 0
        End If
        createdok = False
        numcols = 0
        CursorName = ""
        ''''''debug.print "dataset freed"
        If fs.RowStmt <> 0 Then
            ''''''debug.print "Releasing rowstmt"
            Call SQLFreeStmt(fs.RowStmt, SQL_DROP)
            fs.RowStmt = 0
            RL = GlobalUnlock(fs.RowHnd)
            fs.RowHnd = GlobalFree(fs.RowHnd)
        ElseIf HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_BOOKMARK Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function FetchCol(ByVal Col As Short) As Object
        Dim copylen As Integer
        Dim this_dbl_date As Double
        Dim lstring As String 'New VB6.FixedLengthString(4096)
        Dim ldouble(0) As Double
        Dim lint(0) As Short
        Dim llong(0) As Integer
        Dim ldate As DATE_STRUCT
        Dim ltimestamp As TIMESTAMP_STRUCT
        Dim nullind As Short
        'lstring = Space$(2048)
        If pvBOF Then
            MsgBox("Fetch column attempted when at beginning of data table")
            FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
            Exit Function
        End If
        If pvEOF Then
            MsgBox("Fetch column attempted when at end of data table")
            FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
            Exit Function
        End If
        ''''''debug.print "Fetching row " & Format$(currpos&) & " col " & Format$(Col) & " numcols is " & Format$(numcols)
        If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
            Col = Col + 1
        End If
        If Col > numcols Then
            MsgBox("Column number greater than number of columns in data set")
            FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
            Exit Function
        End If
        If rowsknown And currpos > maxstdrow Then
            'debug.print "fETCH COL OUSIDE KNOWN RANGE"
            COlDat(Col).retval = marshal.ReadInt32(CurrAddr, COlDat(Col).coloffset + COlDat(Col).colsize)
            'agCopyData(CInt(CurrAddr + COlDat(Col).coloffset + COlDat(Col).colsize), COlDat(Col).retval, 4)
            ''''''debug.print "Rows known Copied into coldat(col).retval " & Format$(COlDat(Col).retval)
        End If
        If COlDat(Col).retval = SQL_NULL_DATA Then
            FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
            Exit Function
        End If

        Select Case COlDat(Col).datatype
            Case SQL_C_DATE
                Dim ldate1 As DATE_STRUCT = CType(marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), GetType(DATE_STRUCT)), DATE_STRUCT)
                ldate = ldate1
                '''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  date"
                If ldate.year_Renamed <= 0 Then
                    FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
                    FetchCol = DateSerial(ldate.year_Renamed, ldate.month_Renamed, ldate.day_Renamed)
                End If
            Case SQL_C_TIMESTAMP
                Dim ltimestamp1 As TIMESTAMP_STRUCT = CType(marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), GetType(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT)), TIMESTAMP_STRUCT)
                ltimestamp = ltimestamp1
                '''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  timestamp"
                If ltimestamp.year_Renamed <= 0 Then
                    FetchCol = System.DBNull.Value
                    this_dbl_date = DateSerial(ltimestamp.year_Renamed, ltimestamp.month_Renamed, ltimestamp.day_Renamed).ToOADate() + (ltimestamp.hour_Renamed / 24) + (ltimestamp.minute_Renamed / (1440)) + (ltimestamp.second_Renamed / (86400))
                    FetchCol = System.DateTime.FromOADate(this_dbl_date) ' + hfrac# + mfrac# + sfrac#)
                End If
            Case SQL_C_SHORT
                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), lint, 0, 1) 'CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                '''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  int"
                FetchCol = lint(0)
            Case SQL_C_LONG
                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), llong, 0, 1) 'COlDat(Col).coloffset, 1) 'CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                '''''''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(col) & " as  long"
                FetchCol = llong(0)
            Case SQL_C_DOUBLE
                marshal.Copy(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset), ldouble, 0, 1) 'COlDat(Col).coloffset, 1) ' CInt(COlDat(Col).colsize))
                ''debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(Col) & " as  double"
                FetchCol = ldouble(0)
            Case Else
                'If tblName = "VIEWS.Q2RRESPSIG" Then 'debug.print "RETVAL IN FETCH COL " & CStr(Col) & " IS " & CStr(COlDat(Col).retval)
                If COlDat(Col).retval <= 4096 Then
                    copylen = COlDat(Col).retval
                    copylen = 4096
                    MsgBox("Warning, data greater than 4096 characters truncated")
                End If
                'If tblName = "VIEWS.Q2RRESPSIG" Then 'debug.print "COPYING FROM ADDRESS " & Format$(CurrAddr) & " OFFSET " & Format$(COlDat(Col).coloffset)
                lstring = marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrAddr.ToInt32 + COlDat(Col).coloffset))
                'If tblName = "VIEWS.Q2RRESPSIG" Then 'debug.print "Ret col " & Format$(Col) & " as string COPYLEN " & Format$(copylen&) & " " & Trim$(Left$(lstring, copylen&))
                FetchCol = lstring 'Trim(Left(lstring.Value, copylen))
        End Select
    End Function

    Private Function ColumnDatatype(ByRef Indx As Object) As Short
        Dim cnt As Short
        Dim Index As Short
        Dim idx As String
        On Error GoTo itcderr
        If Not createdok Then
            GoTo itcderr
        End If
        Index = 0
        Select Case VarType(Indx)
            Case VariantType.Currency, VariantType.Decimal, VariantType.Double, VariantType.Integer, VariantType.Long, VariantType.Short
                Index = CShort(Indx)
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                idx = Indx
                For cnt = 1 To numcols
                    If COlDat(cnt).colname = idx Then
                        Index = cnt
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next cnt
        End Select
        If Index = 0 Then
            MsgBox("Invalid column " & VB6.Format(Index))
            Exit Function 'colname = ""
        End If
        ColumnDatatype = COlDat(Index).dbdatatype
        Exit Function
        ColumnDatatype = 0
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Private Function ColumnName(ByVal Index As Short) As String
        Dim colnum As Short
        If Index < 1 Or Index > numcols Then
            GoTo iterr
        End If
        colnum = Index
        If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
            colnum = colnum + 1
        End If
        ColumnName = COlDat(colnum).colname
        Exit Function
        ColumnName = ""
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Private Sub SetColumnName(ByVal Index As Short, ByVal NewColName As String)
        Dim colnum As Short
        Dim errro As Object
        Select Case errro
            Case Is < 0
                Error (5)
            Case 1
                GoTo siterr
        End Select
        If Index < 1 Or Index > numcols Then
            GoTo siterr
        End If
        colnum = Index
        If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
            colnum = colnum + 1
        End If
        COlDat(colnum).colname = NewColName
        Exit Sub
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Private Function ColumnSize(ByRef Indx As Object) As Short
        Dim cnt As Short
        Dim Index As Short
        Dim idx As String
        On Error GoTo itcserr
        If Not createdok Then
            GoTo itcserr
        End If
        Index = 0
        Select Case VarType(Indx)
            Case VariantType.Currency, VariantType.Decimal, VariantType.Double, VariantType.Integer, VariantType.Long, VariantType.Short
                Index = CShort(Indx)
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                idx = Indx
                For cnt = 1 To numcols
                    If COlDat(cnt).colname = idx Then
                        Index = cnt
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next cnt
        End Select
        If Index = 0 Then
            GoTo itcserr
        End If
        ColumnSize = COlDat(Index).colsize
        Exit Function
        ColumnSize = 0
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Private Function ColumnScale(ByRef Indx As Object) As Short
        Dim cnt As Short
        Dim Index As Short
        Dim idx As String
        On Error GoTo itcscerr
        If Not createdok Then
            GoTo itcscerr
        End If
        Index = 0
        Select Case VarType(Indx)
            Case VariantType.Currency, VariantType.Decimal, VariantType.Double, VariantType.Integer, VariantType.Long, VariantType.Short
                Index = CShort(Indx)
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                idx = Indx
                For cnt = 1 To numcols
                    If COlDat(cnt).colname = idx Then
                        Index = cnt
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next cnt
        End Select
        If Index = 0 Then
            GoTo itcscerr
        End If
        ColumnScale = COlDat(Index).colscale
        Exit Function
        ColumnScale = 0
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Private Function ColumnPrecision(ByRef Indx As Object) As Integer
        Dim cnt As Short
        Dim Index As Short
        Dim idx As String
        On Error GoTo itcperr
        If Not createdok Then
            GoTo itcperr
        End If
        Index = 0
        Select Case VarType(Indx)
            Case VariantType.Currency, VariantType.Decimal, VariantType.Double, VariantType.Integer, VariantType.Long, VariantType.Short
                Index = CShort(Indx)
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                idx = Indx
                For cnt = 1 To numcols
                    If COlDat(cnt).colname = idx Then
                        Index = cnt
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next cnt
        End Select
        If Index = 0 Then
            GoTo itcperr
        End If
        ColumnPrecision = COlDat(Index).colpres
        Exit Function
        ColumnPrecision = 0
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Private Function ColumnNullable(ByRef Indx As Object) As Boolean
        Dim cnt As Short
        Dim Index As Short
        Dim idx As String
        On Error GoTo itcnerr
        Index = 0
        If Not createdok Then
            GoTo itcnerr
        End If
        Select Case VarType(Indx)
            Case VariantType.Currency, VariantType.Decimal, VariantType.Double, VariantType.Integer, VariantType.Long, VariantType.Short
                Index = CShort(Indx)
                If HDB.FetchType() = DOES_FETCH_ROWID Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                idx = Indx
                For cnt = 1 To numcols
                    If COlDat(cnt).colname = idx Then
                        Index = cnt
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next cnt
        End Select
        If Index = 0 Then
            GoTo itcnerr
        End If
        If COlDat(Index).colnullable Then
            ColumnNullable = True
            ColumnNullable = False
        End If
        Exit Function
        Exit Function
        ColumnNullable = False
    End Function
    Private Sub Class_Initialize_Renamed()
        pvBOF = True
        ''''''debug.print "BOF set to true on initialize"
        mainstmt = 0
        stmt = 0
        fs.RowStmt = 0
        CursorName = ""
        initialized = False
        db("SPHYG DTAB initialize")
    End Sub
    Public Sub New()
        'AddHandler mybase.ColumnChanged, AddressOf OnColChanged
        'AddHandler mybase.ColumnChanging, AddressOf OnColChanging
        'AddHandler mybase.RowChanged, AddressOf OnRowChgd
        AddHandler mybase.RowChanging, AddressOf OnRowChging
        AddHandler mybase.RowDeleting, AddressOf OnRowDlting
        'AddHandler mybase.RowDeleted, AddressOf OnRowDlted
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate_Renamed()
        Dim RL As Integer
        Dim r As Short
        On Error GoTo terr
        db("SPHYG DTAB terminate " & sqlstat)
        If Not initialized Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If HDB.handle <> 0 Then
            If mainstmt <> 0 Then
                ''''''debug.print "Releasing mainstmt"
                If currpos > 0 Then
                    ''debug.print "Calling update, currpos is " & Format$(currpos&)                    
                End If
                ''debug.print "Freeing now"
                r = SQLFreeStmt(mainstmt, SQL_DROP)
                mainstmt = 0
            End If
            If fs.RowStmt <> 0 Then
                ''''''debug.print "Releasing rowstmt"
                Call SQLFreeStmt(fs.RowStmt, SQL_DROP)
                fs.RowStmt = 0
                RL = GlobalUnlock(fs.RowHnd)
                fs.RowHnd = GlobalFree(fs.RowHnd)
            End If
        End If
        If gHnd <> 0 Then
            ''''''debug.print "releasing memory block"
            RL = GlobalUnlock(gHnd)
            gHnd = GlobalFree(gHnd)
            gHnd = 0
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Shared Sub OnColChanged(sender As Object, args As DataColumnChangeEventargs)
  'Console.Write(" ColumnChanged: ")
  'Console.Write(args.Column.ColumnName & " changed to '" & args.ProposedValue.ToString() & "'" & vbCrLf)
End Sub

Private Shared Sub OnColChanging(sender As Object, args As DataColumnChangeEventargs)
  'Console.Write("ColumnChanging: ")
  'Console.Write(args.Column.ColumnName & " equals '" & args.Row(args.Column).ToString() & _
  '                  "', changing to '" & args.ProposedValue.ToString() & "'" & vbCrLf)    
End Sub
Private Shared Sub OnRowChging(sender As Object, args As DataRowChangeEventargs)
    dim s as string
    dim current as DataRowVersion
    dim original as DataRowVersion
    dim proposed as DataRowVersion
    original = DataRowVersion.Original
    current = DataRowVersion.Current
    proposed = DataRowVersion.Proposed
    if sender.loading then exit sub
  If args.Action <> DataRowAction.Nothing Then
    Dim actionStr As String
        'actionStr = System.Enum.GetName(args.Action.GetType(), args.Action)
        's = "Row CHANGING"
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original) then
        '    s &= " Original " & args.Row(1,original).tostring()
        'end if
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Current) then
        '    s &= ", Current " & args.Row(1,current).tostring()
        'end if
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed) then
        '    s &= ", Proposed " & args.Row(1,proposed).tostring()
        'end if
        dim w_cls as string
        dim sql as string
        dim cl as DataColumn
        dim cl_cnt as Integer = 0
        dim u_cnt as Integer = 0
        select case args.Action
        case DataRowAction.Add
            sql = "INSERT INTO " & sender.AOTableName & " ("
            cl_cnt = 0
            u_cnt = 0
            for cl_cnt = 0 to (args.Row.Table.Columns.Count - 1)
                if not args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).readonly then
                    if u_cnt > 0 then
                        sql &= ","
                    End If
                    sql &= args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ColumnName
                    u_cnt += 1
                end if
            sql &= ") VALUES ("
            u_cnt = 0
            for cl_cnt = 0 to (args.Row.Table.Columns.Count - 1)
                if not args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ReadOnly then
                    if u_cnt > 0 then
                        sql &= ","
                    End If
                    if args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is  System.Type.GetType("System.String") then
                        sql &= fnds(args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed).toString)
                    elseif args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime") then
                        sql &=  args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ColumnName   & " = " & SQLFdate(args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed))
                        sql &= args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed).toString
                    end if
                    u_cnt += 1
                end if
            sql &= ")"
            sender.hdbc.execute( sql)
        case DataRowAction.Change
            cl_cnt = 0
            u_cnt = 0
            sql = "UPDATE " & sender.AOTableName & " SET "
            for cl_cnt = 0 to (args.Row.Table.Columns.Count - 1)
                if args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current) <> args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed) then
                    if u_cnt > 0 then
                        sql &= ", "
                    End If
                    if args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is  System.Type.GetType("System.String") then
                        sql &= args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ColumnName  & " = " & fnds(args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed).toString)
                    elseif args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime") then
                        sql &=  args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ColumnName   & " = " & SQLFdate(args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed))
                        sql &=  args.Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).ColumnName   & " = " & args.Row.Item(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.proposed).toString
                    end if
                    u_cnt += 1
                end if
            if u_cnt > 0 then
                sql &= " WHERE " & pkstr(args.Row)
                sender.hdbc.execute( sql)
            end if
            'msgbox( sender.AOTableName)
        end select
    catch e as Exception
        'no action
        'no action
    end try
  End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub OnRowChgd(sender As Object, args As DataRowChangeEventargs)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub OnRowDlting(sender As Object, args As DataRowChangeEventargs)
    dim s as string
    dim current as DataRowVersion
    dim original as DataRowVersion
    dim proposed as DataRowVersion
    original = DataRowVersion.Original
    current = DataRowVersion.Current
    proposed = DataRowVersion.Proposed
    if sender.loading then exit sub
  If args.Action <> DataRowAction.Nothing Then
    Dim actionStr As String
        'actionStr = System.Enum.GetName(args.Action.GetType(), args.Action)
        's = "Row CHANGING"
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original) then
        '    s &= " Original " & args.Row(1,original).tostring()
        'end if
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Current) then
        '    s &= ", Current " & args.Row(1,current).tostring()
        'end if
        'if args.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed) then
        '    s &= ", Proposed " & args.Row(1,proposed).tostring()
        'end if
        dim w_cls as string
        dim sql as string
        dim cl as DataColumn
        dim cl_cnt as Integer = 0
        dim u_cnt as Integer = 0
        select case args.Action
        case DataRowAction.Delete
            sql = "DELETE FROM " & sender.AOTableName & " WHERE " & pkstr(args.Row)
            sender.hdbc.execute( sql)
        end select
    catch e as Exception
        'no action
        'no action
    end try
  End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub OnRowDlted(sender As Object, args As DataRowChangeEventargs)
End Sub
private function GetPKStr(byval tbl_name as String) as string
dim pos as Integer
dim RetStr as string
dim os as string
dim ts as string
pos = instr(tbl_name,".")
if pos > 1 then
    do while pos > 1
        os = left(tbl_name,pos-1)
        tbl_name = right(tbl_name,tbl_name.Length - pos)
        pos = instr(tbl_name,".")
    ts = tbl_name
    os = ""
    ts = tbl_name
end if
RetStr = "exec sp_pkeys @table_name = " & fnds(ts)
if os <> "" then
    RetStr &= ", @table_owner = " & fnds(os)
End If
return retstr
End Function
    private shared function PKStr(byval Row as DataRow) as string
        dim w_cls as string
        dim cl as DataColumn
        dim cl_cnt as Integer = 0
        'dim current as DataRowVersion
        'dim original as DataRowVersion
        'dim proposed as DataRowVersion
        'original = DataRowVersion.Original
        'current = DataRowVersion.Current
        'proposed = DataRowVersion.Proposed
        if row.Table.PrimaryKey.length > 0 then
            for each cl in Row.Table.primarykey
                if cl_cnt > 0 then
                    w_cls &= " AND "
                End If
                if Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is  System.Type.GetType("System.String") then
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & fnds(Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current).tostring())
                elseif  Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime") then
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & SQLFDate(Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current))
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current).tostring()
                end if
                cl_cnt += 1
            for each cl in Row.Table.Columns '.primarykey
                if cl_cnt > 0 then
                    w_cls &= " AND "
                End If
                if Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is  System.Type.GetType("System.String") then
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & fnds(Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current).tostring())
                elseif  Row.Table.Columns.item(cl_cnt).DataType is System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime") then
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & SQLFDate(Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current))
                    w_cls &= cl.ColumnName & " = " & Row(cl_cnt,DataRowVersion.Current).tostring()
                end if
                cl_cnt += 1
        end if
        return w_cls
    End Function
    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
    End Sub
End Class

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Written By
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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