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Sandcastle Help File Builder

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17 May 2007Ms-PL45 min read 1M   5.3K   291  
A GUI for creating projects to build help files with Sandcastle and a console mode tool to build them as well.
// System  : Sandcastle Help File Builder Components
// File    : PostTransformComponent.cs
// Author  : Eric Woodruff  (
// Updated : 03/09/2007
// Note    : Copyright 2006-2007, Eric Woodruff, All rights reserved
// Compiler: Microsoft Visual C#
// This file contains a build component that is a companion to the
// CodeBlockComponent.  It is used to add the stylesheet and JavaScript
// links to the rendered HTML if the topic contains colorized code.  In
// addition, it can insert a logo image at the top of each help topic and,
// for the Prototype presentation style, hook up the code blocks to the
// language filter and hide the language combo box if only one language
// appears in the Syntax section.  With a modification to the Sandcastle
// reference content files, it will also add version information to each topic.
// This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire.  This file
// may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is not sold for
// profit without the author's written consent, and providing that this notice
// and the author's name and all copyright notices remain intact.
// This code is provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied.
// The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that
// this product may cause.
// Version     Date     Who  Comments
// ============================================================================
//  11/23/2006  EFW  Created the code
//  01/31/2007  EFW  Added placement options for logo.  Made changes
//                           to support custom presentation styles.  Reworked
//                           version info code to improve performance when used
//                           with very large documentation builds.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;

using Microsoft.Ddue.Tools;

namespace SandcastleBuilder.Components
    /// <summary>
    /// This build component is is a companion to the
    /// <see cref="CodeBlockComponent"/>.  It is used to add the
    /// stylesheet and JavaScript links to the rendered HTML if the topic
    /// contains colorized code.  In addition, it can insert a logo image at
    /// the top of each help topic and, for the Prototype presentation style,
    /// hook up the code blocks to the language filter and hide the language
    /// combo box if only one language appears in the Syntax section.   With a
    /// modification to the Sandcastle reference content files, it will also
    /// add version information to each topic.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>The colorizer files are only copied once and only if code is
    /// actually colorized.  If the files already exist (i.e. additional
    /// content has replaced them), they are not copied either.  That way, you
    /// can customize the color stylesheet as you see fit without modifying the
    /// default stylesheet.
    /// <p/>By adding "Version: {2}" to the <b>locationInformation</b> entry
    /// and the <b>requirementsAssemblyLayout</b> entry in the
    /// <b>reference_content.xml</b> file for both the Prototype and VS2005
    /// style content files, you can add version information to each topic.
    /// The help file builder uses a composite file with this fix already in
    /// place.</remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// <code lang="xml" title="Example configuration">
    /// &lt;!-- Post-transform component configuration.  This must
    ///      appear after the TransformComponent.  See also:
    ///      CodeBlockComponent. --&gt;
    /// &lt;component type="SandcastleBuilder.Components.PostTransformComponent"
    ///   assembly="C:\SandcastleComponents\SandcastleBuilder.Components.dll" &gt;
    ///     &lt;!-- Code colorizer files (required).
    ///          Attributes:
    ///             Stylesheet file (required)
    ///             Script file (required)
    ///             "Copy" image file (required) --&gt;
    ///     &lt;colorizer stylesheet="highlight.css" scriptFile="highlight.js"
    ///        copyImage="CopyCode.gif" /&gt;
    ///     &lt;!-- Output path for the files (required).  This should match
    ///          the output path of the HTML files (see SaveComponent). --&gt;
    ///     &lt;outputPath value="Output\html" /&gt;
    ///     &lt;!-- Logo image file (optional).  Filename is required.  The
    ///          height, width, altText, placement, and alignment attributes
    ///          are optional. --&gt;
    ///     &lt;logoFile filename="Logo.jpg" height="64" width="64"
    ///        altText="Test Logo" placement="left" alignment="left" /&gt;
    /// &lt;/component&gt;
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public class PostTransformComponent : BuildComponent
        #region Logo placement enumerations
        /// <summary>
        /// This enumeration defines the logo placement options
        /// </summary>
        public enum LogoPlacement
            /// <summary>Place the logo to the left of the header text
            /// (the default).</summary>
            /// <summary>Place the logo to the right of the header text.</summary>
            /// <summary>Place the logo above the header text.</summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// This enumeration defines the logo alignment options when placement
        /// is set to <b>Above</b>.
        /// </summary>
        public enum LogoAlignment
            /// <summary>Left-align the logo (the default).</summary>
            /// <summary>Right-align the logo.</summary>
            /// <summary>Center the logo.</summary>

        #region Private data members
        // Private data members

        // The stylesheet, script, and image files to include and the output
        // path.
        private string stylesheet, scriptFile, copyImage, outputPath;

        // Logo properties
        private string logoFilename, logoAltText, alignment;
        private int logoHeight, logoWidth;
        private LogoPlacement placement;

        #region Constructor
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assembler">A reference to the build assembler.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration information</param>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationErrorsException">This is thrown if
        /// an error is detected in the configuration.</exception>
        public PostTransformComponent(BuildAssembler assembler,
          XPathNavigator configuration) : base(assembler, configuration)
            XPathNavigator nav;
            string attr;

            Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(asm.Location);

            base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                "\r\n    [{0}, version {1}]\r\n    Post-Transform Component. " +
                "{2}\r\n", fvi.ProductName,
                fvi.ProductVersion, fvi.LegalCopyright));

            // The <colorizer> element is required and defines the colorizer
            // file locations.
            nav = configuration.SelectSingleNode("colorizer");
            if(nav == null)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must specify " +
                    "a <colorizer> element to define the code colorizer " +

            // All of the attributes are required
            stylesheet = nav.GetAttribute("stylesheet", String.Empty);
            scriptFile = nav.GetAttribute("scriptFile", String.Empty);
            copyImage = nav.GetAttribute("copyImage", String.Empty);

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must specify a " +
                    "'stylesheet' attribute on the <colorizer> element");

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must specify a " +
                    "'scriptFile' attribute on the <colorizer> element");

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must specify a " +
                    "'copyImage' attribute on the <colorizer> element");

            // This specifies the output and the XPath expression used
            // to get the filename.  If the base class found them, we will.
            nav = configuration.SelectSingleNode("outputPath");
            if(nav != null)
                outputPath = nav.GetAttribute("value", String.Empty);

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must specify a " +
                    "'value' attribute on the <outputPath> element");

            // All present.  Make sure they exist.
            stylesheet = Path.GetFullPath(stylesheet);
            scriptFile = Path.GetFullPath(scriptFile);
            copyImage = Path.GetFullPath(copyImage);

                outputPath += @"\";

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Could not find " +
                    "stylesheet file: " + stylesheet);

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Could not find " +
                    "script file: " + scriptFile);

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Could not find " +
                    "image file: " + copyImage);

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The output path '" +
                    outputPath + "' must exist");

            // The logo element is optional.  The file must exist if
            // specified.
            nav = configuration.SelectSingleNode("logoFile");
            if(nav != null)
                logoFilename = nav.GetAttribute("filename", String.Empty);

                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The logo " +
                            "file '" + logoFilename + "' must exist");

                    logoAltText = nav.GetAttribute("altText", String.Empty);

                    attr = nav.GetAttribute("height", String.Empty);
                        if(!Int32.TryParse(attr, out logoHeight))
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The logo " +
                                "height must be an integer value");

                    attr = nav.GetAttribute("width", String.Empty);
                        if(!Int32.TryParse(attr, out logoWidth))
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The logo " +
                                "width must be an integer value");

                    // Ignore them if negative
                    if(logoHeight < 0)
                        logoHeight = 0;

                    if(logoWidth < 0)
                        logoWidth = 0;

                    // Placement and alignment are optional
                    attr = nav.GetAttribute("placement", String.Empty);
                        placement = (LogoPlacement)Enum.Parse(
                            typeof(LogoPlacement), attr, true);
                        placement = LogoPlacement.Left;

                    attr = nav.GetAttribute("alignment", String.Empty);
                        alignment = attr;
                        alignment = "left";

        #region Apply the component
        /// <summary>
        /// This is implemented to perform the post-transformation tasks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The XML document with which to work.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key (member name) of the item being
        /// documented.</param>
        public override void Apply(XmlDocument document, string key)
            XmlNode head, node;
            XmlAttribute attr;
            string destStylesheet, destScriptFile, destImageFile;

            // Add the version information if possible
            if(VersionInfoComponent.ItemVersion != null)

            // For the Prototype style, hide the dropdown if there's only
            // one language.  The VS2005 ignores the language settings and
            // shows everything in the dropdown.  We could fix that to but
            // it will require a bit more work.  Maybe later...
            node = document.SelectSingleNode("//select[@id='languageSelector']");

            if(node != null && node.SelectNodes("//option").Count == 1)
                attr = document.CreateAttribute("style");
                attr.Value = "visibility: hidden;";

            // Add the logo?

            // Don't bother with the rest if the topic contains no code that
            // needs the files.

            // Only copy the files if needed
            destStylesheet = outputPath + Path.GetFileName(stylesheet);
            destScriptFile = outputPath + Path.GetFileName(scriptFile);
            destImageFile = outputPath +
                CodeBlockComponent.CopyImageLocation.Replace("/", @"\");

            // All attributes are turned off so that we can delete it later
                File.Copy(stylesheet, destStylesheet);
                File.SetAttributes(destStylesheet, FileAttributes.Normal);

                File.Copy(scriptFile, destScriptFile);
                File.SetAttributes(destScriptFile, FileAttributes.Normal);

            // Always copy the image file, it may be different
            File.Copy(copyImage, destImageFile, true);
            File.SetAttributes(destImageFile, FileAttributes.Normal);

            // Find the <head> section
            head = document.SelectSingleNode("//head");

            if(head == null)
                    "<head> section not found!  Could not insert links.");

            // Add the link to the stylesheet
            node = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "link", null);

            attr = document.CreateAttribute("type");
            attr.Value = "text/css";

            attr = document.CreateAttribute("rel");
            attr.Value = "stylesheet";

            attr = document.CreateAttribute("href");
            attr.Value = Path.GetFileName(stylesheet);


            // Add the link to the script
            node = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "script", null);

            attr = document.CreateAttribute("type");
            attr.Value = "text/javascript";

            attr = document.CreateAttribute("src");
            attr.Value = Path.GetFileName(scriptFile);

            // Script tags cannot be self-closing so set their inner text
            // to an empty string so that they render as an opening and a
            // closing tag.  Note that if null, InnerText returns an empty
            // string.  This looks redundant but it isn't.
            node.InnerText = String.Empty;


            // Strip out the Copy Code header used in the VS2005 style.  It
            // doesn't work with the CodeBlockComponent code blocks.
            XmlNodeList codeTitles = document.SelectNodes(

            foreach(XmlNode copyCode in codeTitles)
                node = copyCode.ParentNode.ParentNode;

                // Remove colspan attribute from next sibling's first child
                attr = node.NextSibling.ChildNodes[0].SelectSingleNode(
                    "//@colspan") as XmlAttribute;

                if(attr != null)


            // Swap the literal "Copy" text with an include item so that it
            // gets localized.
            codeTitles = document.SelectNodes(

            foreach(XmlNode span in codeTitles)
                span.InnerXml = span.InnerXml.Replace(
                    " " + CodeBlockComponent.CopyText,
                    " <include item=\"copyCode\"/>");

            // If there are code blocks associated with the Prototype style,
            // connect them to the language filter.
            codeTitles = document.SelectNodes("//div/@cbc-lang/..");
            if(codeTitles.Count != 0)
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Warn, "A required section " +
                        "was not found and language filtering will not work.");

        #region Helper methods
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to add version information to the topic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document to modify</param>
        /// <remarks>This requires a modification to the Sandcastle style
        /// file reference_content.xml (Prototype and VS2005).  The help file
        /// builder uses a composite file for both and it includes the fix.
        /// This can go away once version information is supported by
        /// Sandcastle itself.  The request has been made.</remarks>
        private static void AddVersionInfo(XmlDocument document)
            XmlNode locationInfo, parameter, footer;

            // Prototype style...
            locationInfo = document.SelectSingleNode(

            // ... or VS2005 style?
            if(locationInfo == null)
                locationInfo = document.SelectSingleNode(

                if(locationInfo == null)
                    locationInfo = document.SelectSingleNode(
                // For prototype, move the version information below
                // the footer.
                footer = document.SelectSingleNode("//include[@item='footer']");

                if(footer != null)
                    locationInfo.ParentNode.InsertBefore(footer, locationInfo);

            if(locationInfo != null)
                parameter = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,
                    "parameter", null);
                parameter.InnerXml = VersionInfoComponent.ItemVersion;


        /// <summary>
        /// This is called to add the logo to the page header area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document to which the logo is added.</param>
        private void AddLogo(XmlDocument document)
            XmlNode div;
            string imgWidth, imgHeight, imgAltText, filename, destFile;

            filename = Path.GetFileName(logoFilename);
            destFile = outputPath + filename;

            // Copy the logo to the output folder if not there already.
            // All attributes are turned off so that we can delete it later.
                File.Copy(logoFilename, destFile);
                File.SetAttributes(destFile, FileAttributes.Normal);

            imgAltText = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logoAltText)) ? String.Empty :
                " alt='" + logoAltText + "'";
            imgWidth = (logoWidth == 0) ? String.Empty : " width='" +
                logoWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "'";
            imgHeight = (logoHeight == 0) ? String.Empty : " height='" +
                logoHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "'";

            div = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='control']");

            // Prototype style?
            if(div != null)
                // Wrap the header <div> in a table with the image based on
                // the placement option.
                    case LogoPlacement.Left:
                        div.InnerXml = String.Format(
                            "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' " +
                            "cellspacing='0'><tr><td align='center' " +
                            "valign='top' style='padding-right: 10px'>" +
                            "<img src='{0}'{1}{2}{3}/></td><td valign='top' " +
                            "width='100%'>{4}</td></tr></table>", filename,
                            imgAltText, imgWidth, imgHeight, div.InnerXml);

                    case LogoPlacement.Right:
                        div.InnerXml = String.Format(
                            "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' " +
                            "cellspacing='0'><tr><td valign='top' " +
                            "width='100%'>{0}</td><td align='center' " +
                            "valign='top' style='padding-left: 10px'>" +
                            "<img src='{1}'{2}{3}{4}/></td></tr></table>",
                            div.InnerXml, filename, imgAltText, imgWidth,

                    case LogoPlacement.Above:
                        div.InnerXml = String.Format(
                            "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' " +
                            "cellspacing='0'><tr><td align='{0}' " +
                            "style='padding-bottom: 5px'><img src='{1}'" +
                            "{2}{3}{4}/></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' " +
                            "width='100%'>{5}</td></tr></table>", alignment,
                            filename, imgAltText, imgWidth, imgHeight,
                // VS2005 style
                div = document.SelectSingleNode("//table[@id='topTable']");

                if(div == null)
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Unable to locate " +
                        "'control' <div> or 'topTable' <table> to insert logo.");

                    case LogoPlacement.Left:
                        // Insert a new row with a cell spanning all rows
                        div.InnerXml = String.Format(
                            "<tr><td rowspan='4' align='center' valign='top' " +
                            "style='width: 1px; padding: 0px'>" +
                            "<img src='{0}'{1}{2}{3}/></td></tr>{4}",
                            filename, imgAltText, imgWidth, imgHeight,

                    case LogoPlacement.Right:
                        // For this, we add a second cell to the first row
                        // that spans all rows.
                        div = div.ChildNodes[0];
                        div.InnerXml += String.Format(
                            "<td rowspan='3' align='center' valign='top' " +
                            "style='width: 1px; padding: 0px'>" +
                            "<img src='{0}'{1}{2}{3}/></td>",
                            filename, imgAltText, imgWidth, imgHeight);

                    case LogoPlacement.Above:
                        // Add a new first row
                        div.InnerXml = String.Format(
                            "<tr><td align='{0}'><img src='{1}'{2}{3}{4}/>" +
                            "</td></tr>{5}", alignment, filename, imgAltText,
                            imgWidth, imgHeight, div.InnerXml);

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to connect the code blocks in the Prototype style
        /// to the language filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document</param>
        /// <param name="codeTitles">The list of title DIVs associated with
        /// code blocks that need hooking up to the language filter</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if successful or false on failure</returns>
        private static bool ConnectLanguageFilter(XmlDocument document,
          XmlNodeList codeTitles)
            StringBuilder sb;
            List<string> idList;
            XmlAttribute tempLang, id, lang;
            XmlNode code, script, body;
            int uniqueID = 1;

            script = document.SelectSingleNode("//script[contains(text(), " +
                "'var sb = ')]");

            // If this isn't found, assume it's the VS2005 style.  Just
            // remove any placeholder title DIVs.
            if(script == null)
                foreach(XmlNode title in codeTitles)
                    if(title.InnerText == "@CBC_REMOVE")

                return true;

            // Add IDs to each title and code block
            idList = new List<string>();

            foreach(XmlNode title in codeTitles)
                tempLang = title.Attributes["cbc-lang"];
                code = title.NextSibling;

                lang = document.CreateAttribute("x-lang");
                lang.Value = tempLang.Value;

                id = document.CreateAttribute("id");
                id.Value = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "cb_title_{0}", uniqueID);

                // If the title was a place holder, get rid of it
                if(title.InnerText == "@CBC_REMOVE")

                // Clone the attributes for the code block and change the ID
                lang = (XmlAttribute)lang.Clone();
                id = (XmlAttribute)id.Clone();
                id.Value = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "cb_code_{0}", uniqueID);



            // Now add the JavaScript to register the IDs and refresh the
            // currently displayed elements.
            sb = new StringBuilder(1024);

            foreach(string idTitle in idList)
                sb.AppendFormat("sb.elements.push(document.getElementById(" +
                    "'{0}'));\r\n", idTitle);

            // Add the code to update the current filter after adding
            // all of our elements.
            string[] lines = script.InnerText.Split('\n');

            for(int idx = lines.Length - 1; idx > 0; idx--)
                if(lines[idx].IndexOf("sb.toggleStyle") != -1)

            script = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "script", null);
            lang = document.CreateAttribute("type");
            lang.Value = "text/javascript";
            script.InnerText = sb.ToString();

            body = document.SelectSingleNode("//body");

            if(body == null)
                return false;

            return true;

        #region Static configuration method for use with SHFB
        /// <summary>
        /// This static method is used by the Sandcastle Help File Builder to
        /// let the component perform its own configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentConfig">The current configuration XML fragment</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the new configuration XML fragment</returns>
        public static string ConfigureComponent(string currentConfig)
            using(PostTransformConfigDlg dlg =
              new PostTransformConfigDlg(currentConfig))
                if(dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    currentConfig = dlg.Configuration;

            return currentConfig;

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If a file you wish to view isn't highlighted, and is a text file (not binary), please let us know and we'll add colourisation support for it.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
Eric Woodruff is an Analyst/Programmer for Spokane County, Washington where he helps develop and support various applications, mainly criminal justice systems, using Windows Forms (C#) and SQL Server as well as some ASP.NET applications.

He is also the author of various open source projects for .NET including:

The Sandcastle Help File Builder - A front end and project management system that lets you build help file projects using Microsoft's Sandcastle documentation tools. It includes a standalone GUI and a package for Visual Studio integration.

Visual Studio Spell Checker - A Visual Studio editor extension that checks the spelling of comments, strings, and plain text as you type or interactively with a tool window. This can be installed via the Visual Studio Gallery.

Image Map Controls - Windows Forms and web server controls that implement image maps.

PDI Library - A complete set of classes that let you have access to all objects, properties, parameter types, and data types as defined by the vCard (RFC 2426), vCalendar, and iCalendar (RFC 2445) specifications. A recurrence engine is also provided that allows you to easily and reliably calculate occurrence dates and times for even the most complex recurrence patterns.

Windows Forms List Controls - A set of extended .NET Windows Forms list controls. The controls include an auto-complete combo box, a multi-column combo box, a user control dropdown combo box, a radio button list, a check box list, a data navigator control, and a data list control (similar in nature to a continuous details section in Microsoft Access or the DataRepeater from VB6).

For more information see

Comments and Discussions