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how to sort number that in integer (int) without the use of array and string????
for example
int x=7324

sort of (x) number is : 2347
ZurdoDev 7-Apr-15 15:40pm    
Wouldn't you have to break it out into characters? How else would you do it?
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 15:49pm    
No, the trick is to use only numeric container and no arrays. It needs thinking.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 16:03pm    
Pretty interesting test problem. I found a quick solution, but I'm afraid it's not elegant enough. It is actually trivial. Please see Solution 1.
Maciej Los 7-Apr-15 15:40pm    
I do not understand your "sort criteria"...
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 15:51pm    
Most likely, minimal digit goes on left, maximum on right, value of each digit monotonously grows left to right. This is a tricky (highly artificial) problem aimed to check up person's inventiveness and thinking. (So, it's good to solve it not telling our inquirer the answer, to prevent unfair competition :-)

So far, I came up with only some trivial solution: use one more intermediate int object. This is not prohibited by the problems formulation. You can use it to represent a kind of "array of digits". You have only 10 digit, so a digit object needs only 4 bits (half-byte) to represent. But maximum, say, 32-bit int value takes only 10 decimal digits, so you can even dedicate whole byte to represent one decimal digit.

Then all you need is simple bit arithmetic to extract, set and move bytes withing such integer object, and any suitable sorting algorithm.

I'm afraid this is not the most elegant solution, but there is what I was able to create immediately after my first glance at the problem. I already told you too much so I'm afraid of giving you a benefit in possible unfair competition. So, not source code. Anyone can solve the problem now. Anyway, you did not even specify the language…


When I was writing this solution I did not know anything about the condition of using only % and / operators. Inquirer added it in comment later.

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jehat hassan 7-Apr-15 16:09pm    
Only note
Using only% and /

for java or c# or c++....
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 16:14pm    
Not fair! You cannot ask questions, let people answer and only later add the most essential limitation.
I gave you some idea, now you are on your own. Also your "only" in not correctly formulated. Say, is using of < allowed or not?
Anyway, after your failure to give correct formulation, I'll tell you: no you are on your own. You can use the ideas you got. I won't share other solutions with you, sorry.
This will do it. It will handle multiple occurrences of digits but not 0 of course (at present 0 is ignored). If required 0 would have to be placed after 9. Easy enough to do.

#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
	const __int64 input = 456120;
	__int64 output = 0, temp1;
	int len = 0;

	// Calculate the number of digits.
	temp1 = input;
	while(temp1 > 0)

	// Work through the digits 0-9.
	for (int i=0; i <= 9; i++)
		// Will catch multiple occurences.
		for (temp1 = input; temp1 > 0; temp1 /= 10)
			if (temp1%10 == i)
				// Put the digit in its correct position in output integer.
				__int64 temp2 = i;

				for(int count = len; count > 0; count--)

				output += temp2;

	printf("%d\n", output);
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Sugar Richard 11-Apr-15 23:24pm    
Nice job. I just realized how overcomplicated my answer is. :) I think it can be simplified even more.
[no name] 12-Apr-15 1:55am    
Thanks. I'm sure it can be simplified particularly if the requirement is clear. I tried to make it very obvious how it was done.
Preliminary note: Please, read my comment to the question. You did not provide enough information. Later additions and amendments have been ignored.

No, it's impossible to "change the order of digits inside the number"! So, "conversion" from 7324 to 2347 whithout using array of chars (string) or integers is not possible! - I have to "strike through" this part of my answer, because of Sergey's comments. Yes, theoretically it's possible to moves digits in ascending order - see Solution 1.

The best way is to convert 7324 value to string (char array) or integer array then loop through the array of chars/integers and change the sort order.
Visualization and comparison of sorting algorithms in C#[^]
Sorting Algorithms Codes in C#.NET[^]

Another way is to use Array.Sort[^] method.

Or... using Linq:
int x=7324;
var sortOfX = x.ToString().OrderBy(c=>Convert.ToInt32(c)).Select(a=>a.ToString()).Aggregate((a,b) => string.Concat(a, b));
//returns: 2347
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Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 16:09pm    
The claim "it is impossible" is not trivial. Can you formally prove it? If not, you should not make such claims.

I already provided a solution (not a very good one) which disproves your claim. My solution does not take into account the last condition (only % and /), but you claimed that the solution cannot be found even without this limitation, so my solution still proves you're wrong. Admit it.

Maciej Los 7-Apr-15 16:16pm    
Prove it? I don't need to prove it. Number is a number. The only way to "sort digits inside number" is to treat it as an array of integers or chars. I saw your answer, Sergey. And you proved my claim (statement).
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 16:27pm    
You would not need it if it wasn't a pure algorithmic problem. If it was a practical problem, we would never even tried to solve it, we would just use the array.
But for such a theoretical problem, the only acceptable rule of the game is to provide mathematically strict proves of all claims.
My solution, formally, using no string and no array. I used the expression "array of digits" in quotation, to express that this is a figurative expression. Formally, this is not an array at all, '[]' won't be used anywhere. Even char won't be used, not only strings. So, it does not prove your claim, it proves the opposite: solution without arrays and strings is quite possible. It is proven by reduction to known facts though; if you think the formulation of the prove lacks some detail, I can provide them. It's only formulation of the proof, not the proof itself. Yes, it's possible.
Maciej Los 7-Apr-15 17:15pm    
I think it's strictly academic discussion. As i mentioned in comment to the question: i do not understand OP's "sort criteria".
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 7-Apr-15 17:32pm    
There is no academic and non-academic discussions, because the truth is only one. You see, the question itself is "poorly academic", that's why. The whole topic would not make any practical sense. It's pure algorithmic exercises, and it would not make any sense without those proofs. We can only discuss it "academically", or not discuss at all. Oh yes, sorting criteria were not formulated, but I assumed it's growing values per digit, left to right. This is the simplest assumption which could be made.
This is your homework, so we won't give you code.
But... I can understand you not knowing quite where to go here.
So a couple of hints:
1) Have you ever heard of Binary Coded Decimal? Look it up...
2) You can extracted individual hex digits (or groups of for bits) with AND, OR, and NOT operations.
3) You can move mask values with SHIFT operations.
4) int values are 32 bit, you also have long values, which are 64 bit if you need a little extra room.
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A little bit fuzzy on the exact spec. Hope this helps.
uint32_t merge_digit(uint32_t hi, uint32_t lo, uint32_t base)
	uint32_t r = 0;
	uint32_t m = 1;

	while ( lo != 0 && hi != 0 ) {
	   uint32_t p1 = lo % base * m;
	   uint32_t p2 = hi % base * m;
	   m *= base;

	   if (p1 < p2) {
	      r += p2; hi /= base;
	   } else {
	      r += p1; lo /= base;
	return r + (lo + hi) * m;

uint32_t sort_digit(uint32_t x, uint32_t base)
	uint64_t b;
	/* loop until b^2 will overflow. */
	for ( b = base; b <= UINT32_MAX; b *= b ) {
	   uint32_t r = 0;
	   uint32_t m = 1;
	   while ( x != 0 ) {
	      r += merge_digit(x/b%b, x%b, base) * m;
	      m *= b*b;
	      x /= b*b;
	   x = r;
	return x;

Edit: Alternate solution (after viewing pwasser's answer).
uint32_t sort_digit(uint32_t x, uint32_t base)
	uint32_t result = 0;
	uint32_t i;
	for ( i = 1; i < base; i++ ) {
	   uint32_t temp;
	   for ( temp = x; temp != 0; temp /= base )
	      if (temp%base == i)
	         result = result * base + i;
	return result;

Edit: Test.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int x = (argc >= 2) ? strtol(argv[1], (char**) 0, 0) : 7324;
	printf("before (dec): %u\n", x);
	printf("after  (dec): %u\n", sort_digit(x, 10));
	printf("before (oct): %o\n", x);
	printf("after  (oct): %o\n", sort_digit(x, 8));
	printf("before (hex): %X\n", x);
	printf("after  (hex): %X\n", sort_digit(x, 16));
	return 0;
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