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by Bharat Mallapur
Sample project to host MS-Chart in your WPF application
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
MS Test Result Viewer is a free open source library to convert MS Test result (.trx) file into HTML. It is also allowed you to perform MS Test on your test container project (.dll) file. This utility will work with simple command line arguments to generate test report in HTML format with excellent U
by Angelo Cresta
.NET 5 version of dotnet/winforms-datavisualization
by Xavier John

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by Code Artist
Implementation of DynamicX-Largest-Triangle-Three-Bucket for chart data plotting
by Vishwas_R
Simple Audio Player to browse any song with Play / Pause, Stop options & a waveform generated using CanvasJS charts
by Vishwas_R
Create Angular dynamic chart with few simple steps using CanvasJS. Dynamic charts are also referred to as real-time chart / live chart.
by Angelo Cresta
.NET 5 version of dotnet/winforms-datavisualization

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25 Jul 2011 by #realJSOP
Why don't you ask these questions on ComponentOne's own forums?
26 Jul 2011 by #realJSOP
Have you considered asking this question in ComponentOne's own forums?Your last question garnered the same answer from me, and you stated that their forums appear to be down, yet when I tried to view them, I didn't have any problems:[^]
31 Aug 2011 by #realJSOP
Whether or not its too many depends on the hardware you're running the site on. Instead of using a timer to auto-refresh, consider letting the user click a button that starts the refresh process. Further, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have each chart calculation/render process...
6 Jan 2017 by #realJSOP
You have to store the points in the database as integers (or floats, depending on which UI framework you're using). You're going to need fields for X, Y, Width, and Height, as well as a way to identify a given button.
6 Mar 2019 by #realJSOP
The very first thing you must do is performa parameterized query. What that means is creating an array of SqlParameter objects, and passing them to the SqlCommand object. Finally, you can replace all of the hard coded values with the appropriate parameter names, something like this: ...
29 May 2020 by #realJSOP
Once the line color is set in a line chart, you can't change it based on the value of a data point. No chart library that I'm aware of is going to let you do it. You have two options: 0) create another line (a different color from your data...
8 Apr 2022 by 123 123 2022
I extracted values from datagridview1 to calculate an exponential equation. foreach (DataRow pr in Global_var.data_source.Tables[0].Rows) { try { x1 = (double)pr[0]; y1 = (double)pr[1]; ...
5 Feb 2014 by 1Future
Hi guys,How do I set the Title of a chart in Windows Form in C#? I don't want to set it in the designer properties. I want it to set when a button is clicked. For example:public void button2_click(object sender, EventArgs e){ chart1.Title.Text = "Sales";}
21 Jun 2011 by 2irfanshaikh
I suppose this may help you:[^][^]
20 Jul 2011 by A.Najafi
Dear All,Recently, I am searching for a library to plot 3d surfaces using array of XYZ data. I spent long time to find it. But, all of useful component arenot free. Is there a free simple 3d library?Thanks Allot.
8 Mar 2012 by Aaron Pate
I was just wondering, Is there a way I could display data from a serial port on a chart in real time, if not by just refreshing the web page?Basically I have a radio receiver hooked up to my computer by a serial port. I need to get the data so i can plot a chart that will show the frequency...
6 Nov 2010 by Abhijit Jana
Here is Few Sample.[^]and[^]You should search on net before asking question over here. Thanks !
11 Sep 2010 by Abhinav S
Did you check on the Zedgraph forums? They might have an answer to your question.
5 Feb 2014 by Abhinav S
Consider using the ChartTitle property -[^].
5 Oct 2015 by Abhinav S
Using Chart.js [PHP] [^] might help you.Additional resources -[^][^]
11 Oct 2015 by Abhinav S
Window.Open method[^] should help you open a new window.
1 Dec 2015 by abhinuc
I have implemented bar chart in D3.js along with line/area/pie/candle. But it stops running, don't able to debug what i am doing wrong... please help I have added bar function... before that it was working Even console is not showing any is my fiddle :[^]
2 Jan 2014 by acing wei
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { lstData.Add(new Tablelist() { FileName=csv, process = row["process"] + "", Event = row["Event"] + "", status = row["status"] + "" }); } } DataTable dtoutput = new DataTable(); var columnNames = ...
6 Jan 2014 by acing wei
DataRow newrowPassCount = dtoutput.NewRow(); DataRow newrowReworkCount = dtoutput.NewRow(); int pprevcount = 0; int rprevcount = 0; string ppcount; foreach (string columnName in columnNames) ...
6 Jan 2014 by acing wei
test1|test2|test3|test4|125 |143 |144 |123123 |123 |154 |134this is a table , usually to show a chart we are taking the columns value ,first column is x axis and second column is y my problem is I need to show it according to my table there any code that i...
18 Dec 2013 by Adeel Ijaz
hi, my requirement is to show a scatter chart where images of employees are displyed rather than the points. is there a way to do it. I have tried HTML5 charts with trial version of canvasjs but we can only show images there on the tooltips but hovering on the point. Where as my...
21 Nov 2014 by Aditya Prakash Roy
Show All Skipped Labels on the X-Axis in mschartSolution 1:- ChartName.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = 1 Solution 2:- ChartName.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = Double.NaN ChartName.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount ...
7 Jan 2011 by adocas
This post may help you. Is a full implementation of complex numbers for .NET, and how to use it with VB or C#.Click here
5 Oct 2013 by afshinkamal
you should use tree view in like below : Font-Size="8pt" ImageSet="BulletedList3"...
24 Sep 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You can try using ScrollViewer to create a body which can have a height and multiple child controls. Which was span as much as they can. This will let you have that functionality, to include multiple visible controls. No matter what type of control. You can have them inside this, and this...
23 May 2014 by agent_kruger
how to display every symbol of UNICODE on richtextbox which gets displayed as it is and not like a block. My application is in c# win. form.Link :-[^]Thanks in advance
3 Jan 2015 by Ahmad A.A. Ahmad
How to use chart item in your SSRS Report (% labeling)
2 Sep 2018 by Ahmad_kelany
Hello everyone, I have an RDLC report in a Winforms VB.Net application, which contains a chart of type: Range Bar The goal is: On the Y-Axis the days should be displayed as: 2018-12-01 ,2018-12-02 and so on, On the X-Axis the range of the person availability time, e.g.: at 2018-12-01, he is...
12 Jun 2013 by Ahmed Bensaid
ASP.NET 4.0 Chart Control[^]
19 Feb 2017 by Ajay-Systematix
View Code: $(document).ready(function () { // Load graph LoadGraph("Year"); });var lType; //Load graphs function LoadGraph(Period) { lType = Period; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url:...
29 Jun 2015 by Akbar Giffary
NIK |Tanggal |Nama |Jabatan| Dept |Mulai | Sampai | SM |Selisih | Waktu |2222|6/10/2015| akbar | eee | poo | 9:59AM|10:59AM |60mnt |0 mnt | 480mnt|123 |6/10/2015| ahaha |wakwak | ssp |8:04 AM|11:04AM |180mnt |120mnt | 60mnt |5555|6/10/2015| hhhh |oooo |LLLL |11:04AM|3:04 PM...
27 Oct 2011 by Alessandro Del Sole
This article explains how to bind Pie Chart controls from the Silverlight Toolkit to a LightSwitch screen
4 Nov 2013 by Alexander Dymshyts
In your xaml code, where you have textBoxes, you should bind thier text properties to your viewModel. Then, when the property is changing, you should make your graph plot to this values. You can also do it via binding - in your graph in xaml code you should bind x and y values of axis to a...
10 May 2018 by alexvw
Hi everyone, I was asked to put a number of graphics together for the office, and the "client" has a problem with the rectangles used within the chart's legend. After doing some "research", I came across this MS document: Chart.CustomizeLegend Event...
10 May 2018 by alexvw
Hi there, Please forgive me for not giving you all more time to come up with some ideas; here after, I'll explain what I did to get what I needed and leave all a question I was not able to find anything about. All in all, customizing legend items was not as straight forward as I expected. I...
13 Jun 2018 by alexvw
Hello everyone; I was asked to put together a few graphs for a website, and it all goes smooth on both development and pre-production environments; however, when deployed to production, all we get is a huge nothing. Here's the web.config content (identical except for connection strings): ...
6 Aug 2016 by Ali Bagherzadeh
I tried to design WPF chart same as below design imageproblem is how can make background grid same as sample image, more column line between major tick's lineI found that there is MinorTickMarkStyle, I try to make style for it not shownHere is both image of my control and design...
3 Nov 2013 by ali majed
HelloIs there any way or program for create hierarchy chart From headings of MS-Word document? in another word, heading 1 be parent and if there is heading 2 below it(till next heading 1) set as's really important for me.thanks.
11 Dec 2014 by ali_crash
Hi all. I have a little issue with charts in C#.The project is a simple windows form application program.I want to draw a chart like this:[^]for example: AA && VC => Aall of these strings are my variables and I want to...
14 Sep 2013 by All Time Programming
Hi, I have a collection of LineSeries with List> in my chart. I have set the Min & Max values for X & Y axis. In my Y Axis, I want numbers to be of Log(10) scale. For eg:, if I have data ranging Y from 0, 1000, then on Y Axis I should see only 0, 10, 100 & 1000. My XML...
13 Aug 2012 by allav_arunlml
Hi All,I am developing an application in SSIS with C# as Code behind. My requirement is to generate MS Charts and save as Word Document in a shared path daily and send the path link as Email to Users on daily basis. Based on Certain data 'n' number of Word document needs to be generated. In...
3 Dec 2016 by Alper_Baysal
I am using the SimplePerfChart in my program. I am reading data from PLC and draw a line in a chart according to my data. But now i have to draw to seperate line on a single chart area (for example minimum and maximum values ) but i can't do it.Sorry for my english. It isn't my native...
3 Dec 2016 by Alper_Baysal
You are right i am talking about that project. I did that at the same time i posted this question.
7 Apr 2011 by Amd_eagle
I want to add a scrollbar to an Axis X so when the data exceeds users can scroll and view teh data.What i have tried so far:what this does is as the chart increases by adding scroll bar for the whole...
14 Apr 2015 by Amit Jangid
I want to show total number of users whose data is stored in a table in SQL database which is based on year in chart control in i.e. all the users who registered in a particular year, these data should be displayed for all the months in a year. Firstly I have to show data for all the...
7 Oct 2013 by
This is very nice and creative chart control.. try it[^]
20 Oct 2012 by AmolPatil19787
hi Everyone,I have one serious problem,if you have any solution please let me know.I have one WPF bar chart.I am creating this using below function.public Chart createwpfbar(Chart wpfbar) { DataPointSeries datapointseries = new ColumnSeries(); ...
30 Dec 2014 by Amresh Bahadur Singh
you have to increase your JSON MAX value from web.config
19 Jun 2018 by amsga
Hi All, I am doing a charting project and I am supposed to save the charts into its individual image files. If I were to do a trend data of 1 to 2 months are 1 minute interval, I do not face any problem. However if I expand the trend to 3 months or more, I get an OverflowException when saving....
13 Jun 2018 by an0ther1
As per above comments. The issue was related to the database, in this case the Production server was using the wrong credentials. Changing the database connection string in the test environment to point to the production db assists with troubleshooting because it rules out the 2/3 of the...
3 Aug 2013 by André Kraak
You have duplicates because the orderPeriod field is in the SELECT statement.Remove this field from both the SELECT and GROUP BY and you should get a total for each product without duplicates.SELECT DISTINCT productName, SUM(quantity) AS Expr1 FROM WP_analytic WHERE (orderPeriod >=...
20 May 2016 by Andy Lanng
Hey,As I say at the end: Sorry for the none-code question. Ignore it if you want :)I am about to write a chart for a web app. That's no problem. I use chart.js[^], which I've used on several other projects.My boss had the idea that we could send emails to lost clients with this...
22 Apr 2021 by Angelo Cresta
.NET 5 version of dotnet/winforms-datavisualization
11 Sep 2010 by Anh Chu
Hi,Is there anyway to fill the area under a curve with gradient-by-value using Zedgraph? I know how to that with the symbol, bar, and segment line. But I could not do it with the are under the curve. I would like to have something like: Dark red (the color of the area under the curve) at 0,...
12 Sep 2010 by Anh Chu
Zedgraph forum? Do you mean the Zedgraph Discussion in Zedgraph wiki??? If so, there is not an answer for this question. If not, please let me know where is the Zedgraph forum? I did google search and it showed only the Discussion talk in Zedgraph Wiki.Thank you
12 Sep 2010 by Anh Chu
I know how to do it now, anyway. Here what I have done:1. Smooth the curve with many added points (using interpolate)2. Break the curve to 2 Curve type: under "a" and above "a" curves.3. Fill the area each curves.Regards,
15 Apr 2012 by ankitpsaraogi
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue); xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); //add data...
16 Apr 2012 by ankitpsaraogi
int flag=0;if(flag==0){chartPage.Export(@"D:\excel_chart_export.bmp", "BMP", misValue); pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(@"D:\excel_chart_export.bmp");flag=1;}else{chartPage.Export(@"D:\excel_chart_export2.bmp", "BMP", misValue); pictureBox1.Image = new...
9 May 2013 by anto92
Hi, I have a problem with my code at the moment, the chart is displaying and is showing correct results, however, it always displays at the bottom of the page, my question is, is there a way of hardcoding a position to display in, i cant hardcode it into html as i am manually creating the...
21 Jan 2014 by Antonio Massafra
I have write an app that use Microsoft Chart Control for Framework 3.5Well, in some case this app, after it start run, "DELETE ALL FILE AND FOLDER" from desktop of Windows 7. In some case this happen also on Windows XP. I think that the cause is some unknow bugs in chart control, since there...
30 May 2012 by Anubhava Dimri
Hello Everybody,I need a Charting Control for Showing the Result in Chart form in Windows Mobile 7.So Please suggest me the software or Location for that purpose.Thanks
8 Sep 2011 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Check this was my method for char if that can help youpublic void SelectIncomeVSExpense(DataTable dtGetInfo) { divErrIncomevsExpense.Visible = false; divErrIncomevsExpense.InnerHtml = ""; divIncomeVsExpense.Visible = true; //Used For the Legend (Start...
19 Sep 2011 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Yes i am saving image using chart control by adding ImageLocation
19 Sep 2011 by Anuja Pawar Indore
You need to set your web.config file
16 Aug 2012 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Add under handlers web.config: path="ChartImg.axd" type="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler, System.Web.DataVisualization,...
17 Aug 2012 by Anuja Pawar Indore
This is my code and is working fine
29 Apr 2021 by AO1411
Hi, I need to display multiple lines of data on a javascript chart. I successfully display the chart, but for some reason the label just isn't displaying. I have tried multiple examples but I don't find exactly what I need to do. What I have...
12 May 2014 by AR547
Requirement:I need to create a Stacked Bar Chart in my web application based on 2.0 plateform. I dont want to use any third party tool or chart in VS because I cannot access the chart control when working on 2.0 plateform. It only supports 3.5.Is there any professional developer present...
11 Oct 2015 by Arasappan
string url = "window_page"; string fullURL = "'" + url + "' );"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "OPEN_WINDOW", fullURL, true);Improved Solution string fullURL = "' '...
6 Aug 2013 by aravindnass
heyy.. I am using a javascript fusion chart(in C# code). In this I am using ScrollColumn2D fusion chart ..In this , I want fixed color for each bar ie. if the value >15 then one color and if >25 then another color.. in [Ticketamount bar]here is my C# code..grphXML = new...
31 Mar 2021 by Arctype SQL
Easily deploy PostgreSQL pod in Kubernetes
15 Nov 2010 by Ariful Islam Sabuz
Shows how chart controls are used in ASP.NET MVC
25 Apr 2011 by ariset
1. I have data in 10 columns in excel sheet2. I created an excel template with 2 columns (salary, average) and a graph generated by those 2 columns3. I need to take that Excel template as input and the out put should be "An excel sheet with 2 columns of DATA and a CHART or GRAPH...
18 Nov 2014 by Arkadeep De
try this one....I think it will solve your problem.[^]
23 Apr 2013 by Arun.Mohandas
I have a page which generates four graphs using the ASP.NET 4.0 charting control and displays them. The charts are created in the code-behind on Page Load and added into a table on the page.My problem is that when the page loads, the first 1 or more graphs (usually just one, but sometimes 2...
3 Jun 2012 by Arunprasath Natarajan
Dear Friends,I want to create a Flow Chart for my module.Can any one suggest for a Online Flow Chart designer site or application.Regards,AP
9 Oct 2010 by AS01234
Tutorial on using ZedGraph on a Medium trust web host, beginning to deployment.
25 Aug 2017 by AshishTomer
Learn how to create the D3 charts with scales and axes.
11 Dec 2012 by ashokmmrk
Hi,Check this Excel File for C#[^]
7 Jul 2014 by ashwnai kumar pandey
Here is a link of a bar chart plugin :jchart JQuery plugin demos[^].But the problem is that i want to make all the bars link and if user click on that it will redirect the user on given link in that particular bar . but i am not able to do it 'please help me thanks in advancehere is...
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community chart control is one of the newly introduced controls to the Visual Studio IDE from Visual Studio 2010 onwards. It is a very powerful, yet
5 Jan 2012 by aswathy.s.88
Hi there,Is there any way to display line chart with the Y values with customized intervals and not starting from 0.For Eg. I've values from 20000 to 25000 so I want intervals starting from 20000. so intervals are like 20000,21000,22000,23000,24000 & 25000, instead of...
6 Jan 2012 by aswathy.s.88
Hi there,How to apply a Label near the Lines in Line Chart. "Label" Property applies to all the data point in the chart. But I just only one Label near to the Line to show which data the Graph plots.Thanks in advance
2 Feb 2012 by aswathy.s.88
Hi,I'm drawing Line Graph from the back end table values. The dataset contains Empty(Null) values too. So how to draw the graph by properly adding Tooltips and Axis Labels. Here I get Error in showing Tool Tips and Axis Labels when Null values plotting.for (int i = 0; i
21 Sep 2020 by auto9817
This is probably the most wanted question I think if you are using the Dot Net Chart Control. I searched on many Q&A sites but I still have not find an answer. I have about 6 to 7 chart areas alinged in one chart. I allowed the horiozontal...
11 Aug 2016 by Avinash502
Hi,I have trendline for my line chart. when i click on legend the trendline should be bold and if i click again it should be normal.For line chart its working fine same feature should apply for trendline also.What I have tried:I added a separate legend for trendline if hover on...
8 Jun 2014 by Bajirao_
Hi,I need to create chart which can be created by Jquery or C# code(Jquery preferred). A chart must be bar chart. Eg. Country (US, Aus, Ger)1] Firstly on page load : Bar for country should appear. (There is only 1 stack bar for country)2]On Click of any country : Respective States...
1 Jun 2014 by Barcelonista Naser
I am currently working on a DevExpress MVC Chart extension, So far i am good but i got a problem wrapping the X Axis text where i have a huge text to be displayed this. Any one can help me?
27 Sep 2011 by benj78350
Hi everyone,I'm trying to display a label on a lineseries in a WPFToolkit chart. The result I'm looking for would be somethin like this: there a way to easily do this?
2 Jul 2015 by Bharat Mallapur
Sample project to host MS-Chart in your WPF application
28 Mar 2011 by bigeyed
this gives me headache...-_-..I have a view .. foreach(var product in Model) { .... .... }in "GetChartData" method which is in...
6 Nov 2013 by BillW33
It is not clear from your question exactly what you want to do. It sounds like, since you don't want to copy a image (gif file) to Excel that what you want is to copy the data that is in the chart into an Excel spreadsheet.One way of transferring data from a C# program to Excel is to save the...
11 Dec 2014 by BillWoodruff
I'm going to post an idea (and code) for how you might go about doing this, but it's based on these assumptions:1. that what you want here is a "Table" more than it is a "Graph."2. that if you get your data ... the outcome of rule evaluation ... in the right data structures, that...
4 Apr 2016 by BillWoodruff
First, move the creation of instances of the chartsnmCHART.clsCHART oCHART = new nmCHART.clsCHART();Chart chrtPAYOFF = new Chart();outside of the static method, and put in Form scope: right now you are creating new instances of those chart objects every time you call the static method on the...
22 Apr 2016 by BishnuKarki
Hi I have a kendo line chart that needs to show dynamic chartwhen I use some static source like var employeeTracks = [ { "week": "W1", "year": "2015", "value": 6 }, { "week":...
22 Apr 2016 by BishnuKarki
Hi Guys, I was trying to implement kendo line chart with this piece of code.function createChart() { $("#chart").kendoChart({ dataSource: { transport: { read: { //url:...
24 Oct 2013 by bjdestiny
Fisrt of all about how to execute SQL Statement in Java Script(Check below sample code).javscript doesn't have direct support to execute sql query.But with the help of activ object you can accomplish the same.selectfunction gen_list_options(query, id, val) {var conn =...
12 Apr 2011 by BobJanova
I'm using the MS Chart component for .Net 3.5, and I'm using it to construct a metafile. (We're embedding it in an RTF report.) In order to work around the issue with WMF coordinates being poor precision, my virtual chart area is large (6000×4000) pixels.I am rescaling everything with the...
15 Mar 2013 by Bojjaiah
hi rahul,use this referenceCreating Chart Dynamically[^]
9 Jul 2014 by bonjot
I have to created chart to excel using EPPLUS library successfully, but still confused how to add series value to existing chart that i created before.I dont found syntax to get existing chart, there is only addchart to create new chart.How to add series value to existing chart using EPPLUS...