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TreeConfiguration - configuration made as simple as it gets (or sets)

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2 Nov 200514 min read 84.6K   727   67  
Manage configuration data with a few lines of code. Very few.
// <copyright file="Test.cs" company="MetaPropeller" author="Vladimir Klisic">
// Copyright 2005 Vladimir Klisic
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any 
// damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 
// it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 
//  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must 
//     not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this 
//     software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation 
//     would be appreciated but is not required. 
//  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must 
//     not be misrepresented as being the original software. 
//  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. 
// </copyright>
// <history>
//  <change who=�Vladimir Klisic� date=�2005.02.16�>Initial version</change>
// <history>

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using MetaPropeller.UnitTest;

namespace MetaPropeller.Configuration
  public class Test
    // Test enumeration used in conversion tests
    enum Digits { Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine };

    private static TreeConfiguration CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(bool deleteExistingFile)
      string configFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + 
        Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "TreeConfigurationTest.cfg";
      TreeConfiguration cfg = null;
        if (deleteExistingFile && File.Exists(configFilePath))
        cfg = new XmlConfiguration(configFilePath, "MyApplication");
      catch (Exception)
      return cfg;

    public static void TestPathSyntax()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);  // true: delete existing file
      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "1";
      cfg["node1/node2/key2"] = "2";
      cfg["rootkey1"] = "root1";
      cfg["/rootkey2"] = "root2";

      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["node1.node2.key1"] == "1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[".node1.node2.key1"] == "1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"\node1\node2\key1"] == "1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"node1\node2\key1"] == "1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"\node1/node2.key1"] == "1");

      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"\node1\node2\key2"] == "2");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"node1.node2.key2"] == "2");

      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["rootkey1"] == "root1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["/rootkey1"] == "root1");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg[@"\rootkey2"] == "root2");
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["rootkey2"] == "root2");

    public static void TestSetGetValue()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true); 

      // Set a few values
      cfg["/node/StringKey"] = "abc"; 
      cfg["/node/IntKey"] = 123; 
      cfg["/node/DoubleKey"] = 123.45678; 
      cfg["/node/BooleanKey"] = true; 
      DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
      cfg["/node/DateTimeKey"] = now;
      cfg["/node/EnumKey"] = Digits.Eight;

      // Check those values
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["/node/StringKey"] == "abc");
      Debug.Assert((int) cfg["/node/IntKey"] == 123);
      Debug.Assert((double) cfg["/node/DoubleKey"] == 123.45678);
      Debug.Assert((bool) cfg["/node/BooleanKey"] == true);
      Debug.Assert((DateTime) cfg["/node/DateTimeKey"] == now);
      Debug.Assert((Digits) cfg["/node/EnumKey"] == Digits.Eight);

    public static void TestPathCaseInsensitivity() 
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      cfg["/Node1/Node2/Key"] = "abc"; 
      Debug.Assert((string) cfg["/noDe1/NODE2/keY"] == "abc");

    public static void TestUnknownKey() 
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);
      Debug.Assert(cfg["/NonExistingNode/ThisKeyShouldNotExist"] == null); // null: invalid path
      // Try to remove an unknown key
      cfg["/NonExistingNode/ThisKeyShouldNotExist"] = null;

    public static void TestEnumerateKeys()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Test enumeration of a non-existing node (iterate over an empty collection)
      foreach (string key in cfg.Keys["/NonExistingNode1/NonExistingNode2"])
      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "abcdef";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] = 123;
      cfg["/node1/node2/key3"] = true;

      // Enumerate keys of node node2
      ICollection keysCollection = cfg.Keys["/node1/node2"];
      Debug.Assert(keysCollection != null);
      Debug.Assert(keysCollection.Count == 3);

      string[] keys = new string[keysCollection.Count];
      keysCollection.CopyTo(keys, 0);

      // The order of Keys is not guaranteed in any way 
      // so we can only test for a presence of a certain key here
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(keys, "key1") != -1);
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(keys, "key2") != -1);
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(keys, "key3") != -1);

    public static void TestEnumerateValues()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Test enumeration of a non-existing node (iterate over an empty collection)
      foreach (object val in cfg.Values["/NonExistingNode1/NonExistingNode2"])
      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "abcdef";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] = 123;
      DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
      cfg["/node1/node2/key3"] = now; // set value

      // Enumerate values of node node2
      ICollection valuesCollection = cfg.Values["/node1/node2"];
      Debug.Assert(valuesCollection != null);
      Debug.Assert(valuesCollection.Count == 3);
      object[] values = new object[valuesCollection.Count];
      valuesCollection.CopyTo(values, 0);
      // The order of Values in is not guaranteed in any way 
      // (but matches the order returned in Keys)
      // so we can only test for a presence of a concrete value here
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(values, "abcdef") != -1);
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(values, 123) != -1);
      Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(values, now) != -1);

    public static void TestEnumerateSubNodes()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Test enumeration of a non-existing node (iterate over an empty collection)
      foreach (ConfigurationNode n in cfg.Nodes["/NonExistingNode1/NonExistingNode2"])
      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "abc";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] = 123;
      cfg["/node1/node3/key1"] = DateTime.Now; 
      cfg["/node1/node4/node5/node6/key1"] = true;

      ICollection subNodesCollection = cfg.Nodes["/node1"];
      ConfigurationNode[] subNodes = new ConfigurationNode[subNodesCollection.Count];
      subNodesCollection.CopyTo(subNodes, 0);
      Debug.Assert(subNodes.Length == 3);		// node2, node3 and node4

      StringCollection nodesSeenSoFar = new StringCollection();
      foreach (ConfigurationNode n in subNodes)
        Debug.Assert(n.Name == "node2" || n.Name == "node3" || n.Name == "node4");
        Debug.Assert(nodesSeenSoFar.Contains(n.Name) == false);

    public static void TestDynamicStructure()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      cfg["node1/key1"] = "abc";
      foreach (ConfigurationNode n in cfg.Nodes["/"])
        if (n.Name == "node1")
          ConfigurationPath path = new ConfigurationPath("node2/node3");
          ConfigurationNode subNode = n.CreateSubNode(path);
          Debug.Assert(cfg.FindNode("/node1/node2/node3") != null);


    public static void TestFindNode()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] = "find"; 
      ConfigurationNode foundNode = cfg.FindNode("/node1/node2/node3");	 
      Debug.Assert(foundNode != null);
      foundNode = cfg.FindNode("/node1/node2/node3/node4");	 
      Debug.Assert(foundNode != null);
      foundNode = cfg.FindNode("/node5/node6/node7/node8");	 
      Debug.Assert(foundNode == null);

    public static void TestRemoveNode()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] = "delete me"; 
      Debug.Assert(cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] != null); 

      bool removed = cfg.RemoveNode("/node1/node2/node3");
      Debug.Assert(cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] == null); 
      Debug.Assert(cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4"] == null); 
      ConfigurationNode n = cfg.FindNode("/node1/node2");
      Debug.Assert(n != null);
      Debug.Assert(n.HasSubNodes == false);

    public static void TestRemoveKey()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] = "One"; 
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key2"] = 2; 
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key3"] = false; 

      // Remove key key2
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key2"] = null;  
      ICollection keys = cfg.Keys["/node1/node2/node3/node4"];
      Debug.Assert(keys.Count == 2);
      Debug.Assert((string)cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] == "One"); 
      Debug.Assert(cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key2"] == null); 
      Debug.Assert((bool)cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key3"] == false); 
      ConfigurationNode n = cfg.FindNode("/node1/node2/node3/node4");
      Debug.Assert(n != null);

      // Remove remaining keys
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] = null;  
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key3"] = null;  
      Debug.Assert(n.HasKeys == false);

    public static void TestClear()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key1"] = "One"; 
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key2"] = 2; 
      cfg["/node1/node2/node3/node4/key3"] = true; 

      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "abcdef";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] = 123;

      cfg["/node2/node3/key1"] = DateTime.Now; 
      cfg["/node3/node5/node6/node7/key1"] = "hi!"; 

      cfg["/rootkey1"] = 1;
      cfg["/rootkey2"] = "two";

      ICollection nodes = cfg.Nodes["/"];
      ICollection keys = cfg.Keys["/"];
      ICollection values = cfg.Values["/"];
      Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);     // node1, node2 and node3
      Debug.Assert(keys.Count == 2);      // rootkey1 and rootkey2
      Debug.Assert(values.Count == 2);    // 1 and "two"


      nodes = cfg.Nodes["/"];
      keys = cfg.Keys["/"];
      values = cfg.Values["/"];
      Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 0);
      Debug.Assert(keys.Count == 0);
      Debug.Assert(values.Count == 0);

    public static void TestCustomTypeConverter()
      XmlConfiguration cfg = (XmlConfiguration) CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);
      MetaPropeller.CustomTypeConverters.MyClass mc = new MetaPropeller.CustomTypeConverters.MyClass("text", 123, DateTime.Now);
      cfg["/MyClassSetting"] = mc;

      bool saved = cfg.Save();

      cfg = (XmlConfiguration) CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(false); // false: use the existing file (the one we just saved)

      bool loaded = cfg.Load();

      MetaPropeller.CustomTypeConverters.MyClass mc2 = (MetaPropeller.CustomTypeConverters.MyClass) cfg["/MyClassSetting"];
      Debug.Assert(mc.Text == mc2.Text);
      Debug.Assert(mc.Number == mc2.Number);
      Debug.Assert(mc.Date.Date == mc2.Date.Date);  
      Debug.Assert(mc.Date.Hour == mc2.Date.Hour && mc.Date.Minute == mc2.Date.Minute); // only parts up to minute are maintained

    public static void TestLoadSave()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      // Make a test hierarchy
      cfg["rootkey1"] = "root1";
      cfg["/rootkey2"] = "root2";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] = "abc";
      cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] = 123;
      DateTime savedDate = DateTime.Now;
      cfg["/node1/node2/key3"] = savedDate; 
      cfg["/node1/node3/key1"] = true; 
      cfg["/node1/node4/node5/node6/key1"] = "hi!"; 
      cfg["/node1/node4/node7/node8/key1"] = 123.4567;
      cfg["/node9/key1"] = Digits.Eight;
      cfg["/Colors/Foreground"] = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText;
      Font f = new Font("Tahoma", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
      cfg["/Font"] = f;

      bool saved = cfg.Save();

      cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(false); // false: use the existing file (the one we just saved)
      bool loaded = cfg.Load();

      // Repeat above checks on a freshly loaded cfg
      Debug.Assert((string)cfg["rootkey1"] == "root1");
      Debug.Assert((string)cfg["/rootkey2"] == "root2");
      Debug.Assert((string)cfg["/node1/node2/key1"] == "abc");
      Debug.Assert((int)cfg["/node1/node2/key2"] == 123);
      DateTime loadedDate = (DateTime) cfg["/node1/node2/key3"];
      // Since we didn't provide custom type converter for DateTime, default conversion
      // was used. That one constructs loadedDate from a string that contains 
      // all date parts up to seconds. Milliseconds get some random value, so loadedDate
      // is not entirely equal to savedDate. The following three asserts prove that.
      Debug.Assert(savedDate.Ticks != loadedDate.Ticks); 
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Date == savedDate.Date);  
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Hour == savedDate.Hour && loadedDate.Minute == savedDate.Minute);    

      ICollection keys = cfg.Keys["/node1/node2"];
      Debug.Assert(keys.Count == 3);
      ICollection nodes = cfg.Nodes["/node1"];
      Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3); 
      Debug.Assert((bool)cfg["/node1/node3/key1"] == true);
      Debug.Assert((string)cfg["/node1/node4/node5/node6/key1"] == "hi!");
      Debug.Assert((double)cfg["/node1/node4/node7/node8/key1"] == 123.4567);
      Debug.Assert((Digits) cfg["/node9/key1"] == Digits.Eight);
      Debug.Assert((System.Drawing.Color) cfg["/Colors/Foreground"] == System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText);
      Font f2 = (Font) cfg["/Font"];
      Debug.Assert(f2.Name == f.Name && f2.Size == f.Size && f2.Style == f.Style);

    public static void TestCulture()
      TreeConfiguration cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(true);

      float number = 123.456F;
      DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
      // Set the French culture for the whole configuration
      cfg.Culture = "fr-FR";
      ConfigurationNode rootNode = cfg.FindNode("/");	 
      Debug.Assert(rootNode != null);
      cfg["french/number"] = number;  // key in the root node, same as "/number"
      cfg["french/date"] = now; 
      // Override the culture info for a child node
      ConfigurationPath path = new ConfigurationPath("southafrican");
      ConfigurationNode subNode = rootNode.CreateSubNode(path);
      subNode["number"] = number;
      subNode["date"] = now;
      subNode.Culture = "af-ZA";  // (Afrikaans - South Africa). Culture can be set at any time (before/after setting the values)

      bool saved = cfg.Save();

      cfg = CreateTreeConfigurationInstance(false); // false: use the existing file (the one we just saved)
      bool loaded = cfg.Load();

      // Check a freshly loaded cfg
      // French info first
      Debug.Assert((float)cfg["/french/number"] == number);
      DateTime loadedDate = (DateTime) cfg["/french/date"];
      // Since we didn't provide custom type converter for DateTime, default conversion
      // was used. That one constructs loadedDate from a string that contains 
      // all date parts up to seconds. Milliseconds get some random value, so loadedDate
      // is not entirely equal to savedDate. The following three asserts prove that.
      Debug.Assert(now.Ticks != loadedDate.Ticks); 
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Date == now.Date);  
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Hour == now.Hour && loadedDate.Minute == now.Minute);    

      // South African part
      Debug.Assert((float)cfg["/southafrican/number"] == number);
      loadedDate = (DateTime) cfg["/southafrican/date"];
      Debug.Assert(now.Ticks != loadedDate.Ticks); 
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Date == now.Date);  
      Debug.Assert(loadedDate.Hour == now.Hour && loadedDate.Minute == now.Minute);    

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Written By
Web Developer
France France
Vladimir Klisic is a half-human, half-software development engineer, currently working for Trema Laboratories in southeastern France (Sophia-Antipolis).

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