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I am first time to use Adroid App within Visual studio 2015 community, I just created a "Hello world" app by default wihthout any coding.

after by selecting AVD_GalaxyNexus_toolsForApacheCordova(Android 4.4-API19),then
then I press F5 to debug it.

after building, then for debugging, it gives the output:
Android application is debugging.
Couldn't connect to logcat, GetProcessId returned: 0

I have searched internet by trying different approaches, none helps so far.

then I changed the AVD to "Xamarin_Android_API_15(Android 4.03-API 15)", then for debuging, it gives the output as follows

Android application is debugging.
04-08 18:54:42.660 D/dalvikvm( 548): Not late-enabling CheckJNI (already on)
04-08 18:54:42.890 I/ActivityThread( 548): Pub App5.App5.mono.MonoRuntimeProvider.__mono_init__: mono.MonoRuntimeProvider
04-08 18:54:42.900 D/dalvikvm( 548): Trying to load lib /data/data/App5.App5/lib/ 0x40f44518
04-08 18:54:42.900 D/dalvikvm( 548): Added shared lib /data/data/App5.App5/lib/ 0x40f44518
04-08 18:54:42.950 W/monodroid( 548): Using override path: /data/data/App5.App5/files/.__override__
04-08 18:54:42.950 W/monodroid( 548): Trying to load sgen from: /data/data/App5.App5/files/.__override__/
04-08 18:54:42.950 W/monodroid( 548): Trying to load sgen from: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/App5.App5/files/.__override__/
04-08 18:54:42.950 W/monodroid( 548): Trying to load sgen from: /data/data/App5.App5/lib/
04-08 18:54:42.950 W/monodroid( 548): Trying to load sgen from: /data/data/App5.App5/files/.__override__/links/
04-08 18:54:42.960 W/monodroid-debug( 548): Trying to initialize the debugger with options: --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,loglevel=0,address=,server=y,embedding=1
04-08 18:54:42.990 W/monodroid-debug( 548): Accepted stdout connection: 41
04-08 18:54:43.330 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:43.350 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:43.830 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:43.840 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:43.859 D/Mono ( 548): Image addref mscorlib[0x16f768] -> mscorlib.dll[0x1a2ad8]: 1
04-08 18:54:43.859 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:43.859 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '/Users/builder/data/lanes/3053/a94a03b5/source/monodroid/builds/install/mono-armv7/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:43.970 D/Mono ( 548): Unloading image data-0x4d9b1008 [0x16fe58].
04-08 18:54:44.330 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:44.340 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:44.700 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly mscorlib[0x16f768] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
04-08 18:54:44.830 D/Mono ( 548): Image addref App5[0x1debe0] -> App5.dll[0x180af8]: 1
04-08 18:54:44.830 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly App5[0x1debe0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
04-08 18:54:44.830 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:44.830 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '/Users/builder/data/lanes/3053/a94a03b5/source/monodroid/builds/install/mono-armv7/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:44.840 D/Mono ( 548): Unloading image data-0x1ded18 [0x1d1958].
04-08 18:54:44.840 D/Mono ( 548): Image addref System.ServiceModel.Internals[0x1d1db0] -> System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll[0x1d1110]: 1
04-08 18:54:44.840 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:44.850 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:44.860 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly System.ServiceModel.Internals[0x1d1db0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
04-08 18:54:44.860 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:44.860 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '/Users/builder/data/lanes/3053/a94a03b5/source/monodroid/builds/install/mono-armv7/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:44.870 D/Mono ( 548): Unloading image data-0x4dbb4008 [0x1826b0].
04-08 18:54:44.880 W/monodroid-gc( 548): GREF GC Threshold: 1800
04-08 18:54:44.890 D/Mono ( 548): Image addref Mono.Android[0x183078] -> Mono.Android.dll[0x1826b0]: 1
04-08 18:54:44.890 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Mono.Android[0x183078] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
04-08 18:54:44.900 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:44.900 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '/Users/builder/data/lanes/3053/a94a03b5/source/monodroid/builds/install/mono-armv7/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:45.060 D/Mono ( 548): Unloading image data-0x4ea00008 [0x9dbd8].
04-08 18:54:45.140 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x183078] -> mscorlib[0x16f768]: 2
Loaded assembly: App5.dll
Loaded assembly: System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: Mono.Android.dll
04-08 18:54:45.340 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:45.350 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport attempting to load: '__Internal'.
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport loaded library '(null)'.
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.490 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.520 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:45.520 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:45.520 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:45.520 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:45.530 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:45.540 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.540 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.540 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
04-08 18:54:45.610 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:45.610 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
04-08 18:54:45.610 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
04-08 18:54:45.610 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
04-08 18:54:45.840 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:45.850 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:45.890 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:45.890 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
04-08 18:54:45.890 D/Mono ( 548): Probing 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
04-08 18:54:45.890 D/Mono ( 548): Found as 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
04-08 18:54:46.260 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:46.260 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log'.
04-08 18:54:46.260 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log'.
04-08 18:54:46.260 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log'.
04-08 18:54:46.340 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:46.350 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:46.420 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:46.420 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
04-08 18:54:46.420 D/Mono ( 548): Probing 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
04-08 18:54:46.420 D/Mono ( 548): Found as 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
04-08 18:54:46.460 D/Mono ( 548): Image addref System.Core[0x2d1498] -> System.Core.dll[0x2d1aa8]: 1
04-08 18:54:46.460 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly System.Core[0x2d1498] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
04-08 18:54:46.460 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:46.460 D/Mono ( 548): AOT module '/Users/builder/data/lanes/3053/a94a03b5/source/monodroid/builds/install/mono-armv7/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/' not found: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library '/data/data/App5.App5/lib/' not found
04-08 18:54:46.470 D/Mono ( 548): Unloading image data-0x4f0ba008 [0x2f4550].
04-08 18:54:46.480 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x183078] -> System.Core[0x2d1498]: 2
04-08 18:54:46.480 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Ref addref System.Core[0x2d1498] -> mscorlib[0x16f768]: 3
Loaded assembly: System.Core.dll
04-08 18:54:46.840 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:46.850 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:47.340 I/dalvikvm( 548): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
04-08 18:54:47.350 I/dalvikvm( 548): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
04-08 18:54:47.990 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:47.990 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:48.000 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:48.000 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
04-08 18:54:48.050 D/Mono ( 548): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
04-08 18:54:48.050 D/Mono ( 548): Searching for '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
04-08 18:54:48.050 D/Mono ( 548): Probing '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
04-08 18:54:48.050 D/Mono ( 548): Found as '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
04-08 18:54:48.100 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Ref addref App5[0x1debe0] -> Mono.Android[0x183078]: 2
Loaded assembly: MonoDroidConstructors [External]
04-08 18:54:48.590 D/Mono ( 548): Assembly Ref addref App5[0x1debe0] -> mscorlib[0x16f768]: 4
04-08 18:54:48.970 D/gralloc_goldfish( 548): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.

then it simply stops, the emulator is just opened, and "hello world" is not shown.
anyone can give me hint what would be the reason for it?
You see that the last message "Emulator without GPU emulation detected" should not be reason to stop, because I have not used GPU and I do not have GPU in my PC.
I found also in the debugging output, there are some places such as "' not found" and so on, could this casue the debug to stop? if so, what does it mean?

I have tried also in the PC in my company and it gives the same thing. very strange!
More funny thing is that on my PC, it worked once at the beginning, I do not know why suddenly, it does not work anymore. then I played with changing and tried and tried, 99% cases dose not work, then seldom, it worked once but it does not work again if I run it again!!
I really hope anyone can give me a hint. otherwise, I have no chance to make any app with Visual studio then.

thank you very much in advance!!

What I have tried:

I have searched internet and tried changing the properties,e.g by unchecking the "use fast deployment" and so on. it does not work.

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