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Guys below is my Code for My PlaycontrollerScript and PlatformMover script what i am trying to achieve here is i want when my player jump on the platform that particular group of platform to go down ,basically like doodle jump ,but as i am doing something wrong here platform groups are spawning perfectly but its not moving ,i am pretty new to things. can someone give me an idea of what i am doing wrong or guide me to a tutorial or something any help will be appreciated
<pre>public class PlatformMover : MonoBehaviour {

  public GameObject[] easyGroups;
  public GameObject currentGroup;
  public GameObject nextGroup;
  public GameObject startingPlatform;
  public GameObject lastObjectJumped;
  public int rand;
  public int easyMin;
  public int easyMax;
  public Transform startingGroupTran;
  public Transform topSpawnTran;
  public Transform lowestTran;
  public float speedDown;
  public float toLerpDif;
  public Vector3 toLerp;

  // Use this for initialization
  void OnEnable ()


  void Update()
      if (nextGroup.transform.position.y <= 0)



  void FirstGroupFunction()
      rand = Random.Range(easyMin, easyMax);
      currentGroup = Instantiate(easyGroups[rand], startingGroupTran.position, startingGroupTran.rotation) as GameObject;
      rand = Random.Range(easyMin, easyMax);
      nextGroup = Instantiate(easyGroups[rand], topSpawnTran.position, topSpawnTran.rotation) as GameObject;

  void groupMoveFunction()

      currentGroup.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentGroup.transform.position, toLerp, speedDown * Time.deltaTime);
  // Update is called once per frame

  void newGroup()
      currentGroup = nextGroup;
      rand = Random.Range(easyMin, easyMax);
      nextGroup = Instantiate(easyGroups[rand], topSpawnTran.position, topSpawnTran.rotation) as GameObject;
      toLerpDif = lastObjectJumped.transform.position.y - lowestTran.position.y;
      toLerp = new Vector3(0, currentGroup.transform.position.y - toLerpDif, 0);


<pre>public class Pandacontroller : MonoBehaviour {

  public float maxSpeed = 10f;
  bool facingRight = true;

  Animator anim;

  bool grounded = false;
  public Transform groundCheck;
  float groundRadius = 0.2f;
  public float jumpForce = 700f;
  public LayerMask whatisGround;
  public PlatformMover controller;
  public string lastjump;
  public GameObject panda;
  public Rigidbody2D pandaRigid;
  public bool isJumping;
  public int jumptop;
  public Vector3 toLerp;

  // Use this for initialization
  void OnTriggerEnter2d(Collider2D other)
      if (other.tag == "Platforms")
          isJumping = true;
          pandaRigid.gravityScale = 0;
          pandaRigid.velocity =;

      if(other.tag == "Platforms")
          lastjump = "Platforms";
          controller.lastObjectJumped = other.gameObject;
          controller.toLerpDif = controller.lastObjectJumped.transform.position.y - controller.lowestTran.position.y;
          controller.toLerp = new Vector3(0, controller.currentGroup.transform.position.y - controller.toLerpDif, 0);

  void Start ()
      anim = GetComponent<Animator>();


  void FixedUpdate ()
      grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundRadius, whatisGround);
      anim.SetBool("Ground", grounded);
      anim.SetFloat("vSpeed", GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y);

      float move = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
      GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(move * maxSpeed, GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y);

      anim.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(move));

      if (move > 0 && !facingRight)
      else if (move < 0 && facingRight)


  void Update()
      if (grounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
          anim.SetBool("Ground", false);
          GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0, jumpForce));


  void flip()
      facingRight = !facingRight;

      Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
      theScale.x *= -1;
      transform.localScale = theScale;


What I have tried:

I have Tried to normal instantiation in a specific point it worked but was not what i was looking for ,i did use random continues generations of platform moving down which worked but its not what i was looking for too but the way they do it in doodle jump seems good enough for me so i want to try that
Updated 4-Jun-17 4:15am

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