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A compilation of ASP.NET MVC development tutorials to help you get started (and beyond) with developing web sites and applications.

Table of Contents

Basics of ASP.NET MVC

While Model-View-Controller (MVC) is not a new concept, it does require a certain degree of understanding of "what goes where". These articles will help you understand the three main components of an MVC web site, why the design is important, and show you how it differs from other ways of working with ASP.NET.

Working with Models

Models are classes within your ASP.NET MVC applications that are responsible for managing data. Typically they are responsible for communicating with databases or other storage used. They also provide a place for business logic for your application.

Working with Views

Views are files that allow the user to interact with your ASP.NET MVC application. They may be written in HTML, or another markup language, such as Razor.

Working with Controllers

Controllers are classes within your ASP.NET MVC application that are responsible for managing the communication between the views and models. They provide the main flow logic for your applications.


Every web application requires security, and ASP.NET MVC applications are no exception. These articles show you some of the main topics in securing your applications.


Because all the main functionality of an ASP.NET MVC application is provided by classes, routing provides the mapping between URLs and the methods of the classes. Understanding routing helps you understand how users will interact with your application.

Other Topics

This section contains articles on ASP.NET MVC topics that don't fit into any of the other categories, but are still of use by developers.

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