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Articles by Jubba Smail (Article: 1)

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5 Jul 2010   Updated: 5 Jul 2010   Rating: 4.79/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 5.33
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Implementing a simplified version of the DES block cipher algorithm – which was the standard encryption algorithm before the AES, using C# to encrypt and decrypt binary files.

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Netherlands Netherlands
A Cloud Ninja, guarding the cyber world, protecting cloud infrastructure from attackers, network from sniffers, source code from vulnerabilities, emails from spams, APIs from bots, data from leakage, workstations from viruses and accounts from weak authentication.

I speak seven languages, two of which are human languages, with a natural translation talent, not just between computer and human but also between technical and business departments.

My professional career started ten years ago when I got challenged to synchronize two databases in a different geographical location without internet. Since then, I play on black screens for living.
Things got interesting when I helped multiple companies migrating from on-premise to the cloud with different configuration automation and many cloud providers.

It was not too soon until I faced my first security problem caused by cloud flexibility and business needs, and here I am.