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Articles by Goran Bacvarovski (Article: 1)

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Web Development
21 Mar 2008   Updated: 21 Mar 2008   Rating: 3.36/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 2.03
Licence: CPOL    Views: 50,693     Bookmarked: 56   Downloaded: 694
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Create scheduled tasks for your website (no third party or heavy coding involved).

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Canada Canada
About 20 years in the software industry - started with simple games programming for the at the time popular Commodore64 and Sinclair Z48, using basic. Moved along with VBA and Office programming macros for all kidns of automations in Office Applications including complex Databases and complete Software solutions developed in MS Access and SQL server later on. Visual Stuidio was native choice for my sofware developement career. Kept loyal to VB as language even though I am verse in other programming languages - the nature of my work in the last 8 years (software architect) keeps pushing toward VB as the most easiest to teach or broadcast the idea with.
Today I manage a .NET team of developers, business analysts, technical writters and atchitects; with applications that not only talk about but do implement enterprise software solutions with large number connections and processing power. I have been working in a capacity as a lead .NET architect for the last 3 years.