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I have following stored procedure written in a C# win forms application which calculates employee earnings based on attendance as follows.

Note that a shift is 12 hours and employees mark attendance for in and out of each shifts. Also salary period is from beginning to end of a month (1st to 28th / 30th / 31st)

Related tables are :

***Employee (emp_id, initials, surname, basic_sal, budj_allowance),
Attendance (emp_id, in_time, out_time,shift),
Rank (rank_id, shift_rate)***


a. Work Days- This is the number of days a particular employee has worked and this value is taken from Attendance table.

b. Day Offs- An employee is entitled for maximum of 4 day offs for a month and if more than four days have been taken by an employee, remaining days will be marked as “Leave days”.

c. No of Extra Shifts- This value is taken by this formula
**[Total Shifts- total days worked].**

e. Basic Salary – This is taken from employee master table

f. Budgetary Allowance –All employees are paid Rs.1,000/- as budgetary allowance

g. No Pay Days – This is calculated from the formula
**[(No of days in the month-04)-days worked]**

h. Less No Pay Amount- This is calculated from the formula
**[((Basic Salary + Budgetary Allowance) / (No of Days in the month-04)) x No Pay Days]**

i. Amount for the EPF- This is calculated from the formula
**[Basic Salary + Budgetary Allowance - Less No Pay Amount]**

j. Overtime Amount- This is calculated from the formula
**[Amount for the EPF - (Extra Shift Rate x Work Days)]**

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Earnings] @fromDate datetime, @toDate datetime 
    	-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    -- Declaring a variable to hold on of days in the month.
    DECLARE @No_of_days int
    SELECT @No_of_days = DATEDIFF(day,@fromDate,DATEADD(day,1,(@toDate)))
    -- Declaring a constant to hold no of off days allowed in a month
    DECLARE @Day_offs_allowed int
    SELECT @Day_offs_allowed=4
    --This is a reference to identify month and year of everyrecord. example - **"APR2014"**

    DECLARE @SalRef char(20)
    SELECT @SalRef= REPLACE(STUFF(CONVERT(varchar(12),CONVERT(date,@fromDate,107),106),1,3,''),' ','')
    	-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    	-- interfering with SELECT statements.
        -- Insert statements for procedure here
    SELECT     Employee.Emp_ID, Employee.Initials + ', ' + Employee.Surname AS Name, 
COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)) AS work_days,
CASE WHEN (@No_of_days - (COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))) >= @Day_offs_allowed) 
THEN @Day_offs_allowed 
ELSE (@No_of_days - (COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)))) 
END AS day_offs, 
CASE WHEN (@No_of_days - (COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))) >= @Day_offs_allowed) 
THEN @No_of_days - (COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))) - @Day_offs_allowed 
END AS leave_days, 
COUNT(Attendance.shift) - COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)) AS extra_shifts, 
(COUNT(Attendance.shift) - COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)))* rank.Shift_Rate AS Extra_Shift_Amount, 
(@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)) AS no_pay_days,
CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),(((employee.basic_sal+employee.budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed) )) * ((@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)))) AS less_no_pay_amt, 
employee.basic_sal+employee.budj_allowance-CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),((employee.basic_sal+employee.budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed) ) * ((@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))))AS amt_for_epf, 
CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),((Rank.Shift_Rate*(COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))))-((((employee.basic_sal+employee.budj_allowance)-(((employee.basic_sal+employee.budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)) * (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed- COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time))))))))) AS over_time_amt, 
@salRef AS Reference 

    FROM         Employee INNER JOIN
                          Attendance ON Employee.Emp_ID = Attendance.EID INNER JOIN
                          Point ON Attendance.PID = Point.PID INNER JOIN
                          Rank ON Employee.Rank = Rank.Rank_ID 
    WHERE Attendance.in_time BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, @fromDate, 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, @toDate, 102)                       
    GROUP BY Employee.Emp_ID, Employee.Initials + ', ' + Employee.Surname, Rank.Shift_Rate, Employee.Basic_Sal, Employee.budj_allowance  
    ORDER BY Employee.Emp_ID

I want to know whether this could be further optimized ? Any notable flows ? And also is a stored procedure suitable for this requirement?
Updated 12-May-14 3:39am

Firstly, there are lots of conversions happening everywhere which implies that Attendance.in_time is stored in the wrong format.
If fixing that isn't possible you can consider using a CTE that selects and aggregates the needed data in the necessary format and then use this in a secondary query.
Secondary, you shouldn't use concatenation or functions in the GROUP BY clause.

Have a look at this:
            COUNT(DISTINCT CONVERT(DATE, Attendance.in_time)) AS work_days,
            COUNT(Attendance.shift) AS shifts,
    FROM        Employee
    INNER JOIN  Attendance ON Employee.Emp_ID = Attendance.EID
    INNER JOIN  Point ON Attendance.PID = Point.PID
    INNER JOIN  Rank ON Employee.Rank = Rank.Rank_ID
    WHERE       Attendance.in_time BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, @fromDate, 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, @toDate, 102)                       
    GROUP BY    
        Initials + ', ' + Surname AS Name, 
            WHEN (@No_of_days - (work_days) >= @Day_offs_allowed)
            THEN @Day_offs_allowed
            ELSE (@No_of_days - (work_days))
        END AS day_offs,
            WHEN (@No_of_days - (work_days) >= @Day_offs_allowed) 
            THEN @No_of_days - (work_days) - @Day_offs_allowed 
            ELSE 0 
        END AS leave_days, 
    	shifts - work_days AS extra_shifts, 
        (shifts - work_days)* Shift_Rate AS Extra_Shift_Amount, 
        (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- work_days AS no_pay_days,
        CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),(((basic_sal+budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed) )) * ((@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- work_days)) AS less_no_pay_amt, 
        basic_sal+budj_allowance-CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),((basic_sal+budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed) ) * ((@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)- work_days))AS amt_for_epf, 
        CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),((Shift_Rate*(work_days))-((((basic_sal+budj_allowance)-(((basic_sal+budj_allowance) / (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed)) * (@No_of_days-@Day_offs_allowed- work_days))))))) AS over_time_amt, 
        @salRef AS Reference 
But just as have been mentioned before, the second part actually belongs in the business layer.
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As in all things ... It depends . I am assuming that this is a mature working system ?

There is a school of thought that says that business logic such as this is best kept out of SQL . I have no idea of the systems that are using this ,but ideally the logic in here would be handled in the application code , and the stored procedure would be hidden by the data access code which would pass the info to a higher level class that handled this complex calculation . ( If nothing else then you can have valid unit tests covering this piece of logic , I would not want my SQL to be setting peoples wages without repeatable tests)

So that would be my first comment . But lets assume that is not an option for some reason . You mention optimize ? But not what parameter to optimize for ? I'm guessing its speed ? You cant really say what to optimize without seeing the table structure . It would take me too long to break all that down . I would be tempted to create sub stored procs or functions , and optimise those . Maybe one for days off , one for leave days , one for work days , extras shifts etc . (The data from this could also be stored in separate tables ?) Optimizing something as complex as this is an almost fruitless task . You do it once , you change it next week and your execution plan changes . If you really must have this level of complexity in SQL then I would break it down into manageable chunks and use as much preprocessing as possible to get speed .

Hope that helps .
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