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I need to fix in my code, I can not later add, bust network route using a socket.
The program must identify all computers connected to the network no matter the topology.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>

// PseudoHeader for calculation of UDP checksum
typedef struct _PseudoHeader  
	unsigned int	SourceAddress;
	unsigned int	DestinationAddress;
	unsigned char	Zeros;
	unsigned char	Proto;
	unsigned short	Length;
} PseudoHeader;

typedef PseudoHeader FAR * LPPseudoHeader;

// Structure for IPV4 header
typedef struct _IPHeader
    unsigned char  ip_header_len:4;  // 4-bit header length (in 32-bit words) normally=5 (Means 20 Bytes may be 24 also)
    unsigned char  ip_version   :4;  // 4-bit IPv4 version
    unsigned char  ip_tos;           // IP type of service
    unsigned short ip_total_length;  // Total length
    unsigned short ip_id;            // Unique identifier
	unsigned short ip_frag_offset;   // Fragment offset field
	unsigned char  ip_ttl;           // Time to live
    unsigned char  ip_protocol;      // Protocol(TCP,UDP,ICMP etc)
    unsigned short ip_checksum;      // IP checksum
    unsigned int   ip_srcaddr;       // Source address
    unsigned int   ip_destaddr;      // Destination address
} IPHeader;

// Structure for ICMP header
typedef struct icmp_hdr    
    unsigned char  type;             // ICMP Error type
    unsigned char  code;             // Type sub code
    unsigned short checksum;
    unsigned short id;
    unsigned short seq;

// Structure for UDP header
typedef struct udp_hdr
	unsigned short source_port;      // Source port no.
	unsigned short dest_port;        // Dest. port no.
	unsigned short udp_length;       // Udp packet length
	unsigned short udp_checksum;     // Udp checksum (optional)

// Structure for UDP payload packet
typedef struct udppacket
	UDP_HDR  udp;                    // UDP header
	char     messg[35];              // message

// Structure for ICMP payload packet
typedef struct icmppacket
	ICMP_HDR icmp;                   // ICMP header
	DWORD	dwTime;                  // time
	char	cData[35];               // message

// Structure for storing information regarding a hop trace
typedef struct traceinfo
	int packetid;
	int ttl;
	int proto;
	int size;
	unsigned long saddr;
	unsigned long daddr;

static int ICMP_SEQNO;
const  int UDP_DEST_PORTNO     = 33434;   // 33434 to 33534
const  int FALLBACK_TO_ICMP    = 1;       // Send ICMP echo requests if UDP fails
int    MAX_CONQ_ICMP_TIMEOUT   = 2;       // Maximum consequtive ICMP hops that are allowed to tuneout
int    latency;

// Generic code to calculate the checksum of a packet
unsigned short CalculateChecksum(unsigned short *usBuf, int iSize)
	unsigned long usChksum=0;
	//Calculate the checksum
	while (iSize>1)
		iSize-=sizeof(unsigned short);

	//If we have one char left
	if (iSize)
		usChksum+=*(unsigned char*)usBuf;

	//Complete the calculations
	usChksum=(usChksum >> 16) + (usChksum & 0xffff);
	usChksum+=(usChksum >> 16);

	//Return the value (inversed)
	return (unsigned short)(~usChksum);

// Calculate UDP checksum using pseudo header
unsigned short CalculatePseudoChecksum(char *buf, int BufLength,unsigned long  dest,unsigned long  src)
	//Calculate the checksum
	LPPseudoHeader lpPseudo;
	int PseudoHeaderLength = sizeof(PseudoHeader);

	lpPseudo                     = new PseudoHeader;
	lpPseudo->DestinationAddress = dest;
	lpPseudo->SourceAddress      = src;
	lpPseudo->Zeros              = 0;
	lpPseudo->Proto              = 0x11;
	lpPseudo->Length             = htons(BufLength);

	//Calculate checksum of all
	int iTotalLength;
	iTotalLength                 = PseudoHeaderLength+BufLength;

	char* tmpBuf;
	tmpBuf=new char[iTotalLength];

	//Copy pseudo

	//Copy header

	//Calculate the checksum
	unsigned short usChecksum;
	usChecksum                   = CalculateChecksum((unsigned short*)tmpBuf,iTotalLength);

	//Delete all
	delete tmpBuf;
	delete lpPseudo;

	//Return checksum
	return usChecksum;

// DNS lookup to get the IP address of the destination or host
int gethostaddr( char* pszHost,sockaddr_in& dest)
    // Initialize the destination host info block
    memset( &dest, 0, sizeof( dest ) );

    // Turn first passed parameter into an IP address to ping
    unsigned int addr = inet_addr( pszHost );
    //if its quad Address then OK
    if( addr != INADDR_NONE )
        // It was a dotted quad number, so save result
        dest.sin_addr.s_addr	= addr;
        dest.sin_family			= AF_INET;

        // Not in dotted quad form, so try and look it up
        hostent* hp = gethostbyname( pszHost );
        if ( hp != 0 )
            // Found an address for that host, so save it
            memcpy( &(dest.sin_addr), hp->h_addr, hp->h_length );
            dest.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
            // Not a recognized hostname either!
            printf("Failed to resolve %s\n", pszHost);
            return -1;

    return 0;

// If the socket is readible then there is a response which can be read.
// If not readible then after timeout reurn no response status
int IsSocketReadible(SOCKET &s)
	struct timeval Timeout;
	fd_set readfds;

	readfds.fd_count = 1;
	readfds.fd_array[0] = s;
	Timeout.tv_sec = 1;
    Timeout.tv_usec = 0;

	return(select(1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &Timeout));

//  Returns 1 on reaching destination, else returns 0
int ProcessIpPacket (IPHeader *iphdr, unsigned long dest)
	unsigned short iphdrlen;
	sockaddr_in source;
	iphdrlen = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;
	static no_hops;
	memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
	source.sin_addr.s_addr = iphdr->ip_srcaddr;
	// Destination unreachable is sent by the host that just previously sent an
	// ICMP time exceeded so don't print its information again
    if(!DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE || (source.sin_addr.s_addr == dest))
	printf("\n %2d  %4d ms  %15s \n", ++no_hops, latency, inet_ntoa(source.sin_addr));
    /* Another way is to check for ICMP echo reply but this would only be sent 
	   for ICMP echo requests */
	if(source.sin_addr.s_addr == dest)   // Destination reached 


// Process the ICMP response. Extract the IP header and other information
int ProcessIcmpPacket(char* Buffer , int Size, unsigned long dest)
	unsigned short iphdrlen;
	int dest_reached = -1;	
	IPHeader *iphdr  = (IPHeader *)Buffer;
	iphdrlen         = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;
    ICMP_HDR *icmpheader=(ICMP_HDR*)(Buffer+iphdrlen);

	if((unsigned int)(icmpheader->type)==11)
		/*printf("  (TTL Expired)\n")*/;
	else if((unsigned int)(icmpheader->type)==0) 
		/*printf("  (ICMP Echo Reply)\n")*/;
	else if((unsigned int)(icmpheader->type)==3)

	dest_reached     = ProcessIpPacket(iphdr,dest);
	return dest_reached;

// Find the response protocol
int ProcessPacket(char* Buffer, int size, unsigned long dest)
	IPHeader *ip     = (IPHeader *)Buffer;
	int dest_reached = -1;

	switch (ip->ip_protocol) //Check the Protocol and do accordingly...
		case 1:  //ICMP Protocol
			dest_reached = ProcessIcmpPacket(Buffer,size,dest);
		case 2:  //IGMP Protocol
		case 6:  //TCP Protocol
		case 17: //UDP Protocol
		default: //Some Other Protocol like ARP etc.

	return dest_reached;

// Receive response from a readible socket and process it
int processResponse(SOCKET &s, unsigned long dest)
	char Buffer[1500];
	int  mangobyte;
	int  dest_reached = -1;
	if (Buffer == NULL)
		printf("malloc() failed.\n");
		return dest_reached;

	 mangobyte = recvfrom(s,Buffer,sizeof(Buffer),0,0,0); 

	if(mangobyte > 0)	
		dest_reached = ProcessPacket(Buffer, mangobyte, dest);
		printf( "recvfrom() failed.\n");
	return dest_reached;

/*void getSourceDestAddr(u16 *src_addr,u16 *dest_addr,sockaddr_in dest,sockaddr_in src)
    int i=0;

	src_addr[i]  =  src.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1;
	dest_addr[i++] = dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1;

	src_addr[i]  =  src.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2;
	dest_addr[i++] = dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2;

	src_addr[i]  =  src.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3;
	dest_addr[i++] = dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3;

	src_addr[i]  =  src.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4;
	dest_addr[i] = dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4;


// Construct the IP header for the trace
void construct_ip_hdr(char *pack_data,TRACE_INFO trace)
	//Clear the data buffer
	int size = sizeof(pack_data);

	IPHeader *ip           = (IPHeader *)(pack_data);

	ip->ip_version         = 4;
	ip->ip_header_len      = 5;     // in words (size is always 20 bytes for IPv4)
	ip->ip_tos             = 0x0;
	ip->ip_total_length    = htons(trace.size);
	ip->ip_frag_offset     = 0x0;
	ip->ip_protocol        = trace.proto; 
	ip->ip_destaddr        = trace.daddr;
	ip->ip_srcaddr         = trace.saddr;
	ip->ip_checksum        = 0;    // Don't worry, Kernel will do the needful
	ip->ip_id              = htons(trace.packetid);
	ip->ip_ttl             = trace.ttl;

  First construct the IP header.
  Then construct the protocol packet
int construct_proto_pack(char *packdata,TRACE_INFO trace)
  IPHeader *ip        = (IPHeader *)(packdata); 
  int packet_length   = -1;
  static portincr     = 0;


  if(trace.proto == IPPROTO_UDP)
	  //struct udp_hdr *udp           = (struct udp_hdr *)(ip + 1);
	  if(portincr > 100)       // 33434 to 33534
		  portincr = 0;

      UDP_PACKET *udp_pack          = (UDP_PACKET *) (ip + 1);

      strcpy(udp_pack->messg, "Hello there!");
	  udp_pack->udp.dest_port       = htons(UDP_DEST_PORTNO + portincr++);
	  udp_pack->udp.source_port     = htons(0);
	  udp_pack->udp.udp_checksum    = 0; 
	  udp_pack->udp.udp_length      = htons(sizeof(*udp_pack));

	  // UDP Packet length = UDP header len + data len
	  int udp_hdr_n_data_len        = sizeof(*udp_pack);
	  packet_length                 = ((int)(ip + 1)  - (int)ip)    + udp_hdr_n_data_len;

	  ip->ip_total_length           = packet_length;

	  udp_pack->udp.udp_checksum    = CalculatePseudoChecksum((char *)udp_pack,udp_hdr_n_data_len,trace.daddr,trace.saddr);
  else if(trace.proto == IPPROTO_ICMP)
	  //struct icmp_hdr *icmp         = (struct icmp_hdr *)(ip + 1);
	  ICMP_PACKET     *icmp_pack    = (ICMP_PACKET *) (ip + 1);

	  icmp_pack->icmp.code          = 0;
	  icmp_pack->icmp.type          = 8;
	  icmp_pack->icmp.checksum      = 0;
	  icmp_pack->            = ICMP_SEQNO;
	  icmp_pack->icmp.seq           = ICMP_SEQNO++;
      icmp_pack->dwTime             = GetTickCount();
      strcpy(icmp_pack->cData, "Hello there!");

	  // ICMP Packet length = ICMP header len + data len
	  int icmp_hdr_n_data_len       = sizeof(*icmp_pack);
      packet_length                 = ((int)(ip + 1)  - (int)ip)     + icmp_hdr_n_data_len;

	  ip->ip_total_length           = packet_length;

	  icmp_pack->icmp.checksum      = CalculateChecksum((USHORT *)icmp_pack,icmp_hdr_n_data_len);
	  return (-1);   // Protocol not supported


// Populate the packinfo variable with parameters for a particular hop
void settraceinfo(TRACE_INFO &traceinfo,int packetid,int ttl,int proto,unsigned long dest, unsigned long src, int size)
	traceinfo.packetid = packetid; 
	traceinfo.ttl      = ttl;
	traceinfo.proto    = proto;
	traceinfo.saddr    = src;
	traceinfo.daddr    = dest;
	traceinfo.size     = size;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  sockaddr_in dest, src;
  TRACE_INFO traceinfo;
  char data[100];
  char hostname[70];

  ICMP_SEQNO      = 1;
  // Start Winsock up
  WSAData wsaData;

  int char_size = sizeof(unsigned char);

  if(!(argc == 2))
	  printf("Usage: %s %s \n",argv[0],"target_name");
	  return 1;

  if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 1), &wsaData) != 0) 
     printf("Failed to find Winsock 2.1 or better");
     return 1;
  // Create a raw IP socket so that it can send/capture UDP and ICMP packets

  if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
   printf("\nCouldn't create socket");
   return 1;

  // provide our own IP header and not let the kernel provide one  

  int on = 1;
  if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (const char *)&on, sizeof(on)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
    printf("\nCouldn't set IP_HDRINCL");
    return 1;

  if(gethostaddr(argv[1],dest) < 0)     // destination domain name or IP address
	printf("\n Couldn't resolve host %s \n", argv[1]);
    return 1;

   //Retrive the local hostname
  if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == SOCKET_ERROR) 
     printf("\nCannot retrieve hostname");
	 return 1;

  if(gethostaddr(hostname,src) < 0)               // Hostname  or IP address
    return 1;

  int packetid           = GetCurrentProcessId();
  int written            = 0;
  int proto              = IPPROTO_UDP;    // UDP ping
  int pack_size          = sizeof(data);
  int sockreadible       = 0;
  int dest_reached       = 0;
  int count              = 0;
  int timed_out_cnt      = 0;
  ULONG RequestTime      = 0;
  ULONG ResponseTime     = 0;

  printf("\n Tracing route to %s [%s] \n", argv[1], inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr));
  while(dest_reached == 0)
	  settraceinfo(traceinfo, packetid + count, count+1, proto, dest.sin_addr.s_addr, src.sin_addr.s_addr, pack_size);
	  if((pack_size = construct_proto_pack(data, traceinfo)) > 0)
		  RequestTime      = GetTickCount();
		  written          = sendto(sock,data,pack_size,0,(struct sockaddr *)&dest,sizeof(dest));

		  if (written == SOCKET_ERROR) 
			  printf("\n Sending packet failed. Check permissions on this system");
			  printf("\n Admin rights are required on XP");
			  return 1;

		  sockreadible     = IsSocketReadible(sock);
			  timed_out_cnt = 0;
			  ResponseTime  = GetTickCount();
			  latency       = ResponseTime - RequestTime;
			  dest_reached  = processResponse(sock,dest.sin_addr.s_addr);

			  // If destination is unreachable then switch to ICMP
				  proto                   = IPPROTO_ICMP;
				  printf("\n Destination unreachable, so cannot proceed further");
				  return 1;

			  count ++;
		  else if(written > 0 && proto == IPPROTO_ICMP)
			  //request timed out even with ICMP packets then stop after MAX_CONQ_ICMP_TIMEOUT hops
			  timed_out_cnt ++;
			  // If after consequtive MAX_CONQ_ICMP_TIMEOUT hops, request has timed out then stop
			  if(timed_out_cnt >= MAX_CONQ_ICMP_TIMEOUT) {
			    printf("\n Request has timed out even after %d hops, so not proceeding further\n",MAX_CONQ_ICMP_TIMEOUT);
			    return 1;
			  else {
			   printf("\n Request timed out");
               count ++;
		  else if(written > 0 && FALLBACK_TO_ICMP)
              // Try again with ICMP if UDP has failed for the ttl
			  if(proto != IPPROTO_UDP)
				  count ++;
			  proto          = IPPROTO_ICMP; // Don't go with UDP hereafter
		  else if(FALLBACK_TO_ICMP == 0)
			  count ++;

  return 0;
Updated 21-Jun-10 22:39pm
[no name] 21-Jun-10 21:12pm    
I fixed the formatting, now you can do it next time. This far too much code, no one is going to read it. And you have not asked any question
Emilio Garavaglia 22-Jun-10 5:35am    
Reason for my vote of 1
What is the question ??
Abhinav S 22-Jun-10 6:06am    
Reason for my vote of 1
Please dont post your code as a quiz. Mention the error / problem you are facing.
Mohan Ramachandra 25-Jun-10 6:33am    
Reason for my vote of 1
Question is not specfic Elborate.He has not even mentioned the problem he is facing

That is a lot of code that people are not going to read through.

Be more selective.

What do you think is wrong, and where do you think it is in the code.
What have you attempted so far?
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Is a huge code, but I see a thing that can be improbed:

"strcpy" : this function is unsafe, can be target of a buffer overflow attack ( and i see you are using winsock2.h, is an internet appliccation? ). I speak about security of the application.
There are several functions to replace strcpy, such as strncp, you are control about the size of the buffer.

I have read speedly you code, i not found other things

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the quetions is can u help me fix this program?
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Cedric Moonen 22-Jun-10 6:18am    
Reason for my vote of 1
No, nobody is going to go through all the code without even knowing what is wrong with your progam. Ask a SPECIFIC question.

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