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by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
If you want to set text inside AJAX HTMLEditor or HTMLEditorExtender, then this is the right place. Enjoy the tip.
by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
Calling server-side code from client-side using JavaScript and TextBox's onblur event
by girishmeena
All the information regarding Ajax file upload control and validation
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Struggling to attach a Client Side Event to AJAX HtmlEditorExtender? Apply the trick and enjoy.

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by Herman.Instance
AjaxControlToolkit Accordeon's bad influence on Gridview PagerTemplate
by User 992674
Google Maps control for ASP.NET
by girishmeena
All the information regarding Ajax file upload control and validation
by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
Calling server-side code from client-side using JavaScript and TextBox's onblur event

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11 Dec 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Finally, after all my research, I did it. Let me explain...ProblemWhen you use HtmlEditorExtender, TextBox1 is hided.
9 Jan 2014 by Karthik_Mahalingam
yes, you can do ..In the button click of the page you write this protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("Index.aspx"); }and in the page load of the index.aspx page you can call the show function explicitly as...
5 Mar 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
If you want to set text inside AJAX HTMLEditor or HTMLEditorExtender, then this is the right place. Enjoy the tip.
6 Mar 2015 by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
Calling server-side code from client-side using JavaScript and TextBox's onblur event
6 Jan 2014 by Goenitz
Sorry its just the selected index :(Selected Index=-1
4 Feb 2014 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Try this .modal{ position:absolute; z-index:7000px; top:0px; left:0px; ...
21 Mar 2014 by ZurdoDev
From the comments, You'll want to create a javascript function in each page and google how to call javascript function from child to parent. Then your JS will have to call the method you want.
9 Sep 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
SolutionWhy are you dynamically adding the button as a Trigger. You are doing it because you are calling one custom Event that is "AddParameterClick".Whatever you are doing inside this Event can be done inside the ItemCommand[^] Event itself. And you can declare ItemCommand Event as a...
10 Dec 2014 by Bhagyashree Chaudhari - Member 10473634
Use instead of and i can use as many modalpopupextender.Thank you.
16 Oct 2015 by 12045649
BY Adding this we can change color of ajax pie chart dynamicallyint i = 1;string color = "#f89020";foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows){ if (i == 1) { color = "#00b0f0"; } if (i == 2) { color = "#676767"; } if (i == 3) {...
21 Jan 2016 by JOTHI KUMAR Member 10918227
Hi to all, Here i done ajaxtoolkit:modalpopupexternder while if i run in local machine popup will show when i host in webguru servre popup will do show its just refresh.what is the problem can anybody suggestDesign: ...
6 Jul 2016 by AnvilRanger
I would suggest you forget about the AjaxControlToolkit and look at using the jQuery UI Autocomplete. It is much simpler to work with.jQuery UI Autocomplete - Autocomplete | jQuery UI[^]Using the jQuery UI Autocomplete with ASP.Net Webforms - Implement jQuery AutoComplete TextBox from...
19 Aug 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
remove this lineImageButton imgBtnFromDate = (ImageButton)e.Row.FindControl("imgBtnFromDate"); ME.TargetControlID = txttest.ClientID; // this is global scope, it will be applied to all controls. if(hfInputType.Value=="DT") {
25 Sep 2017 by girishmeena
All the information regarding Ajax file upload control and validation
13 Oct 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
I believe you missed adding ToolkitScriptManager Quote[^]: You must add a ToolkitScriptManager control to any page that contains Ajax Control Toolkit controls. The ToolkitScriptManager performs two main functions. First, the...
4 Oct 2023 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
11 Nov 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: (h.dataType || "*").toLowerCase is not a function The expression in parentheses yields a boolean value. And you cannot call toLowerCase on a boolean (i.e True or False) value.
15 Nov 2013 by GANESHGITE
I know we can use webservices to fill the CascadingDropDown. But I am using WCF seriveces. So my question is can I use WCF Services to fill CascadingDropDown??? If it is possible then please provide me some examples.
15 Nov 2013 by M.Ebrahimi.Ahouei
HiYou can find proper answer in the following link that I think it would be helpful. will try to post you if I find or try another answer.Best regards
21 Nov 2013 by lovejeet0707
I would like to place a "please wait, loading" spinning circle animation on my site. How can i do.Using*Visual Studio*C#*AjaxThanks in advance.
22 Nov 2013 by Mehul1988
Use Update panel and Updateprogress control and set AssociatedUpdatePanelID to update panel id.
1 Dec 2013 by kanamala subin
I am using ajax calender extender for picking datetime...The format I am using is..Format="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" Here I need PM by default in time partBut the above format will give AM always by default..For example I need to set date like '12/02/2013 08:00:00 PM' by...
2 Dec 2013 by RajeeshMenoth
u just change ur column datetime data type as "DATE"..u can use thiz script for picking a date $(function () { $("#From_date").datepicker({ dateformat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val() });
2 Dec 2013 by RajeeshMenoth
$(function () { $("#From_date").datepicker({ dateformat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val() }); $(function () { $("#To_date").datepicker({ dateformat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val() });from text box u can change ur id name as...
8 Dec 2013 by AR547
Hi All,I have an accordion in my application created in ASP.NET 3.5.I want to convert the active accordion data to pdf on button click.For Example there are 04 panes in that accordion. And the user clicks the 2nd pane and then click on button, the data of Accortion Pane Index#01 should...
11 Dec 2013 by Hamza Dweikat
I have the following :
2 Jan 2014 by Dinesh Prajapati
Hello EverybodyWishing you all a Happy n Prosperous New Year ..!I have been trying to apply filtered textbox extender on a textbox control in nested Gridview's Footer Row since last 3 days but couldn't succeed. The issue is that even after applying the FilterTextBoxExtender to the...
6 Jan 2014 by Goenitz
Hi guys, how would i unselect an accordion pane when loading pages? Thanks :)
8 Jan 2014 by christhuxavier
you can see my image using this link :,while clicking i showing image and parts number 1,2,3 and so forth. you can see that image as saving the above image. everything works fine. but if i click one part number , i have to close...
8 Jan 2014 by Goenitz
Hi guys i have an array which consist of 4 datas, now i need to pass these to the content of the accordion pane, anyone have an idea?
9 Jan 2014 by sahabiswarup
There is one modalpopup exists on index.aspx page and its working fine.Is that possible when click a button on other page (say about.aspx) it will redirect to index page and open the modal popup?Please share your opinion.Thanks in advance.
9 Jan 2014 by christhuxavier
hello,here i give my javascript.when i use: modelpopupextender
9 Jan 2014 by Murali0195
Hi... Can u try this ..Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "test", "'Homepage.aspx','maximize=true,top=0,left=0,height=1000px,width=1350px,status=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=yes,fullscreen=false,...
9 Jan 2014 by christhuxavier
hello, i Got the solution myself. Even Modelpopextender control will work the above requirement. no need popupcontrolexnder.just i added one more property called "backgroundcssclass="popupControl "" in Modelpopextender control and wrote css class for that follows:.popupControl...
19 Jan 2014 by kishorebt
Guys help me out. In a normal chat application we'll be using a known IP address (for example i'll take my system ip as server and others will be connected from my IP). what to do if i wanna launch it globally like facebook , gmail, yahoo messenger. what shud i do if i wanna run it in internet..
20 Jan 2014 by gani7787
I have used AJAX HTML Editor control.When i click the submit button, i want to Disable (Read Only) the AJAX HTML Editor entire control.I tried many code's and i waiting for this answer very long back. but. it will not work.pls. suggest me how to disable AJAX HTML Editor...
21 Jan 2014 by Member 10488678
protected void btnsub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { schedule ob= new schedule(); ob.u_id = Convert.ToInt32(txt_id.Text); bool isSubjectDuplicate = obj.schedule.Any(schedule => schedule.u_id == ob.u_id); if (isSubjectDuplicate == true) {...
21 Jan 2014 by Ron Beyer
One of two things is probably happening here...If is a DateTime:You are comparing it to a string. DateTime.Today.ToString() is probably not returning the value you think it is (it probably includes a time). Debug and set a breakpoint at var res = and see what the value of res1...
22 Jan 2014 by
Hi can anyone tell me how can i search and Update my User control using textChenged event on a Modal popup without closing the Popup ?I have this Dynamic User control that containts TextBox and GridViewThe Master page ImageButton supplies the GridView Datasource and the shows the User...
24 Jan 2014 by rahulDer
Hello there,m getting large amount of data in URL sizw of approximately 9KB and it causes an error like "Bad Request - Request Too Long"and while debugging ,m being sent to this error message of AjaxController...
24 Jan 2014 by Ahmed Bensaid
Hello,Maybe there are too many cookies on your website ;)[^]
26 Jan 2014 by rahulDer
i am using Ajax calendar extender in my site,I want a calender in which user should select either of two dates like 1).CurentDAte or 2)one Previous date before current date following code ..i am able to select only current date ,but cant select one previos date before current...
26 Jan 2014 by hypermellow
You could always set the Start and End dates of the calendar when you create the page.csCalendar.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);csCalendar.EndDate = DateTime.Now;This will restrict the calendar to only allow selection of the current date and the previous date.
4 Feb 2014 by Mohd Shamim Ansari
I need to grey out the future dates (dates beyond today's date) in ajaxcontroltoolkit calendarextender control. How can I achieve this? I have been able to do as much that the user is not able to select future dates from the calendarextender control but I wish to grey out the future dates for...
4 Feb 2014 by ravikhoda
Try this CalendarExtender1.EndDate = DateTime.Now;to change the style you can change style in ajax__calendar_invalid class in the css
4 Feb 2014 by Abhinav S
Override the day render function.Private Sub Calendar1_DayRender(sender As Object, e As DayRenderEventArgs) If e.Day.Date > EndOfDateRange Then e.Cell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray e.Day.IsSelectable = False End IfEnd Sub
4 Feb 2014 by Siddheshwar Duchal
Hi,I'm using AutoCompleteExtender Ajax control in application.I want force the user to only able to select value from the list returned.If user not select value from list and enter anything which is not in the list then show alert message (Please select item from the list...
4 Feb 2014 by kishorebt
CSS.modal{ position:absolute; z-index:7000px; top:0px; left:0px; background-color:Gray; filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6; opacity:0.6; }ASP.NET
5 Feb 2014 by Sohrab Gandhi
Have you tried to bind the filtered text box extender to your textbox in RowDataBound event?Give it a shot!
13 Mar 2014 by Krunal Rohit
It is not the exact solution, but still you can get the idea how you can deal with the problem.[^][^]-KR
14 Mar 2014 by Member 8796921
i would like to thank you in advance for reading and responding to this. i have searched for this issue and found some related solutions, but none that fix this and are specifically this issue. im using visual studio 2012 on windows 8. I used the web project template, I have included the...
20 Mar 2014 by write2varun
Hi,I'm Using AJAXControlToolKit Tab Controller to create Tab.In that in Using iframe to add different page.I Added the tab in the page (TabPage.aspx) and called all the page (ChildPage1.aspx, ChildPage2.aspx,ChildPage3.aspx,ChildPage4.aspx) from that page I want to add save and...
26 Mar 2014 by Member 8796921
still trying to figure this out. ive looked at similar problems and none of the solutions work. any help would be appreciated
1 Apr 2014 by Narendra Singh Rathore
I am using AjaxFileUpload Control what i want that when user try to upload the file ,the control first should check that is it exceeding the limit defined by the admin i.e user can only uploads 5 files after that he/she should have to delete to upload another file that means it can only upload...
4 Apr 2014 by Er. Puneet Goel
Ajax Upload Control HTML: OnClientUploadError="uploadErrorHandler" OnUploadedComplete="ProcessUpload" OnClientUploadStarted="uploadStarted" Width="110px" ClientIDMode="Static" Style="position: absolute;...
10 Apr 2014 by Tomin James
when i run the project:I got these:Unable to find specified ModalPopupExtender.[ArgumentException: Unable to find specified ModalPopupExtender.] AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonExtender.RegisterDisplayModalPopup() in...
25 Apr 2014 by Rajni from delhi
Using below line to set a watermark text in JavaScript
25 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Use the following code...$find("EmailWatermark").set_WatermarkText("Hello");It is working, tested at my end.
28 Apr 2014 by The Doer
I am developing a web application using telerik and Ajax. Ajax Version- VS-2013I have added the ToolScriptManager to Master page and hence whenever my master page runs it pop up with a file search as to find the toolScriptManager.cs file. And end up with the message as...
29 Apr 2014 by SRKarn
have you add ScriptMmanager on your page?
5 May 2014 by _Dhull
Website is working Ok on local but on server i am getting following errors. * Sys is undefined * ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to loadi am using:-Ajax Toolkit version: Product version is 3.0.30512.1Assembly version is 3.0.30512.20315Visual Studio is Microsoft...
5 May 2014 by King Fisher
Try this[^]
5 May 2014 by Sanket Saxena
This is your web.config issue:Try Adding the following in the system.web tag
5 May 2014 by DamithSL
This may be due to incorrect web config. You may have manually download and include ajax toolkit to your project. But there is a easy way to install it. check Install the Ajax Control Toolkit from NuGet[^] blog post. You can use Nuget package manager to install the toolkit and it will do the...
8 May 2014 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi Gaurav,Can you please visit the following article.ASP.NET File Upload with Progress Bar[^]For AJAX Upload you can visit following linkLightweight Image Upload with Animation[^]
11 May 2014 by J. Chatterjee
I'm trying to get ajax autocomplete extender work through the code behind, and trying to match the pattern from a database. but it doesn't work. Kindly please tell me what mistake I'm making.. Thank you.. :)
11 May 2014 by DamithSL
//return type should be a array [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod][System.Web.Services.WebMethod]public static string[] SearchCustomers(string prefixText, int count){ using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString =...
26 May 2014 by TAUSEEF KALDANE
hello...i have ajax tab container control on my page, having multiple tab panels inside the control. when i am giving HeaderTemplate in tab panel that will be adjusted by HeaderTemplate. But i want to make every tab panel to show same number of characters in HeaderTemplate.
27 May 2014 by londhess
Hi ALL,I have nested Tab container in my website. For first time ,when i load the page, it will be showing all the controls with respective their tab. But when i do any operation on outside the tab container,then the controls from one tabPanel moves to another tabPanel.Also i found that,if...
29 May 2014 by londhess
I solve this problem with myself.Actually i have created the two common controls and their refreances are present in both the tab.So when page partially refresh,it will make one tab as hidden. So due to that ,controls moved to another tab.I just came to know ,do not use any controls from...
2 Jun 2014 by Md.Ashraf Ali
I am using Ajax Calendar in page.Its working fine in other pages but in some pages it showing only two columns of the calender ie sunday and monday .And the date between these two is invisible/hidden.Could anybody suggest me some ideas of yours.Thank You
3 Jun 2014 by Keerthi Kumar(Andar)
Hi experts,i want to add ajax autocomplete extender in my project that has been created in vb.but service method is not calling. Its not working properly please help me solve this code is
3 Jun 2014 by DamithSL
change your web method signature as below System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _Public Shared Function GetCompletionList(ByVal prefixText As String, ByVal count As Integer) As List(Of String)End FunctionAnd you better follow the stems in AJAX...
10 Jun 2014 by Member 8073143
Hi every Tech geek avilable in this forumI am using the following code and i am using update panelThe issue is that i am using jquery for the alignment of the tabs used in my pagebut when ever the page gets loaded the tabs gets distorted and looks as the initial stage li element and are...
13 Jun 2014 by Purna.N
Hi, I have used ajax tab container in my application In that container 4 tabs available.I need to restrict the users to select the tabs. How can i perform this in application.thanks,Purna
13 Jun 2014 by Kriti Sharma 10400841
1. set div visible property to false2.check your user type at the time of login.3.if the user is authorized then set div visible property to true
17 Jun 2014 by ajithcharivila
in my c# 3.5 project,I used a ajax file uploader using ajax tool kit will upload large sized files in server only.But it will not upload large size files in visual studio and publishing it any other local systems.but it uploaded small size files.please give me any solution for this...
19 Jun 2014 by Timir Patel
How to resolve response.redirect after upgrading .net project from 2.0 to 4.0 also use of Ajaxcontrolltoolkit
19 Apr 2016 by SUBBU237
I am using AjaxToolkitcintol in webpage design . using in master page Toolkitscriptmanager in page .creating new page using MasterPege add calenderextender value will be saving in database eroor will come given below............................ Please give me Reply sirI am trying re-install...
16 Jul 2014 by Sandesh M Patil
I am using ajax calendar extender control in my application. Code is as follows,
28 Jul 2014 by Member 10977819
Hi, I'm new to this site and new to programming.I'm stuck in C# coding here. I've Googled so many times but decided to post a question here.I'm creating Admin Panel using Ajax tab container which has 5 tapPanels and in that each tapPanel, I have one Panel from standard tool. And in that...
18 Aug 2014 by Member 10235977
I am using AjaxToolKit for uploading files. The uploaded files are saved in a folder on server and also included in an Sql server database. I have a gridview to show the files uploaded. My code in .aspx page is: ...
18 Aug 2014 by Ashi0891
I'm afraid you can not refresh gridview in that manner. You have to use javascript function to bind gridview again after uploading in ajax file upload.You can do one of the following:1) simply use OnClientUploadComplete="ShowUpdate()" in ajax file upload control and use
1 Sep 2014 by Akshay Raut
Two RequiredFieldValidator operate on a TextBox and a DropDownList, it doesn't show validation error when I fill them, but doesn't also let me move from one view to another. When I remove Cascading control and assign any other text to DropDownList via ListItem, it works properly. I thought...
9 Nov 2020 by PeejayAdams
I haven't touched ASP in a long time and I'm starting to remember why!I have an update panel that contains a repeater, the repeater items contain a button and I want that button as an asynchronous post-back trigger for the update panel.The update panel looks like this:
16 Sep 2014 by PeejayAdams
Well, I knew that using tables was a bit naughty (I really didn't want to go down the CSS route for a single page, internal web form) but the update panel gets created as a div and that gets confused with the table and therein lies the problem.As soon as I changed my table to divs and...
30 Sep 2014 by Gigidel
Hi,I added editor and asyncfileupload to my page.When i tried to upload file get this error"0x800a01bd - JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action"I found out my problem is editor becuase when I delete this ajax control, problem gone and I can upload fileI need...
9 Oct 2014 by dipak _kansara
Refer the below link
9 Oct 2014 by Yugan_SA
Have you looked at using BootStrap?It is a HTML, CSS and JS framework.Getting Started with BootStrap[^]
30 Oct 2014 by Marc Koutzarov
There is a way of doing it but it is really not recommended due to security issues also this code will only work on IE browsers. My question to you is actually why do you need this. The html page is hosted on a webserver anyway so a serverside scripting language should be available to you....
9 Nov 2014 by Ryder24
We using Ajax Accordion Pane in that we have requirement that a textbox is present in header panel so user can edit the textbox and while click button which is present in Content panel i need to get that textbox value in .cs.My .aspx
10 Nov 2014 by Ryder24
We using Ajax Accordion Pane in web form. We binding Ajax accordion pane with Dataset when user press Go button.Aspx Code
13 Nov 2014 by Anbu_Mannan
function ValidateDate(txt, keyCode) { if(keyCode==16) isShift = false; var val=txt.value; var lblmesg = document.getElementById("") ; if(val.length == 10) { var...
17 Nov 2014 by Sinisa Hajnal
I'm having trouble with the autocomplete on the page. The setup is complicated:FrameworkMasterPage ApplicationMasterPage MyContentPageInitially, FrameworkMasterPage holds everything in asp:UpdatePanel, but I've tried removing it just to check, it doesn't work even without...
19 Nov 2014 by maheswaran_s_v
Can you share what you were trying to achieve here ? The Javascript URL seems like MVC pattern, But you have used Update panel that is part of legacy ASP web application.Are you calling the .Ajax method from any of the Key press event. if so, if the function written on the same page , you...